满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 续写...

阅读下面材料,根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段,使之构成一篇完整的短文。 续写的词数应为150左右。

We were three thousand miles away from home on a Random Acts of Kindness and Volunteerism Road Trip. We were short of money, so we had two goals today:

1. Try out our new “Smile!” signs and see how much kindness and joy we could spread in Pike Place Market.

2. Raise at least $80 by doing street performances. Singing, drawing or storytelling. This would be enough for gas to Portland and a small hotel room.

We weren’t sure how people would react to our signs. It’s so easy to walk past a busy crowd, lost in your own world, refusing to make eye-contact with strangers, and feeling alone despite being surrounded by hundreds of people just like you. Finally, I gathered courage to raise our signs and shouted, “Hi here!” to a young couple. They looked over, confused for a moment,read my sign and broke into smiles. Then we saw more smiling faces in the crowd.

Before long, our signs were wildly popular. Tourists wanted photos with us. Strangers stopped to ask us about our signs. We told them the story of our acts of kindness road trip and listened to their stories,too.

Sometimes I’d see unfriendly faces and feel particularly nervous to show them my bright sign. But I was always rewarded with a big smile whenever I did so. Suddenly they were no longer faces of strangers but those of neighbors and friends. This world is full of good people we just don’t know yet. We got so wrapped up in our wonderful “Smile! ” project that we forgot the other goal. Before we knew it,the sun was setting,and we had no money for our trip to Portland.

Paragraph 1: We sat down to watch a musician play the guitar while we thought about our second goal. _________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2: Our little band of five attracted a large audience.__________________________________________________________________


We sat down to watch a musician play the guitar while we thought about our second goal. It seemed that it was tough to achieve. Now we didn’t have much time to lose. Suddenly, a good idea flashed through my mind. I gathered my courage and walked straight toward the musician and asked him to do us a favor. To our great delight, he enthusiastically supported our money project and agreed to form a band with us. With an empty hat on the ground in front of us, we began our performance. Our little band of five attracted a large audience. We received a storm of applause. A gentleman in his fifties was the first to put some change into our hat. His act of kindness was soon followed by more donations. A little boy, holding his mom’s hand, carefully dropped a coin and gave us the most beautiful smile in the world. Before it was dark, we were sure we had made it. The amount of money gathered totaled $92. What a sweet victory! We thanked the musician and went on with our journey. In the depth of my heart, I would keep these heartwarming moments forever. 【解析】 这是一篇读后续写作文。 通过阅读所给文章可知,文章主要记叙了作者一行人在一次随机的善举和志愿服务公路旅行中因为缺钱从而制定了两个目标:1.尝试对陌生人微笑看看可以传播多少善意和喜悦;2.参加街头表演,至少筹集80美元。最后,作者一行人在人群中看到了更多的笑脸,感悟到这个世界上充满了我们尚不认识的好人,但是筹集80美元的目标却随着太阳已经下山了还没实现。 续写部分分为两段,第一段开头是:We sat down to watch a musician play the guitar while we thought about our second goal.(我们坐下来看着一位音乐家在弹吉他,而我们正在思考第二个目标)后文应当描写天黑之前的时间不多了。作者想到了一个好主意:请音乐家帮忙加入街头表演。这位音乐家表示支持他们,于是他们开始了表演。第二段开头是:Our little band of five attracted a large audience.(我们的五人小乐队吸引了大批观众)后文应当描写他们的表演赢得了观众的赞赏。接下来人们的捐款总额达到了92美元,实现了第二个目标。他们为这次成功感谢这位音乐家,作者将永远记住这些温暖的时刻。

假定你是李华,你校计划周六举行唐诗朗诵比赛(Tang poetry  recitation contest),请给交流生Chris写封邮件,邀请他参赛,内容包括:

1. 邀请对方参赛;

2. 告知比赛时间、地点;

3. 就如何准备提出建议。

注意事项:1. 词数80左右。

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。





1.Global warming is a major t___(威胁) to the environment.

2.No words can c _____ (表达) my gratitude to you.

