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阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 A wonde...


A wonderful experience happened to me this Saturday on my way to a mall. Two children ran towards me 1. bottles in their hands, asking if I wanted to have bottled water. It was so 2. (surprise) that I was unsure whether this was for real. I wondered if they 3. (do) fund-raising. I asked them where 4. (they) parents were and how much a bottle of water was. Then two adult women came to me and explained 5. the children were doing, “We are teaching the children 6. (give) without getting anything in return.” What a great idea!

An exchange of ideas opened up between me, the mothers and the children. We were no longer strangers to each other. We were having such a great time 7. (chat) and I ended up helping them give away the rest of the bottled water.

One young lady was so 8. (thank) that she said it was the best thing 9. happened to her all day since she had a “bad” day at work. A couple accepted the water 10. (happy) and kept on thanking us. After all was done, the children and I gave each other a high-five. I really had great fun that day.


1.with 2.surprising 3.were doing 4.their 5.what 6.to give 7.chatting 8.thankful 9.that 10.happily 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了一天我在路上遇到两个孩子免费给路人发瓶装水,原来他们是在践行“不计回报地付出”,得知原因后我也加入了他们的行列。 1.考查介词。句意:两个孩子手里拿着瓶装水朝我跑过来,问我要不要。根据“asking if I wanted to have bottled water”可知,这两个孩子手里拿着瓶装水,with sth in one’s hands表示“某人手里拿着某物”,故填with。 2.考查形容词。句意:这太令人惊讶了,我不确定这是不是真的。此处缺少形容词作表语,修饰物用ing结尾的形容词,表示“令人……的”,故填surprising。 3.考查时态和主谓一致。句意:我在想他们是不是在筹集资金。根据句意可知此处表示过去正在进行的动作,用过去进行时,主语是they,谓语动词用复数,故填were doing。 4.考查代词。句意:我问他们父母在哪里,一瓶水多少钱。修饰名词parents用形容词性物主代词,故填their。 5.考查宾语从句。句意:然后两个成年妇女来向我解释孩子们在做什么,“我们正在教孩子们不计回报地付出”。此处为宾语从句,从句中的doing缺少宾语,故填what。 6.考查不定式。句意同上,teach sb to do sth表示“教某人做某事”,故填to give。 7.考查动名词。句意:我们聊得很开心,最后我帮他们发了剩下的瓶装水。have a great time doing表示“做某事很开心/愉快”,故填chatting。 8.考查形容词。句意:一位年轻的女士非常感激,她说这是她一天中遇到的最好的事情,因为她今天的工作很糟糕。此处缺少形容词作表语,根据“it was the best thing”可知此处表示“感激的”,故填thankful。 9.考查定语从句。句意同上,此处为定语从句,先行词thing被最高级best修饰,关系代词只能用that而不能用which,故填that。 10.考查副词。句意:一对夫妇高兴地接过水,不停地感谢我们。修饰动词accepted用副词,故填happily。

    A group of graduates, successful in their careers, got together to visit their old university professor. Conversation soon turned into _______ about stress in work and life.

Before offering his guests coffee, the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and a variety of _______ --- porcelain (陶瓷), plastic, glass, crystal (水晶), some plain looking and _______, some delicate (精致的) and expensive---telling them to _______ themselves to the coffee.

When all the students had a cup of coffee in _______, the professor said: “If you _______, all the nice looking expensive cups were _______, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is _______ for you to want only the best for yourselves, that is the _______ of your problems and stressIt is ________ that the cup itself adds no quality to the coffeeIn most cases it is just more ________ and in some cases even ________ what we drink. ________ all of you really wanted was coffee, not the cup, but you all went for the ________ cups. And then you began ________ each other’s cups.

