满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

In a small village there lived a lazy Br...

    In a small village there lived a lazy Brahmin Ramdas. He would do _____ but daydream whole day.

One sunny afternoon, Ramdas was very ______. He said, "What a beautiful day. How I wish I could go back to _____. But then, I will have to go out and get my food." After bathing, Ramdas took out a bowl and out to ______.

By begging the whole day he managed to get a pot full of ______.

"It is this pot of milk that is going to make me ______," he thought. "I will use it to make butter. From the butter, I will be ______ to make ghee (酥油). I am really clever!"

"I will then go to the ______ and sell the ghee " his dream _____. "With the money I get, I will buy a pair of goats. They will have ______ after six months. Soon I would have an entire herd of goats."

"How ______ I am," he thought. "The day I become a rich businessman I will build a big house _____ in the middle of the village. There will be a splendid garden and a swimming pool in front of the house. Early morning I will ______ in the blue waters of the pool.

Deep in his _____, he struck out with his foot, breaking the _____, and drenched (使湿透)himself with the milk. He saw the broken pot and ______. He lost whatever he had because of his ______ and day dreaming.

Laziness is the biggest ______ of our life. If you are lazy then you will not acquire any significant ____ in your life and will always have nothing. Laziness is a _____ who slowly steals everything from us. If you want to become successful in your life and career, please overcome the devil laziness.

