满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

When I was a boy of nine. I used to mow ...

    When I was a boy of nine. I used to mow the lawn(草坪) of Mrs. Long, an elderly lady. She paid me very little. But she did promise me, “when Christmas come, I shall have a present for you. ” I spent much time_______what it would be.

“It would not be a _______glove,” I_______with myself. “She wouldn't know much about baseball.” Since she was a fragile little person, I also_______ the bicycle, for how could she_______such a big thing?

As December arrived and ice began to form on the_______. I began to imagine myself upon the_______, trying my_______on the surface of it. On the 22st of December, couldn't wait any more and marched down the street, _______myself at the door of the house whose lawn I had________________all summer. What she had was a(n)________________parcel. When I________________ it from her, I found it weighed almost nothing. I was________________ disappointed. “A kind of magic. Do open it on Christmas morning.” Mrs. Long said. Anyway, her words again set my mind________________with new possibilities.

How long the________________was! On Christmas morning, with great________________, I opened the package and found a________________box. in which I only saw ten________________of black paper. Was it magic? Aunt Laura who taught school, said “It really is!” . She showed me how to write.

That a pencil could write on one piece of paper and mysteriously record on another was a magic which satisfied my childish mind. It reached me at that________________Christmas when I was able to comprehend it.

Since then I have received some pretty thundering Christmas presents but none that ever came close to the________________ of this one.

