满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Owura Kwadwo Hottish teaches computers i...

    Owura Kwadwo Hottish teaches computers in the school he works in. I think it is a ________ school except for the fact that the school didn’t have ________.

Owura became famous after he posted photos of him on the Internet. In the picture, people could see he was teaching his students by ________ an entire computer on the blackboard. The photos showed the ________ level of education for children in Ghana. People were ________ that Owura made sure each button (按钮) was drawn correctly.

Owura wanted the students to ________ what life with a computer could be like someday. He would come to school half an hour ahead of the ________ every day. He drew the computer on the blackboard, but at the end of his class, it was ________ off to start the next class, so he had to ________ it the next day!

Omura’ s efforts were________ when Microsoft (微软公司) took ________ of his act. They first took him to an international educators’ meeting in Singapore. He made a ________ about his teaching methods at the meeting. He ________ a standing ovation (致敬) after the speech.

________, Owura got the thing he always wanted for his students—some companies ________ computers to the school. Not a single child in the ________ had seen a real computer in their lives. Thanks to their teacher’s ________ the world took notice and responded with ________ to them.

“Your work has really ________ the world. At Microsoft, we believe that educators are heroes. They ________ influence the lifelong skills of their students.” said Anthony Salcito, Vice president at Microsoft.

1.A.final B.dusty C.normal D.personal

2.A.computers B.playgrounds C.classrooms D.managers

3.A.operating B.repairing C.describing D.drawing

4.A.clear B.poor C.ancient D.lucky

5.A.worried B.disappointed C.afraid D.amazed

6.A.start B.imagine C.rebuild D.harm

7.A.line B.culture C.schedule D.deadline

8.A.rubbed B.called C.cut D.shown

9.A.stressed B.improved C.ruined D.repeated

10.A.selected B.rewarded C.simplified D.affected

11.A.care B.charge C.place D.notice

12.A.plan B.speech C.decision D.medal

13.A.decreased B.replaced C.received D.contained

14.A.Suddenly B.Hopelessly C.Importantly D.Strangely

15.A.lent B.sold C.gave D.applied

16.A.school B.nation C.dynasty D.company

17.A.doubt B.pains C.humor D.efforts

18.A.wisdom B.kindness C.honesty D.pride

19.A.inspired B.stuck C.formed D.comforted

20.A.directly B.briefly C.quickly D.rarely


