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Today, home-ownership has reached extrem...

    Today, home-ownership has reached extremely high levels. Modern generations tend to believe there is something wrong with them 1. they rent. However, is high home-ownership really as people imagine2. (stare) at data first, we realize that the most successful, stable, attractive country in the Western world is Switzerland. It has tiny unemployment; wealth; high happiness and mental-health scores. Does it have high home-ownership rates? Absolutely not. In Switzerland, about seven in ten of the population are renters. Yet, with Europe’s 3. (low) home-ownership rate, the nation thrives. Now go to the other end of the misery distribution. Spain has approximately the highest home-ownership rate in Europe at more than 80%. But one-quarter of its population are unemployed.

A likely reason is that high levels of home-ownership mess up the labour market. In a sensibly functioning economy it is easy for people to move around to drop into the vibrant job slots 4. (throw) up by technological change. With a high degree of owner-occupation, everything slows. Folk get stuck. Renters can go to new jobs. In that way they do the economy a favours. 5. Friedman said, the rate of unemployment depends on the flexibility of the housing market.

Next we come to economic breakdown. Most analysts accept that at heart it was the housing market-obsessive pursuit of homes, the engendered mortgage(房贷) lending and an unavoidable house-price crash--- 6. sank the Western world. Germany, say, with its more efficient rental market, had a far smoother ride through trouble.

As for the monetary system, in the past few decades, in the hope of getting untaxed capital gains way above their true labour earnings, many people threw their spare cash into buying larger houses or building extra bedrooms. TV programmes about how to make easy money, beautiful rising house prices, and most importantly, our faulty tax system encouraged that. When 7. some point market broke down, everyone suffered. Our countries ought, instead, to design tax systems that encourage people to invest in productive real activities and in innovation. Renting leaves money free for better purposes. That also points to the role of sensible budgeting over a person’s lifetime. Why should we think that when we die it is necessary 8. (pay) off an entire house

Our children do not deserve it. Let them pay for themselves. We 9. rent-and enjoy our lives with the money saved.

Finally, moderation usually pays off. Our scientific understanding of how economies function is horribly limited. This suggests that the golden rule should be to avoid extremes. A50-50mix of home-ownership and renting, not the 70-30split that is now observed in so many Western nations, 10. (make) sense.


1.if 2.Staring 3.lowest 4.thrown 5.As 6.that 7.at 8.to have paid off 9.should 10.makes 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了住房拥有率和租房对一个国家的经济稳定有很大的影响,并列举了不同国家的租房情况及人们的生活状况。 1.考查状语从句。句意:现代几代人倾向于认为,如果他们租房,就会有问题。根据句意可知,此处需用if引导条件状语从句。故填if。 2.考查非谓语动词。分析句式可知,设空处所在部分是做句子的状语,因此用所给动词的非谓语形式。逻辑主语we与stare之间是主动关系,用现在分词形式,位于句首,首字母大写。故填Staring。 3.考查形容词。句意:然而,随着欧洲最低的住房拥有率,这个国家蓬勃发展。结合上下文语境可知,此处是要表达欧洲拥有最低的住房拥有率。因此,使用最高级。故填lowest。 4.考查非谓语动词。句意:在一个合理运转的经济中,人们很容易四处流动,进入由技术变革带来的充满活力的工作岗位。分析句式可知,设空处所给动词不做谓语,因此用非谓语形式,逻辑主语people与throw之间是被动关系,用过去分词。故填thrown。 5.考查定语从句。句意:正如弗里德曼说,失业率取决于住房市场的灵活性。这是个定语从句,从句缺少宾语,根据句意可知,用as引导,as“正如”的意思,指代整个主句的内容。故填As。 6.考查强调句。句意:大多数分析人士认为,西方世界的衰落,实质上是由于房地产市场对住房的过度追求、抵押贷款以及不可避免的房价暴跌造成的。分析句式并结合句意可知,本句是使用了强调句的基本句型:it was+被强调部分+that从句。被强调部分为the housing market-obsessive pursuit of homes, the engendered mortgage(房贷) lending and an unavoidable house-price crash。故填that。 7.考查介词。句意:当市场在某一时刻崩溃时,所有人都会遭殃。at some point某时,某种情况下。结合句意,故填at。 8.考查固定结构。句意:为什么我们要认为我们死后必须还清整个房子的贷款呢? it is+形容词+to do是固定句型,it作形式主语,用不定式做真正的主语。根据句意可知,此处是指死时已经还完了,用不定式的完成时。故填to have paid off。 9.考查情态动词。句意:我们应该用省下来的钱来享受生活。根据句意和上文语境可知,此处用should比较合句意。故填should。 10.考查主谓一致。句意:在许多西方国家,住房和租赁的比例是50%对50%,而不是现在的70%对30%,这是合理的。根据句意和分析句式可知,主语是A50-50mix of home-ownership and renting,谓语用三单形式。故填makes。

    There is a tendency to think of each of the arts as 1. separate area of activity. Many artists, however, would prove 2. there has always been a warm relationship between the a warm relationship areas of human activity. For example, in the late nineteenth century the connections between music and painting were especially close. Artists 3. (invite) to design clothes and settings for operas and ballets, 4. sometimes it was the musicians who were inspired by the work of contemporary painters. Of the musical compositions as responses to the visual arts, perhaps the most famous is Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition.