1.A.wondering B.acquiring C.accessing D.conducting

2.A.football B.baseball C.swimming D.boxing

3.A.added B.described C.reasoned D.explained

4.A.made out B.checked out C.looked out D.ruled out

5.A.discover B.handle C.decide D.advocate

6.A.equipment B.grass C.ponds D.stones

7.A.skates B.knees C.hands D.boats

8.A.atmosphere B.luck C.conflict D.experience

9.A.presented B.observed C.explored D.regarded

10.A.matched with B.lived in C.counted on D.attended to

11.A.quiet B.ordinary C.clean D.fresh

12.A.lifted B.gathered C.cleared D.permitted

13.A.obviously B.easily C.extremely D.finally

14.A.dancing B.blowing C.spreading D.saving

15.A.trip B.reason C.purpose D.wait

16.A.astonishment B.entertainment C.excitement D.movement

17.A.nice B.permanent C.similar D.flat

18.A.ropes B.strings C.sheets D.bunches

19.A.eventual B.very C.complete D.adequate

20.A.quality B.drawback C.extension D.significance


1.A 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.B 6.C 7.A 8.B 9.A 10.D 11.B 12.A 13.C 14.A 15.D 16.C 17.D 18.C 19.B 20.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。讲述了一位老人送的礼物对“我”的影响。主要凸显自己在等待礼物过程中的心情和得到礼物后的反应。 1.考查动词辨析。句意:我花了很多时间在想它将会是什么。A. wondering想;B. acquiring获得,购得;C. accessing访问,存取;D. conducting实施,执行。根据上句But she did promise me, “when Christmas come, I shall have a present for you. ”(但是她承诺我当圣诞节来临的时候,会给我一个礼物)可知,因为别人答应了给我礼物,使得我一直翘首企盼,一直在想着会是什么礼物。故选A。 2.考查名词辨析。句意:我想,它不可能是一副棒球手套,因为她不了解棒球。A. football足球;B. baseball棒球;C. swimming游泳;D. boxing拳击。此空格与下句中的baseball呼应,故选B。 3.考查动词辨析。句意同上。A. added增加;B. described描述;C. reasoned推理;D. explained解释。根据第二段内容,我开始想会是不是棒球手套,否定了自己的推测后,又想会不会是一辆自行车,又否定了自己的推测,可知,我是在按照常理一步步推测那礼物会是什么。故选C。 4.考查动词短语。句意:我也排除了自行车,因为她怎么能帮我解决这么大的事情呢?A. made out(勉强) 辨认出,看出;B. checked out检出;C. looked out小心,向外看;D. ruled out排除。根据“for how could she___5___such a big thing?她怎么会帮我解决这么大的事情呢?”可知,我将自行车排除在外了。故选D。 5.考查动词辨析。句意同上。A. discover发现;B. handle处理;C. decide决定;D. advocate拥护,支持。根据文章第一段,我觉得我为老人Mrs. Long修剪草坪,她给我很少地钱,按照我的推理,她也不可能为我处理买自行车这么大的事情。故选B。 6.考查名词辨析。句意:12月份到了,池塘里开始结冰。A. equipment设备;B. grass草地上;C. ponds池塘;D. stones石头。根据常识,池塘里经常有水,冬天会结冰。故选C。 7.考查名词辨析。句意:我开始想象会不会是滑板,可以在滑板上试试运气。A. skates滑板;B. knees膝盖;C. hands手;D. boats船。根据下句“trying my___8___on the surface of it.(可以在它上边试试运气)”可知,作者想象的这个礼物是可以在冰面上使用的。故选A。 8.考查名词辨析。句意同上。A. atmosphere大气,大气层;B. luck运气;C. conflict冲突,争执;D. experience经验。try one’s luck 意为“碰运气;试试某人运气”,为固定搭配,符合句意。故选B。 9.考查动词辨析。句意:12月22日,我再也等不及了,沿着街道走下去,出现在我照顾了一夏天草坪的房子的门外。A. presented出现;B. observed观察;C. explored勘探,勘查;D. regarded将……认为。根据句意,我沿着路走下去,就出现在了她家门口。故选A。 10.考查动词短语。句意同上。A. matched with匹配;B. lived in住在;C. counted on指望;D. attended to照料,照顾。空格处单词与上文中的“used to mow the lawn(常常修理草坪)”呼应,说明作者是在照顾草坪。故选D。 11.考查形容词辨析。句意:那是一个普通的盒子。A. quiet安静的;B. ordinary普通的;C. clean干净的;D. fresh新鲜的。由下句“When I______12______ it from her, I found it weighed almost nothing. I was______13______ disappointed.(我拿到它时几乎没有什么分量。我很失望)”以及后文中提到的Mrs. Long送给我的礼物仅仅是几张复印纸,可知这是一个很普通的盒子。故选B。 12.考查动词辨析。句意同上。A. lifted提起,举起;B. gathered聚集,集合;C. cleared移走,清理;D. permitted允许。根据句意,我将礼物拿过来,才知道没什么分量。结合选项,只有“举起”意思可与这一意思吻合,故选A。 13.考查副词辨析。句意:对这个礼物,我感觉及其失望。A. obviously明显地;B. easily容易地;C. extremely极其地;D. finally最后。由上句句意可知,我拿过礼物时,感觉没有什么分量。所以感到极其失望。故选C。 14.考查动词辨析。句意:然而,她所说的话又让我使我的心为新的可能性而雀跃。A. dancing跳舞;B. blowing吹;C. spreading使散开,张开;D. saving节省。set这里是使役动词。Set my mind dancing with new possibilities 翻译成“使我的心为新的可能性而雀跃”,很形象地描写出了作者收到礼物激动地想知道是什么的心情。故选A。 15.考查名词辨析。句意:等待的时间好漫长。A. trip旅行,旅游;B. reason原因;C. purpose目的;D. wait等待。从上文的故事情节可知,我从暑期开始就一直等礼物,所以觉得等待的时间过得很慢。故选D。 16.考查名词辨析。句意:圣诞节早上,带着很激动的心情,我打开了包裹发现了一个扁平的箱子。A. astonishment惊讶,惊异;B. entertainment款待,娱乐;C. excitement激动;D. movement运动。根据上文得知,我好不容易等到拆礼物的时候,当然是非常兴奋。故选C。 17.考查形容词辨析。句意同上。A. nice好的;B. permanent永久的;C. similar相似的;D. flat平的。由下文中“in which I only saw ten _18__ of black paper(我只看到十张黑色的纸)”可知,作者看到的应该是一个扁平的盒子。故选D。 18.考查名词辨析。句意同上。A. ropes粗绳,线缆;B. strings细绳,线,串;C. sheets一张,薄片;D. bunches串,束。由于空格处单词作“纸”的量词,故选C。 19.考查形容词辨析。句意:就在那个我刚能理解它的圣诞节,收到了那叠纸。A. eventual最终的;B. very正是的,恰好的;C. complete完全的;D. adequate充分的。根据句意,这里强调收到礼物的时间很合适。故选B。 20.考查名词辨析。句意:从那以后,我收到过很多很好的圣诞礼物,但是没有一件礼物比得上这件礼物的重要意义。A. quality质量;B. drawback缺点;C. extension扩大,延伸;D. significance重要性。作者写本文的目的就是强调这件礼物的重要性。故选D。

    Fiction books tend to be much more popular than self-improvement books. Fiction books are designed and written in such a way as inspires you to continue reading them. On the other hand, non-fiction books in the self-improvement field are intended to help you settle a problem or reach a specific goal. In most cases, these types of books aren't written in the form of stories. 1. Self-improvement books can open up all kinds of future chances for you. You'll learn new things, be inspired, and develop a deep love for practical knowledge and wisdom. 2.

You'll be able to use the ideas and advice that you learn in your daily life. And once you do this, you'll be likely to get positive results.

