满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Enlightenment (启迪)can show up in some pr...

    Enlightenment (启迪)can show up in some pretty strange ways. The Buddha found it under a Boddhi tree ____ Nelson Mandela in prison. Little did I know, mine would ____ in the form of a hard-shelled animal trying to ____ the road — a turtle. But this wasn't just any turtle this was the world's most _____ one. He determined to cross twenty feet of tar (柏油)road as cars drove past quickly.

But today was his ____ day. My wife's quick driving reflexes (反应)not only ____ that 'turtle soup” would not be for dinner that night, but her act of kindness would ___ become the foundation for everything I teach today. As unusual as this sounds, the simple act of ______ our car, removing this little turtle from harm's way, and placing him back into the _____, caused something extraordinary to happen inside of me.

As I stood there ____ this tiny creature in my hands, a wave of pure ____ came over me. It was that warm, teary-eyed ____ that we feel during life's greatest moments, like falling in love or the birth of a child. I honestly felt as if my heart was ____ opening up as everything stood still around me.

______would I have described it as “enlightenment”, but there was no ____about it — helping this little turtle just felt so good!

But why?_____ , it's just a turtle, right? And then it hit me. I finally realized what was happening. At that point, a flood of inspiring thoughts ran through me. I walked back to the car, opened my journal and wrote eight words that would ____ prove to be life changing for me: " kindness creates happiness" and live a _____ of kindness".'

It was the ____ I had been looking for. The secret to inner peace and _____ happiness was kindness.

