满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Listening to a radio broadcast in a fore...

    Listening to a radio broadcast in a foreign language is difficult for many of us. We may have studied the language for several years, and are able to read it, perhaps even write in it. But listening and understanding the spoken language require special skills. Some people have a natural ability that helps them to learn a language quickly, while others must study for a long time. Everyone, however, can improve his or her listening skills with practice.

We are good listeners in our own language because we have had years of practice. We understand the grammar and the language. We know what to expect a person to say to us in almost any situation. We have been in similar situations many times, and we have heard it all before. We can understand it, even if we do not listen carefully.

But this is not true with a foreign language. We must listen with our full attention. And we must try not to let the cultural style of our language affect our understanding of the foreign language. Listening to a foreign language broadcast is easier if we know something about it. There are clues that can help us. One clue is the time of a day. Morning programs usually contain many short items of news, information or entertainment. The items are short because most of us are getting ready to go to work in the morning. Often we do not have time to listen to long programs. Evening programs are different. There is time for more details about the subjects discussed.

We can get a clue about the program from the music at the beginning, but we must be familiar with the music of the foreign culture. The kind of music-serious and slow, or fast and light-can tell us what kind of program to expect. The name of the program can give us good information about what it will contain.

Another good clue is the broadcaster. The more we listen to the same person, the easier it will be to understand him. His speaking style will become familiar to us. Further, the broadcaster provides clues to the organization of the broadcast at the beginning of the program. The broadcaster usually gives us the highlights of the program to prepare us for the details that will follow.

1.We are good listeners in our own language because ______.

A.we have a natural ability of learning language

B.our own language is much easier

C.we listen to our own language more carefully

D.we have practiced it for years

2.If you don’t have enough time, you can listen to ______.

A.evening programs B.programs with soft music

C.morning programs D.familiar programs

3.You can know the information of the program according to ______.

A.its name B.the broadcaster

C.its music D.the time of the program


1.D 2.C 3.A 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了听外语广播对于我们大多数人来说都是困难的。然而,作者认为,只要很好地运用文章里方法和技巧,并且通过大量的练习,我们是可以提高我们的听力水平。 1.细节理解题。根据第二段中We are good listeners in our own language because we have had years of practice.(我们是母语的好听众是因为我们练习了很多年。)可知,我们能完全听懂母语,源于我们一直在听,一直在练习。D. we have practiced it for years (我们练习了很多年)。符合题意。故选D项。 2.细节理解题。根据第三段中Morning programs usually contain many short items of news, information or entertainment. The items are short because most of us are getting ready to go to work in the morning. (早间节目通常包含许多简短的新闻、信息或娱乐节目。这些项目很短,因为我们大多数人都准备在早上去上班。)可知,如果时间不够,我们可以听早间节目,因为它们一般很短。C. morning programs (早间节目)。符合题意。故选C项。 3.细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中The name of the program can give us good information about what it will contain.(节目的名字可以告诉我们这个节目包含什么内容)。可知,我们想要了解节目内容,先看看节目的名字就大概知道了。A. its name (它的名字)。符合题意。故选A项。

    Brecon Beacons YAC has an amazing opportunity for budding(崭露头角的) archaeologists of all ages, in Sunderland in Tyne and Wear. Thanks to funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund, professional archaeologists from Wardell Armstrong will be investigating an archaeological mystery and they need your help.


“The site is a bit of a mystery”, Frank Giecco from Wardell Armstrong said. “There is a very nice cropmark recorded on the site that has got lots of people very excited. Geophysicists failed to find anything relating to the cropmark. There is anecdotal evidence of Roman material being found, but nothing is officially recorded. We hope to finally answer the question of what is in this field, during the two weeks on site. Is there evidence of any Roman occupation on the site? Can you help us find out?”

Get involved

This is an opportunity for both adults and children to take part in field walking and trial trenching (small hand-dug test pits for children). No experience is necessary, training will be provided by the professional archaeologists from Wardell Armstrong, and all equipment will be provided. Volunteers can attend for as few or as many days as they wish, but they do need to book a place.

For more information, and to book your place, please contact Norman Kirtlan at sunderlandforgottenstones@gmail.com.

1.If you intend to take part in the activity, you ________.

A. will be charged for using equipment

B. will be coached by experts in the field

C. should have worked with archaeologists before

D. should spare two weeks to stay at the site

2.What’s the main purpose of the passage?

A. To seek funding for archaeological research.

B. To appeal for help in proving findings based on anecdotal evidence.

C. To find volunteers to help solve an archaeological mystery.

D. To organize volunteers to help sort our data on the Roman occupation.



    My parents are from South Africa, and I’m a vegetarian, which no one in my small hometown in Washington understood. I always felt ______ from everybody else at school. As hard as I tried to keep myself ______, I started getting bullied(霸凌). I ______ who I was, wore really plain clothes, and tied up my bright red hair and ______ I wouldn’t attract as much attention. Eventually, I ______ to an arts high school, which was much more ______. There, I felt brave enough to show off the unique sides of my ______ and made friends who loved me for who I was.

More recently, I’ve ______ with confidence in my skin. When I moved to L. A. , I started getting bad cystic acne(痤疮). I didn’t want to go outside, and if I had to, I would ______ makeup. I’ve learned that you can’t ______ control your skin, but you can control how you treat yourself. When I tell myself I’m beautiful, or take a(n) ______ few minutes for skin care, I wake up the next morning feeling ______.

A lot of Riverdale fans made the ______ that I was as mean as Cheryl when the show was first ______, so I started a YouTube channel for them to get to know my true ______. And so many of them ask for advice about how to ______ bullying. Playing a ______ girl has helped me see the reasons I was bullied. I tell them, whoever is treating you that way is ______ something, and it has nothing to do with you. Like for Cheryl, every time her ______ erupts, it has to do with how she’s feeling about herself rather than the other characters. Cheryl behaves in a way that ______ her wealth and upbringing, a privileged daughter of a businessman.

My motto: If you take care of yourself, you’ll always feel confident and happy.

1.A.absent B.free C.distinct D.immune

2.A.active B.unique C.unnoticed D.ambitious

3.A.hid B.displayed C.remembered D.forgot

4.A.yet B.thus C.moreover D.meanwhile

5.A.submitted B.transported C.slipped D.transferred

6.A.persuasive B.inclusive C.expensive D.negative

7.A.hair B.origin C.personality D.identity

8.A.gone B.met C.started D.struggled

9.A.abuse B.absorb C.attach D.apply

10.A.constantly B.strictly C.hardly D.loosely

11.A.spare B.extra C.precious D.unhappy

12.A.nervous B.depressed C.content D.ridiculous

13.A.presentation B.explanation C.definition D.assumption

14.A.aired B.scheduled C.designed D.adapted

15.A.strengths B.charms C.values D.characters

16.A.handle B.relieve C.clarify D.monitor

17.A.popular B.mean C.foreign D.sensitive

18.A.seeing through B.falling through C.putting through D.going through

19.A.violence B.excitement C.curiosity D.anxiety

20.A.multiplies B.shares C.reflects D.decreases



There are so many spelling mistakes in the composition, and I have to write the letter out again. It means I will  ______.

A.give the cold shoulder B.kill the fatted calf

C.cost an arm and a leg D.start from scratch



Our neighbor is always doing what he can to help those in need. He is really ________.

A.a Scrooge B.a good Samaritan C.a sacred cow D.a Judas



The violence in Hong Kong has threatened its stability. We would rather it ______ its former order soon.

A.would restore B.will restore C.restored D.had restored



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