3. The secret is to understand your present situation and to have a clear vision of what you hope to achieve in the future. The ideal self-improvement book will be one that fits your present needs. 4. In this way, you can identify all the problems you're facing. Once you've recognized a problem, try to figure out the cause behind it. Then keep the problem and the cause in mind when you come to choose a book.

A keyword search of an online bookseller's listing will usually throw up dozens or even hundreds of results. 5. For example, you can read the foreword, look at comments and consider whether the book can give you the answers you need. The whole process may take you some time but it'll be worth it.

A.And what's the most exciting thing?

B.They read specifically for self-improvement and success.

C.So you need to take a good look at yourself and your life.

D.Then, how can we choose a right self-improvement book?

E.This leads many people to believe the books are boring to read.

F.After picking the book, keep your desired answer in mind as you read.

G.However, there are many things you can do to narrow these results down.



    "Two weeks ago, I sat down and read the New York Times. I haven't done that in maybe thirty years. "says Howard Turman, OrCam user, in this CNN Techvideo. Turman, who is legally blind, started losing his vision when he was a child. The OrCam smart glasses for blind people do not fix his sight but they do "the next best thing". The Orcam uses OCR technology to read and relay the message to the user via a mini ear piece. Thanks to the device, Howard was able to enjoy the independence of reading the newspaper on his own.

Amnon Shashua, co-founder of OrCam, explains that reading text, recognizing faces and products is just the beginning with the Orcam. "Where we want to get is complete visual understanding at the level of human sense such that if you are disoriented you can start to understand what is around you."

OrCam has received many requests from people all over the world wanting the device in their language. Currently, the device works in English, Hebrew, German, French, and Spanish. The OrCam team is working very hard to add more languages and there are plans for new additions in the near future. Since the first device, new features have been added as well such as the pause feature allowing users to pause the reading whenever they would like.

Unlike other devices, the OrCam is portable. Turman says that the OrCam smart glasses for blind give him a sense of normalcy(常态) and he is very excited about them. "Picture a kid the first time he got his favorite toy, just the best thing that has happened to me in a long time, " says Turman. OrCam's goal is to make the device accessible to as many people as possible and help people who are visually impaired regain their independence.

1.What does OrCam help Howard Turman to do?

A.Find his way. B.Read newspapers.

C.Have his sight fixed. D.Hear what is happening around.

2.Which of the following best explains "disoriented" underlined in paragraph 2?

A.unconscious B.confused

C.lost D.determined

3.What can we infer from the third paragraph?

A.OrCam is in great demand.

B.OrCam can easily break down.

C.OrCam doesn't work well now.

D.OrCam fails in its use of languages.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.An Excited OrCam User.

B.Smart Glasses for the Blind.

C.Newspaper Reading for the Blind.

D.Help the Blind to Become Independent.



    This spring, you may be fortunate enough to have good weather, a small piece of earth and the energy, enthusiasm and inspiration to plant a garden. There is nothing better to shake off the boredom and dullness of winter than to dig in the earth, plant some seeds and watch them grow. A small garden can produce something extra fresh for dinner, flowers for the table and a feeling of accomplishment. It is work, but it is ever so rewarding.

What about your life garden? Just as a beautiful garden is a work in progress, so is the garden in your mind. It takes conscious effort, planning, constant nurturing(培育) and weeding to grow a garden. What have you planted? What have you allowed to take root? Is your life the out-picturing of a well laid out garden or a jumble of plants, trees and weeds whose seeds were blown your way and took root?

We have all heard phrases like "sowing seeds of doubt", or "seeds of discontent." We can make a conscious choice whether to allow them to take root in our lives or cast them out of our garden. Negative energy and words, like weeds, will spread quickly if left unchecked. Find a good "weed killer"-a book, an inspirational story, a positive statement-to help you get rid of the thoughts that ruin the beauty of your garden.

Plant as many seeds of joy and beauty as you can-in your own life and in the lives of the people with whom you live and work every day. Grow a gratitude garden, a peace garden and a dream garden. Tend to them daily. If you give them time and energy, you will have a rich harvest of success, happiness and peace of mind.

1.Why does the author tell us the benefits of growing a garden?

A.To ask us to love gardening. B.To show his love for gardening.

C.To lead in to the topic of the text. D.To show what a life garden is like.

2.In what way is our life garden similar to a beautiful garden?

A.It is in change all the time.

B.It can make us happy and grateful in life.

C.It needs our conscious effort and constant care.

D.It is full of both positive energy and negative energy.

3.Why does the author compare negative energy and words to weeds?

A.They are a natural part of life. B.They are difficult to remove.

