满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

The James Geddes Language Center include...

    The James Geddes Language Center includes two language laboratories, especially equipped for language teaching and extensive tape production and processing facilities. A test is required of every student whose recent course in French was taken in high school or at a college other than Boston University. The test can be taken at any time, but should be taken only once. The following is the arrangement for the French courses this summer.

● CAS LF 111 First-Semester French

This is for students who have never studied French including grammar, conversation practice, written exercises and directed compositions. Lab 1 is required.

Tuition: $1,800

Duration: July 1 - July 15

Time: Monday to Wednesday 9 am-11:30 am

● CAS LF 112 Second-Semester French

The CAS LF 111 examination result is required. This is a continuation of the CAS LF 111 basic text: grammar, conversation, compositions and additional readings. Lab 1 is required.

Tuition: $1,800 Duration:

Duration: July 16 - July 31

Time: Monday to Wednesday 9 am-11:30 am

● CAS LF 211 Third-Semester French

The CAS LF 112 examination result is required. If you want to strengthen your skills in grammar and conversation, don’t miss it. Literary readings, listening to novels in the language laboratory and discussions in class are included. Lab 2 is required.

Tuition: $2,000

Duration: August 1 - August 15

Time: Thursday to Saturday 11 am-1 pm

● CAS LF 212 Fourth-Semester French

The CAS LF 211 examination result is still a must. Like the three above, the whole class is also instructed in French. You’ll continue CAS LF 211 grammar review, conversation and compositions, learning selections from modern literature, listening to novels in the laboratory and discussions in class. Lab 1 is required.

Tuition: $2,000

Duration: August 16 - August 31

Time: Thursday to Saturday 11 am-1 pm

1.What is special about CAS LF 111 First-Semester French?

A.It lasts the longest time.

B.It includes the novel reading teaching.

C.It requires no French basis before attending it.

D.It is not provided with advanced teaching facilities.

2.What is the common point among the courses?

A.The price. B.The language of instruction.

C.The duration. D.The weekly open time.

3.Which course is conducted in a different laboratory?

A.CAS LF 111 First-Semester French.

B.CAS LF 112 Second-Semester French.

C.CAS LF 211 Third-Semester French,

D.CAS LF 212 Fourth-Semester French.


1.C 2.B 3.C 【解析】 本文是应用文。文章主要介绍了The James Geddes Language Center这个语言学习中心的法语课程安排。 1.细节理解题。根据第一个课程介绍中This is for students who have never studied French including grammar, conversation practice, written exercises and directed compositions.可知这是为那些从未学过法语的学生准备的,包括语法、会话练习、书面练习和指导作文。由此可知,CAS LF 111 First-Semester French特别之处在于在参加之前不需要法语基础。故选C。 2.细节理解题。根据最后一个课程介绍中Like the three above, the whole class is also instructed in French.可知和上面三个一样,整个班级全程用法语教学。CASLF 212 Fourth-Semester French和上面的三个课程一样,也是全程用法语进行教学的。由此可知,这些课程的共同点是教学语言。故选B。 3.细节理解题。根据三个课程介绍的最后一句Lab 2 is required.可知在第二语音室进行。由此可知,CAS LF 211 Third-Semester French在第二语音室进行,其他三个课程在第一语音室进行,故选C。


David and Roy decided to go for a bicycle ride with three other students: Robert, Helen and Betty. But Robert’s father couldn’t afford to buy a bike for him. So they were going to borrow one for him.

The students had planned to meet at 8 o’clock. But Robert, Helen and Betty were half an hour late, for they had to come a long way since they found the bridge over the stream had been washed away.

When they told the bad news to David and Roy, David said nothing and kept silent for a moment. After a while, an idea came into his mind. “Do you think we could rebuild it?”

All of them agreed and started to consider this seriously. They decided to rebuild the bridge before they went for the bicycle ride. Betty said she could ask her brother to make a plan for them.

The biggest problem was to get enough wood. The next day they visited nearly every house in the village. Mr. Robinson agreed to supply the wood so long as they did the work. Several people promised to give money if they could build a new bridge because it was a short cut for them.

The students worked for nearly a week under Mr. Robinson’s guidance. At the end of a

week of hard work, the bridge was completed. They all agreed to ask Mr. Robinson to officially open the bridge. “He has helped us most,” David said.

“And tomorrow morning we can go around to all the houses,” added Roy, “and tell the people that the bridge will be officially opened at six o’clock. Then we can remind them about their promises about money,” Roy added.

“But we don’t really want that, do we?” said Robert.

“Yes,” said Helen. “We need it and I think we should collect it.” She glanced quickly at the others, who nodded.

