满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Last week, I had to travel by air. I was...

    Last week, I had to travel by air. I was carrying two large _______ and a medium-sized one yes, I know I was not traveling _______. I had to take a bus and a train before getting to the _______. It was not an easy task _______ I took it easy and I left with more than enough _______.

I arrived at the bus stop and there were a few other people _______ . The bus came and one by one I struggled _______ and put the suitcases inside the bus. Then I began to think, “Why doesn’t anyone offer to _______ ?” I sat on the bus and kept thinking, “Many passengers are _______ and strong enough, and most of them are my neighbors. How unkind, typical of this country! That’s why I want to ________ as soon as I can... etc.”

I ________ stopped myself and decided to change my ________ . I had been trying especially lately to “switch” as soon as I saw negativity coming into my head, so I went for: “I’ m ________ that I managed; I’ m ________ enough; I look forward to the challenges of this ________ ; I will meet people I love ... etc.”

The bus arrived at my destination and I waited for everyone to ________ so I could patiently take out my suitcases one by one. And a man in his 70’s whom I would least have ________ to help came back up and offered to give me a hand! He ________ the last one for me! I was so pleased and surprised, giving him a big ________ . He smiled back and we both went our separate ways. He seemed pretty pleased with himself.

I then thought, “I should have hugged him.” Hope I will ________ him again...

