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Twenty minutes isn't even enough time to...

    Twenty minutes isn't even enough time to catch a lecture of The Big Bang Theory. Yet for many people, that’s the amount of face time they'll get with their doctors all year. 1. During the time, try to ask the confusing questions, which is the key to staying healthy in between checkups.

What happens if I don't take the medicine?

Many patients feel medicine should be taken when they're obviously sick, and skip it when they feel they have recovered. But some conditions take months or even years to be completely removed. In such case, even if you don't have symptoms, don't skip medicine. 2.

Does the medicine interact with my supplements (增补物)?

Many patients assume that supplements like vitamins or herbs are helpful and won't interact with their medicine. That's a dangerous assumption. There're many drug interactions with herbs and nutrients. 3.Patients on certain antidepressants (抗抑郁剂), for example, should not take herbs like St. John's wort (圣约翰麦汁).

What changes can I make to improve my condition?

Diet, exercise, sleep, and stress are all huge elements that impact health and are all completely under a patient's control. 4. But in almost every case, your health can be improved with changes to those four elements.


Your treatment can be a journey, and you should know what kinds of signposts (路标) to look for-good and bad. Being aware of potential challenges, side effects, and failure rates can help you prepare for issues and important improvements: you and your doctor can come up with ways to deal with both.

A. And some can be deadly.

B. Why should I have to deal with the health issues?

C. In many cases, drugs and medicine may be necessary.

D. What kind of improvements and problems should I expect?

E. Instead, take it regularly so that it can have its intended effect.

F. In your next checkup, instead, be prepared for the twenty minutes.

G. That's why it makes sense to make full use of that precious period.


1.G 2.E 3.A 4.C 5.D 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。在和医生有限的面谈时间内应该尽量询问让人困惑的健康问题。就此,文章列出了一些比较常见的疑问。 1.前文Yet for many people, that's the amount of face time they'll get with their doctors all year. (然而对于很多来说,那时一年中他们与医生面谈的时间总量)与G. That's why it makes sense to make full use of that precious period. (那就是为什么充分利用这段宝贵的时间是有意义的)承接自然,选项中的that precious period就是前文所提到的the amount of face time,故选G项。 2.前文But some conditions take months or even years to be completely removed. In such case, even if you don't have symptoms, don't skip medicine. (但是有的状况需要几个月甚至几年才能完全被清除。这种情况下,即使你没有症状,也要坚持吃药)与E. Instead, take it regularly so that it can have its intended effect. (相反,要有规律地吃药,这样才会有预期的效果)承接自然,选项中的take it regularly和前文的don't skip medicine是关键词,故选E项 3.前文There're many drug interactions with herbs and nutrients.(有很多增补物和草药以及维他命有药物反应)与A. And some can be deadly. (有些可能致命)承接自然,前后文是明显的递进关系,都讲述增补物和药物的反应问题,故选A项。 4.后文But in almost every case, your health can be improved with changes to those four elements.(但几乎在任何情况下,你的健康都可以通过改变这四种因素得到改善)与C. In many cases, drugs and medicine may be necessary. (在很多情况中,药物可能是必要的)承接自然,身体状况的改善可能需要药物,但关键是改变四个影响健康的要素,此外case是关键词,故选C项。 5.根据下文Being aware of potential challenges, side effects, and failure rates can help you prepare for issues and important improvements: you and your doctor can come up with ways to deal with both. (清楚潜在的挑战、副作用和失败率可以帮助你为问题和重要的改进做准备,你和你的医生可以想出方法来处理这两个问题)可知本文主要讲述病人会面对什么样的问题和会有什么样的改善。D. What kind of improvements and problems should I expect?(我应该期待什么样的问题和改善)可以作为本段小标题,improvement,issue和problem是关键词,故选D项。

    It is an uncomfortable fact that civilized society is almost completely dependent upon fossil fuels in nearly every aspect. Whether you believe there are hundreds of years or just a few decades left of this resource, the fact remains that it is a limited resource. At some point, fossil fuels are going to either be gone or become too expensive to realistically use. That is, when fossil fuels become too expensive to use, people will just start using something else. Though this may work well in theory, actually shifting from fossil fuels is not the same as shifting from one brand of shampoo to another.

This is entirely due to the fact that humans rely so much on the infrastructure (基础设施) they have developed, which is entirely dependent upon this resource, accounting for 85% of the United State's energy use. If the world were entirely dependent upon solar energy, that would be fine because sunlight is a continuing resource. However, at the current state of things, humans are in a dangerous position owing to its complete dependence upon one single limited input.

Fossil fuels are also responsible for a significant amount of land, water, and air pollution beyond their carbon dioxide (二氧化碳) production. For example, coal mining brings solid wastes to the surface that would normally remain underground and the areas around a mine can remain barren (贫瘠的) for generations due to the lack of proper topsoil. The burning of coal for energy also produces many different types of particulate (微粒的) matter that pollutes the air. Compared with fossil fuels, renewable energy is far more environmentally friendly.