1.A.for B.and C.that D.so

2.A.leave B.return C.arrive D.combine

3.A.fix B.climb C.stop D.cross

4.A.optimistic B.weak C.pessimistic D.stressful

5.A.bad B.lucky C.boring D.dangerous

6.A.ensured B.kept C.accessed D.admitted

7.A.initially B.interestingly C.eventually D.hopefully

8.A.setting off B.breaking down C.passing by D.pulling over

9.A.tree B.park C.wild D.road

10.A.holding B.showing C.refreshing D.frightening

11.A.entertainment B.delight C.amusement D.movement

12.A.cooperation B.feeling C.connection D.adventure

13.A.completely B.complicatedly C.irregularly D.inevitably

14.A.In this way B.By the way C.In no way D.In the way

15.A.problem B.use C.answer D.doubt

16.A.Above all B.In conclusion C.After all D.In brief

17.A.latter B.latest C.lately D.later

18.A.living B.life C.way D.method

19.A.answer B.entrance C.attention D.approach

20.A.temporary B.desperate C.discontinuous D.lasting


1.B 2.C 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.A 7.C 8.D 9.C 10.A 11.B 12.B 13.A 14.C 15.D 16.C 17.D 18.B 19.A 20.D 【解析】 本文是夹叙夹议文。一只小乌龟缓慢过马路,作者的妻子并没有着急通过,而是及时停车让小乌龟通过。通过这个故事,作者总结出人生启迪:善良能给人带来快乐。 1.考查连词词义辨析。句意:佛陀在一棵菩提树下发现了它(启迪),纳尔逊•曼德拉在监狱里发现了它。A. for 为了;B. and和;C. that那个; D. so因此。本空前后两句之间是并列关系,用并列连词,故选B项。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的启迪会来自于一只硬壳动物。A. leave离开;B. return返回;C. arrive到达;D. combine结合,联合。mine意思为my enlightment(我的启迪),短语in the form of“以……形式”。句子字面的意思为“我的启迪是以一只乌龟的形式到来”。故选C项。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的启迪会来自于一只试图穿过马路的硬壳动物——一只乌龟。A. fix修理,固定;B. climb爬;C. stop停止;D. cross横穿。从下文“He determined to cross twenty feet of tar road”可知乌龟是要横穿二十英尺宽的柏油马路。故选D项。 4.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但这可不是一只普通的乌龟,这是世界上最乐观的乌龟。 A. optimistic乐观的 ;B. weak弱的;C. pessimistic悲观的;D. stressful有压力。根据下文He determined to cross twenty feet of tar (柏油)road as cars drove past quickly.可知,作者描述乌龟 “试图穿过车辆疾驰的马路”,可以看出乌龟是比较“乐观的”。故选A项。 5.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:但今天是他的幸运日。A. bad糟糕的;B. lucky幸运的;C. boring无聊的;D. dangerous危险的。从下文“My wife's quick driving reflexes(我妻子驾驶时的快速反应)”可知作者的妻子看到乌龟过马路,就快速停车,小乌龟没有被轧到,所以说这只小乌龟是很“幸运的”。 故选B项。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我 妻子的快速反应不仅保证了它不会以“乌龟汤”的形式成为今 晚的餐桌一景,而且她接下来的善举还成就了我今天要讲述的 一切的基础。A. ensured确保,保证;B. kept保持;C. accessed有机会接近/进入;D. admitted承认。因为我妻子及时停车,没有轧到小乌龟。不然的话,这只小乌龟就会被轧死,变成晚餐的盘中物了。故选A项。 7.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我 妻子的快速反应不仅保证了它不会以“乌龟汤”的形式成为今 晚的餐桌一景,而且她接下来的善举还成就了我今天要讲述的 一切的基础。A. initially最初;B. interestingly有趣地;C. eventually最终;D. hopefully有希望地。从文章最后作者得到的启迪‘kindness creates happiness’and‘live a ___18___ of kindness’可知,是妻子善良的行为最终让我得到了这个启迪。故选C项。 8.考查动词短语辨析。句意:这听上去要多玄有多玄,一个简单的将车停到路边, 把这只小乌龟救离险境并将之归还给大自然的举动引发了我内心深处一场惊天动地的变革。 A. setting off出发;B. breaking down出故障,抛锚;C. passing by路过;D. pulling over停车。从上文“My wife's quick driving reflexes (反应)not only ensured that 'turtle soup” would not be for dinner”可知,作者妻子及时停车,没有让小乌龟受伤。故选D项。 9.考查名词词义辨析。句意:虽这听上去要多玄有多玄,一个简单的将车停到路边, 把这只小乌龟救离险境并将之归还给大自然的举动引发了我内心深处一场惊天动地的变革。A. tree树;B. park公园;C. wild野外;D. road路。短语the wild “野外”。作者把幸运的小乌龟放 回到野外。故选C项。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我站在那儿,手捧着这只小乌龟。A. holding拿着;B. showing展示;C. refreshing精神振作;D. frightening使害怕。根据in my hands可知,应该是作者“手里拿着小乌龟”。故选A项。 11.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我站在那儿,手捧着这只小乌龟, 一阵纯粹的喜悦感席卷了我。 A. entertainment娱乐;B. delight高兴;C. amusement逗乐;D. movement活动。根据下文“helping this little turtle just felt so good!”可知,作者觉得能帮助这只小乌龟,感到很高兴。故选B项。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:那是一种温暖的催人泪下的感觉, 往往发生在人生最伟大的时刻,比如坠入爱河,比如婴儿降生。A. cooperation合作;B. feeling感觉;C. connection联系;D. adventure冒险。根据后面的 “we feel…”可知,作者此时觉得就像是生命中很重要的时刻,感到温暖、感动。故选B项。 13.考查副词词义辨析。句意:老实说,当周围的一切好像都静止了,我真的觉得我的心扉完全敞开了。A. completely完全地;B. complicatedly复杂地; C. irregularly 不规律地;D. inevitably不可避免地。从下文“helping this little turtle just felt so good! ”可以看出,作者此时心情愉悦,从善良的行为中得到了启迪。故选A项。 14.考查介词短语辨析。句意:我我 不想把这称之为“启迪”。A. In this way用这种方式;B. By the way顺便说一句;C. In no way绝不;D. In the way挡住去路。根据“would I have …”可知,本句为一个倒装句, 用否定短语in no way置于句首,构成倒装。故选C项。 15.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但毫无疑问,帮助这只小乌龟感觉很好!A. problem问题;B. use使用;C. answer答案;D. doubt怀疑。固定句型There is no doubt about….“毫无疑问”。作者为帮助了小乌龟而感到高兴,这是毋庸置疑的。故选D项。 16.考查固定短语辨析。句意:毕竟,它只是一只乌龟,对吧?A. Above all最重要的是;B. In conclusion总之;C. After all毕竟,别忘了;D. In brief简要地说。after all 在此处用以提醒被忽略的事实。故选C项。 17.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我回到车上,翻开日志,写下八个字,事后证明这8个字成为了我的人生转折点。A. latter 后者;B. latest最新的;C. lately最近;D. later后来。根据句意,应是“后来这八个字改变了作者的人生”。故选D项。 18.考查名词词义辨析。句意: 事后证明这8个字成为了我的人生转折点:“善生乐”,以及“人 生须行善”。 A. living生计,生活方式;B. life生命;C. way方法;D. method方法。固定短语live a … life“过着……的生活”。故选B项。 19.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这就是我孜孜以求的答案。A. answer答案;B. entrance入口; C. attention注意;D. approach接近,靠近。根据下文“The secret to… ”可知,是寻找的答案。故选A项。 20.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:内心宁静和永远快乐的 奥秘就是善良。A. temporary 暂时的;B. desperate绝望的;C. discontinuous 不连续的,间断的;D. lasting长久的。根据上文“kindness creates happiness”可知,善良能让我们内心感受到长久的幸福。 故选D项。

