满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

A thief dropped a winning lottery ticket...

    A thief dropped a winning lottery ticket(彩票)at the scene of his crime has been given a lesson in _______. The man whom he robbed _______the ticket and won the 25,000 prize, but he managed to find the thief,and handed over _______.

The robbery happened when Professor Sabbatuccci was changing a tyre on a highway.Another motorist who stopped‘to_______', stole a suitcase from his car and drove off.The professor found the_______ticket and brought it home.

Next day the professor saw the lottery_______on TV and realized it was a winner.He_______the 25,000 prize but he decided not to keep the money.He made an announcement on the radio_______:‘I'm trying to find the man who robbed me.I have 25000 for him-a lottery_______.Please meet me.'

The professor received hundreds of________from people who were hoping to________him into handing them the money.But there was one voice he________-and he arranged to meet the man in a park.

The robber gave back the________and burst into tears.He could not ________what was happening.‘Why didn't you keep the money?'he asked.The professor replied‘Because it's not mine.'Then he walked off turning down the thief's________to share the prize.

1.A.friendship B.honesty C.bravery D.adventure

2.A.sent B.took out C.bought D.picked up

3.A.crime B.ticket C.money D.evidence

4.A.repair B.rest C.watch D.help

5.A.left B.dropped C.forgotten D.damaged

6.A.results B.story C.loss D.sales

7.A.presented B.took C.donated D.shared

8.A.joking B.saying C.wondering D.replying

9.A.number B.luck C.win D.receipt

10.A.notes B.emails C.letters D.calls

11.A.trick B.persuade C.lead D.draw

12.A.recognized B.remembered C.recorded D.recovered

13.A.car B.suitcase C.money D.check

14.A.imagine B.blame C.believe D.realize

15.A.deal B.promise C.payment D.offer


1.B 2.D 3.C 4.D 5.B 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.D 11.A 12.A 13.B 14.C 15.D 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文,主要讲述的是小偷行窃时将自己的中奖彩票掉在犯罪现场,失被抢劫的教授捡到了彩票,领取了25,000美元,他没有私吞,反而寻找小偷并归还奖金,这给小偷上了一堂诚信课。。 1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:一个将中奖的彩票落在犯罪现场的小偷上了一节诚信之课。A. friendship友谊;B. honesty诚信;C. bravery勇敢;D. adventure冒险。结合下文,被抢劫的人将彩票还给小偷,给他上了一节诚信之课。故选B项。 2.考查动词词义和动词短语辨析。句意:被他抢劫的人捡到了彩票,中奖£25,000,但他设法找到了小偷,将奖金还给小偷。A. sent派送;B. took out拿出;C. bought购买;D. picked up捡起。上文小偷行窃时将彩票落在犯罪现场,被抢劫的人捡起这张彩票。故选D项。 3.考查名词词义辨析。句意: 被他抢劫的人捡到了彩票,中奖£25,000,但他设法找到了小偷,将奖金还给小偷。 A. crime罪行;B. ticket彩票;C. money钱;D. evidence证据。结合下文,这个捡到彩票的被小偷抢劫的教授,知道彩票中奖,领了奖金后决定将钱还给小偷。故选C项。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:另一个开车人从他车里偷走了一个手提箱开车跑了,他是停下来“帮忙”的。 A. repair修理;B. rest休息;C. watch查看;D. help帮助。结合上文,教授的车在半路抛锚,教授在换轮胎,另一个开车人停下来假装帮忙,伺机偷走了教授的手提箱。这里“help”加了双引号,是一种反语。故选D项。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:教授发现了被落下的彩票,带回了家。A. left丢下;忘了带;B. dropped(意外地)落下;C. forgotten忘记;D. damaged破坏。根据下文教授要寻找这个小偷,还给他彩票赢得的奖金,可以推断彩票是小偷意外地落下的。故选B项。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:第二天,教授在电视上看到彩票开奖结果,意识到这个彩票号码中奖了。A. results 结果;B. story故事;C. loss损失;D. sales销售。根据下文realized it was a winner可知,教授在电视上看到的是开奖结果。故选A项。 7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他领了奖,但是决定不把钱留给自己。A. presented呈递;B. took拿;取;C. donated捐赠;D. shared分享。根据下文but he decided not to keep the money.可知,彩票中奖,教授领取了25000英镑奖金。故选B项。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他在广播里播了一则通知,宣称“我想找到抢劫我的那个人,我要给他£25,000---彩票中的奖。” A. joking 开玩笑;B. saying宣称;C. wondering纳闷;D. replying回复。教授是决定归还彩票奖金的,所以在通知宣称。故选B项。 9.考查名词词义辨析。句意:他在广播里播了一则通知,说“我想找到抢劫我的那个人,我要给他£25,000---彩票中的奖。”A. number数字;B. luck 运气;C. win受益,奖;D. receipt收据。£25,000是彩票的受益。故选C项。 10.考查名词词义辨析。句意:教授接到了成百上千人打来的电话,他们想骗教授把钱给他们。A. notes便条;B. emails邮件;C. letters信件;D. calls电话。根据下文,教授听出了一个声音,所以那些人是以电话的方式联系他的。故选D项。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:教授接到了成百上千人打来的电话,他们想骗教授把钱给他们。A. trick欺骗;B. persuade说服;C. lead带领;D. draw吸引。彩票的主人只有一个,所以那么多电话打过来是想骗教授。trick sb into doing sth 劝诱某人做某事,符合题意。故选A项。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但是有一个声音他认出来了。他安排在公园见那个人。A. recognized识别,认出;B. remembered记得;C. recorded记录;D. recovered恢复。教授从诸多打电话来的声音里辨认出小偷的声音。故选A项。 13.考查名词词义辨析。句意:抢劫犯将教授的手提箱还给他,突然哭起来。 A. car 汽车;B. suitcase手提箱;C. money钱;D. check支票。结合上文,抢劫犯偷走了教授的手提箱,所以现在还给他。故选B项。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他不相信正发生的事情。 A. imagine想象;B. blame责备;C. believe相信;D. realize意识到。结合下‘Why didn't you keep the money?'he asked.可知,抢劫犯根本无法相信教授居然会把这么一大笔钱还给他。故选C项。 15.考查名词词义辨析。句意:然后他走开了,拒绝了小偷共享奖金的提议。 A. deal交易;B. promise承诺;C. payment付款;D. offer提议。教授“拾金不昧”,小偷提出“酬谢”,教授拒绝。故选D项。

