满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

His palms were sweating. The sun was as ...

    His palms were sweating. The sun was as hot as the_____he faced today at the National Junior Olympics. The pole was______at 17 feet, three inches higher than his personal best. Michael Stone faced the most______day of his pole- vaulting(撑杆跳) career.

In his childhood, he used to have dreams about flying,______he would be running down a country road, racing between golden wheat fields. At one point, he would take a______and then lift ______the ground, soaring like an eagle. This______about flying was put to______training by Michael's father and coach ,who_____hard work and sweat. If you want something, work for it.

All of Michael’s vaults today seemed to be the reward for his hard work. a______would get him second place, but Michael would not allow himself the______of not winning.

He knew it was time for his_____ jump. Having_____off the tension from his legs, he began to stretch out his arms and upper body. He carefully picked up his pole, his heart beating   ____.The running track______him felt like the country road he used to dream about. Visions of the golden wheat fields______his thoughts. The air around him was the purest and freshest he had ever______. Michael was soaring like an eagle in his dreams

Lying on his back with that wonderful hot sun on his face. he______he could see in his mind's eye the______on his mother's face. He knew his dad was probably smiling too,_____laughing. With all the media attention, Michael’s life would never be the same. It wasn’t just because he set a new world record. It was simply because Michael Stone is blind.

