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假定英语课上老师要求同桌之问交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 ...

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之问交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。




注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

The aim of group work is to produce much more better presentations. This is achieve through the combined talents of group members. One difficulty with group work is that you can’t worked as quickly as you can by yourself. Patience, communication skills and commitment is all required to make most of the contributions of group members. The quality of your relationship with the other group members is the key of the success of the group. Therefore, it is important to spending time getting to know your colleague. Besides, try to agree with the other group members on a common purpose. If you don’t understand something about the task, say it immediate and discuss it with them until both of the group members reach an agreement.


1.去掉more 2. achieve achieved 3. worked work 4.all前面的is are 5.make后面加上the 6.key后的of to 7.spending spend 8.colleague colleagues 9.immediate immediately 10. both all 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。介绍团队工作的目标和如何达成这一目标。 1. 考查形容词比较级。句中better为good的比较级,其前面可以用副词much修饰,但不能再用比较级的形式,故去掉more。 2. 考查被动语态。句中主语This与动词achieve为动宾关系,主语是动作的接受者,要用被动语态,be+过去分词,故将achieve改为achieved。 3. 考查情态动词。can’t为情态动词的否定式,情态动词后动词应为动词原形,故将worked改为work。 4. 考查主谓一致。句中主语为Patience, communication skills and commitment,是三个名词,且不同类,主语视作复数,be动词要用复数形式,故将all前的is改为are。 5. 考查固定短语。make the most of充分利用,尽量利用。固定短语,most前要有the,故在make后加上the。 6. 考查介词。the key to ......关键 ,故将key后的of改为to。 7. 考查非谓语动词。句中it为形式主语,动词不定式是真正的主语,动词不定式to后跟动词原形,故将spending改为spend。 8. 考查名词复数。colleague(同事)为可数名词,由上文group members可知,同事超过1个,所以要用其复数形式,故将colleague改为colleagues。 9. 考查副词。句中谓语动词say,修饰动词要用副词,immediate为形容词,故将immediate改为immediately。 10.考查代词。由上文的the other group members(其它团队成员们)可知,团队成员包括主语you和其它团队成员们,超过2人,3人或3人以上,不定代词要用all,故将both改为all。  


The word “qípáo” did not appear until the 20th century and is one of a number of 1. (word) used to refer to clothing.

It was in Shanghai 2. it is still well-known that it took shape. Fashion features(时尚的特征) in the Chinese press in the 1920s showed a mix of elements(元素) in 3.(variety) designs before the familiar dress appeared. The familiar, figure-hugging dress with its mandarin collar and long splits finally appeared in the late 1920s and women at that time were especially 4.(delight) at its appearance. Its status 5.(strengthen) when the new government recognized it as formal dress in 1928.

Over time, the dress has proved to have controversial position in the Chinese culture. Historically it was more likely to be worn by a call girl 6. by an activist. In China today it is often worn by the bride, but it is perhaps most 7.(common) used as a uniform for female staff in stores and big hotels.

Supporters of it are calling for the 8.(necessary) of understanding its history before putting it on. And there is no doubt 9. its complex design origins and historical social status are worth 10.(explore).



    One morning, someone broke into Shawn Marceau’s truck and made off with a laptop and an American flag.

But this wasn’t _______ any flag. Its original _______ was Marceau’s son, 22-year-old soldier Joe Jackson. The flag had been signed by each of Jackson’s team in the army and had hung over his bed for his entire tour of _______in Afghanistan. However, Jackson was _______ in 2011. Marceau frequently took the flag _______ his son. Marceau reached out to friends and family, _______ them to search for the flag wherever they could. But without _______.

The _______ father turned to Facebook. “I would appreciate it if all my friends could share this _______. This American flag was __________ out of my truck,” he wrote, including a photo. Within 3 clays, there were around 40, 000 reposts. __________, the flag was still nowhere to be found.

