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Returns & Refund Guarantee The “Returns ...

Returns & Refund Guarantee

The “Returns & Refund Guarantee” is a promise provided by sellers for every item they sell on DHgate.com. When you receive an item that was bought and paid for on our site, and you find it is not as described or is of low quality, you can contact the seller to resolve these problems. DHgate will offer additional assistance if the seller is not cooperative.


The following points should not be included in the “Returns & Refund Guarantee”:

▲The seller didn’t make any promise.

▲The seller can provide evidence to prove the items are as described.

▲You didn’t contact the seller within the promised time.

▲You have released the payment to the seller before asking DHgate for help.

Sellers are able to set up the following promise:

Returning items for any reason

Buyers can return items for a refund within a specific day which has been set up by sellers, such as 3 days, and 7 days from the day when the items are received. The items’ receive date is the date that is indicated on the shipping carrier’s official website. Buyers should prepay any return shipping cost, which will be given back to the buyers after the seller receives the items as long as the items are returned in the same exact condition as when they were delivered.

Returns or Refunds accepted if the product has quality issues

Buyers can return the items for a refund when they are not as described or possess quality issues by communicating directly with the seller. The seller is responsible for the return shipping cost.

Buyers can get a refund and keep the items when the items are not as described or possess quality issues by negotiating directly with sellers.

1.Who can get additional assistance from DHgate in the guarantee?

A.The buyers in physical stores. B.The buyers on DHgate.com.

C.The sellers on DHgate.com. D.Both the buyers and the sellers.

2.Which situation is within the scope of the guarantee?

A.The seller didn’t make any promise.

B.The buyer has paid the seller in advance.

C.The buyer asked for help within the promised time.

D.The seller proves that there is nothing wrong with the item.

3.Which of the following is true according to the passage?

A.All the sellers didn’t make promises.

B.DHgate sometimes will pay the buyers.

C.Sellers should prepay return shipping cost.

D.The buyer can’t keep the items after getting a refund.


1.B 2.C 3.D 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。文章为退货退款保证说明,这是卖家在DHgate.com上出售的每一件商品的承诺,以及卖家和买家各自的事项说明。 1.细节理解题。根据第一段The “Returns & Refund Guarantee” is a promise provided by sellers for every item they sell on DHgate.com. When you receive an item that was bought and paid for on our site, and you find it is not as described or is of low quality, you can contact the seller to resolve these problems. DHgate will offer additional assistance if the seller is not cooperative.(“退货退款保证”是卖家在DHgate.com上出售的每一件商品的承诺。当你收到在我们的网站上购买和付款的物品,你发现它不是描述的或质量差,你可以联系卖家解决这些问题。如果卖方不合作,DHgate将提供额外的帮助。)可知DHgate.com上的买家可以得到DHgate额外的帮助。故选B。 2.细节理解题。根据Scope部分中The following points should not be included in the “Returns & Refund Guarantee”:▲You didn’t contact the seller within the promised time.(以下不应包括在“退货及退款保证”内:你没有在承诺的时间内联系卖方。)可知买方在承诺的时间内寻求帮助属于担保范围。故选C。 3.细节理解题。根据Sellers are able to set up the following promise:部分中▲Buyers can return the items for a refund when they are not as described or possess quality issues by communicating directly with the seller.(买家可以在卖家设置的特定日期内(如收到商品之日起的3天和7天)退还商品以获得退款。)可知,卖家要获得退款,必须在特定日期退款。故选D。

请根据以下要点以“My Best Friend”为题写一篇英语短文。

1. 简要描述你的朋友(外貌特征、性格等);

2. 简述你们是如何成为好朋友的。







Mr. Black was spending his holiday in Africa. One day he watched some elephants passing by. Each of them was tied to his front legs only by a small rope. To his great surprise, these large strong animals could easily run away, but they did not.

So Mr. Black asked the owner why not a single elephant made an attempt to break free. The owner said, ''When the elephants were very young, the same size ropes were used to tie them, and at that time the ropes were strong enough to hold them. Now they have grown big and strong, but they believe that the ropes still hold them and it is impossible to escape, so they never try to get away. ''

Sometimes people act like these elephants. They often give up after the first failures. In fact, the failures are part of learning. If we want to succeed, we should never give up, but try and try again.