Mussorgsky composed the piece in 1874 after the death, at the age of 39, of the artist Victor Hartman. 5. their friendship had not been a particularly long-lasting one, Mussorgsky was shocked by Hartmann’s unexpected death. The following year the critic, Vladimir Stasov, 6. decided to told an exhibition of Hartmann’s work, suggested  that Mussorgsky 7. (try) to relieve his grief by writing something in memory of Hartmann.

The exhibition served as Mussorgsky’s inspiration. The ten pieces that make up Pictures at an Exhibition 8. (intend) as symbols rather than representation of the paintings in the exhibition. Between each is a promenade (舞曲中的行进), as the composer walks from one painting to 9. The music is sometimes witty and playful, sometimes almost alarming and frightening. Thought a range of surprising contrasts, Mussorgsky manages 10. (convey) the spirit of the artist and his work.




1. 宿舍生活是学校生活的重要部分;

2. 遵守校规,如按时作息等;

3. 学会与同学们交流与分享;

4. 和谐的宿舍生活很重要。












Simon’s father bought him the new bike the day before yesterday, which made him very exciting. Then he began to ride it fast on the road. Seeing a man getting closely to him, Simon couldn’t stop it and as a result, he knock into the man. Being very kind, so the man didn’t scold him at all. Instead, he told him how dangerously it was to ride a bike so fast. He asked him to keep the lesson in mind. Simon felt regretful but ashamed. He promised keep the lesson in mind forever. Then, the man bent on and began to repair his bike. After a while, he got them repaired. Simon was greatly moved. He thanked the man and left happily.



阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

Nigeria is a country in West Africa. It has 1. population of over 180 million, making it the most populous country in Africa. Nigeria is famous 2. crude oil, music and fashion.

Last year I volunteered in Nigeria for 7 months. My role was to set up youth clubs in primary and secondary schools. The purpose of the youth clubs was 3. (teach) children life skills such as teamwork, science and maths. It was a(n) 4. (enjoy) experience. I got to help other people and learn about Nigerian culture first-hand. In particular I learnt about Nigerian clothing and languages.

As well as 5. (wear) Western clothing, such as jeans and T-shirts, Nigerians also wear traditional clothing. Traditional clothing 6. (be) bold with bright colours, eye-catching patterns (图案) and unique shapes. Nigerians wear traditional clothing on Fridays and Sundays, and for special occasions like weddings. They either make the clothes themselves or have them 7. (make) by a tailor (裁缝).

The official language in Nigeria is English. English 8. (introduce) to Nigeria when Nigeria became part of the British Empire in 1901. English is 9. (main) spoken in big cities. Outside of these cities people speak lots of other languages. In fact, there are over 500 languages 10. are spoken in Nigeria. These languages come from different ethnic (种族的) groups.



    I worked on boats for twenty­five years. Now I am a docking pilot(码头领航员). My job is to _____ in the large luxury liners(邮轮) and stay with them until they are _____ stopped in the harbour. Sometimes this requires two tugs(拖船), sometimes many more,  _____ the tide and the weather.

Most of you no _____ have seen these tugs pushing and pulling at the big liners. What they are doing doesn't seem to make much _____,_as the minute the big boat is alongside the port, her heavy rope made fast, the job is _____.

I felt very _____ after I had docked several of the large liners. I realized I was in _____ of a great ship worth millions of dollars and the _____ were depending on me to bring her safely to the port. These tugs, whether one or ten, ______ about in accord with(……一致) whistle signals I ______ them from the bridge of the big liner. These signals make up a language that is just as ______ as the spoken word, or even more so, ______ our docking signals are hardly misunderstood. The captain of each tug does his work according to the signals he ______. He never asks questions. He takes ______ faithfully, and it ______ works out.

Working around tugboats, where so much depends on ______,_has had its effect on what I believe. I believe that if I am to attain a(n) ______ place in the world I must have the help of my fellow men just as the great transatlantic(横越大西洋的) liners depend on the ______ of the little tugs to bring them safely to the ______.

1.A.put B.push C.bring D.join

2.A.safely B.dangerously C.immediately D.illegally

3.A.adding to B.letting alone C.thinking of D.depending on

4.A.wonder B.doubt C.need D.exception

5.A.sense B.profit C.progress D.advance

6.A.prepared B.lost C.planned D.done

7.A.bored B.meaningless C.important D.tired

8.A.control B.praise C.defence D.place

9.A.clerks B.sportsmen C.readers D.owners

10.A.look B.move C.hear D.worry

11.A.write B.send C.mail D.bring

12.A.dependable B.incredible C.doubtful D.visible

13.A.though B.if C.while D.because

14.A.gives B.spreads C.receives D.passes

15.A.nothing B.anything C.something D.everything

16.A.never B.ever C.always D.seldom

17.A.imagination B.creation C.teamwork D.performance

18.A.successful B.frustrating C.regretful D.embarrassing

19.A.prevention B.help C.objection D.delay

20.A.airport B.station C.port D.stop



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