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School Spirit Week can be held any time ...

    School Spirit Week can be held any time throughout the year in America. It is a special time when youthful exuberance (活力) is allowed full expression.

1.There are spirit band sessions, spirit assemblies and spirit teams that have one primary goal. That goal is to promote school tradition and encourage students to recognize their school as an important part of their life.2.Some schools will use it as a kick-off for a charity (慈善) event such as collecting food for the local food bank.

A Spirit Week program can include many types of supporting activities. At most events, students like to wear identifying clothing or articles that show they are a unified group and support their school. Spirit week agendas often encourage students to wear fun and modern clothes.3.Monday might be funny hat day, followed by Tuesday's Hawaiian shirt day and Wednesday's silly T-shirt day. Thursday could be pajama day, rounded off with Friday's school colors day.4.Students decorate the walls, halls and classrooms with banners, posters and other adornments. Spirit Week posters and banners can reflect the theme of the week, the pride in the school, or show any other creative support of the school.

Parents love this special week as much as students and teachers do because parents have a great interest in the success of their children.5.

A.Spirit Weeks often have a central theme.

B.Spirit Week is about having loads of fun at school.

C.They can wear a different one for each day of the week.

D.The kids aren't the only ones dressed up for Spirit Week.

E.It makes them very happy to see the kids enthused about school activities.

F.It is also a time to recognize athletic teams competing during that season.

G.The main purpose of Spirit Week is to get the kids supportive of the school.


1.G 2.F 3.C 4.D 5.E 【解析】 本文是说明文,介绍了美国学校精神周的目的和各种庆祝活动。 1.此题是词汇推测。根据下一句have one primary goal和That goal is to…可知,此段说的是学校精神周的目的。选项G意为:精神周的主要目的是让孩子们支持学校。primary goal和选项G中的main purpose 是同义词复现。故选G 项。 2.此题是代词指代和逻辑线索。此段是说明精神周的目的。选项F意为:这也是确认在那个赛季中参加比赛的运动队时候。选项F也是说明精神周的目的之一,其中it 指代Spirit Week,also表示递进关系。故选F项。 3.此段谈论的是精神周的各种活动。空前一句谈论的是“学生通过穿识别性的服装表示对学校的支持”,空后一句提到Monday …Tuesday's Hawaiian shirt day…Wednesday's silly T-shirt day..Thursday… Friday's school colors day可知, 学生一周中每天着装不一样。选项C意为:他们一周中的每一天都可以穿不同的。选项C是承上启下。故选C 项。 4.选项D意为: 孩子们不是唯一为精神周打扮的人;下文提到“学生用横幅、海报和其他装饰品装饰墙壁、大厅和教室”。选项D中be dressed up 和下一句decorate意思相近。是词汇复现。故选D 项。 5.空前一句提到“因为父母也喜欢精神周”;选项E意为:看到孩子们对学校活动充满热情,他们非常高兴。选项E说明父母喜欢精神周的原因。故选E项。

    What kind of amusing activities will you participate in during your life? Will you be spending your free time doing safe sports with little danger or will you always be one of the first people to try the next popular extreme activity? Scientists have been interested in finding out why some people seem to prefer dangerous activities.

Although there are exceptions, researchers have found that in most cases men are less cautious than women. Men often try to impress women by proving that they are courageous and fearless, and they are more likely to take risks when women are watching them or when they are competing against other men.

Research also shows that as people get older they usually behave more responsibly and avoid taking unnecessary risks. In addition, when people are in stable relationships, they seem to be less attracted to daring activities.

Some people seem to be more daring than others, but there are many different types of risks and some people take one type of risk, but not another Psychologists have identified a number of categories of risk. These include financial risks, risks related to health and safety, amusing risks and social risks. Psychologists discover that some people will take risks in one area, but not in another. Just if a person enjoys bungee (蹦极) jumping, it doesn't mean he or she will take chances when investing (投资) money or that he will tell a joke to a group of strangers.

Interestingly, research shows that women take more social risks than men. They are more likely to make career changes as they get older and to express unpopular opinions in business meetings.

Yet, at the end of the day, the likelihood of particular people taking a risk depends on their personalities. In general, optimistic people are more likely to take risks because they focus on the possible positive outcomes of their actions. On the other hand, those with opposite personality are much more likely to avoid taking a chance.

1.What have researchers discovered about women?

A.They are always changing jobs. B.They are good at doing business.

C.They are more willing to take risks. D.They are more conservative than men.

2.Why do men try to prove they are brave?

A.To attract women to watch them. B.To have favorable effects on women.

C.To announce risks are too dangerous. D.To show their strength to the competitor.

3.What mainly determine whether people take risks possibly?

A.The potential consequences. B.Their characters.

C.Their problems of finance. D.The focuses of their work.

4.What is the text mainly talking about?

A.People's sense of taking risks. B.Risks at people's different ages.

C.Different types of people's risks. D.Risks between men and women.



    Dr. Faisal Zawawi, an Otolaryngologist and member of the McGill Auditory Sciences Laboratory, notes that when a person is exposed to loud noises it can cause short-term hearing loss but that under normal circumstances the body typically is able to repair the loss of hearing within 72 hours. However, Zawawi warns that if symptoms are not reversed (倒转) in the first 72 hours the damage could become permanent. Due to findings in previous studies about it, Zawawi says that the team of researchers has suspected that something may stop this repair process; therefore, the team set out to determine if caffeine could be a contributing cause to hearing loss. According to the Medical Daily, the researchers tested what they suspected on female guinea pigs(FGP) (豚鼠).