    You might be surprised to know that bicycles have existed for about two hundred years, but no one is sure who first made this popular two-wheeled machine.

1.The front wheel was much bigger than the back one, and also there weren't any pedals (踏板), Riders had to move themselves forward by pushing their feet against the ground.

2. In 1879 an Englishman had the idea of connecting them to the back wheel with a chain. Gears(齿轮), which made things much easier for those cycling uphill, first appeared in the 1890s.

There are now about one billion bicycles in the world.3.They have to compete with cars on the streets of all the world' s cities, and the two forms of transport don' t always mix well. In London in 2005, for example, over 300 cyclists were either killed or seriously hurt in accidents.

Because bicycles are much more environmentally friendly than cars, now many governments encourage people to ride rather than drive.4.The number of yearly journeys made by bicycle in London has increased 50% over the last five years.

However, although one in three British people owns a bicycle, they still don't use them nearly as much as they could 5..

It is hoped that more people will rely on bicycles to move around. The reasons are obvious--cycling helps to protect the environment, keep us fit, and it is often not only cheaper but also quicker than travelling by car in many cases.

A.Pedals finally arrived in the 1840s.

B.Cycling is on the rise in the United Kingdom.

C.Bicycles are used for only 2 % of journeys in the UK.

D.The first person who made a bicycle was an Englishman.

E.The number of bicycles is twice more than that of cars.

F.The early models didn't look much like the bicycles of today.

G.Cycling helps improve people's health.



    Your dog is as smart as any two year old, according to a new study. Dogs bring much happiness to their owners, and even improve human health. Most two-year-olds keep us busy in life - an important part of living a long and happy life. According to Stanley Coren, Ph.D.of the University of British Columbia, our dogs are smarter than we thought.

Dr. Coren reviewed many studies to find out that dogs are as smart as 2 to 2.5-year-olds. Forget about one word orders - according to Coren, the smartest dogs can learn up to 250 words. Most dogs understand an average of 165 words. “The upper limit of dogs, ability to learn language is partly based on a study of a Border Collie  named Rico who showed knowledge of 200 spoken wordsand ‘fast-track learning,’ which scientists believed to be found only in humans and language-learning apes ().”

Dogs are also great at tricking. During play, they have the ability to trick humans and other dogs in order to get treats. “And they are nearly as successful in tricking humans as humans are in tricking dogs,” says Coren.

Dogs can also count to four or five, which might explain how they know when their toys are missing. Coren explains, “Their astonishing flashes of smartness and creativity are reminders that they may not be Einsteins, but are sure closer to humans than we thought.”

Animals can do much to keep us happy, healthy, and protect us from harm. Stories of dog heroes can be found using a simple Internet search. Pets teach us sense of duty, keep us from loneliness,and can help with treatment of the disabled.

1.How do dogs bring happiness and health to humans according to the author?

A.By doing funny tricks. B.By keeping their owners busy.

C.By serving their owners. D.By playing with the children.

2.In what way is Rico special?

A.He understands one-word orders.

B.He uses words like a 2.5-year-old.

C.He is Coren's favorite subject for study.

D.He shows a high level of language ability.

3.What does Coren say about dogs' counting ability?

A.It is as good as an ape's.

B.It is close to that of humans.

C.It shows their smartness.

D.It leaves a lot to be studied.

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A.Dogs are smarter than we thought.

B.Dogs do well in tricking for food.

C.Dogs are people's faithful friends.

D.Dogs can speak human language.



    While car sharing is a concept that’s catching on, old-fashioned carpooling where a group of people take turns driving each other to work has always faced a resistance (抗拒). In a study on traffic problems by ABC News, 84% of those who drive to work say that they still do it alone. More than half of those lone riders insist that carpooling is just too inconvenient, and 18% say they simply don’t know anyone to share a ride with.