1.C 2.A 3.D 4.B 5.D 6.B 7.C 8.A 9.D 10.B 11.D 12.B 13.C 14.C 15.C 16.A 17.D 18.B 19.A 20.A 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文,加纳一个贫困学校的学生从没有见过真正的电脑,教师Owura就在黑板上画电脑。他的行为引起了微软公司的注意,很多公司给学生赠送电脑。他所付出的努力让人们对教育者有了信心。 1.考查形容词辨析。句意:我认为除了学校没有电脑外,这是一所正规的学校。A. final最后的; B. dusty有灰尘的; C.normal正常的,正规的,规范的; D. personal个人的。Owura任教的学校除了没有电脑外,其他的都和别的学校一样。故选C。 2.考查名词辨析。句意:我认为除了学校没有电脑外,这是一所正规的学校。A. computers电脑; B. playgrounds操场;C. classrooms教室; D. managers "经理.根据下文"Not a single child in the _ 16_ had seen a real computer in their lives"可知,没有一个学生见过真正的电脑,学校没有电脑。故选A。 3.考查动词辨析。句意:在这幅画中,人们可以看到他在黑板上画一整台电脑来教他的学生。 A. operating操作;B. repairing修理;C. describing描述;D. drawing画。根据下文"He drew the computer on the blackboard"可知,他在黑板上画电脑,让学生知道电脑是什么样子的。故选D。 4.考查形容词辨析。句意:照片显示加纳儿童的教育条件很差。A. clear清晰的;B. poor差的, 贫穷的;C. ancient古代的;D. lucky幸运的。学校没有电脑,应该教学条件很差。故选B。 5.考查形容词辨析。句意:令人们惊讶的是, Owura确保电脑的每个按钮都画得很准确。A. worried 担心的 ; B. disappointed失望的; C. afraid害怕的; D. amazed "吃惊的,惊讶的。Owura将电脑的每一个按钮都准确无误地画出来,是很让人惊讶。故选D 6.考查动词辨析。句意: Owura想让学生们想象有一天有电脑的生活会是什么样子。A. start开始; B. imagine想象;C. rebuild重建; D. harm伤害。现在没有电脑,学生只能通过黑板上画的电脑想象。故选B 7.考查名词辨析。句意:他每天都会提前半小时来学校。A.line 线 ; B. culture 文化; C. schedule 日程,安排; D. deadline 截止日期。ahead of schedule固定短语,提前 。故选C。 8.考查动词辨析。句意:但在他的课结束时,它被擦掉了,以开始下一堂课。A. rubbed擦掉;B. called称为;C. cut切断;D. shown显示。根据生活常识,因为要上下一堂课,所以黑板上画的电脑要被擦掉。故选A。 9.考查动词辨析。句意:所以他不得不在第二天再画! A. stressed强调;B. improved提高,改善;C. ruined毁掉;D. repeated重复。第二天上课又要重新画。故选D。 10.考查动词辨析。句意:当微软公司注意到他的行为时,Owura的努力得到了回报。A. selected挑选;B. rewarded酬谢,回报;C. simplified简化;D. affected影响。根据下文"Owura got the thing he always wanted for his students- some companies gave computers to the school,有些公司给他的学校赠送电脑。他的努力没有白费。故选B。 11.考查名词辨析。句意:当微软公司注意到他的行为时,Owura的努力得到了回报。A. care关心;B. charge负责;C. place地点;D. notice注意。take notice of固定短语, 注意,故选D。 12.考查名词辨析。句意:他在会上作了关于他的教学方法的演讲。A. plan计划;B. speech演讲;C. decision决定;D. medal奖章。根据下文中"after the speech"可知,是作演讲。故选B。 13.考查动词辨析。句意:他演讲结束后,大家起立鼓掌。A. decreased减少;B. replaced取代,代替;C. received收到;D. contained包含。演讲结束后,听众起立鼓掌表示对他的敬意。故选C。 14.考查副词辨析。句意:重要的是,Owura得到了他一直想为学生要的东西。A. Suddenly突然; B. Hopelessly毫无希望地; C. Importantly重要地; D.Strangely奇怪地。他个人得到了大家的赞许,为学生做点什么才是最重要的。故选C。 15.考查动词辨析。句意:一些公司给学校捐赠了电脑。A. lent借;B. sold卖;C. gave给;D. applied申请。根据常理,应该是捐赠电脑给学校。故选C。 16.考查名词辨析。句意:学校里没有一个孩子在他们的生活中看到过真正的电脑。A. school学校;B. nation民族;C. dynasty朝代;D. company公司。根据上下文,应该是学校里的孩子。故选A。 17.考查名词辨析。句意:多亏了他们老师的努力。A. doubt怀疑;B. pains辛苦;C. humor幽默;D. efforts努力。为了学生, Owura做出了很多努力。故选D。 18.考查名词辨析。句意:全世界都注意到了他们,并对他们做出了善意的回应。A. wisdom智慧;B. kindness善良;C. honesty诚实;D. pride骄傲。全世界都友好地帮助他们。故选B。 19.考查动词辨析。句意:你的工作确实激励了全世界。A. inspired激励;B. stuck困住;C. formed构成;D. comforted安慰。Owura为学生的教育所付出的努力,激励了全世界的人们。故选A。 20.考查副词辨析。句意:他们直接影响着学生的终身技能。A. directly直接地;B. briefly简短地;C. quickly很快地;D. rarely稀少地,罕见地。教育者对学生的影响应该是直接的。故选A。

How to Keep Long-Distance Friendships

Don’t let distance keep you away from your friends. 1.