C.They are often left unchecked. D.They need to be removed before they spread.

4.Which of the following can be regarded as a weed killer?

A.Reading a dull book. B.Relieving our discontent.

C.Having positive self-talks. D.Pulling weeds in the garden.



    Every year from March to October, Christian Moullec, also known as “Birdman,” takes to the skies aboard his adapted light aircraft. However, the 58-year-old Frenchman’s daily 30-minute flight is not just to enjoy the impressive views, but to guide flocks (鸟群) of lesser white-fronted geese (小白额雁) through safe migration paths which the birds can teach future generations.

His deed began in 1995 when he noticed their declining population in the wilds of Lapland, Sweden. To prevent their numbers from dropping further, Moullec tried to get the threatened species to follow him along migration routes that would protect them from bird hunters.

However, getting grown geese to follow his lead proved challenging. As young geese imitate and follow whomever they view as their parent, Moullec decided to raise the geese from birth.

To help raise funds and awareness of his job to protect not just the geese but birds worldwide, Moullec often allows paying tourists to join him on the 30-minute-long flights aboard his aircraft. In addition to the trained birds flying alongside them, visitors, who come from as far as a 15-hour plane flight away, are treated to a variety of crane and geese species as well as breathtaking views of castles and cities.

He often brings his camera along for the flights, capturing photos not just for their beauty, but for what they describe. Moullec believes the use of agricultural chemicals has done harm to wild European birds, with more than a third disappearing in the last 30 years. “It's a disaster,” he said. “My beautiful images with flying birds should be used to tell this story. ”

1.Why does “Birdman” always fly to the sky on his aircraft?

A.To observe geese along their migration routes.

B.To follow geese through safe migration paths.

C.To take visitors to operate his adapted aircraft.

D.To guide geese fly safely during the migration.

2.What do we know about “Birdman”

A.He is a nature lover. B.He is a bird watcher.

C.He is a volunteer pilot. D.He is a bird hunter.

3.What does Moullec often take photos in his flights for?

A.Recording the use of agricultural chemicals.

B.Showing serious damage caused by chemicals.

C.Describing his experiences with flying birds.

D.Capturing the beautiful views of birds and cities.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Birdman Guides Flocks to Learn to Fly.

B.Birdman Finds Birds Disappearing.

C.Birdman Helps Flocks Safely Migrate.

D.Birdman Protects Birds From Hunters.



Deep Amazon

Fly in to a small dirt landing strip in the middle of the Amazon and continue downstream by canoe for several days. Camp on beaches along the way and do side hikes in search of wildlife.

Learn from your local native guides about a rapidly disappearing way of life in tune with the forest rhythms.

• Most enjoyed by: Adventurous travelers with a moderate to very good level of fitness and some previous camping experience.

Rainforest Multi-Sport

Exciting and varied activities in addition to getting deep into the rainforest. Hiking, swimming, whitewater rafting, horseback riding, hot spring soaking, tent camp in the middle of the jungle. Traveling by van, raft, foot, small plane, canoe and kayak.

• Most enjoyed by: Travelers with a good level of fitness who seek to stay active and enjoy a variety of types of adventures. Require some flexibility regarding exact schedule of daily activities in the deeper rainforest portion.

Bolivia Bike and Hike

Biking and hiking are two activities that Bolivia is perfectly suited for with its varied and rugged landscape and beautiful views. Exciting biking on single track and dirt roads. Hiking in the footsteps of the Incas on a trade route from the eastern Andes into the lowlands. Remote windswept highlands with fantastic views of the snow covered Andes mountains.

• Most enjoyed by: Travelers with a good level of fitness looking to get to know Bolivia by its backroads and trails.

Rainforest & Culture

Travel on foot, by van, small plane, kayak and canoe to experience a very special Amazon region and learn about a way of life nearly lost. Meet with native people living a subsistence(存活)lifestyle, enthusiastic to share their stories and traditions as a way to help keep these traditions alive.

• Most enjoyed by: Travelers with a moderate level of fitness who seek an authentic cultural experience and who are flexible regarding exact schedule of daily activities.

1.Deep Amazon is most suitable for a person who ________.

A.has a low level of fitness

B.can adapt to the flexible schedule

C.is most interested in local culture

D.has some previous camping experience

2.Rainforest & Culture will provide you a chance to learn ________.

A.a nearly-lost lifestyle B.an amazing lifestyle

C.a fast-changing lifestyle D.an attractive lifestyle

3.Which offers the chance of enjoying fantastic views of the snow-covered Andes mountains?

A.Deep Amazon B.Rainforest Multi-Sport

C.Bolivia Bike and Hike D.Rainforest & Culture



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