1.A.something B.everything C.nothing D.anything

2.A.hungry B.angry C.sick D.curious

3.A.sleep B.eat C.play D.work

4.A.beat B.beg C.sell D.entertain

5.A.soup B.milk C.water D.money

6.A.happy B.strange C.famous D.rich

7.A.lucky B.able C.interested D.particular

8.A.road B.hotel C.market D.house

9.A.changed B.paused C.continued D.stopped

10.A.kids B.huts C.arguments D.wounds

11.A.smart B.handsome C.brave D.generous

12.A.just B.still C.even D.right

13.A.sweep B.exercise C.surf D.bathe

14.A.ideas B.thoughts C.opinions D.expressions

15.A.pot B.heart C.toe D.goal

16.A.fell B.shouted C.laughed D.cried

17.A.laziness B.sadness C.carelessness D.anxiety

18.A.success B.aim C.enemy D.partner

19.A.case B.position C.condition D.point

20.A.robber B.murderer C.thief D.visitor


1.C 2.A 3.A 4.B 5.B 6.D 7.B 8.C 9.C 10.A 11.A 12.D 13.D 14.B 15.A 16.D 17.A 18.C 19.B 20.C 【解析】 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。通过讲述一个整日什么也不做并且只会白日做梦的人的故事,从而告诉我们懒惰是我们最大的敌人。 1.考查代词辨析。句意:他什么也不做,除了白日做梦。something一些事;everything每件事;nothing无事,无物;anything任何事。根据上文a lazy Brahmin Ramdas可推断,他什么也不做,故选C。 2.考查形容词辨析。句意:在一个阳光明媚的下文,Ramdas非常饥饿。hungry饥饿的;angry生气的;sick生病的;curious好奇的。根据I will have to go out and get my food(我不得不出去买食物)可知,Ramdas非常饥饿​,故选A。 3.考查名词辨析。句意:我多么希望我能够回去睡觉。sleep睡觉;eat吃;play玩;work工作。Ramdas是个懒惰的人,由go back以及下文他不得不出去找食物可以推断,他想要回去睡觉,故选A。 4.考查动词辨析。句意:洗澡以后,Ramdas拿着碗,出去乞讨。beat打;beg祈求;sell卖;entertain招待。根据下文By begging the whole day…(乞讨一天)可知,洗澡以后,Ramdas拿着碗,出去乞讨,故选B。 5.考查名词辨析。句意:经过一整天乞讨,他设法得到一整罐的牛奶。soup汤;milk牛奶;water水;money金钱。根据下文It is this pot of milk…可知,经过乞讨,他得到一整罐的牛奶,故选B。 6.考查形容词辨析。句意:就是这罐牛奶将会让我富有。happy高兴的;strange奇怪的;famous著名的;rich富有的。根据下文,他想要用牛奶制作黄油,用黄油制作酥油可推断,他认为自己会很富有。故选D。 7.考查形容词辨析。句意:我能够做酥油。be able to固定搭配,译为“能够,有能力的”。luck幸运的;able能够;interested感兴趣的;particular特别的,根据语境,此处表示用黄油将能够制作酥油。故选B。 8.考查名词辨析。句意:然后我将去市场卖掉酥油。road路;hotel宾馆;market市场;shop商店。根据sell可知是去市场,故选C。 9.考查动词辨析。句意:“我然后到市场上,卖掉酥油”他的梦继续。changed改变;paused暂停;continued继续;stopped停止。根据上下文内容I will then go to the ___8___ and sell the ghee"和With the money I get, I will buy a pair of goats.可知,他继续做梦,故选C。 10.考查名词辨析。句意:用我得到的钱,买一对山羊。它们六个月后将会有小山羊。kids小山羊;huts小屋;arguments论点;wounds伤口。根据下文Soon I would have an entire herd of goats.可推断,六个月后它们会生小山羊。故选A。 11.考查形容词辨析。句意:我是多么聪明啊!smart聪明的;handsome英俊的;brave勇敢的;generous慷慨的。根据上文I am really clever!可推断,此处用clever的同义词smart,故选A。 12.考查副词辨析。句意:我变成富有商人的那天,我会正对着村庄中心建一个大房子。just仅仅;still仍然;even甚至;right正确地,恰当地。根据语境可知,此处表示正对着村庄中心,故选D。 13.考查动词辨析。句意:清晨,我将会在蓝色的水池里洗澡。sweep打扫;exercise锻炼;surf在……冲浪;bathe沐浴。根据in the blue waters of the pool可知,在水池里洗澡,故选D。 14.考查名词辨析。句意:沉浸在他的想法里,他迈开脚,打破了罐子,牛奶弄湿了自己。ideas想法,主意;thoughts想法;opinions意见,观点;expressions表情。根据下文he struck out with his foot可推断,他陷入沉思,迈步向前,打破了罐子,故选B。 15.考查名词辨析。句意同上。pot盘,罐;heart心脏;toe脚趾;goal目标。根据下文He saw the broken pot可知答案,故选A。 16.考查动词辨析。句意:他看到破了的罐子,大哭。fell摔倒;shouted大叫;laughed笑;cried哭。罐子破了理应是哭。故选D。 17.考查名词辨析。句意:因为他的懒惰和白日梦,他丢了得到的一切。laziness懒惰;sadness悲伤;carelessness粗心;anxiety焦急。根据上文In a small village there lived a lazy Brahmin Ramdas. 故选A。 18.考查名词辨析。句意:懒惰是我们最大的敌人。success成功;aim目标;enemy敌人;partner同伴。根据下文If you are lazy then you will not acquire any significant ___19___ in your life and will always have nothing.可知,懒惰是敌人,故选C。 19.考查名词辨析。句意:如果你懒惰,那么在你的生活中你不会获得举足轻重的职位。case事例,病例;position位置,职位;condition条件;point要点。根据下文will always have nothing可知,你不会获得重要的职位,故选B。 20.考查名词辨析。句意:懒惰是慢慢偷走我们一切的贼。robber强盗;murderer凶手,谋杀犯;thief贼;visitor参观者。根据who slowly steals everything from us可知答案,故选C。

Why should we never stop learning

Today we often think learning is what we do in school, and once we’ve got our college degree, it’s time to work and stop leaning. In fact, things aren’t really that black and white. We carry on learning in every part of our lives. 1.. Instead, it is about self-growth and enrichment. Here are some reasons why we should keep learning, no matter how old we are.


For me, the first reason to keep learning new things is that I enjoy it. It’s different from what I get from a movie. Although learning something new is not always comfortable, I’m happier in the long run. The more you learn, the more confident you will become, and the more pleased you will be with yourself.

Learning keeps you healthy

Studies have shown that our brains are best developed when we use them often. 3.. Learning how to eat well, and how to prepare and cook food or learning a new sport are all great ways to keep better control of your body.

Learning puts you on the fast track to success

4. If you think that you’ve learned everything that you need to know about about running a business, or managing your team, you’ n fail to compete against those who just love to learn it.