Schedule time to chat. Because of kinds of reasons, you and your friends might not be able to chat on the phone every day or even every week.2. My best friend from high school is a new mom and we are in different time zones. But she makes an effort every few weeks to call me on her drive home from work. When I go back home our friendship feels like I’d never left.

3. Texting (发短信) your friends can be a good way. It can help you know about each other. My friends and I text each other about the small things like having to work late or losing an earring.

Use social media. Social media is a good way to keep my long-distance friendships going. It allows you to keep up with your friends’ lives. 4. That makes you feel more deeply connected to them.

Vacation together.5. One friend and I haven’t lived in the same state for 5 years, but I can see her on trips. By going on trips, we can not only stay in touch, but also can create new memories together.

Not every friendship is a friendship that can survive long distance. The thing we can do is do what we can to keep it.

A. Share small things.

B. Schedule time to eat together.

C. Why not plan a trip with your friends?

D. Use these tips to stay close with your friends.

E. It can also help you learn more about their other friends.

F. I drove three hours from Kentucky to spend time with her.

G. Anyway, you should try to find suitable time to chat with your friends.



    Since smart phones were invented, more and more people are obsessed (痴迷) by them. The obsession with phones has spread to running. They’re perfectly used during a running outside. Smart phones can provide music for you and track your route. But experts warn that it’s not a good idea to hold your phone in your hand while you go out for a run because it could cause hip (臀部) and shoulder injuries.

The habit could make the body lose balance. The same goes for water bottles, or anything else you might carry in one hand while on a run.

Professional UK Athletics running coach, Alexa, asks runners to carry phones in a waist belt instead. “When you hold something in our hands, there are slightly indirect influences on your pace. It influences the balance of muscle (肌肉), affects the weight of some body parts, and makes you run less fast,” she tells Cosmopolitan UK. “This could be happening every time you train, week after week, month after month.”

And as mobile phones get bigger and heavier, the more injuries are likely to occur. People like to always hold their phones in the same hand. It’s a force of habit. With one arm heavier, your body will try to compensate for the imbalance by working certain muscles harder than others.

The other risk of running phone-in-hand, of course, is damaging the screen of your phones if you fall. It’s very expensive to change a screen. Some of the latest phones can cost close to £ 300.

1.Why do experts think it unsuitable to run with a smart phone?

A.It affects people’s hearing.

B.It makes people lose eyesight.

C.It does harm to parts of people’s bodies.

D.It has a bad effect on people’s mental health.

2.What does Alexa suggest people do?

A.Carry smart phones in a bag.

B.Avoid touching smart phones with your hands.

C.Watch smart phones when running.

D.Carry smart phones in a waist belt.

3.What does the underlined phrase “compensate for” in paragraph 4 mean?

A.Meet up with. B.Make up for.

C.Face up to. D.Come up with.

4.What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A.Running phone-in-hand is good for people.

B.It’s time to warn people not to use cell phones.

C.Changing a phone screen may cost much.

D.There are mobile phones falling into pieces every day.



    We’ve learned bees can understand zero and do basic math. Now a new study shows their tiny insect brains may be able to connect symbols to numbers.

Adrian Dyer, a professor in the RMIT University, said the research showed brains far smaller than humans’ could know numbers. “Humans learn numbers as children, but being able to recognize what numbers really represent needs a certain level of cognitive (认知的) ability,” Dyer says, “Studies have shown primates (灵长类动物) and birds have this ability, but this is the first time we’ve seen this in insects.”

It’s important for humans to do the research. There are 86 billion neurons (神经元) in humans’ brains. Bees only have less than a million. If bees have the ability to learn something difficult to understand like human-made symbolic language, this will open up exciting new paths for future communication between humans and animals.

Studies have shown that a number of animals have been able to learn symbols of numbers, including parrots and monkeys. Monkeys were taught Arabic numbers and could order them correctly. An African grey parrot called Alex was able to learn numbers and could do simple calculation.