1.A. examination B. competition C. struggle D. debate

2.A. set B. broken C. kept D. designed

3.A. energetic B. attractive C. difficult D. interesting

4.A. what B. how C. which D. where

5.A. breath B. rest C. walk D. look

6.A. against B. to C. on D. off

7.A. hope B. imagination C. dream D. wish

8.A. strict B. occassional C. basic D. mental

9.A. took over B. believed in C. called off D. turned on

10.A. run B. miss C. step D. push

11.A. thought B. goal C. mind D. opinion

12.A. another B. first C. next D. final

13.A. put B. given C. shaken D. cut

14.A. regularly B. wildly C. suddenly D. normal

15.A. above B. beside C. below D. within

16.A. shaped B. confused C. filled D. attracted

17.A. seen B. tasted C. noticed D. sensed

18.A. said B. knew C. predicted D. understood

19.A. tears B. sweat C. sadness D. smile

20.A. even B. or C. still D. yet


1.B 2.A 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.B 10.B 11.A 12.D 13.C 14.B 15.C 16.C 17.D 18.B 19.D 20.A 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了从小因自己的梦想而接受艰苦训练的盲人迈克尔·斯通在一次运动赛场上超越自我的故事。 1.考查名词。句意:太阳和他今天在全国少年奥林匹克运动会上所面临的竞争一样的火热。 A. examination,考试;B. competition,竞争;C. struggle,奋斗;努力;D. debate,辩论。根据at the National Junior Olympics,可知在运动会上面临的是“竞争”。故选B。 2.考查​动词。句意:杆高17英尺,比他个人成绩最好的杆还高3英寸。A. set,(被)放,置;B. broken,(被)打碎;C. kept,(被)保留;D. designed,(被)设计。由句意知,杆矗立在那里,高17英寸。故选A。 3.考查形容词。句意:迈克尔·斯通面临着他撑杆跳生涯中最艰难的一天。A. energetic,精力充沛的;B. attractive,吸引人的;C. difficult,艰难的;D. interesting,有趣的。据上文知,他面临着巨大的比赛压力,且杆比他最好的成绩还要高,可知应该是最“艰难”的一天。故选C。 4.考查关系代词。句意:在他的童年时代,他常常梦想着飞翔,在那里他会沿着乡间小路奔跑,会在金色的麦田之间奔跑。A. what,什么;B. how,怎样;C. which,哪个;D. where,哪里。此处为非限制性定语从句,关系词在句中作状语,故用where。故选D。 5.考查名词。句意:在某一时刻,他会深呼吸,然后离开地面,像鹰一样翱翔。A. breath,呼吸;B. rest,休息;C. walk,散步;D. look,看。“深呼吸”符合上下语境,故选A。 6.考查介词。句意:在某一时刻,他会深呼吸,然后离开地面,像鹰一样翱翔。A. against,紧靠;B. to,朝;C. on,在…之上;D. off,离开。由句意知,应是“离开”地面后飞翔,故选D。 7.考查名词。句意:因为这个关于飞行的梦想,他被父亲和教练严格训练。A. hope,希望;B. imagination,想象力;C. dream,梦想;D. wish,愿望。由上文In his childhood, he used to have dreams about flying,可知应是关于飞行的“梦想”。故选C。 8.考查形容词。句意:因为这个关于飞行的梦想,他被相信努力和汗水的父亲和教练严格训练。A. strict,严格的;B. occasional,偶然的;C. basic ,基本的;D. mental,精神的。为了实现梦想应进行“严格的”训练,故选A。 9.考查动词短语。句意:因为这个关于飞行的梦想,他被相信努力和汗水的父亲和教练严格训练。A. took over,接管;B. believed in,相信;C. called off,取消;D. turned on,打开。“相信”勤奋和汗水,符合上下语境。故选B。 10.考查名词。句意:一次失误将使他获得第二名,但迈克尔不允许自己有不能获胜的想法。A. run,奔跑;B. miss,失误;C. step,步;D. push,推动。因为“失误”会不能获胜而获得第二名,故选B。 11.考查名词。句意:一次失误将使他获得第二名,但迈克尔不允许自己有不能获胜的想法。A. thought,想法;B. goal,目标;C. mind,理智;D. opinion,主张。由句意知,不能有不获胜的“想法”,故选A。 12.考查形容词。句意:他知道该是他最终一跳的时候了。A. another,另一个;B. first ,第一次;C. next,其次的;D. final,最终的。由上文知,迈克尔此时在竞技场上进行比赛,回想了以前的事情后,终于到了他最后起跳的时刻。故选D。 13.考查动词短语。句意:摆脱了腿部的紧张,他开始伸展双臂和上半身。put off 推迟;give off放出;shake off 摆脱;cut off 剪断。由句意知,选C。 14.考查副词。句意:他小心翼翼地拾起他的杆子,他的心怦怦直跳。A. regularly ,定期地;B. wildly,紊乱地;C. suddenly,突然地;D. normal,正常的。起跳前,他因为紧张而心脏乱跳,故选B。 15.考查介词。句意:他脚下的跑道就像他曾经梦想的乡间小路A. above ,在…上面;B. beside,在旁边;C. below,在…下面;D. within,在…里面。跑道应在他脚下,故选C。 16.考查动词。句意:他的脑海里充满了金色麦田的景象。A. shaped,成形;B. confused,困惑;C. filled,充满;D. attracted,吸引。由句意知,选C。 17.考查动词。句意:他周围的空气是他所感觉到的最纯净、最清新的空气。 A. seen,看见;B. tasted,尝;C. noticed,注意;D. sensed,感觉。由句意知,他“感觉”这是最清新的空气。故选D。 18.考查动词。句意:他知道他能从脑海中看到母亲脸上的笑容。A. said ,说;B. knew,知道;C. predicted,预测;D. understood,懂得。由句意知,选B。 19.考查名词。句意:他知道他能从脑海中看到母亲脸上的笑容。A. tears,眼泪;B. sweat,汗水;C. sadness,悲伤;D. smile,笑容。由下文his dad was probably smiling too知,应是看见母亲的“笑容”。故选D。 20.考查副词。句意:他知道父亲可能也在笑,甚至大笑。A. even,甚至;B. or,或者;C. still,仍然;D. yet,还。由句意知,应为递进关系,故选A。

Everyday Habits of People with Impressive Memory

People blessed with an impressive memory generally admit that they use various strategies to improve their ability. But even if you're not a memory genius, there are things you can try,1.

Establish routines

2. For example, always hang your car keys on a hook or put them in the same place by the front door. By following established routines, you are decreasing the chance of having to struggle in the morning rush, which is believed to contribute to forgetfulness.

Use Post-it notes

Keep some in every room and stick a reminder where you are most likely to see it. If you need to remember to phone a friend later in the day, put a note on the phone so that you will notice it during the day.

3.Embrace this technology!

Your cell phone comes with a built-in calendar you can set to remind you of what you need to do during the day. Use it!4. Having access to them wherever you go with a smartphone only makes them even more effective. There is a saying that what gets scheduled gets done.


Research indicates that most people need six to eight hours of sleep (that’s at least two cycles of deep sleep)per night, for their brain to go through the chemical changes needed for long-term memory. A good sleep can make all the difference in your brain power and therefore gives you a sharpened mind.