To perform the test, 24 female guinea pigs were split into three equal groups with each group exposed in different levels to caffeine, and loud noises. The researchers found that the guinea pigs subjected to only sound had their full hearing recovered by day eight. However, the guinea pigs that were subjected to both caffeine and loud noise never fully regained their hearing. Thereforethe researchers concluded that caffeine is a likely contributing cause to permanent hearing loss.

“This research confirms that while a cup of coffee may seem appealing after a long night at a loud concert, drinking caffeine produces more of a risk than benefit when it comes to a person's hearing. Although further research is required to understand the effect on humans, the results are promising," says Zawawi. If the research proves successful, the removal of caffeine from your diet following noise exposure could prevent permanent hearing loss as the body will be more able to repair itself naturally.

1.What caused the team to do the research?

A.Caffeine loving people suffering hearing loss.

B.The results about hearing loss found before.

C.The finding that FGPs are sensitive to noise.

D.The fact that many people drink coffee.

2.What is Zawawi's view about temporary hearing loss?

A.Drinking coffee daily results in it.

B.Drink less coffee while suffering it.

C.Generally people can recover from it in 3 days.

D.The continuous noise exposure surely causes it.

3.What can we learn about hearing from the text?

A.Coffee can stop it from recovering.

B.Coffee Can lead to quick hearing loss.

C.Hearing loss after noise exposure is normal.

D.Loud noise causes people to lose it forever.

4.How does Zawawi assess the research?

A.It's controversial. B.It's unnecessary to carry it on.

C.It's not predictable. D.It's almost successful.



    Many of my summer, childhood adventures were related to that classic American experience of the family road trip.

We visited Carlsbad Caverns when we took a trip out west so my father could look for work. A concrete tent called “tepee” by American Indians, which we spent the night in, has stuck in my mind. This was at Wigwam Village Motel in Holbrook, Arizona, on Route 66. The city was founded in 188 l, when the railroad was built, and named to honor the first chief engineer of the Atlantic and Pacific Railroad. I slept on an army type bed just below the attractive air conditioner.

Another time, our family took our summer vacation at a small wooden house that belonged to one of my father 's friends for a couple of years in the Adirondacks. We had to take everything we needed up a steep hill to the house that you couldn't see from the road that passed in front of it. There was no mailbox and the only indication that there might be something there was a small courtyard where you could park a car. We had packed all the food and clothing we would need for one week. After all, it wasn't like there was a Walmart nearby.

The week's entertainment consisted of catching insects and snakes and playing in the small lake that was across the road from the house. I have never seen water as pristine (清澈) since. I would catch small fish by hand and set them free. Seven days passed before I knew it!

These trips are our family's history. We were making our, own history and placing the historical markers of our lives along the road.

1.What impressed the writer most in Holbrook?

A.A concrete tent. B.The city's long history.

C.The air conditioner. D.An army type bed.

2.What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?

A.The steep hill. B.The wooden house.

C.The small courtyard. D.The family's car.

3.How did the writer like the summer vacation in the Adirondacks?

A.He enjoyed it very much.

B.He wasn't well prepared for it.

C.He found it inconvenient to stay there.

D.He considered it environment-friendly.

4.What's the best title for the text?

A.Lessons from my family B.Childhood adventures.

C.Summer family vacation D.Happy memories



    On Friday August 3, parents should plan on a scheduled conference with' their child's advisor, which is held in the late morning and early afternoon. Then the school president will hand out the diplomas after the Progress Day exercises that the graduation performance follows. Parents planning on taking the activities are urged to reserve accommodations as soon as possible by Salisbury School. This is a list of inns that offer accommodations close to our school.

Inn at Iron Masters — Lakeville, CT, (860) 435-9844

δ Starts from$159

δ Check-in time is 3PM and Check-out time is 11AM.

δ It is close to antiquing, golf and special roads for walking, jogging and bicycling.

δ Payment by check or credit card

Earl Grey B&B — Salisbury, CT, (860)435-1007

δ Per night: $295 with breakfast; $275 without

δ It's close to private schools: Hotchkiss, Salisbury; two nearby lakes for boating, fishing and swimming.

δ Check in: 3 PM; Check out: noon

δ Payment by check or credit card

Sassafras B&B — Salisbury, CT, (860) 435-1234

δ $ 125-$150 double room (Minimum two nights June-October 2018 only)

δ Up charge for one night during June-October 2018 only.

δ One Day Cancellation Policy: no charge

δ Check in is at 3PM, and check out is noon. Early check-in or late check-out / laundry services are available for an additional fee.

δ Payment by credit card, no check

The Litchfield Inn — Litchfield, CT, (860) 567-4503

δ Per night: $295

δ Up to 2 children under 12 stay for free with adults and rollaway beds are available upon request for a small fee.

δ Check in: 3 PM; Check out: 11 AM

δ Cancellation Charges: 1 Night Charge if cancelled within 24 hrs. (Groups carry different policy)

δ Payment: No cash



1.Which of the following is Activity 3 on August 3?

A.The Progress Day exercises. B.The parents-advisor meeting.

C.The graduation performance. D.The ceremony for diplomas.

2.If you like enjoying antiques and exercising, which inn will you stay at?

A.Sassafras B&B B.B. The Litchfield Inn.

C.Inn at Iron Masters. D.Earl Grey B&B.

3.What is required by all the above inns?

A.Guests check in at 3PM. B.They should be booked before Aug.3.

C.They take cancellation fees. D.Guests pay by check or credit card.




1. 学英语六年了,能够流利地说英语了;

2. 自己是热心肠,喜欢帮助别人;

3. 家人说地道的普通话。

注意:1. 词数100左右;2. 书信格式已经给出,不计入总词数。

Dear Sir or Madam,


Looking forward to your reply.

Yours faithfully,

Li Hua



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