There exists an argument that renewable energy options are not as efficient as fossil fuels because the deployment (部署) of renewable energy equipment like the wind turbine (风力涡轮机) costs a lot of money. However, when factors such as pollution and climate change are considered, renewable energy is actually far more efficient than fossil fuels. And fossil fuels will be surely replaced by renewable energy whether it is your generation or your grandchildren's.

1.According to paragraph 1, we know fossil fuels ____.

A.are heavily depended on by humans

B.are a symbol of civilized society

C.are becoming more and more expensive

D.can be replaced by other resources soon

2.What does ''This'' in paragraph 2 refer to?

A.That it is necessary to use solar energy.

B.That it is hard to stop using fossil fuels.

C.That people have overconsumed fossil fuels.

D.That people have developed so many infrastructures.

3.What is the purpose of paragraph 3?

A.To show the relationship between greenhouse gases and fossil fuels.

B.To present negative consequences brought by fossil fuels.

C.To introduce how carbon dioxide affects the environment.

D.To explain why fossil fuels should be used.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A.Renewable energy equipment is economically-beneficial.

B.Renewable energy produces less energy than fossil fuels.

C.It is very urgent for people to shift to renewable energy.

D.It is an unstoppable trend to use renewable energy.



    After a nail salon turns away a physically challenged woman, a stranger makes a truly beautiful gesture, ''Beauty isn't about having a pretty face. It’s about having a pretty mind, a pretty heart, and a pretty soul, oh, and pretty nails! '' That may well be Angela Peter's motto. Last July, Peters, 36, rolled her wheelchair into a nail salon at the Walmart shopping center in Burton, Michigan, with the idea of painting her fingers. But Peters was turned away. The salon told her that they were afraid it would be too difficult to properly paint her nails given that her hands shook. What was meant to be a day of happiness for Peters was now a disappointment.

Ebony Harris, 40, saw everything and approached Peters. Harris offered to do her nails. They shopped for nail polish. They settled on a bright blue-a color that would catch every eye. They then made their way into a neighbouring Subway, found a table for two, and set up shop. Harris gently took Peters' hand into hers and carefully began painting her nails. Watching it al with awe and admiration was Subway employee Tasia Smith. What struck her most was the ease and gentleness displayed by Harris as she painted Peters' nails, all the while chatting as if they were old friends.

Peters, who runs a poetry website, heavenlypoems.com, harbors no bitterness towards the nail salon that turned her away. The salon says they refused to offer Peters service because they were too busy. ''When people do us wrong, we must forgive, '' Peters wrote on her website. ''I just want to educate people that people with different disabilities, like being in a wheelchair, can have our own business and get our nails done like anyone else. ''

1.Why did Peters go to the Walmart shopping centre?

A.To go shopping. B.To eat at a Subway.

C.To meet her friend Harris. D.To have her nails painted.

2.What caused Peters' disappointment?

A.She was disabled. B.She was refused.

C.The salon was busy. D.She had no nail polish.

3.How do you find Ebony Harris?

A.Mean. B.Optimistic.

C.Caring. D.Stubborn.

4.What can we infer from the passage?

A.It's better to use websites to educate people.

B.The salon had its acceptable reason to decline a disabled woman.

C.Those who did something wrong should not be forgiven.

D.People with different challenges should be treated equally.



    The phone rang. I waited for the answering machine to get it, but for some reason, it was not picking up. I sighed, annoyed because I knew the call was either going to be for my wife, Susan (she was the only one who received calls on the home line, and she left to take Alyce to school ten minutes ago), or it was the latest of 300 attempts to sell me something I had absolutely no interest in.

''Hello, '' I said, an edge in my voice. 12-year-old daughter, ''Mommy was just in a car accident. '' My heart stopped and then began pounding. ''Are you all right? '' ''Yes. '' ''Is Mommy? '' A deep sob. ''I don't know…I don't think so. Come quick. '' I rushed a few blocks to what looked like a shoot for a disaster movie. Fire engines, police cars, and ambulances were randomly parked in the street; helicopters circled. A city bus was on the wrong side of the road. In front of it were the smashed remains of Susan's car. Susan was pinned under the dashboard (仪表盘). There was no front windshield (挡风玻璃).

Alyce was standing on the corner crying, covered in tiny pieces of glass but uninjured. Inconceivable! Susan wasn’t so lucky. But she was alive. It turned out that she had broken nearly every bone in her body, and she would spend almost three months in the hospital.