    What are your talents? It's a seemingly simple question, but so many of us struggle to answer it. Yes, there are the fortunate among us who can quickly list that they are good singers, dancers, artists, teachers, or salespeople. For others, it's difficult. The truth is, everybody has talent. What is difficult is pinpointing (准确定位)them. Some talents, you have likely been using all along. You just need to reframe the way you've been thinking about them. Others are still waiting to be discovered. 1.

1. It's Time To Write Your Diary

Maybe it's cliche, but writing a diary is a great way to explore the seemingly routine things about your daily life. 2. That explorative process is a great way to begin unearthing your hidden talents.

2. Go Back To Your Past

Sometimes, you start off pursuing talents only to drop them as you get older. What you can do is take your past talents, and find new things to do with them. You just have to ask yourself:

How can I renew this gift to help in my career?

Can I begin pursuing this for my own enrichment?

How will this make me a better person?

3. 3.

There may be no better way to figure out what you are good at than learning new things. Here's some amazing news, there may be no easier time to do that than right now. You can:

Take a class for credit or continuing education at your local community college or university.

Sign up for a class at your library.

Learn a TED Talk.

Take free online courses using MOOC or another option.

If we're honest about it, most of us do have spare timeIt's just a matter of priorities.

4. Seek Out New Experiences

This is just one more reason to be open to new experiences. When you're willing to try out new things, you increase the likelihood of your realizing you're very good at something. 4. Ask to be cross-trained in another role at work. Walk through neighborhoods that you've never visited before. Conclusion

5.First, always seek out learning and new experience. Next, gain insights from your past, Then, simply pay attention to your daily life. Your most valuable talents could be right in front of you.

A. Keep Learning

B. Love Your Life

C. In any case, here are four ways to reveal your hidden talents

D. Travel to new countries

E. Check for classes at your local museum

F. At the end of the day, there are three things that help you to reveal your hidden talents

G. You write about the things you've done and your thoughts, then out of all that you pull out some great insights



    China's Bao Yongqing has been named the overall winner of the Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition for 2019, claiming one of the world's top photography awards.