Learning helps you have better control of your life

In your personal life, you’ll want to keep learning too. For example, learning about managing your money—things that we are not often taught in school—can turn your life around. You can spend them on the most valuable things. 5.

So what have you learned this week? Why not make a list of what you want to learn next week?

A. As is known to all, successful people keep lifelong leaning.

B. It brings more friends to us.

C. Learning adds pleasure to your life.

D. You can also learn to manage your time, thus avoiding making you life a mess.

E. It helps you get better prepared for examinations.

F. Learning often doesn’t mean to pass exams.

G. Older people who carry on leaning have more chance to get free from illnesses of aged people.



    Washing windows on a skyscraper is a dirty job. Hanging off the side of a building can also be dangerous, notes Oliver Nicholls, 19. So this 12th-grader invented a robot to handle the job.

Some recent incidents inspired his project. In one, a couple of high-rise window washers were standing on a platform that fell down. No one died, but the pair was seriously injured. Oliver also witnessed someone fall and break his leg while cleaning a glass awning (雨篷) over the entrance to a building.

The new robot is about the size of a medium-sized picnic cooler and weighs 12 to15 kilograms. It's designed to hang off the side of a building from ropes, just as current windowwashing platforms do. A hose(软管)carries water to the robot. A cable (电缆) delivers it electric power. The computer controls the robot up-and-down movements by adjusting the ropes from which the robot hangs. When the robot needs to move from one window to another, a set of propellers(螺旋桨) starts to work. They push the robot a short distance away from the building, while the ropes slide along a railing(栏杆)to carry the robot over to the next window. Then, as a different set of propellers holds the robot tight against the window, the cleaning cycle repeats. Oliver tested his robot by cleaning sample windows he'd built in his backyard. The robot’s propellers can hold the robot against a building even in winds as high as 45 kilometers per hour, the teen reports. He performed those tests using his family’s leaf blower.

Besides limiting the chance of injury, this window-washing robot could save building owners a bit of money. If commercialized, Oliver estimates it would cost about 11,000. That's about the same cost as hiring a crew to clean a 7-story building. So Oliver suspects his robot might be able to pay for itself after cleaning just one such building.

1.What encouraged Oliver to develop his project?

A.His interest in housework. B.The accidents he experienced.

C.The high costs of washing windows D.Risks facing high-rise window washers.

2.What do we know about the robot?

A.It carries water itself. B.It is supported by a platform.

C.It hangs from ropes while working. D.It can produce power while working.

3.Why did Oliver test his robot with a leaf blower?

A.To record its working speed B.To see its wind-resistance ability

C.To test whether it could remove the windows D.To know if it needed a different set of propellers

4.What does the last paragraph imply about the robot?

A.It is costly but time-saving. B.It still has many limitations.

C.It has huge commercial potential D.It has become a favorite of building owners



    Visitors to Britain are sometimes surprised to learn that newspapers there have such a large circulation. The “quality” newspapers are often held up as an example of impartial journalism, but the Daily Mirror and the Daily Express usually impress newspapermen even more because they both sell about four million copies every day. British families generally buy a newspaper every morning and frequently take two or three on Sundays, but the vast circulation figures obtained are not only due to the Englishman’s thirst for news.Because the newspapers are all published nationally, copies can be delivered everywhere at the same time.

Though people abroad often know the names of the national papers, they seldom realize that there is another branch of the British press which sells almost as many copies. Local newspapers have a weekly circulation of 13 million. Almost every town and country area has one. Nearly all of them hold their own finance and many of them are very profitable.

These papers are written almost entirely for readers interested in local events — births, weddings, deaths, council meetings and sports — but the content is naturally influenced by the kind of community they serve. Editors prefer to rely on a small staff of people who all know the district well. A great deal of local news is regularly supplied by clubs and churches in the neighbourhood and it does not get out of date as quickly as national news. If there is no room for it in this week’s edition, an item can sometimes be held until the following week.

The editor must never forget that the success of any newspaper depends on advertising. He is usually anxious to keep the good will of local businessmen for this reason. But if the newspaper is well written and the news items are carefully chosen to attract local readers, the businessmen are grateful for the opportunity to keep their products in the public eye.