1.Where was Mr. Black spending his holiday?

2.What was each of the elephants tied by?

3.How did Mr. Black feel when he saw the elephants did not try to get away?

4.Why do the elephants never try to break free?

5.According to the text, what should we do if we want to succeed?




My 26, 2016

Dear Mr Landers,

I run a bookstore above Mr Shah's flower shop at 24 High Street. I started the business 20 years ago and it is now very successful. My customers have to walk through the flower shop to the stairs at the back which lead to my bookshop. This has never been a problem.

Mr Shah plans to retire later this year, and I have heard that you plan to rent the space to a music bar, I have thought about renting it myself and make my shop bigger, but I cannot persuade anyone to lend me that much money. My customers come to the bookstore to relax and the noise of a music bar will surely drive them away.

I have always paid my rent on time. You have told me that you wish me to continue with my business for as long as possible. I believe you own another empty shop in the High Street. Could the music bar go there, where it would not influence other people's businesses?

I hope you think carefully about this.



1.From Paragraph 1, we know that the writer is ________ with his business.

A.embarrassed B.disappointed

C.satisfied D.tired

2.Why is it difficult for the writer to make his shop bigger?

A.He is short of money. B.He has no good friends.

C.He doesn't pay the rent. D.He has fewer customers.

3.What is the writer's main purpose of writing the letter?

A.To show why his store is successful.

B.To avoid problems for his business.

C.To explain why his customers are sad.

D.To rent the shop space downstairs.




Must Sell $275

Best washing machine

Only 6 months old

Owner going abroad

Call Mike Green

Add: 10 Park Street

Tel: 3422691



We've Moved

Please come to the party in our new house.

8:00 p. m. on November 5

Betty and Jack

Add: 31 Station Street

Tel: 3421525

E-mail: betty12@foxmail.com




Foreign Teachers Wanted

Age: 30-40

From: America, England & Australia

Careful and patient with a teacher's license

Good at both spoken and written English

At least 5 years teaching experience in high schools

Come for an interview before August 15

Add: No 39 Lakeside Road

Tel: 87809519

E-mail: sis2015@foxmail.com


Smith's Book Club

New and old books

Over 1,000 kinds

Good coffee and tea

Open every day 10:00 to 22:00

Add: 15 North Street

Tel: 3427391 or 3427350

E-mail: smith15@hotmail.com




1.To go to Betty and Jack's party, you can call ________.

A.3421525 B.3422691

C.87809519 D.3427350

2.If you want to find a teaching job, you can write to ________.





3.How long does Smith's Book Club stay open every day?

A.For 6 hours. B.For 8 hours.

C.For 10 hours. D.For 12 hours.



    One day I was walking around in a national park when I saw a beautiful tarantula (狼蛛) crossing a path. I just stopped and decided to observe its walking.

Behind me there was a family going up the same way and they also noticed the tarantula. Without doubting it, a kid shouted, ''Quick, Dad, kill it. '' His brother also encouraged their dad to do that.

Then I stopped their dad. ''Wait. This is the last place the tarantula has to live in. Do you really want to kill it? ''

''Well, it's dangerous and we have kids here…''

''Why not stand still and let it cross safely? Then you can go and admire the rest of the park. ''

After some discussions I persuaded them to stand still and watch. Soon, the tarantula crossed and hid into the bushes.

Their dad thanked me and said, ''You're right. I was about to make a mistake. '' The children even said good bye to the tarantula and they learned something too.

1.What did the family want to do on seeing the tarantula?

A.To watch it. B.To kill it.

C.To stand by. D.To hide away.

2.What did the dad think of the tarantula?

A.Dangerous. B.Interesting.

C.Powerful. D.Beautiful.

3.What is the author's advice on how to deal with the tarantula?

A.To stop it quickly. B.To greet it politely.

C.To let it cross safely. D.To drive it into the bushes.

4.What may the kids learn from the experience?

A.Stay calm in time of danger.

B.Enjoy the beauty of nature.

C.Stay away from animals.

D.Treat the wildlife kindly.



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