The competition is developed and produced by the Natural History Museum in London. This year's competition, the 55th, drew more than 48,000 entries from 100 countries. The winning entry by Bao, a native of Qinghai province, is titled The Moment. It captures a remarkable standoff between a Tibetan fox and a marmot, and was taken on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. "Photographically, it is quite simply the perfect moment," said Roz Kidman Cox, the chairwoman of the judging panel. "The expressive intensity of the postures holds you transfixed, and the thread of energy between the raised paws seems to hold the protagonists in perfect balance, Cox said. "To have captured such a powerful interaction between a Tibetan fox and a marmot — two species key to the ecology of this high-grassland region — is extraordinary. Museum Director Michael Dixon said the picture captured "nature's ultimate challenge — the battle for survival". Bao, in a group interview on Wednesday, said of the photo: "It is very difficult and rare to capture this kind of moment, so I knew it was something very special. It took about two or three hours to get this photo. I was watching them for a long time. I have paid attention to this competition for a long time, and my first purpose was to show my image to the world, and secondly to protect the environment and my homeland," he said. " In my hometown, everyone looks after the animals, so when I go home with this award, it will be an encouragement to our people to be more protective of animals and the environment." In addition, the photographer said : "This competition is one of the most important among photographers in China, so I wanted to draw people's attention to animal protection. I hope it will introduce a passion for animals to more people."

The exhibition at the Natural History Museum in Kensington will open on Friday and run through the end of May next year, when it will go on a national and international tour. Entries for next year's competition will be accepted beginning on Oct. 21.

1.What does the underlined word " protagonists" in the 2nd paragraph mean?

A.Onlookers. B.Photographers.

C.Hunters. D.Main characters.

2.Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?

A.The competition originated from London.

B.It is a domestic competition in China.

C.The competition drew worldwide attention, making it the best event in photography.

D.Entries are strictly restricted, mainly focused on endangered animals.

3.What is the reason for Bao's winning the award?

A.His capturing a crucial moment between two typical species.

B.His expertise in photography.

C.His devotion to wildlife protection.

D.His publicizing the knowledge of rare animals.

4.What can we know from the passage?

A.The exhibition will go on a tour in China.

B.Bao has decided to submit his latest photo.

C.Taking photos is not painstaking.

D.Photograph is a way to raise people's awareness of animal protection.



    More than half of UK parents believe sunglasses should become an official part of school uniform, a study has found.

A study of 1,000 parents with children aged 4-12 found 72 percent worried about protecting their child's eyes from the sun. However, only 3 in 10 sent their child to school with sunglasses every time it was sunny. One-quarter even said their child was forbidden by their school from wearing sunglasses on school grounds.

A spokesperson for Monkey Monkey Sunglasses, which commissioned (委 托)the study, said, "Parents are consistently telling us that their children are more likely to wear sunglasses on holiday or to leisure activities than at school. We just want parents to be aware that the midday and afternoon sun can be equally strong in the school playground, on the school sports field, or on the walk home from school, as it is on the beach. Wearing hats and staying in the shade during these times help reduce UV exposure, but are not a substitute for wearing sunglasses with full UVA and UVB protection, because UV rays reflect through cloud cover and reflect off a variety of surfaces."

Researchers also found only 16 percent of those polled said their children always wear sunglasses on a sunny day and one in four said their child does not currently own a pair of sunglasses.

Parents of children who rarely or never wear sunglasses said their kids find them uncomfortable to wear and avoid them if they can. However, 57 percent who have bought their children sunglasses checked the glasses for their UV protection rating before making the purchase. When asked about their knowledge surrounding surfaces which reflect and increase UV radiation, 61 percent of parents who took part in the study, correctly said that snow reflected UV rays. One in four identified concrete surfaces and 56 percent pointed to water as a key reflector of UV rays.

Monkey Monkey's spokesperson added, "Estimates suggest that up to 80 percent of a person's lifetime exposure to UV is received before the age of 18, when children's eyes are also not yet fully developed. For these two reasons it is vital to protect young eyes from sun exposure at an early age."

1.According to the passage all the following statements are true EXCEPT that _____.

A.most parents questioned in a survey worried about protecting their child's eyes from the sun

B.some children were not allowed to wear sunglasses on school grounds

C.children were believed to wear sunglasses more often after school

D.parents only 3 in 10 sent their child to school with sunglasses in all kinds of weather

2.What can we infer from the text?

A.All parents prefer to wear sunglasses.

B.The study was carried out for a sunglasses company.

C.Concrete surfaces and water are reflectors of UV rays.

D.Children's eyes are not full-grown before the age of 18.