Now consider this: Life is the coffee; the jobs, money and ________ in society are the cupsThey are just tools to hold and ________ life, and the type of cup we have does not change the ________ of life we liveSometimes, by ________ only on the cup, we fail to ________ the coffee. ”

1.A.challenges B.complaints C.exchange D.concern

2.A.tools B.materials C.cups D.gifts

3.A.cheap B.simple C.beautiful D.valuable

4.A.invite B.allow C.help D.adapt

5.A.excitement B.person C.belief D.hand

6.A.noticed B.admitted C.accepted D.relaxed

7.A.sold out B.taken up C.broken D.abandoned

8.A.normal B.unfair C.selfish D.painful

9.A.way B.value C.judgement D.source

10.A.amazing B.unusual C.definite D.influential

11.A.empty B.complex C.expensive D.inspiring

12.A.hides B.destroys C.changes D.dissolves

13.A.Why B.Although C.Unless D.What

14.A.ordinary B.best C.special D.strange

15.A.using B.washing C.eyeing D.introducing

16.A.position B.kindness C.character D.temper

17.A.improve B.contain C.mix D.limit

18.A.way B.pace C.direction D.quality

19.A.concentrating B.relying C.keeping D.holding

20.A.drink B.enjoy C.share D.boil



    You may think that choosing to lose weight requires a lot of effort and pain.

The truth is, you can lose weight, feel healthier, and look amazing, all by doing small things every day. 1. When you’re ready to lose a few pounds, check out these five small everyday things you can do.


Believe it or not, the diameter of your dinner plate can have a dramatic impact on how much food you eat at any time of the day. The bigger your plate, the more you can fit on it, and the more you put into your body.

Use a Food Diary or App

It’s so easy to sit at your desk or on the couch eating up an entire bag of potato chips, or a full packet of cookies.3.

If you keep a food diary or app outlining what you eat, how much of it, and how many calories it has, you may be more inclined to control your food intake.

Drink More Water

4.Your body needs more water than you’re probably giving it, and you may be reading the signs all wrong. Keep a water bottle on hand, drinking water throughout the day. By doing so, you can control your appetite while also making sure your body is not lack of water.

Exercise More

It seems like a given – you exercise, you lose weight. However, it’s not only those 10-mile runs that make all the difference. 5. For instance, park further away at the grocery store, take the steps instead of the elevator and jog on the spot during TV ad breaks of your favorite show.

A.Use Smaller Dishes

B.Control your food intake.

C.You have to make plans for exercise.

D.All too often, we mistake thirst for hunger.

E.Many small changes can make a significant difference.

F.Exercise doesn’t have to be something you have to think about to do, and it can be fun.

G.However, if you knew how many calories were in them, you may decide to change your mind.



    Some people would go through anything just to achieve their dream. Kasia Siwosz is proof.

Born in Poland, Siwosz began playing tennis at seven years old and developed the skills that helped her earn a top-50 ranking among the ITF Junior division (国际网球联会青少年赛). Siwosz wanted to do more with her life than just play tennis, which led her to seek chances that would also allow her to obtain a top education. “There’s no collegiate (大学的) sports in Poland and no culture of sports and academic study there. You can only do one, not both,” Siwosz said.

Her desire to have a quality education led her to America to follow her dream. While Siwosz was talented enough to begin her collegiate tennis career, she could only attend community college because she missed the deadline to apply to four-year schools, mainly due to misinformation provided in her home country of Poland.

When she had earned all her credits and was able to transfer, Siwosz made the decision to attend Baylor in Texas. Her friends from Poland put in a good word for the university, saying that it was a good fit because there were many international players at Baylor. “I thought it would be a good idea, but it really wasn’t what I thought it would be,” Siwosz said. “I wasn’t happy at Baylor. The level of tennis was high, but the academic standards were no match and I just wanted more.”

After one year at Baylor, Siwosz’s luck finally began to change when she made the decision to transfer to Berkeley, which was due in large part to Lee, a former Berkeley student. Lee, who is a keen tennis player himself, met Siwosz four years ago in Texas. “I knew she was unhappy there,” he said. “I saw the opportunity for her to come here.” Siwosz visited Lee in Berkeley. “I ended up loving this place and this school,” Siwosz said. “I came here a lot over the summer, I gave it a shot and I ended up with a Berkeley education and a spot on one of the best college tennis teams in the country.”

1.Why did Siwosz want to leave her homeland for America?

A.Poland had no culture of sports.

B.Berkeley had always been her dream university.

C.She wanted to play tennis and have a good education.

D.She wanted to improve her tennis skills and get a higher ranking.

2.Why didn’t Siwosz take Baylor as her first choice when she first arrived in America?

A.The level of tennis in Baylor was not high.

B.It was too late for her to apply to a school like Baylor.

C.Her home country of Poland forbade her to Baylor.

D.Baylor was not suitable for international students.