More than two years later, Susan and I were at a musical event. Our director, Danny, rushed up to us. He said excitedly, ''There's a woman here tonight from one of the church choirs who you have to meet! '' He returned with an African American woman with a bright, glowing smile. She told us she lived in the apartment building by where the accident had happened. That morning, she had rushed to the street, still in her bathrobe, and seen Alyce standing by the side of the wrecked car, crying. She approached her, asking, ''Is that your mom in there? '' Alyce nodded, and the woman said, ''Let's pray together. ''

Sweet, innocent Alyce looked at this woman wearing a cross around her neck and told her that she needed to call me, but her backpack with her phone was trapped inside the crushed vehicle. So the woman lent Alyce her phone. After the accident, she said, she had continued to pray for our family. We had our picture taken together, and as we were saying goodbye, she hugged us all warmly. We realized we had never been formally introduced, so she said to me, ''I'm sorry, I never got your name. '' I told her it was Doug, and she paused, as if maybe she hadn't heard me. I repeated, ''Doug, like Douglas. '' She looked at us and said, ''Wait, your name is Susan? '' Susan nodded. ''And your name is Douglas? '' The woman put her hand over her heart. ''Oh my goodness, '' she said. ''My name is Susan Douglas. ''

1.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.Both the author's wife and the daughter were not severely injured.

B.The author was calm when he heard about the accident.

C.The author was the only one who received calls on home line.

D.The author rushed to the accident like a shoot.

2.What does the underlined word inconceivable refer to in the 3rd passage?

A.Innocent. B.Unconscious.

C.Incredible. D.Unfortunate.

3.Why did the African American woman want to see the author's family?

A.They were from the same church choir.

B.She witnessed the whole accident and offered to help two years ago.

C.She shared the same first name with the author's wife.

D.She would like to talk about her experience and had a picture taken.

4.What is the best title of the article?

A.The Bus Crash Angel B.The Unwanted Call

C.An Expected Crash D.A Fun Encounter



    Blogging has been around for 25 years. There are some successful blogs that have been around from the very beginning and even some new bloggers who quickly gained success. Here are some successful blogs you should start following.

Boing Boing

Boing Boing is one of the oldest blogs. Its content ranges from pop culture to academic stuff, technology to inspirational stories, and plenty of political stuff. Their website design is simple. But once you start reading their blog, you will become interested in their fun writing style. That’s why Boing Boing is one of the blogs that inspired modern-day blog writing.


Entrepreneur gives you tips on being a better worker. Even though most of their content targets business owners, anyone can gain something from reading their productivity advice. If you care about being successful, Entrepreneur is a blog you must follow.

Perez Hilton

Perez Hilton formed the ''most hated celebrity website''. The website mainly focuses on rumors that happen on the red carpet. Perez Hilton became famous because he wasn't afraid to blame certain celebrities for their crazy behaviors. Even though celebrities hate him, his blog still attracts millions of readers. You can still see Perez Hilton appearing on the red carpet today.

Tech Crunch

If you want to hear the latest news in tech, you will likely go to TechCrunch. Since its foundation in 2005, the blog began to cover all things about tech. The blog was founded by the lawyer and businessman Michael Arrington. He loved writing about different companies and technology. As of today, TechCrunch is the third-most popular website in the world.

1.What do we know about Boing Boing?

A.It covers diverse topics. B.It is famous for its founder.

C.Its website design is outdated. D.It has the largest numbers of users.

2.Entrepreneur helps people to ____.

A.have a good regulation B.get better job chances

C.promote their products online D.develop interesting writing styles

3.Which blog is most suitable for people who are interested in digital products?

A.Boing Boing. B.Entrepreneur.

C.Perez Hilton. D.TechCrunch.




Mary waited anxiously for her turn in the empty dressing room. Never had she been so nervous before. This competition was of vital importance to her comeback .“If I can win today,” she said to herself, “I can dance on the national stage next month.” Three months ago, her left arm was seriously injured in a car accident.After the medical treatment , she began to recover slowly. She practiced over and over again in order to regain her dancing skills.

“Hi, Mary,” in rushed her friend Jessica.“How is your arm? Is it going to influence your performance?”

“I guess it can be tolerated for I am to win the match . ” said Mary with a determined look.

“Admirable! But I hear that a girl called Linda is really gifted and strong.She can be your real well-matched competitor.Come on!”

After Jessica left,Mary decided to practice her most difficult spin . “If I don’t try harder, I won’t grasp this chance.” She thought. But her arm began to hurt, making her worried. “Mary, what makes you think you have a chance tonight?” she said to herself. After the pain was gone, she continued to warm up.

A slim girl hurried in and put down an equipment bag on the chair.Then, she took out her dance dress quickly and put it on skillfully. Seeing Mary, she smiled politely and said “Hi, I’m Linda. I am the next one!” Mary nodded in reply but felt uncomfortable. “This is just my competitor. Because of her, I may lose tonight.” Her mind was wandering when Linda let out a scream, “Oh, God, I can’t find my music tape!” Linda searched her bag but in vain . “It may be missing on the way.”With these words, she then rushed out.






Paragraph 1:

Suddenly, Mary caught sight of a black box under the chair where Linda put her bag.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Paragraph 2:

Hearing her name called, Mary walked on the stage with her heart beating faster and faster.____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________



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