满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

One afternoon, I was walking with Evan o...

    One afternoon, I was walking with Evan on the second floor. I talked on and on and Evan walked_________in front of me. As we turned a corner, Evan_________me and said the ten words. “Why are you talking to me? I’m not your friend.” Those were the exact words he said to me that day. I stood there_________. He kept walking and never looked back. I__________to my next class with tears coming up in my eyes.

We__________spoke to each other after that. I_________into a shell, like a turtle, to hide from the world. For the rest of my time in middle school, I didn’t__________myself to get close to anyone. I push away most of my friends_________being hurt again. I avoided unnecessary________.

It wasn’t until high school that I was able to__________my head out of my shell and begin_________people again. But even today, I am still__________in choosing who I open up to. It takes me a very long time to warm up to_________.

I was twelve then. I was too trusting and I took what Evan said_________. Maybe he was having a bad day__________maybe I was talking too much. In my view, what he said to me that day__________the course of my life. but if weren’t for that_________, I wouldn’t have met my best friends in high school.

I understand that, in middle school, we were all young. I’ve been able to_________all the people who bullied me, but for some__________I can’t seem to forgive Evan. Those words that day hurt me more than anything. I believe that one day I’ll be________enough to forgive Evan too. But right now I’m still that twelve-year-old running down the hall with tears filled with his eyes.