3.Who may be the target readers of this text?

A.Holiday makers. B.Sunglasses makers.

C.Policy makers. D.Film makers.

4.What's the best title for the passage?

A.Should Sunglasses Be Part of School Uniform?

B.Why Should Parents Buy Sunglasses for Kids?

C.How to Choose Suitable Sunglasses for Kids?

D.New Fashion in School — Sunglasses



    Children are the parents' pride and joy. And we love our parents. Whenever we have difficulties or troubles, they are the people we turn to. They offer us everything — life, love, courage and support. In return, we not only try our best to love and respect them, but also want them to take part in our lives.

However, that doesn't mean that we are going to share every moment with them. It is normal to have some things you don't want them to know or something that you think is better to be kept secret from them.

Here are some netizens' secrets hidden from their parents:

"My parents always told me not to fall in love in high school, otherwise I would fail in my studies. But now I'm dating a guy and I have no idea if I should tell them the truth."

"They are concerned about my studies and also afraid that I am being picked on in a puppy love. Yet I know they love me so much, but I don't want them to worry about me. So keeping this secret might be the best way."

"Last year, I was fired several times. The real world is not easy, and it took a long time for me to find another job that I really loved. During that time, I was penniless for months. However, whenever my parents asked me if everything was ok, I told a lie. I should have been strong enough to make them not worry about me, I endured a frustrating time."

"My parents spent thousands on my college education. They paid for where I wanted to live, to travel and even gave extra money for my leisure activities. However, I am not doing well in school and failed my classes last semester."

1.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A.If we love our parents, we should share everything with them.

B.The third netizen asked his or her parents for money when out of work.

C.The fourth netizen is still studying in a university.

D.The first netizen decided to tell her parents she was in love with someone.

2.Parents are afraid of their children falling love in high school mainly because______.

A.it may have bad impact on their studies

B.the school doesn't allow them to

C.they think they are too young

D.they are afraid of their children being hurt

3.How may the last netizen feel when he or she is not doing well in school?

A.Proud. B.Guilty.

C.Angry D.Delighted.



4 Best Washing Machines to Buy in 2019, According to Cleaning Appliance Experts


Flex Wash Washing Machine


$1,548. 90

This double-duty machine offers flexibility thanks to two separately controlled washers in the same unit. The bottom is built for extra-large loads and has super-cleaning cycle options, which include sanitizing and steam settings. You even have the ability to add up to five rinses (漂洗)onto a cycle to remove every bit of detergent (洗衣液)from larger items like a jacket.

Capacity: 6. 0 cubic feet


High-Efficiency Top Load Washing Machine


$699. 99

In our tests, GE's washing skills rival more expensive machines. This classic top-loader is super-straightforward to use. We're impressed that at this price it offers options like an up to two-hour automatic presoak, deep fill and rinse for more customized water levels, has very good capacity, and is Energy Star Qualified.

Capacity: 4. 2 cubic feet


High-Efficiency Top Load Washing Machine


$650. 00

This washer has a traditional center agitator (搅拌器),but is still so huge inside. You'll never notice any compromise in capacity. While it's energy-saving and efficient, you can add more water if you'd like to with the Deep Fill option.

Capacity: 5. 3 cubic feet


TwinDos Washing Machine



This mighty mini is a Good Housekeeping Seal holder for good reason: Its deceptively large interior and space-saving exterior make it the perfect choice to install in small homes, apartments, or as second-floor laundry in a closet or bathroom.

Capacity: 2. 26 cubic feet

1.If you want your clothes rinsed thoroughly, you'd better choose______.



2.GE has the following functions EXCEPT_____ .

A.deep fill B.automatic presoak

C.huge capacity D.steam setting

3.If you have a limited budget, you should choose______.



4.Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE?

A.BOSCH's TwinDos occupies the smallest space among the four.

B.The only weakness of MAYTAG is its capacity.

C.Everything considered, SAMSUNG’S Flex Wash is the best washing machine to buy.

D.The most environmentally friendly washing machine goes to GE among the four.



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