The next day, the students visited all the houses again. They were surprised when they saw how pleased the people were with them. By two o’clock they had collected over a hundred dollars. By five o’clock, unknown to Robert, they had spent it.

注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1

At six the students gathered at the bridge.


Paragraph 2

David turned to Robert and said, “We have a surprise for you!”




假定你是学生会主席李华, 学生会举办了英语演讲比赛,得到了外教Miss Smith的大力帮助。活动圆满结束后,请给她写一封感谢信, 内容包括:

1. 表达感谢;

2. 回顾外教的帮助;

3. 总结同学们的收获。

注意:1. 词数80左右;

2. 可适当增加细节, 以使行文连贯。





Imagine you are thinking about attending a college, and you find a school you would like 1. (attend) . So you go to the school’s website to find information about admission process.

Time goes by and you still do not have the answers. You almost feel like giving up. But then 2.message appears on your computer. It 3. (say) something like: “How can I help?” Writing back to the website, you try to explain  4. (you) problem. Then, almost immediately, the person with whom you are in contact provides the information you are seeking.

In fact, you are not 5. (actual) communicating with a school official. You are in contact with a computer program, or chatbot.

This might sound strangebut chances are this would not be the first time you have communicated with a computer program without knowing 6.. In recent years, chatbots 7. (become) a common tool for banks and large companies around the world.

Having human beings available to answer people’s questions can be costly, requiring many workers. And in most 8. (case), employees can only work a set number of hours in a day, 9. (increase) the amount of time customers wait for a response. So not just companies, 10. a growing number of colleges and universities have also begun using chatbot technology.



    Time spent in a bookshop can be most enjoyable, whether you are a book-lover or merely go there to buy a book as a present. You may even have entered the shop just to find ______from a sudden shower.

Whatever the ______, you can soon become totally unaware of your surroundings. The desire to ______ a book with an attractive cover is irresistible but you might end up with a rather ______ book. A book-lover ______ adopts this method of selection. All too often you soon become ______ in some book or other, and usually it is too ______when you realize you have spent far too much time there and must ______ to keep some forgotten appointment — without buying a book, of course.

This opportunity to escape the reality of everyday life is, I think, the main ______ of a bookshop. There are not many places where it is ______ to do this. A music shop is very much like a bookshop. You can wander round such places to your heart’s content. If it is a good shop, no assistant will ______you with the unavoidable greeting: “Can I help you, sir?” You needn’t buy anything you don’t want. In a bookshop an assistant should remain in the ______ until you have finished browsing. Then, and only then, are his services _______ Of course, you may want to find out where a particular section is, but when he has ______you there, the assistant should retire considerately and look as if he is not interested in ______ a single book.

1.A.direction B.shelter C.way D.comfort

2.A.weather B.place C.reason D.time

3.A.pick up B.pass on C.write D.buy

4.A.special B.creative C.surprising D.dull

5.A.often B.nearly C.rarely D.easily

6.A.absorbed B.bored C.tired D.forgotten

7.A.easy B.late C.lucky D.happy

8.A.take away B.rush off C.put off D.make up

9.A.function B.value C.attraction D.purpose

10.A.important B.popular C.friendly D.possible

11.A.approach B.help C.warn D.support

12.A.office B.distance C.way D.shop

13.A.obvious B.necessary C.refused D.realized

14.A.gave B.made C.put D.led

15.A.finding B.showing C.reading D.selling



    You have the grades, the test scores, and the English proficiency (水平) to get into college in the United States. 1.

In the US, scores alone can’t guarantee a place at a college. Indeed, it’s normal for admissions (招生) officers to turn away students who have high scores. This is where the essay comes in. 2.

This is your opportunity to show the admissions committee the person behind those numbers– the real you. 3. No matter what your topic is, the essay should not be a description of events. It should say something you’ve learned about life.

Here is what Harvard’s Dean of Admissions is looking for in an essay: how well you can think; whether you have a questioning nature; whether you are open to ideas; whether you have a unique way to express your ideas. No matter how great your English is, your ideas and the ability to connect them to events will distinguish you among the other applicants.


Some students use cliches (陈词滥调) like “expanding my horizons (眼界)”, which are so overused. Colleges would think you don’t care enough to make original phrases. The worst is plagiarizing (抄袭). It’s the easiest way to get rejected. Only lazy students copy and paste other’s works such as some internet resources called “successful essays”. Finally, beware of empty words. 5. If a college asks “Why this college?”, don’t reply weightless words like “for football games on campus”.

A.And many experts agree with this.

B.It shows schools that you can communicate through writing.

C.What are some of the most common mistakes students make?

D.Now you need the essay.

E.When students don’t know what to say, they often make it up with meaningless things.

F.Sometimes, essay makes no difference.

G.You can show your character, values, beliefs and aspirations (抱负).



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