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假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 ...

假定英语课上老师要求同桌之间交换修改作文,请你修改你同桌写的以下作文。文中共有 10处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。






Dear Peter,

I am pleasing to tell you that we have returned to China safely. I'm writing to express our appreciations for your reception.

We were impressed with our warm entertainment. With your careful preparation, the journey couldn't have been so successfully. We benefited a lot from the visit. We get a precious chance to learn British culture and history. It also offered us a platform where we could displayed traditional Chinese culture such as like paper-cutting and Chinese painting to more foreigners. We would like to invite you visit China this summer holiday, so you can experience the Chinese culture in person and have a deeper understand of it.


Li Hua


【解析】 这是一封书信。Li Hua在英国旅行期间得到了Peter的接待,就此写信向Peter表示感谢。 1. 考查形容词。句意:我很高兴地告诉你,我们已安全返回中国。am为系动词,后接形容词作表语。表示“人很高兴”,所以用ed结尾的形容词。故把pleasing改为pleased。 2.考查名词。句意:我写信是为了对你的接待表示感谢。此处appreciation表示“感谢”,为不可数名词。故把appreciations改为appreciation。 3.考查代词。句意:你的热情款待给我们留下了深刻的印象。Li Hua向对方表示感谢,应使用第二人称。故将our改为your。 4.考查介词。句意:没有你的精心准备,这次旅行不可能如此成功。根据上下文的语境,此处介词使用错误,with表示“有”,应将其换成相反意义的词,表示“没有”,这样符合语境。故将With改为Without。 5.考查形容词。句意:没有你的精心准备,这次旅行不可能如此成功。be为系动词,后接形容词作表语。故把successfully改为successful。 6. 考查动词时态。句意:我们有机会学习英国的文化和历史。该句表达的是过去在英国的经历,应使用一般过去时。故将get改为got。 7. 考查情态动词的用法。句意:它也为我们提供了一个向更多外国人展示剪纸、国画等中国传统文化的平台。情态动词后接动词原形。故将displayed改为display。 8. 考查固定搭配。句意:它也为我们提供了一个向更多外国人展示剪纸、国画等中国传统文化的平台。such as是固定短语,用于举例,like作为介词也能用于举例,它们不能同时使用。故将like去掉。 9.考查固定搭配。句意:我们想邀请你在这个暑假访问中国,让你亲身体验中国文化,这样你可以对其有更深的了解。invite sb to do sth意为“邀请某人做某事”。故在visit前加to。 10.考查固定搭配。句意:我们想邀请你在这个暑假访问中国,让你亲身体验中国文化,这样你可以对其有更深的了解。have a deeper understanding of是固定用法,意为“对……有更深入的理解”。故将understand改为understanding。  


The Hong Kong-Zhuhai-Macao Bridge (HZMB), the 1. (eight) wonder for the 21st century, opened on the morning of October 24th, 2018. The bridge links three areas, making 2. much more convenient to travel from one to another. Since opening, the three-hour drive 3. Hong Kong, Zhuhai and Macao 4. (shorten) to 30 minutes.

The project involved more than 400 new patents, broke seven world records, and featured 5. (independent) developed key techniques and design. After an 8-year struggle, the success of the HZMB achieves 6. several generations have been dreaming of, and amazes the whole world with its demonstration of perfect skills and high-level Chinese standards. The bridge is intended to be 7. (rely) for more than 120 years. From the Belt and Road Initiative to "Created in China", there is always a group of people 8. (provide) strong technical support for each of the country's huge projects. From the beginning in December 2009 to the day of the official opening, all 9. (walk) of life made great contributions to the design and construction of HZMB, contributing "10. (wise) of China".



    I was always complaining about wind or rain. _____it was nothing unusual for the arrival of wind or rain,it caused inconvenience for me to go out,and sometimes it even created an awful atmosphere,so I _____ it strongly.

On a rainy day a meteorologist(气象学家)I met was very _____ at my great anger caused by rain that made a little inconvenience for me.

He asked,"Have you ever seen typhoonDo you know what would happen to the world if there were no typhoon"I shook my head.I had no _____ of how overwhelming it was when it _____everything away in its way.