Understanding how tiny brains of bees manage information opens paths to technology, which is good for the future design of computing (计算) systems.

1.What does Adrian Dyer say about the research?

A.The finding of the research is first seen in insects.

B.Humans’ brains are the biggest on the earth.

C.Birds can be as clever as primates.

D.Bees are cleverer than birds.

2.What do we know about the research?

A.Humans may find a new path to communicate with animals.

B.Bees have more neurons than monkeys.

C.Insects have the ability to communicate with humans.

D.Bees can solve basic math problems.

3.Who is Alex according to the text?

A.A child. B.A monkey.

C.An expert. D.A parrot.

4.What’s the main idea of the text?

A.Bees can communicate with other animals.

B.Bees can attach symbols to numbers.

C.Some animals can do math problems.

D.Bees can make communication with humans.



    I was born in Bombay, India. When I was about 6 months old, my legs became paralyzed (麻痹的). My birth mother deserted (遗弃) me. I was adopted (收养) by an American family. I was taken to Spokane, Washington. It took me a long time to be able to walk, because I had to accept a number of operations.

When I was in the business school, one of my friends was training for a marathon. One day, she introduced me to an organization called Achilles International, which was a club for athletes with disabilities. It took me four months to get the courage to make the phone call. Dick Traum, the founder of Achilles, answered the phone. He asked me to show up on Tuesday and would lend me his bike. That was the first time that I had been able to feel the wind in my long hair. I rode really slowly, but it was the coolest feeling to ride a bicycle for the first time.

Later, I decided to take part in the Ironman World Championship. I was in a lot of pain, because I had to practice swimming, biking and running for over nine months.

On the day of the marathon, it took me 14 hours and 39 minutes to finish the Triathlon. After I crossed that finish line, I cried. I made it. It was my determination that made my dream come true.

1.Who took the author to America?

A.Her birth father. B.An Indian family.

C.An American family. D.Her birth mother.

2.Where did the author know about the organization?

A.From a book. B.From her friend.

C.From the Internet. D.From a magazine.

3.What is paragraph 3 mainly about?

A.Her hard exercising experience.

B.Her wish to be successful.

C.Her attitude towards the painful life.

D.Her dream of becoming a champion.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.Disability Is the Key to Success

B.A Friend in Need Is a Friend Indeed

C.Success Depends on Whom You Meet

D.Determination Makes Everything Possible



    Taj Mahal (泰姬陵), one of the Seven Wonders of the World, was built by Mughal Emperor Shah Jahan for his beloved wife Mumtaz Mahal. Exploring the beauty of this cultural relic along with the first rays of the sunlight, you’ll find yourself in a fantastic view. People have described the entire relic as a polished (抛光的) jewel in the morning sunshine.

Here is a route for you to enjoy the beautiful relic. The lowest price guarantee (保证) is $29.00.

Stop at: The hotel in New Delhi

Pick up from the hotel in New Delhi at 3:30 am and drive to Agra.

Duration (时长): 4 hours

Stop at: Taj Mahal

Note: Taj Mahal remains closed on Friday.

Duration: 2 hours

Stop at: Agra Fort

After visiting Taj Mahal, go on to visit Agra Fort, which was built in 1565 A. D. by Great Mughal Emperor Akbar.

Duration: 1.5 hours

Stop at: Mughal Spicy Restaurant

After the end of Agra fort, move towards Mughal Spicy Restaurant to have lunch. It provide you with delicious food of this city.

Duration: 1 hour

After the trip, our assistant will drive you back towards Delhi.

For more information, you can visit our website www. viator. com.

1.Taji Mahal is closed on ________.

A.Friday B.Thursday

C.Wednesday D.Monday

2.How long does it take to visit Agro Fort?

A.4 hours. B.1.5 hours.

C.2 hours. D.1 hour.

3.Where does this text most probably come from?

A.A geography textbook.

B.A historical report.

C.A travel website.

D.A design magazine.



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