1.A.coats B.tools C.boxes D.suitcases

2.A.alone B.early C.light D.safe

3.A.station B.airport C.department D.office

4.A.and B.because C.but D.though

5.A.time B.interest C.food D.room

6.A.wandering B.waiting C.struggling D.driving

7.A.painfully B.gratefully C.proudly D.angrily

8.A.check B.advise C.come D.help

9.A.generous B.busy C.honest D.young

10.A.settle B.leave C.fight D.succeed

11.A.really B.hardly C.suddenly D.secretly

12.A.thoughts B.tastes C.memory D.action

13.A.sure B.glad C.afraid D.sorry

14.A.kind B.strong C.relaxed D.important

15.A.trip B.position C.career D.race

16.A.take off B.turn up C.get off D.break in

17.A.respected B.inspired C.promised D.expected

18.A.discovered B.carried C.examined D.fixed

19.A.smile B.hug C.opportunity D.present

20.A.visit B.choose C.trust D.see


1.D 2.C 3.B 4.C 5.A 6.B 7.A 8.D 9.D 10.B 11.C 12.A 13.B 14.B 15.A 16.C 17.D 18.B 19.A 20.D 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。主要降了作者带着许多行李旅行,上公共汽车时没有一个人提供帮助,后来一位老人主动帮助了作者。 1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我带了两个大旅行箱和一个中型旅行箱。A. coats大衣;B. tools工具;C. boxes盒子;D. suitcases行李箱。根据第二段第二句的and put the suitcases inside the bus(把箱子放到车里),可知作者拿着旅行箱(suitcases),故选D。 2.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我知道我这次旅行不轻松。A. alone独自的;B. early早的;C. light轻的;D. safe安全的。根据前文的carrying two large suitcases and a medium-sized one(两个大旅行箱和一个中型旅行箱)可知,说明箱子不轻,作者说箱子很重,暗指这趟旅行不轻松,故选C。 3.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我必须坐公共汽车和火车才能到机场。A. station车站;B. airport机场;C. department离开;D. office办公室。根据第一段第一句的I had to travel by air说明作者应该是去飞机场(airport)。故选B。 4.考查连词词义辨析。句意:这不是一件容易的事,但是我很轻松地完成了,我有足够的时间离开。A. and和;B. because因为;C. but但是;D. though尽管。根据空所在句子可知,It was not an easy task和I took it easy之间是一种转折关系,因此用转折连词but。故选C。 5.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这不是一件容易的事,但是我很轻松地完成了,给自己离开这里多留一些时间。A. time时间;B. interest兴趣;C. food食物;D. room房间。根据空所在的句子可知,因为旅行的任务非常艰巨,因此作者多给自己留一些时间。故选A。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我到了公共汽车站,还有几个人在等着。A. wandering游荡;B. waiting等待;C. struggling斗争;D. driving驾驶。根据空所在的句子可知,许多人在公交车站,但是车子还没有来,因此这些人应该是在等(waiting)车。故选B。 7.考查副词词义辨析。句意:汽车来了,我一个接一个地艰难地挣扎着,把箱子放上车。A. painfully痛苦地;B. gratefully感激地;C. proudly骄傲地;D. angrily生气地。根据文章的I struggled(我挣扎着)和 Then I began to think, “Why doesn’t anyone offer to help?”(然后我开始想,“为什么没有人主动提供帮助呢?)可知,作者上车的过程非常艰难。故选A。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:为什么没有人主动提供帮助呢? A. check检查;B. advise建议;C. come来;D. help帮助。根据空所在的句子可知,作者提着重重的行李,心里想着为什么没有人主动提供帮助,故选D。 9.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:很多乘客都很年轻,很强壮,他们中的大多数是我的邻居。A. generous慷慨的;B. busy忙碌的;C. honest诚实的;D. young年轻的。根据空所在的句子可知,and应该连接并列结构,根据and后的strong enough可知,只有D项最合适。故选D。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:多么无情,这个国家的典型!这就是我想尽快离开的原因……等等。A. settle处理;B. leave离开;C. fight战斗;D. succeed成功。根据上面作者发牢骚的一些想法说明作者最想做的是尽早离开(leave)这儿。故选B。 11.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我突然停下来,决定改变我的想法。A. really真的;B. hardly几乎不;C. suddenly突然地;D. secretly秘密地。根据空所在的句子stopped myself与上文是一种转折关系,因此suddenly最为适合此空。故选C。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我突然停下来,决定改变我的想法。A. thoughts想法;B. tastes味道;C. memory记忆;D. action行动。根据第二段的Then I began to think说明上面的牢骚都是作者的想法(thoughts),并没有说出来。故选A。 13.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我很高兴我做到了。A. sure确定的;B. glad高兴的;C. afraid害怕的;D. sorry抱歉的。根据空所在的句子可知,作者的想法发生了改变,他对自己充满信心了,即由“悲观”转为“高兴”(glad)。故选B。 14.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我足够坚强;我期待着这次旅行的挑战;我会遇到我爱的人……等等。A. kind善良的;B. strong强壮的;C. relaxed兴奋的;D. important重要的。根据空所在的句子可知,既然作者对自己充满信心并且感到高兴,因此他会认为自己足够的强壮(strong)。故选B。 15.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我足够坚强;我期待着这次旅行的挑战;我会遇到我爱的人……等等。A. trip旅行;B. position位置;C. career职业;D. race比赛。根据第一句的I had to travel by air说明了作者是在旅行(trip)。故选A。 16.考查动词短语辨析。句意:公共汽车到了我的目的地,我等着每个人下车,这样我就可以耐心地把我的手提箱一个一个地拿出来。A. take off脱下;B. turn up出现;C. get off下车;D. break in闯入。根据空所在的句子可知,公共汽车到站后,所有的乘客应该是下车(get off)。故选C。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:有一个70多岁的人,我最不希望帮助他,但他回来了,并提出要帮我一把! A. respected尊敬;B. inspired激励;C. promised保证;D. expected期望。根据空所在的句子和常识可知,车上有那么多年轻和强壮的人,作者都没有把70多岁的老大爷考虑在内,故可知这个70多岁的老大爷是作者最不期望(expect)能够帮助自己的。故选D。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他帮我拿了最后一个!A. discovered发现;B. carried携带;C. examined检查;D. fixed修理。根据空所在的句子可知,搬行李用carry,而且文章第二句的I was carrying也是此题答案的提示。故选B。 19.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我很高兴也很惊讶,冲他笑了笑。他也对我笑了笑,然后我们就分道扬镳了。A. smile微笑;B. hug拥抱;C. opportunity机会;D. present礼物。根据下一句的He smiled back说明作者也对老人笑了笑(smile),故选A。 20.考查动词词义辨析。句意:然后我想,“我应该拥抱他。”希望我能再见到他……A. visit拜访;B. choose选择;C. trust相信;D. see看见。根据空所在的句子可知,作者发表感想:我本应该给他拥抱的,但是只是笑了下,所以我希望下次能够再次见到(see)他。故选D。

    Because of Internet technology, people from different parts of the world can connect with one another, and get information about any and everything in the world. 1. They spend so much time online, hardly realizing that much of it is actually wasted on something meaningless. For example, they waste much time playing games. Luckily there are many meaningful things you can do on the Internet. For example:

2. These courses don’t require you to go out to attend classes. They can also be done from the comfort of your home. So they’re very convenient.

If you’re a DIY (Do It Yourself) person, you should check for online resources (资源) that help you with this thing. From questions like how to paint a room, to questions like how to repair a broken car engine, all the answers can be found online. 3. From home decoration and repair to fashion and relationships, there are many sources that give you good advice.

Practise your hobby on the Internet. Find information on what you like to do. Find the latest information on things of your interest. 4. In a word, the Internet has many good sources that allow you to practise your hobbies, and even earn out of them.

Listen to your favorite songs, watch your favorite movies, or listen to speeches by inspirational (激励的) speakers. Songs can help you feel relaxed. 5. And listening to inspirational speeches can make you feel good about yourself.