"Well,let me tell you,"the meteorologist said."Without it the _____ of fresh water will be more serious,for it is a great _____ of water supply on earth.Without it,there would be a greater imbalance in the distribution of _____.The equatorial area that receives the most sunshine on earth  _____ entirely on typhoon to disperse(驱散)heat.Without typhoon the tropics would be even _____ while the frigid zones much colder.As a result the temperate zones would _____from the world…"

Ignorance made me _____.I disliked wind only because it ruffled(吹乱)my hair.I hated rain merely because I had to carry an umbrella.But I had no idea at all that typhoon---something much more violent,something a thousand times more _____than wind or rain---was a _____to the existence of mankind.

______ no road on earth goes all the way on level ground,there's no person in the world who can do whatever he pleases. ______ as it is for people to guard against typhoon,it is advisable for a man to stop ______ for a moment before he complains." ______ typhoon disappeared all togetherWhat would the world become then"The ______ will keep him calm and lead him closer to truth---he will be better ______ of the world he lives in.

1.A.But B.Therefore C.Although D.Unless

2.A.refused B.blamed C.punished D.fought

3.A.excited B.puzzled C.encouraged D.delighted

4.A.experience B.sign C.sense D.recognition

5.A.washed B.frightened C.swung D.swept

6.A.shortage B.supply C.amount D.waste

7.A.resource B.power C.strength D.source

8.A.warmth B.energy C.water D.wealth

9.A.holds B.keeps C.moves D.depends

10.A.warmer B.hotter C.cooler D.better

11.A.disappear B.move C.escape D.remove

12.A.farsighted B.out of sight C.in sight D.shortsighted

13.A.appealing B.frightening C.disturbing D.exciting

14.A.trouble B.danger C.must D.lead

15.A.Since B.As C.When D.While

16.A.Impossible B.Wrong C.Hard D.Easy

17.A.thinking B.to think C.to rest D.resting

18.A.How come B.What about C.What if D.Even if

19.A.theories B.answers C.phenomena D.complaints

20.A.careful B.kind C.aware D.tired



Put on new set of gasses for a new view

Today I visited San Francisco’s modern-art museum. I was there to see a new exhibit about spaceflight.1.I like to “visit” this particular painting every time I go to the museum not only because it evokes(唤起)strong feelings, but because I always find something new.

There's real pleasure to be found in revisiting a museum replaying a game or rewatching a movie. Some of that enjoyment comes from the feeling of familiarity of course.2..There’s always plenty more to see, hear, taste, smell, feel, of understand the second or third time around. But how do you discover the exciting new thing in the familiar?

One way is approaching whatever task is at hand by searching for the things that you didn't see in the first time around. First, recognize that everything is always changing.3.Second, remove judgment from the experience, if possible, and just observe what's new. For example, look for the ways in which a change in your neighborhood is interesting or exciting.

4.That could mean removing sugar, coffee, a certain kind of media from your life for a specified time. Once the break is over, that same thing will have more of its former interest or excitement.5.So is true that novelty is fun, but given enough of a break in between, repeated experiences regain that initial excitement.

A. Repeated experiences like this are valuable.

B. Visiting a new country brings fresh experience.

C. Coffee will never taste better if you quit it for a month.

D. But the piece of art that made me cry was a familiar one.

E. But it also comes from noticing new things in what is so familiar.

F. So the second experience is never exactly the same as the first one.

G. Another way is changing your routine and taking a break of some kind.



    Like most people, you have probably lost count of the number of perfect-looking shoes you have thrown away simply because the rubber soles (橡胶鞋底) are broken. In addition to the expense, it is also harmful to our environment. Now, thanks to a revolutionary self-healing 3-D printed rubber material, broken shoe soles may be a thing of the past.

The magical polymer (聚合物) is developed by the researchers at the University of Southern California’s (USC) and the University of Connecticut (UConn) . The team, led by USC Assistant Professor Qiming Wang, created it through a process called photopolymerization, which uses light to solidify the liquid used to create 3-D printed plastic. The researchers found that adding the right amount of oxidant (氧化剂) to the liquid allowed the 3-D polymer to heal (愈合) without slowing down the hardening process.

