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About 4 million children worldwide devel...

    About 4 million children worldwide develop asthma(哮喘) each year because of nitrogen dioxide(NO2 , 二氧化氮) air pollution, according to a study published by researchers at the George Washington University. The study estimates(估算) that 64 percent of these new cases of asthma occur in urban areas.

“The study is the first to quantify the worldwide burden of new pediatric(儿科的) asthma cases linked to traffic-related nitrogen dioxide by using a method that takes into account high exposure to this pollutant that occurs near busy roads, ” said Susan C. Anenberg, PhD, the senior author of the study.

“Our findings suggest that millions of new cases of pediatric asthma could be prevented in cities around the world by reducing air pollution,” said Anenberg. “Improving access to cleaner forms of transportation, like electrified public transport, cycling and walking, would not only bring down NO2 levels, but would also improve physical fitness, and cut greenhouse gas emissions(排放). ”

Asthma is a disease that makes it hard to breathe when the lung’s airways are swollen. An estimated 235 million people worldwide at present have asthma, which can cause life-threatening attacks.

The World Health Organization calls air pollution “a major environmental risk to health” and has offered Air Quality Guidelines for NO2 and other air pollutants. The researchers estimate that most children lived in areas below the NO2, guideline. They also found that about 92 percent of the new pediatric asthma cases that were caused by NO2 occurred in areas that already meet the WHO guideline.

“That finding suggests that the WHO guideline for NO2 may need to be re-evaluated to make sure it is conducive to the protection of children’s health,” said Pattanun Achakulwisut, PhD, lead author of the paper.

Additional research must be done to more persuasively identify what is leading to asthma within complex traffic emissions. This effort will help to improve the estimates of new asthma cases tied to traffic emissions.

1.What can we learn from Susan C. Anenberg?

A.Old forms of getting around need to be replaced.

B.Few cases of pediatric asthma occur in urban areas.

C.Pediatric asthma increases because of unclean energy.

D.Greener transportation helps to reduce asthma cases.

2.What can we infer about the Air Quality Guidelines for NO2?

A.It proved persuasive. B.It seemed unreasonable.

C.It would be abandoned. D.It turned out instructive.

3.What does the underlined word “conducive” in paragraph 6 probably mean?

A.Beneficial. B.Open.

C.Equal. D.Familiar.

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A.Asthma has put children’s life in unavoidable danger.

B.WHO should improve Air Quality Guidelines for NO2.

C.NO2 air pollution causes children to suffer from asthma.

D.Air pollution is a serious worldwide problem nowadays.


1.D 2.B 3.A 4.C 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。介绍了空气中的二氧化氮会导致儿童哮喘病的发生这一研究成果。 1.推理判断题。根据第二段中的Our findings suggest that millions of new cases of pediatric asthma could be prevented in cities around the world by reducing air pollution. 我们的发现表明,通过减少空气污染,全世界范围的各城市可以预防数百万例新的小儿哮喘病例。及第三段中的Improving access to cleaner forms of transportation, like electrified public transport, cycling and walking, would not only bring down NO2 levels…改善情况使用更清洁交通工具,如电气化公共交通、骑自行车和步行,不仅会降低二氧化氮……。可知,更加清洁的交通会降低二氧化氮浓度,而二氧化氮(空气污染)是导致儿科哮喘的因素。由此可推断,更加绿色的交通有助于减少哮喘病例。选项D切题,故选D。 2.推理判断题。根据第五段中的The researchers estimate that most children lived in areas below the NO2 guideline. They also found that about 92 percent of the new pediatric asthma cases that were caused by NO2 occurred in areas that already meet the WHO guideline. 研究人员判断,大多数儿童生活地区其二氧化氮低于指南规定的排放标准。他们还发现,约92%由NO2引起的新的儿童哮喘病例发生在已经达到世卫组织含量指南的地区。可知,多数儿科哮喘的病例发生在二氧化氮符合世界卫生组织的《二氧化氮空气质量指南》排放标准的地区。第六段中的That finding suggests that the WHO guideline for NO2 may need to be re-evaluated这一发现表明,可能需要重新评估世卫组织的二氧化氮空气质量指南。由此可推断出,这个指南似乎是不合理的。选项B切题,故选B。 3.词义猜测题。第四段中的An estimated 235 million people worldwide at present have asthma, which can cause life-threatening attacks. 目前全世界估计有2.35亿人患有哮喘,这一疾病可能导致危及生命。可知,哮喘对健康是不利的。根据画线词所在句That finding suggests that the WHO guideline for NO2 may need to be re-evaluated to make sure it is conducive to the protection of children’s health,发现表明世界卫生组织的《二氧化氮空气质量指南》可能需要重新被评估以确保它对儿童健康的保护是……,可知,重新评估当然是确保它更能保护健康,是对健康有利,画线词与 beneficial的词义最为接近。选项A切题,故选A。 4.主旨大意题。文章第一段About 4 million children worldwide develop asthma(哮喘) each year because of nitrogen dioxide(NO2 , 二氧化氮) air pollution, according to a study published by researchers at the George Washington University. The study estimates(估算) that 64 percent of these new cases of asthma occur in urban areas. 根据乔治华盛顿大学研究人员发表的一项研究显示,全世界每年大约有400万儿童因二氧化氮(NO2)空气污染而患上哮喘。该研究估计,这些新哮喘病例中64%发生在城市地区。接着文章详细介绍了研究的相关内容和结论,并由此指出世界卫生组织的《二氧化氮空气质量指南》需要重新评估。所以本文主要在讲二氧化氮(空气污染)会导致儿童哮喘病的发生。选项C切题,故选C。