A.Take part in fun activities that you enjoy.

B.Movies can give you that much-needed break.

C.Take academic courses and improve your skills.

D.However, very few of us make real good use of the Internet.

E.So, what type of productive thing would you like to do on the Internet?

F.There are so many websites where we can discover ideas and gain knowledge.

G.Also you can use the Internet to find answers for questions related to daily living.



    Britain’s government is to introduce a law making it a legal requirement for the first time for every public sector (部门) worker in a public-facing role to speak English fluently, the Cabinet Office announced Sunday. The Cabinet Office said it will mean all public sector organisations must ensure staff can communicate effectively with the public, at what will be similar to a language skill good enough to pass a high-level high college exam.

A spokesman for the Cabinet Office said: “This requirement would increase depending on the nature of the role and profession. Doctors, for example, are already required to have a much higher level of English.”

“Organisations including the National Health Service (NHS), armed forces and state-funded schools will all be bound by a new code (法规) of practice which will be produced following a consultation in the autumn. The law and code of practice will apply to both existing and new employees working in public-facing roles.”

Hancock said: “We are controlling immigration (移民) for the benefit of all hard-working people. That includes making sure that foreign nationals employed in customer-facing public sector roles are able to speak English of a high standard. We have already introduced tough new language requirements for migrants, now we will introduce new law in the coming Immigration Bill to deliver the commitment (承诺) made by Prime Minister David Cameron to go further.”

The new primary law will be used to extend the same level of language control to every public sector worker in a customer facing role. It will include police officers, social workers, teaching staff and assistants, and local government employees. Added Minister Hancock: “This will be the first time there has been an approach to enforcing (强制实施) fluent English across the public sector and will create a consistent experience for taxpayers, while promoting integration (整合;一体化) and British values in the United Kingdom.”

1.In public sectors, the English requirement       .

A.is going to apply only to new employees

B.will be different for different jobs

C.is the hardest for doctors

D.aroused a heated debate

2.Which of the following may Hancock agree with?

A.People in Britain will have to work harder.

B.There are too many migrants in Britain.

C.It will be harder for foreigners to be Englishmen.

D.The requirement can help promote employment.

3.It can be inferred from the last paragraph that       .

A.the new law will involve many public sectors

B.it may be hard to carry out the new law

C.many public sector workers can’t use English well

D.the new law may change British values

4.What does the text mainly tell us?

A.English is more and more popular and important in the world.

B.Fluent English will be a requirement in public sectors in Britain.

C.English can make a difference in effective communication at work.

D.A new primary law on immigration has been made in Britain.



Fascinating Venice

Located in the northeast of Italy, Venice is well-known for its cultural treasures, romantic atmosphere and unusual living-on-water experience. The city spreads out over 118 islands, which are linked by more than 400 bridges, in the Venetian Lagoon.

Venice’s historical center consists of six regions. Italy in the south, the busiest main regions, are linked by the Rialto Bridge. The famous stone arch bridge (拱桥) crosses Venice’s main waterway — the Grand Canal. When night falls, many tourists enjoy dinner at the outside tables by the Grand Canal while watching colorfully lit boats going by.

Near the end of the S-shaped Grand Canal lies St. Mark’s Basilica, a must-see. Inside, beautiful mosaics (镶嵌图案) tell stories of Bible figures. Nearby are the Doge’s Palace and the Bridge of Sighs. These were made famous by Lord Byron, “I stood in Venice on the Bridge of Sighs, a palace and prison on each hand.” The story has it that if a couple passes under the bridge, their love will last forever.

In the square outside the Basilica, lovers of literature can sit at Caffe Florian, regarded as the oldest coffee house in Europe. Charles Dickens, Henry James as well as Lord Byron enjoyed the aromatic (芳香的) drink here.

Art lovers should buy a museum pass and visit some of the city’s museums. They can view works by Venetian masters like Giovanni, Titian and Tintoretto.

On five small islands in the Venetian Lagoon, Murano has been home to glass-makers since 1291. Tourists can visit factories, studios and the Glass Museum. Glass artists produce everything from simple souvenir pieces to beautiful works of contemporary art. Only glassworks made using traditional methods on Murano can be called Murano Glass. The nearby island of Burano is famous for lace (蕾丝 )making and colorful houses. Looking at the colorful houses and kaleidoscopic (万花筒似的) streets makes people feel as if they were walking in the fairy tale.

The City of Water promises beauty of all kinds, and it definitely lives up to its promise.

1.Why does the author mention Lord Byron’s words?

A.To introduce the famous British poet.

B.To explain why the two places are famous.

C.To show why St. Mark’s Basilica is a must-see.