A. Sleep on it.

B. Sharpen the mind.

C. To-do lists are also keys to living an organized life.

D. This simple activity can boost memory by 20 percent.

E. These common-sense strategies can help you forget less often.

F. It really is easier to find things if you always put them in the same.

G. If not, write it down and put it where you can see it. so you don’t forget about it.



    If we look around us at the things we have purchased at some point in our lives, we would no doubt notice that not everything we own is being put to good use: the thick woolen coat which we thought looked trendy despite the fact that we live in a tropical country. the smartphone that got put away when we bought ourselves the newest model, or even the guest room in our house that somehow got turned into a storeroom.

Those underutilized(未充分使用的) items may seem useless to some, but could be of value to others. With the occurrence of the Internet, online communities have figured out a way to generate profit from the sharing of those underused property, Using websites and social media groups that facilitate the buying and selling of second-hand goods it is now easier than ever for peer-to-peer sharing activities to take place. And this is known as the sharing economy.

These popular online platforms are providing a chance for people to make a quick fortune. To give an example, busy parents previously might not have bothered with setting up a stall at the local market to sell their children’s old equipment, but with online marketplaces, parents are now able to sell on those hardly worn baby clothes that their children have outgrown so as to put some cash back into their pockets.

Businesses have also caught on to the profitability of the sharing economy and are seeking to gain from making use of those underutilized resources. Companies like Airbnb act as a middleman for people to cash in on their unused rooms and houses and let them out as profitable accommodation. Another example is Uber, which encourages people to use their own personal cars as taxis to make some extra cash in their free time.

This move towards a sharing economy is not without criticisms. Unlike businesses, unregulated individuals do not have to follow certain regulations and this can lead to poorer and inconsistent quality of goods and services and a higher risk of fraud. Nevertheless, in the consumerist society we live in today, the increased opportunities to sell on our unwanted and underused goods can lead to a lesser impact on our environment.

1.Why can people now sell things more easily?

A. People nowadays buy more things.

B. Businesses want to buy the things they don t use.

C. There are now more market stalls.

D. There are now online platforms to do business.

2.Which of these is something that we might underutilize?

A. Thick coat in a cold country.

B. Clothes our babies don' t or can't wear any more.

C. The latest smartphone.

D. The storeroom in our house.

3.It might be a problem for unregulated individuals to sell to others because _____.

A. what they sell might be of a lower quality.

B. they have to follow certain regulations.

C. they don't have a business license.

D. they like to criticize their buyers.

4.What might be a good title for this article?

A. The consumerist society B. Parents who need money

C. The rise of the sharing economy D. Why we buy things we don't need



    Photos of the moon are beautiful if taken well, but it can be very hard to get a picture of the moon that doesn't look blurry! In order to take a perfect picture of the moon, apart from a high­quality camera, the associated equipment and the skills to set up your camera, you also need to pick a proper time and a good place.

Choose your favorite moon phase. The moon can be photographed in any phase except the new moon, which is not visible to Earth. The first quarter, half, and third quarter phases provide high contrast that allows you to see the craters() in greater detail, while the full moon is a dramatic choice for a skyscraper. What phase you choose is up to your personal preference, but it's best to have a phase chosen before going out to photograph the moon.

Learn when the moon rises and sets. When the moon sets or rises, it is closer to the horizon, making it appear larger and closer. This makes it much easier to photograph! Check an almanac(年历) or a weather app for moon rising and setting times in your area.

Pick a clear night. Clouds, fog, and air pollution will blur your photographs. Check a weather app or watch the weather forecast before leaving for your session and while photographing. A clear night with low smog content and no rain is best for moon photography.

Choose a location away from direct light sources. The moon appears bright because it reflects the light of the sun, and additional light from streetlights, homes, and cars can make the moon appear duller and blurrier in pictures. It is fine if there is light in the distance, but be sure that you are not photographing close to another light source.

1.Which has the closest meaning to the underlined word “blurry”

A. Unclear. B. Transparent.

C. Confusing. D. Ugly.

2.Why is the new moon not a perfect choice when taking a photo of the moon?

A. Because the new moon is not enjoyed by most people.

B. Because the new moon is visibly seen from the earth.

C. Because it appears at the earliest time of a month.

D. Because the new moon can't be photographed on Earth.

3.Which of the following is not a must to take a perfect photo of the moon?

A. A high­quality camera. B. The skills to set up the camera.

C. A weather app. D. A suitable location.

4.What's the main idea of the passage?