“When we gradually increase the oxidant, the self - healing behavior becomes stronger, but the photopolymerization behavior becomes weaker,” explained Wang. “There is competition between these two behaviors.”

The team, who published the findings in the journal NPG Asia Materials on February 1st,2019, state that the repair time can be reduced by increasing the room temperature. “If you just put a broken shoe on a bench at room temperature, the rubber will heal itself in six to eight hours,” Wang said. “If you apply heat at maybe 60, that expedites the healing process to about two hours.”

Given the material s huge potential, it is not surprising to hear that Wang and his team have been approached by several shoe-making companies eager to be the first to use the technology, which is still in the early stages. Once perfected, the scientists also hope to apply the technique to hard plastics that can be used to create self-healing toys, electronics, vehicle parts, and, if Wang has his way, even tires.

1.How do the researchers make 3-D printed plastic self- heal?

A.By changing the amount of light used.

B.By raising the temperature at which it is used.

C.By increasing the hardening speed of the liquid.

D.By adding the proper amount of oxidant to the liquid.

2.What can be inferred from the text?

A.The creation of 3-D printed plastic doesn’t need light.

B.The surrounding temperature determines the speed of healing.

C.Many shoe making companies got the right to use the technology.

D.Throwing away broken shoe soles has been a thing of the past.

3.What does the underlined word “expedites” mean?

A.Strengthens. B.Delays. C.Accelerates. D.Worsens.

4.Which of the following can be the best title of the text?

A.Self - healing shoes may be in our future.

B.3-D printing technology makes a difference.

C.Self - healing technology will serve many fields.

D.A revolution of rubber soles has changed our life.



    A few years ago, a doctor gave a wrong prescription to a 9-year-old boy because he had accidentally clicked the next medicine listed in the drop-down menu. Unfortunately, the boy died.

Dr. Gidi Stein heard the story and felt forced to do something. “It was like killing someone with a spelling error. He just clicked on the wrong button…Stein said. “One would have thought there’d be some kind of spell-checker to prevent these terrible things from happening. But apparently this is not the case.”

Several things were immediately obvious to the 54-year-old Stein, who had previously studied computer science. “If you look at this problem from a bird’s eye view, there were so many places down the line where this decision could have been stopped-from the physician to the pharmacy (药房) even to the mother. All of them had all the relevant information to have the judgment that this was just the wrong drug for the wrong patient. For Stein, it represented a systematic failure.

Stein compared this with credit cards. “If you use your credit card in the daily routine over time, a pattern emerges of how we use our cards : the grocery store, the gas station in our local town. If your credit card would appear tomorrow in Zimbabwe, it would be unusual. The credit card company would call you and say, “‘Hey, was that you?’”

But nothing like that existed in the field of prescription drugs. So Stein set up a company called MedAware. He came up with a machine learning outliner detection system. In other words, he trained the computers to realize if a doctor accidentally prescribed the wrong medicine.

The system is already used in hospitals and doctor5 s offices. To date, MedAware has used their technology to help nearly six million patients in the United States and Israel.

1.What caused the boy’s death?

A.The doctor’s carelessness. B.The doctor’s poor medical skill.

C.The failure of the computer. D.The incomplete health care system.

2.How did Dr. Gidi Stein react to the boy’s death?

A.He was annoyed and put the blame on the doctor only.

B.He was regretful and tried to prevent similar accidents happening.

C.He was embarrassed and mistook it as a systematic failure.

D.He was confused and detected the mistakes in prescriptions himself.

3.What does Stein want to tell us by mentioning credit cards?

A.Credit cards are available for doctors’ prescriptions.

B.Instructions in using credit cards are offered to users.

C.The boy might have been saved with the technology like credit cards.

D.MedAware’s technology will benefit the patients in Zimbabwe.

4.It can be concluded from the text that ________.

A.MedAware’s technology helps doctors choose right medicine

B.MedAware’s technology checks the prescriptions doctors make out

C.Medical industry worldwide has enjoyed MedAware’s technology

D.The boy? s mother was not to blame for his death during the accident



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