Soon, there were other flags. A firefighter __________ one to Marceau signed by dozens of his colleagues. A Special Forces major also posted a flag he’d taken along around the world.

Marceau, a retired soldier himself __________ these gifts while __________ to pray for the return of Jackson’s flag.

One Tuesday, Marceau __________ his son’s grave(坟墓) as usual. When he got there, he saw a flag. Marceau didn’t let himself get too __________. People had gifted him so many flags that he figured this was just another one. But when he got __________, he noticed the __________. This was his son’s flag.

No one has __________ to say he or she returned it. Did the thief bring it back? Or someone good to __________? “For me, it’s a miracle(奇迹),” Marceau says.

1.A.yet B.just C.also D.already

2.A.designer B.owner C.buyer D.supporter

3.A.duty B.dream C.adventure D.search

4.A.killed B.hurt C.arrested D.betrayed

5.A.in celebration of B.in return for C.in exchange for D.in memory of

6.A.advising B.forcing C.asking D.ordering

7.A.accident B.chance C.comment D.luck

8.A.easygoing B.selfish C.heartbroken D.generous

9.A.letter B.note C.agenda D.routine

10.A.replaced B.pushed C.stolen D.hidden

11.A.Unfortunately B.Gradually C.Surprisingly D.Hopefully

12.A.made B.carried C.sold D.sent

13.A.treasured B.donated C.reformed D.rejected

14.A.managing B.continuing C.starting D.pretending

15.A.decorated B.built C.visited D.buried

16.A.interested B.embarrassed C.puzzled D.excited

17.A.faster B.higher C.closer D.stronger

18.A.gifts B.signatures C.posts D.photos

19.A.sped up B.showed off C.dropped out D.stepped forward

20.A.help B.care C.change D.serve



    Yoga is an age-old practice that stretches (伸展) the body and calms the mind. By performing a series of poses(体式), called asanas, you will feel more relaxed. This results in lower blood pressure, a decrease in stress and healthy muscles. 1. With poses ranging from simple to challenging, yoga gives your mind something to think about. So get started by trying simple poses.

Mountain Pose

Stand barefoot on a no-slip mat and put your feet side-by-side, 2. Stretch your leg muscles and feel your knee caps lift. Practice holding your head and neck in a straight line. Relax your shoulders. Breathe in and out, and focus on your breathing.

Triangle Pose

Begin in Mountain Pose. As you breathe out, move your left foot about three or four feet to the left side. Lift your arms until they’re parallel with the floor. Stretch your fingertips outward. Then turn your left foot 90 degrees to the left, and turn your right foot about 45 degrees toward your left. 3.

Cat to Cow Pose

This is a great way to loosen a tight back, neck or shoulders. Begin with your palms(手掌) under your shoulders and your knees under your hips(臀部). 4. Then drop the head and neck toward your mat, pull your stomach muscles tight, and round your back up toward the ceiling. Hold that pose and breathe in and out.

5. Gradually add more asanas to your practice. Before long, you’ll notice a positive change in your body and your mind.

A. Continue moving back and forth.

B. It can be hard to balance in this way.

C. Perform these poses every day, if you can.

D. Hold your back and neck in a straight line.

E. Adjust your feet till they feel good against the mat.

F. But beyond its health benefit yoga brings a lot of fun!

G. The heels of both feet should be in line underneath your arms.



    About 4 million children worldwide develop asthma(哮喘) each year because of nitrogen dioxide(NO2 , 二氧化氮) air pollution, according to a study published by researchers at the George Washington University. The study estimates(估算) that 64 percent of these new cases of asthma occur in urban areas.

“The study is the first to quantify the worldwide burden of new pediatric(儿科的) asthma cases linked to traffic-related nitrogen dioxide by using a method that takes into account high exposure to this pollutant that occurs near busy roads, ” said Susan C. Anenberg, PhD, the senior author of the study.