A. How to select a camera for a perfect moon photo.

B. How to pick a time and place for a perfect moon photo.

C. What the necessary skills are to take a perfect moon photo.

D. Why the new moon is a bad choice for a perfect moon photo.



    Miss Bianca Monica, a junior here at Marymount Manhattan College, is currently sifting( 筛选 ) her way through New York City. working towards her dream of making rock music with high quality that you only hear occasionally.

“It was a journey. I wanted to study communications and learn how things work in the music industry, " explained Monica. This is a young lady who knows what she wants and is putting in the effort to achieve it Born a Jersey girl, Monica knew she was made to be in New York.

With the overpowering support Monica receives from her hometown, it's obvious that such a backbone helps her step into the studio. At a young age of 14, Monica led a rock band. After the Robbery. The band saw huge success; they played numerous live performances around the city. Monica has also performed solo at the now closed Angels and Kings

When asked about her choice in style, her eyes light up with a great passion.

When writing my new record, we tried doing the dance route; then I realized: this is not me. Rock is in my blood. I just love music that makes you feel like your whole soul is pouring out of your body, voiced Monica

For a 21-year-old, Monica possesses the passion of someone who's been writing music forever. Her musical style, with a heavy diet in that good old rock n roll music, shares some similar features with 90s music

When the Jersey girl isn’t in her usual studio, you can find Monica hanging around, going to shows, and enjoying the beauty of inspiration all around NYC. In late spring. Monica hopes to schedule a variety of shows to promote her new EP(细碟 ). Until then, you simply cannot miss out on hearing this wonderfully talented rock star.

1.Why does Bianca Monica go to New York City?

A. To pursue her dream. B. To enjoy a journey.

C. To open her own studio. D. To work in the music industry.

2.______encourages Bianca Monica to go into the studio.

A. The development of her band B. The support from her hometown

C. The creditable success of her band D. Her character as a Jersey girl

3.What can we learn about Bianca Monica’s musical style?

A. It is totally different from 90s music. B. It is full of the passion of music writers.

C. It makes people feel heavy. D. It has the character of good old rock n roll music.

4.What is the authors purpose of writing this passage?

A. To introduce the history of the rock music.

B. To encourage young people to learn from Monica

C. To call on the public to pay attention to Monica's music.

D. To search for the best way for Monica to succeed



    Time Out New York, your ultimate guide to life in the city, helps you discover the best events and things to do in March

Mar 3-15. New York International Literary Festival

The literary event champion of New York is back! Many best-selling authors are set to appear at this years festival, including the award- winning writer Amy Tan (The Joy Luck Club the film version of the novel starring Michelle Yeoh), Internet business expert writer Duncan Clark (Alibaba: The House That Jack Ma Built ) the Anthill founder Alec Ash ( Wish Lanterns) and many more. Stay tuned for our full festival preview and author features

Mar 3-15, various times, 20 dollars or 35 dollars (for literary lunches). Glam.

Until Mar 16: Vivienne Westwood- Get a Life

The well-known fashion designer is the subject of this crossover exhibition of American contemporary art and eco-friendly fashion inspired by Westwood's strong attitude towards a climate revolution Participating artists also include Adam Lawry and Jill Smith

Until March 16, free entry. Chi K /l Art Museum

Mar 17: Dog Day Saturdays

On the third Saturday of the month, The Rooster(13th Street) throws a backyard Party where dogs are welcome. There will be free hot dogs. 5 dollars Flying Dog Beers and dog treats for the little buddies Donations will also be collected for local animal rescue group, Best Friends America

Mar 17, 3-5 P. m., 15 dollars. The Rooster(13th Street)

Mar 28-29: Mom to Mom Sale

Sell or stock up on clothes, toys, books, strollers and other family goods at this twice-a-year market organized by New York mother Sellers will contribute 15 percent of all their profit to Heart to Heart Come and pick up some useful stuff for your family.

Mar.28-29,2-6p,m,(Tues.),10a.m.-2p.m,(Wed.) free entry. New York Racquer Club-clubhouse

1.Who will possibly turn up at Glam on March 10th?

A. Michelle Yeoh. B. Jack Ma.

C. Alec Ash. D. Adam Lawry.

2.Which event might interest those who care about the environment?

A. New York International Literary Festival. B. Vivienne Westwood Get a Life.

C. Dog Day Saturdays. D. Mom to Mom Sale.

3.What do the events Dog Day Saturdays and Mom to Mom Sale have in common?

A. Participants can support charity work. B. Participants are admitted free of charge

C. They are organized annually in New York D. They take place at the same time



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