3.It is i_____ (非法的) to drive through the red light.

4.You need to give c_____ (具体的) evidence to support your view.

5.The child a_____ (收养) by the old couple turned out a successful businessman.




In Lanzhou, a group of scientists from China 1. other countries are working together to help increase knowledge and appreciation of China’s ancient heritage. They are recording and collecting digital images of cultural relics from the Mogao Caves, a key stop along the Silk Road throughout China’s ancient history. Nearly 500,000 high quality digital photographs have been produced since they 2.(start) the international project in 1994.

The Mogao Caves have long been a meeting point for different 3.(culture) and are  part of the history of many countries. Today, the caves are just as international 4.they were at the time when people travelled the Silk Road. 5.(attract) by the beauty of these  caves,tourists from all over the world visited Dunhuang. The Getty Museum in Los Angeles has even reproduced a copy of the caves and paintings for people6.(admire) in America.

By 7. (share) so many digital photos over 8. Internet, the group hopes to promote even9. (wide) interest around the world in China’s ancient history,culture,and traditions. They also hope to further educate people about the 10. (important) of safeguarding historic relics for future generations to understand and appreciate.



    Cassidy and his friends were waiting for other members of their running group. They met_______ every Thursday but on this day last January, it would not be their _______ run.

The first _______ that something was unusual was the man who ran _______ past them.

“Running at such a fast pace,” Cassidy said to his friends in_______.

Cassidy _______ why the man was so swift when another man ran by, _______, “Help! He took my phone!”

At that, they ran, tracking the _______ down the streets _______ he disappeared in a construction site. Cassidy ran around to the far side of the site to cut the thief off while the others ____________ the neighborhood hoping he had thrown away the phone in a backyard.

No ____________ So they decided to ask the citizens whether they’d seen the guy. They knocked  on one door after another. To their ____________, as one owner opened the door, the suspect rushed out and right ____________ the arms of the police, who’d already joined the search.

“Running is typically a useless sport where you turn fat cells into heat, but occasionally it can be____________,” Cassidy told the Philadelphia Inquirer, “and here was one of those ____________.”

1.A.roughly B.eventually C.regularly D.curiously

2.A.exhausting B.flexible C.normal D.safe

3.A.clue B.sight C.risk D.decision

4.A.slowly B.desperately C.steadily D.aimlessly

5.A.panic B.admiration C.relief D.anger

6.A.tried out B.let out C.picked out D.figured out

7.A.adding B.complaining C.whispering D.screaming

8.A.member B.athlete C.suspect D.colleague

9.A.after B.until C.as D.whether

10.A.searched B.served C.warned D.harmed

11.A.luck B.doubt C.way D.wonder

12.A.sorrow B.surprise C.embarrassment D.disappointment

13.A.over B.through C.off D.into

14.A.useful B.useless C.tiring D.tough

15.A.purposes B.opportunities C.plans D.tricks



Are you doing it right? Writing a thank-you note

I have always been a big advocate of thank-you notes. People will always think better of you for saying thank you properly. 1. For example, we can all send a WhatsApp message. However, it is not the same as sitting down, putting pen to paper, getting a first-class stamp and sending it off in the post. 2. A thank-you note like this is less likely to get lost in the digital noise.

3. You are supposed to send your thank-you note as soon as possible after the event has taken place, or after you have received your gift. Christmas is the only occasion where you have a week or so to respond. Princess Diana supposedly started her thank-you letters before the event. 4.

Don’t start with “thank you”, though: it is dull and predictable. 5. And then go on to the thank you. The more kindness you have received, the longer the message should be. Try to make sure the stationery (文具) is fairly nice; some people use postcard-sized cards, so their notes are only a couple of lines long. If you are using paper, go for A5 and write a maximum of two separate pieces of paper. Never write on the back.

A. It meant she never forgot.

B. What is the best time to send it?

C. Many occasions require thank-you notes.

D. At modem times, we may have many choices.

E. In fact, that will mean a lot more to a person.

F. Being thankful for the kindness of others is natural.

G. Start something personal about the experience or gift.



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