D.To compare the Doge’s Palace and the Bridge of Sighs.

2.Where should you go in Venice if you love art?

A.Caffe Florian. B.The city’s museums.

C.St. Mark’s Basilica. D.The Bridge of Sighs.

3.What is Murano well-known for?

A.Bridges. B.Lace making.

C.Glassworks. D.Colorful houses.

4.How does the author think of Murano Glass?

A.It’s simple. B.It’s too traditional.

C.It’s colorful. D.It’s very special.



    I looked down, immediately closed my eyes and hung to the wall of rock with fear. Fifty feet below me, the brightly colored helmets of my team spread across the rocky floor. I looked behind me and my stomach rolled as I thought of the dangerous large rock.

Backpacking in Death Valley for a month exposed me to a number of new experiences. Out there I was pushed, challenged, and dared to be something bigger than myself. Death Valley removed all my barriers so I could reach out freely to find that deeper meaning I could be truly passionate about.

More than anything else, the unexpected aspects of the desert inspired me to appreciate the wonders of life. The first night out there, I was astonished by the brilliance of the stars. Out in the desert these extremely small winks of light were brighter and more wonderful than I had ever seen them before. After that, I started to notice small beauties: the rose, the patterns in the walls of Marble Canyon.

I saw the part I had played in this group. I looked back at myself, the stranger I had been merely days before, and became aware of how self-absorbed (自恋的) I was. I never truly saw the impact I had on my environment because of the constant flow of material goods. Camping with limited resources made evident that waste of water, space, and material goods ignores our responsibilities to our earth. Understanding that this planet is affected negatively or positively by the things we do convinced me to become involved in conservation efforts for the rest of my life. It is this passion for environmental sustainability (可持续性) that I brought back from Death Valley. In sharing what I saw, I hope to influence others to act to take care of our environment.

Hours later, I looked back at the steep rock I had covered. It was this kind of natural beauty, that first inspired me. I feel a greater bond with them now that they have arisen as the basis of my lifelong goal.

1.We can replace the underlined word “passionate” in the second paragraph with “      “.

A.considerate B.enthusiastic C.optimistic D.curious

2.Which of the following best describes the feeling of the author in the third paragraph?

A.Stressed. B.Grateful. C.Regretful. D.Confused.

3.According to the text, what is the author’s lifelong goal?

A.To offer to build a harmonious society.

B.To overcome all difficulties with great determination.

C.To develop a strong sense of responsibility for his behavior.

D.To devote the rest of his life to protecting the environment.

4.The author thinks the trip       .

A.frightened him a lot B.made him braver and cleverer

C.let him learn to enjoy desert D.helped him learn much




A chilly (寒冷的) and frosty start for many this morning, followed by a day of sunshine and local showers. The showers will be slow moving and heavy at times, particularly in the east with a risk of thunder.


Showers will ease this evening and clear spells (一段时间) will develop causing a widespread frost. However, rain will push into the northwest during the early hours, turning heavy at times.


Rain, locally heavy, will continue southeastwards through the day with strong winds. Elsewhere, it’ll be bright with some sunshine.

Outlook for Saturday to Monday:

Rain across central parts on Saturday will ease and move northwards. Largely dry elsewhere with some misty sunshine. Mixture of sunshine and showers on Sunday and Monday, turning warmer.

Updated at: 0404 on Thu 31 Mar

UK 6-30 days

UK outlook for Tuesday 5 Apr to Wednesday 13 Apr:

A generally unsettled picture is likely next week, with showers or longer spells of rain affecting the majority of the UK, but with some drier and sunnier interludes (间歇). Temperatures will probably be around normal for most, but central and southeastern areas may see some warmer air moving up from the continent at times. The week after next will probably continue to be changeable with showers or longer spells of rain crossing the UK, but with some brighter and drier interludes in between. Temperatures may become rather low across the north and northwest later next week.

Updated at: 1236 on Wed 30 Mar

UK outlook for Thursday 14 Apr to Saturday 30 Apr:

It is likely to be changeable with a mixture of sunny spells and showers. However, some longer drier spells are also likely, particularly in northwestern areas. Overall temperatures will remain around normal for the time of year but with some warmer spells developing at times.

Updated at: 1237 on Wed 30 Mar

1.Which of the following may best describe today’s weather in general?

A.Cold but fine. B.Cold and rainy.

C.Showers and thunder. D.Frosty and rainy.

2.The weather of tonight is similar to Friday in that       .

A.it has strong winds B.it has frost

C.it has heavy rain. D.it is mainly sunny.

3.What will the weather be like in Britain from April 5 to 13?

A.It will be quite dry. B.It will be rather cold.

C.It will be generally rainy. D.It will be hot in the north.



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