    The crocodile(鳄鱼) is an amazing animal. Why are they amazing? Crocodiles are experts at survival. Scientists say they first appeared 200 million years ago and have lived longer than the dinosaurs by some 65 million years. One reason why they are such good survivors is that they can go for a very long time without eating. And they are expert hunters! They use their strong jaws to bite their prey(猎物) and then they swallow their food whole. Another amazing fact about crocodiles is: When they lose a tooth, they grow one right back. A crocodile can go through 8, 000 teeth in one lifetime!

While these facts arc interesting, they really do not help to explain today’s expression: crocodile tears. Simply put, crocodile tears are fake sadness. You pretend to cry and feel bad for something when in fact you could not care less. A great word to describe crocodile tears is insincere.

The expression “crocodile tears” comes from an old story that crocodiles would cry tears as a fake show of guilt or sorrow to trick their prey. The prey would come closer and then become dinner. We know now that the story is not true. Scientists explain that crocodiles do produce tears. That is because while eating, they swallow too much air, which gets in touch with lachrymal glands (glands that produce tears) and forces tears to flow. But they’re not actually crying. Crying is purely emotional(情绪的) and is reserved for us humans.

When you use it, take some advice. You do not have to have actual tears flowing down your face to have “crocodile tears”. Sometimes, crocodile tears are worse than insincere. Those are the times when you are showing sadness but actually in your heart« you are quite happy about the situation.

1.How does the author mainly show that crocodiles are amazing?

A.By telling stories. B.By giving examples.

C.By conducting experiments. D.By making comparisons.

2.“Crocodile tears” is often said to a person who         .

A.has some insincere friends B.faces sorrowful situations

C.shows unreal sadness D.cares little about others

3.Why does a crocodile produce tears according to scientists?

A.The flow of its tears makes it appealing.

B.It pretends to be guilty to trick its prey.

C.It wants to show its emotional feelings.

D.The way it eats forces its tears to flow.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.An Expression—“Crocodile Tears” B.What Crocodiles Actually Cry for

C.Unknown Facts About Crocodiles D.How “Crocodile Tears” Came Out



    Artist Zsudayka Nzinga Terrell clearly remembers the day in high school when the teacher asked her to write about her family history. She saw that it was impossible to answer the questions “Who am I?” and “Where did I come from?”.

Nzinga Terrell told her memories. “The white kids were able to get up and talk about hundreds of years of their background. And there was me and one other black kid in the class who could go back to a plantation(种植园) in Virginia and that’s it.” She talked about her family history. “My people were brought here on the bottom of a ship. And they were sold and they were renamed.”

Today, she and her husband, artist James Terrell explore their family history in their work. Their new exhibit of paintings is called Born at the Bottom of the Ship. The show recently opened at the Center for the Arts in Manassas, Virginia.

Over the generations, Africans have become African Americans with a new culture, and Nzinga Terrell includes different parts of that story in her art. There are things that look like African cloth and design and things that make you think of American culture and clothing.