Now technology makes carpooling easier and more fun. NuRide, a company provided an online carpooling service last year, offers daily travelers in the Washington area not just a web-based list of would-be carpoolers but also a way to arrange a trip online. Heres how it works: rider seekers enter the positions where their trip will begin and end, the time they want to leave and if they’re willing to drive or just ride in someone else’s car. The website’s search engine then looks for matches and makes lists of the names of traveling companions, along with the car model and the exact time and place to meet for each trip. People who want to share the ride can show their interest in joining in online and then meet their car mates when it’s time to go.

NuRide users aren’t riding with total strangers. They are required to provide the name of their employer and a work e-mail addressboth of which need to be checked before being listed on the website.

To attract users, NuRide offers a frequent rider prize: anyone who shares a ride gets a $1 credit. So far, 2, 300 people have signed up. NuRide GEO Rick Steele said that more than 50, 000 rides have been arranged on the website, resulting in 1.4 million fewer miles driven and 650 fewer tons of automobile emissions (排放).

1.What has the study found about drivers' opinions on carpooling?

A.Many think it is inconvenient.

B.84%of them accept the idea.

C.Some consider it dangerous.

D.18%of them drive to work alone.

2.What can NuRide do for its users?

A.Decide car models for them.

B.Help them arrange a shared cart trip.

C.Give them a list of car owners.

D.Find out their car mates' true names.

3.What information is a NuRide user asked to provide?

A.His age. B.His home address.

C.His hobbies. D.His employer's name.

4.It can be inferred that NuRide has helped in _________.

A.improving air quality

B.increasing job opportunities

C.promoting driving safety

D.making people know each other



    In my time here at Carleton College, I’ve picked up many valuable pieces of advice from others, and have come up with a few of my own. With my time here drawing to a close, here’s two of the most valuable ones I wish I had known as a freshman .

First, don’t expect to join all the clubs here. Taking part in them is good, but the workload here is too heavy and time with your friends is too limited to devote yourself to a million and one clubs. Find a couple of things you dig, and you’ll find yourself much happier than if you had spent your time joining every single organization that sounds somewhat interesting to you. Also, don’t always think of your free time in terms of organizations you can join. Getting really good at something - an instrument, creative writing, cooking - is just as good a use of your free time, even if it might never be taken into any resume(简历).

Second, when Socrates said “Know Yourself”, he was talking about your sleep schedule. You can fool yourself into thinking that an 8:30 a. m. class in the winter is the perfect way to get your day started, but you soon may find yourself emailing the teacher with excuses for being absent. Scheduling all your classes afternoon is sometimes equally deadly; you might just end up going out the night before knowing you can safely sleep in. I’ve found that the way to take classes is to load them in the middle of the day; nothing before 9:50 a. m., nothing after 3:10 p. m.

1.Who is probably the author of the text?

A.A school headmaster. B.A graduating student.

C.A university teacher. D.A freshman at Carleton.

2.Which of the following can replace the underlined word“dig”in paragraph 2?

A.make a hole in B.work hard on

C.research into D.are fond of

3.What does the author suggest doing in one's free time at college?

A.Getting apart-time job.

B.Join clubs that seem interesting.

C.Take up a few hobbies.

D.Prepare a resume as early as possible.

4.What is the best t me for taking classes according to the author?

A.In the evening. B.In the afternoon.

C.From830a.m.to950a.m.. D.From950a.m.to310p.m..



    McEvan’s Supermarket to Mark its Twentieth Anniversary on October 24!

We would like you to join us on October 24. On this special day, we will be giving you even more ways to save. And there will be music, some free food, and games for children throughout the day. There are more reasons than ever to come to McEvan’s on October 24.

We will offer: great discounts on hundreds of things from nearly every department, including the bakery, the dairy (奶制品) farm, fruit corner, the vegetable garden and electronics center.

Discount vouchers (代金卷) for $10.00, $15.00, or $20.00 to the first 100 customers.

McEvan’s Supermarket games for children whose parents are shopping that include free T-shirts and other giveaways.

To learn more about the special events planned for October 24, go to our website at www.mcevan-supermarket.com or ask any one of our 200 employees for more information.

Please tear the voucher out.

Happy 20th!

Me Evan's Supermarket

$20.00 discount

October 24 only

Please present to cashier at time of shopping

Title _________

First Name _________ Last Name _________

Mailing Address(including apt.number) _________

City _________State _________Zip Code _________

Specials and Information through Email? _________Yes _________no

E-mail Address _________

We promise to keep your information to ourselves.It will not be sent to any third party.

1.What is the text about?

A.A supermarket sale. B.A thank-you party.

C.A food exhibition. D.A new product.

2.Who can get a discount voucher?

A.The new customers of McEvan's.

B.The employees of the supermarket.

C.The first 100 shoppers on October 24.

D.The winners of the games on October 24.

3.What can children get at Mc Evan's for free?

A.Fruit. B.Milk. C.Vegetables. D.T-shirts.



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