Local newspapers do not often comment on problems of national importance and editors rarely hold with taking sides on political questions. But they can often be of service to the community in expressing public feeling on local issues. A newspaper can sometimes persuade the council to take action to provide better shopping facilities, improve transport in the area and preserve local monuments and places of interest.

1.The Daily Mirror impresses newspapermen more because_____.

A.it has a larger circulation than many other famous papers

B.it is of better quality than many other papers

C.it is sold nationally

D.it is delivered everywhere in Britain

2.Local papers are preferred by readers who_____.

A.are interested in news B.are much interested in local events

C.want to get news as quickly as possible D.work in churches and clubs

3.According to the passage,businessmen would like to advertise in papers if _____.

A.the papers are well written B.the news items are carefully chosen

C.the news involves them D.the papers are popular and can attract readers

4.The last paragraph implies(暗示)that ______.

A.local papers seldom comment on politics

B.local papers can sometimes influence policy making

C.local papers are more concerned about their own communities

D.local papers do not take sides on problems of national importance



Hobbs was an orphan(孤儿). He worked in a factory and every day he got a little money. Hard work made him thin and weak. He wanted to borrow a lot of money to learn to paint pictures, but he did not think he could pay off the debts.

One day a lawyer said to him, “One thousand dollars, and here is the money.” As Hobbs took the package of notes, he was very dumbfounded. He didn’t know where the money came from and how to spend it. He said to himself, “I could go to find a hotel and live like a rich man for a few days; or I give up my work in the factory and do what I’d like to do: painting pictures. I could do that for a few weeks, but what would I do after that? I should have lost my place in the factory and have no money to live on. If it were a little less money, I would buy a new coat, or a radio, or give a dinner to my friends. If it were more, I could give up the work and pay for painting pictures. But it’s too much for one and too little for the other.”

“Here is the reading of your uncle’s will(遗嘱),” said the lawyer, “telling what is to be done with this money after his death. I must ask you to remember one point. Your uncle has said you must bring me a paper showing exactly what you did with his money, as soon as you have spent it.”

“Yes, I see. I’ll do that,” said the young man.

1.Hobbs wanted to borrow money to _______.

A.study abroad B.work abroad C.pay off the debts D.learn to paint pictures

2.What does the underlined word “dumbfounded” in Paragraph 2 probably mean?

A.Surprised. B.Frightened C.Satisfied. D.Excited.

3.With the money he got, at first Hobbs _______.

A.planned to have a happy life for a few days B.decided to give up his work in the factory

C.was to give a dinner to his friends D.had no idea what to do

4.Hobbs was asked to _______.

A.tell the lawyer what he did with the money after spending it

B.read his uncle’s will

C.buy some pictures

D.tell the lawyer what was to be done with the money



Smart Home Products for Living a Connected Life

What makes something a smart home product? Generally, it’s defined by its ability to connect to a Wi-Fi network, allowing users to interact(互动)with it from their smartphones.We’ve rounded up some cool, diverse offerings that you’ll love to have in your home.

Nest Cam IQ



The Nest Cam IQ is a beautifully designed home security camera that can recognize faces. It can warn you if there’s a stranger in your home. The device also supports two-way communication via built-in microphones and a powerful speaker.

Logitech Harmony Elite



The Logitech Harmony Elite is one of the best universal remote controls available on the market. It can control just about every piece of electronics you ownit supports over 270000 devices!)in every room of your house or apartment, including TVsstreaming devices, and sound systems.

Apple HomePod



The Apple HomePod has better audio quality than any other smart speaker available today. Available in white or space gray, the Siri-powered device also allows you to control a number of devices with your voice.

August Smart Lock Pro



The August Smart Lock Pro is compatible(兼容的)with most locks. A mobile app allows you to manage access to the lock, check its usage history, and get informed when someone opens the door. You can control it and check on the state of your door with voice commands.

1.What can the Nest Cam IQ help you do

A.Properly use your smartphone camera

B.Control electronics with your voice.

C.Check the locks of your house.

D.Keep your home safe.

2.Which device can help you operate almost all your electronic equipment remotely

A.Nest Cam IQ.

B.Apple HomePod.

C.August Smart Lock Pro.

D.Logitech Harmony Elite.

3.Which column of a website is the text most probably taken from







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