James Terrell’s style is more abstract. His painting Mami Wata shows a woman rising from the ocean. Terrell explains the painting, “ Mami Wata is a goddess of the sea. There’s no light going through; there’s not a lot of color being seen, as opposed to the other ones. So, it’s just showing the time of the slaves being brought to America. ”

But the artist says he also likes to play with color. Growing up, James Terrell attended a church with colored glass in many windows. Because of that experience, he learned how light goes through the windows. He makes lines in his painting that look like the lines between pieces of colored glass in the church windows.

Visitors seeing the Terrells’ works say they see themselves and their family members in the works.

1.How did high school Nzinga Terrell find talking about her origin and identify?

A.Possible. B.Exciting.

C.Annoying. D.Difficult.

2.What can we know about Nzinga Terrell’s people?

A.They had to use the same names forever.

B.They led a life with no freedom at all.

C.They took up their jobs mostly aboard.

D.They were eager to get rid of poverty.

3.What’s the painting Mami Wata like?

A.It’s typical of native American style.

B.It’s abstract with rich and bright colors.

C.It reflects a dark time of the black slaves.

D.It describes a church James once attended.

4.What is paragraph 6 mainly about?

A.The story about James Terrells unique painting style.

B.The way James Terrell makes use of different kinds of colors.

C.The reason why James Terrell prefers to go to church to paint.

D.The influence of James Terrell’s church experience on his painting.



    US News & World Report recently ranked the best countries for adventure, based on each country’s scores across four aspefcts: fun, friendliness, climate and scenery. Here are four of them.


With its sky-high scores in friendliness and fun, adventure in Spain is always as close as the nearest street. The most important thing for you is to identify what kind of adventure suits you best: if you love winter, head for Madrid, while warm-weather lovers are better off in beachfront Barcelona.


Combining high scores in both scenery and fun, Thailand attracts a mix of people that make for an adventurous atmosphere. This can best be experienced on the island of Koh Phangan. Visitors looking for more traditional exciting adventure should head to Chiang Mai to try whitewater rafting(漂流), or attempt waterfall abseiling(沿绳索滑下) at Doi Inthanon National Park.


High scores in scenery and climate make Greece a perfect destination for adventurers. The water for swimming here is the best of the best. Sailing and kayaking around the Cyclades are popular water sports while land-living visitors to the islands have abundant hiking options. Host to the first Olympics, Athens has long held sporting events at the Panathenaic Stadium. Visitors are welcome to join the morning jog in the stadium from 7: 30 am to 9: 00 am as a warm-up for the day’s adventures.


While Italy might be best known for its food, art and architecture, the country has a more actively adventurous side, too. In Sicily, you can swim in the deepest blue sea and after a few hours lie on the top of the highest active volcano in Europe The ever-changing landscape(风景) also provides a chance for different types of adventures.

1.Where are visitors advised to go if they love worm weather and beaches?

A.Madrid. B.Barcelona.

C.Sicily. D.Chiang Mai.

2.What can visitors do in Thailand?

A.Meet with the friendliest locals. B.Jog freely under huge waterfalls,

C.Enjoy adventurous water sports. D.Appreciate its world-famous art.

3.What do the last two countries have in common?

A.They are attractive for swimming lovers.

B.They allow visitors to sail around islands.

C.They arc best known for their unique food.

D.They have Europe’s highest active volcanoes.



假定你是李华,你校学生会将举办70周年国庆英文演讲比赛,将邀请英文外教Peter担任评委,请你写封 邀请函,内容包括:

1. 活动主题“我爱中国”

2. 活动时间和地点

3. 比赛议程




Dear Peter,



Li Hua



假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有10处语言错误, 每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。


删除:把多余的词用斜线(\ )划掉。




Dear Ms. Wood,

I was a guest who stayed in your hotel a week ago. First of all, I want to express my sincere thanks for your good service which makes my stay in Australia more enjoyable. Therefore, you can do better in some aspects.

To begin with, I found out only one Chinese dish on the menu, that gave me a big surprise. Is it possible for you to provide Chinese dishes with more variety? In addition, it took me long time to find the emergency exit. Please make the signs well-marking. Finally, the clerk at the front desk could be more patiently. When asking about where to find the nearest swimming pool, she seemed rather annoyed.

I do hope you will take their advice into consideration. Thanks for your time.


Li Hua



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