“Our findings suggest that millions of new cases of pediatric asthma could be prevented in cities around the world by reducing air pollution,” said Anenberg. “Improving access to cleaner forms of transportation, like electrified public transport, cycling and walking, would not only bring down NO2 levels, but would also improve physical fitness, and cut greenhouse gas emissions(排放). ”

Asthma is a disease that makes it hard to breathe when the lung’s airways are swollen. An estimated 235 million people worldwide at present have asthma, which can cause life-threatening attacks.

The World Health Organization calls air pollution “a major environmental risk to health” and has offered Air Quality Guidelines for NO2 and other air pollutants. The researchers estimate that most children lived in areas below the NO2, guideline. They also found that about 92 percent of the new pediatric asthma cases that were caused by NO2 occurred in areas that already meet the WHO guideline.

“That finding suggests that the WHO guideline for NO2 may need to be re-evaluated to make sure it is conducive to the protection of children’s health,” said Pattanun Achakulwisut, PhD, lead author of the paper.

Additional research must be done to more persuasively identify what is leading to asthma within complex traffic emissions. This effort will help to improve the estimates of new asthma cases tied to traffic emissions.

1.What can we learn from Susan C. Anenberg?

A.Old forms of getting around need to be replaced.

B.Few cases of pediatric asthma occur in urban areas.

C.Pediatric asthma increases because of unclean energy.

D.Greener transportation helps to reduce asthma cases.

2.What can we infer about the Air Quality Guidelines for NO2?

A.It proved persuasive. B.It seemed unreasonable.

C.It would be abandoned. D.It turned out instructive.

3.What does the underlined word “conducive” in paragraph 6 probably mean?

A.Beneficial. B.Open.

C.Equal. D.Familiar.

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A.Asthma has put children’s life in unavoidable danger.

B.WHO should improve Air Quality Guidelines for NO2.

C.NO2 air pollution causes children to suffer from asthma.

D.Air pollution is a serious worldwide problem nowadays.



    The crocodile(鳄鱼) is an amazing animal. Why are they amazing? Crocodiles are experts at survival. Scientists say they first appeared 200 million years ago and have lived longer than the dinosaurs by some 65 million years. One reason why they are such good survivors is that they can go for a very long time without eating. And they are expert hunters! They use their strong jaws to bite their prey(猎物) and then they swallow their food whole. Another amazing fact about crocodiles is: When they lose a tooth, they grow one right back. A crocodile can go through 8, 000 teeth in one lifetime!

While these facts arc interesting, they really do not help to explain today’s expression: crocodile tears. Simply put, crocodile tears are fake sadness. You pretend to cry and feel bad for something when in fact you could not care less. A great word to describe crocodile tears is insincere.

The expression “crocodile tears” comes from an old story that crocodiles would cry tears as a fake show of guilt or sorrow to trick their prey. The prey would come closer and then become dinner. We know now that the story is not true. Scientists explain that crocodiles do produce tears. That is because while eating, they swallow too much air, which gets in touch with lachrymal glands (glands that produce tears) and forces tears to flow. But they’re not actually crying. Crying is purely emotional(情绪的) and is reserved for us humans.

When you use it, take some advice. You do not have to have actual tears flowing down your face to have “crocodile tears”. Sometimes, crocodile tears are worse than insincere. Those are the times when you are showing sadness but actually in your heart« you are quite happy about the situation.

1.How does the author mainly show that crocodiles are amazing?

A.By telling stories. B.By giving examples.

C.By conducting experiments. D.By making comparisons.

2.“Crocodile tears” is often said to a person who         .

A.has some insincere friends B.faces sorrowful situations

C.shows unreal sadness D.cares little about others

3.Why does a crocodile produce tears according to scientists?

A.The flow of its tears makes it appealing.

B.It pretends to be guilty to trick its prey.

C.It wants to show its emotional feelings.

D.The way it eats forces its tears to flow.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.An Expression—“Crocodile Tears” B.What Crocodiles Actually Cry for

C.Unknown Facts About Crocodiles D.How “Crocodile Tears” Came Out



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