3.How did Siwosz feel in Berkeley?

A.She was unhappy there.

B.She had difficulty in keep up with others.

C.She enjoyed studying there.

D.She regretted going there.

4.What is the main idea of the passage?

A.How Siwosz realized her dream.

B.How Siwosz left Poland.

C.How Siwosz became a tennis player.

D.How Siwosz transferred from Baylor to Berkeley.



    Princess quiz time! How did Snow White survive? How did Cinderella (《灰姑娘》) leave her evil stepmother? How did Sleeping Beauty finally wake up?

A kind-hearted person always comes to save the princess, like a prince or a godmother. Princesses cannot protect themselves, though they are very pretty and nice. They always need the help of others. However, in fact, women can’t put their life in the hands of a prince-like man. They need to work and even fight for their own happiness. The traditional image (形象) of a princess is getting out of date.

Recently, Disney, a company famous for its princess movies, posted the “top 10 rules for being a modern princess”. You will not find any rules related to beauty or looks. The rules highlight loyalty, honesty and other moral values. The rules say princesses need to believe in themselves and try their best to get out of trouble, instead of waiting for a prince’s help.

It’s not the first time Disney princesses have caught up with society’s development. In 1950, when people’s hearts were broken by World War II, Disney created Cinderella. In 1990, Princess Belle from Beauty and the Beast (《美女与野兽》) loved reading when education was a man’s special right in the past. Belle showed the improvement of women’s position in society. Now is Elsa from the film Frozen (《冰雪奇缘》), a symbol of modern princess.

“This is brilliant ‘The top 10 rules of being a modern princess’ (it’s) about time,” a group named Confidently Mom said on social media website Twitter. Princesses are still very beautiful, but inner character is the key to being a princess.

1.What should modern women be like according to para2?

A.They should care about their appearances.

B.They should turn to others for help.

C.They should depend on men to change their lives.

D.They should depend on themselves for their own happiness.

2.What are Disney’s rules for a modern princess centered on ?

A.Her beauty. B.Her moral values.

C.Her education. D.Her position in society.

3.Why has Disney been changing the images of a princess according to para4?

A.To meet the need of the world peace.

B.To improve girls’ education.

C.To improve girl’s position in society.

D.To keep up with the development of society.

4.What does the group Confidently Mom think of the rules?

A.Doubtful. B.Meaningless.

C.Fantastic. D.Terrible.



    When I was a little girl, I remember that when my dad was repairing something, he would ask me to hold the hammer, so we would have time for a conversation with each other. I never saw my dad drinking or taking a night out. All he did after work was taking care of his family.

I grew up and left home for college and since then, my dad had been calling me every Sunday morning. And when I bought a house several years later, my dad painted it by himself in the fierce summer heat. All he asked was to talk to him, but I was too busy in those days.

Four years ago, my dad visited me. He spent many hours putting together a swing for my daughter. He asked me to have a talk with him, but I had to prepare for a trip that weekend.

One Sunday morning we had a telephone talk as usual. I noticed that my dad had forgotten some things that we discussed lately. I was in a hurry, so our conversation was short. Several hours later that day I received a call. My father was in the hospital. Immediately I bought a plane ticket and on my way I was thinking about all the occasions I missed to have a talk with my dad. By the time I arrived at the hospital, my father had passed away. Now it was he who did not have time for a conversation with me. I realized how little I knew about my dad, his deepest thoughts and his dreams.

After his death I learned much more about him and even more about myself. All he ever wanted was my time. And now he has all my attention every single day.

1.When the author was a little girl, she       .

A.was good at repairing things B.liked playing with the hammer

C.often talked with her father D.learned to take care of her family

2.What happened when the author was at college?

A.She phoned her father every Sunday morning.

B.She received a call from her father every Sunday morning.

C.Her father bought her a house.

D.She often asked her father to talk with her.

3.Why did the author fail to have a talk with her father four years ago?

A.Because her father was busy putting up a swing for her daughter.

B.Because she had got tired of talking with him.

C.Because she was busy planning a trip.

D.Because her father often forgot what they had once talked about.

4.What can we learn from the underlined sentence?

A.The author found an excuse to forgive herself.

B.The author and her father were both busy.

C.The author complained about her father’s leave without saying goodbye.

D.The author regretted missing the talks with her father.



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