1.A.silently B.carefully C.suddenly D.happily

2.A.argued with B.shouted at C.turned to D.reminded of

3.A.astonished B.disappointed C.frightened D.amused

4.A.came back B.gave in C.made faces D.ran off

5.A.frequently B.willingly C.attentively D.rarely

6.A.looked B.turned C.escaped D.lived

7.A.wish B.allow C.expect D.force

8.A.for fear of B.because of C.in need of D.instead of

9.A.outings B.conversations C.lessons D.friends

10.A.remain B.stick C.keep D.hide

11.A.suspecting B.refusing C.admiring D.trusting

12.A.cautions B.alone C.careless D.simple-minded

13.A.anything B.everyone C.nothing D.someone

14.A.seriously B.wrongly C.personally D.easily

15.A.and B.or C.but D.so

16.A.changed B.helped C.developed D.achieved

17.A.accident B.argument C.incident D.fight

18.A.forget B.remember C.apologize D.forgive

19.A.trouble B.reason C.idea D.view

20.A.warm-hearted B.clever C.mature D.determined


1.A 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.D 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.B 10.B 11.D 12.A 13.D 14.A 15.B 16.A 17.C 18.D 19.B 20.C 【解析】 本文作者陈述了自己被朋友的言语伤害,以至于性格改变的事情。虽然随着年龄的成长,他逐渐走出阴影,但是这件事情深深的伤害了他。通过这件事,作者告诉我们要注意自己的言语,不要说出可能伤害人的话。 1.考查副词词义辨析。A. silently不吭身,沉默地,无声地;B. carefully仔细地;C. suddenly突然;D. happily快乐地。联系下文他对我说的“Why are you talking to me? I’m not your friend.”可知我在不停地说话时,他不吭声走在我前面。故选A。 2.考查动词短语辨析。A. argued with与……辩论,争论;B. shouted at对……吼叫;C. turned to求助于,转向;D.reminded of想起。联系上文Evan走在我前面,可知当我们转弯时,他转向我,对我说了下面的话。根据语境可知选C。 3.考查形容词词义辨析。A. astonished感到惊讶的;B. disappointed失望的;C. frightened害怕的;D. amused愉快的,被逗笑的。根据Evan对我说的话“Why are you talking to me? I’m not your friend.”可判断我听到他说的这些话感到很惊讶。故选A。 4.考查动词短语辨析。A. came back回来;B. gave in屈服;C. made faces做鬼脸;D. ran off跑掉,逃掉,流失,偷走,减轻体重。Evan的话让我感动惊讶,他一直向前走没有回头。结合下文我的眼里流着眼泪,可推断,我跑这离开去上下节课。根据语境可知,故选D。 5.考查副词词义辨析。A. frequently频繁地,经常地;B. willingly乐意地;C. attentively聚精会神地,周到地;D. rarely罕见地,珍奇地。根据上文发生的事以及下句“我把自己藏到壳里”,可知自那之后,我们很少说话。故选D。 6.考查动词词义辨析。A. looked看;B. turned转身;C. escaped逃脱;D. lived住。联系下文hide from the world ,可知我像一只海龟一样,逃到一个壳里藏起来了。故选C。 7.考查名词词义辨析。A. wish希望;B. allow允许;C. expect期望;D. force强迫。我把自己藏起来,不愿意与人说话,可知在中学的剩余时间里,我不允许自己接近任何人。根据句意可知,选B。 8.考查短语辨析以。A. for fear of因为害怕;B. because of由于;C. in need of需要;D. instead of代替,而不是。Evan的话让我受伤,可知我推开大部分的朋友因为害怕被再次伤害。故选A。 9.考查名词词义辨析。A. outings远足,郊游,短途旅行;B. conversations对话;C. lessons教训,启示,课;D. friends朋友。联系上文我把自己躲在壳里,不接近任何人。可知我避免不必要的对话。故选B。 10.考查动词词义辨析。A. remain保持,留下;B. stick插入,放置,粘贴,容忍;C. keep保持,放;D. hide躲藏。联系上文我初中剩下的时间里,我像一只海龟一样,逃到一个壳里藏起来了,可知直到高中我才把头从壳里伸出来。stick out of 从…伸出。故选B。 11.考查动词词义辨析。A. suspecting猜疑,怀疑;B. refusing拒绝;C. admiring羡慕,钦佩;D. trusting相信。联系语境直到上高中我才把头伸出龟壳,才开始再次相信人。故选D。 12.考查形容词词义辨析。A. cautions小心的,谨慎的;B. alone单独的;C. careless粗心的;D. simple-minded纯朴的,简单的。联系上文自己受到Evan的伤害,可知直到今天,我在选择向谁打开心扉时仍然很谨慎。故选A。 13.考查代词辨析。A. anything任何东西;B. everyone每个人;C. nothing没有东西;D. someone某个人。联系上句我在择友时很谨慎,可知我要花很长时间才能对一个人变得友好。此句中warm up to喜欢,对……变得较有好感,对……感到较易接受。故选D。 14.考查副词词义辨析。A. seriously严肃地,认真地;B. wrongly错误地;C. personally个人地;D. easily容易地。那时我12岁。我太容易相信别人,我把Evan的话太当真了。take sth seriously 认真对待,当真。故选A。 15.考查连词词义辨析。句意:或许他那天心情不好或者我说太多话了。这里Maybe he was having a bad day和maybe I was talking too much.是选择关系,用or,故选B。 16.考查动词词义辨析。A. changed改变;B. helped帮助;C. developed发展,养成;D. achieved完成,实现。句意:在我看来,他那天对我说的话改变了我的生活轨迹。根据句意可知选A。 17.考查名词词义辨析。A. accident事故;B. argument争论,争辩;C. incident小事件,事件;D. fight斗争,奋斗。句意:但是如果不是因为那件事,我不可能在高中遇到我最好的朋友们。根据句意可知选C。 18.考查动词词义辨析。A. forget忘记;B. remember记住,记得;C. apologize道歉;D. forgive原谅,谅解。联系下句I can’t seem to forgive Evan. 可知我已经能原谅所有欺负我的人。故选D。 19.考查名词词义辨析。A. trouble麻烦;B. reason原因;C. idea想法,观点;D. view观点,景色。句意:我已经能原谅所有欺负我的人,但是因为一些原因,,我似乎不能原谅Evan。根据句意可知选B。 20.考查形容词词义辨析。A. warm-hearted热心的;B. clever聪明的;C. mature成熟的,仔细考虑过的;D. determined有决心的。联系本段的开头,那时我们都太年轻,我能原谅所有欺负我的人,但是不能原谅Evan,可知这里,我相信有一天我也能足够成熟的原谅Evan。故选C。

    Porridge doesn't have a very tasty name, does it?1.I'm here to try and convince you that porridge can be a delicious, convenient and very healthy way to start the day.

Porridge is a type of food served for breakfast, usually a type of grain with either milk or water. It is thicker than liquid, but not solid.2., so it's a very good option for people who are ill, and it provides long-lasting energy for the day.

Porridge preparation, such as the amount of materials and cooking time depends on what you choose to use as your porridge base.3., I put a very big handful of oats (麦片) in a pot, add a little bit of water and about 200ml of milk, and let the mixture boil. It takes about five minutes to cook.

Once it's cooked, the fun part is adding the flavors (味道). Porridge alone doesn't have a very strong flavour. 4., I think this is what makes porridge exciting! It is like a blank piece of paper-you can add almost anything you want to the porridge base. Seeds, nuts and dried fruits are very healthy options to add and can give you energy for the day. But if you don't like these, or you're allergic, then sugar and chocolate are also very tasty options.

5.. Either oats or corn or both are "staple foods" for most people on the earth. You can usually buy big bags of either, then add local materials to make your porridge interesting-whatever is cheap and convenient to find, wherever you are.

Hopefully porridge sounds a lot tastier now!

AIf you've never eaten it

BIf I'm cooking for myself

CThe porridge base is very easy to digest

DIt doesn't have a very tasty reputation, either

EIt is often heated up but lacks all kinds of nutrition

FYou can make porridge almost anywhere in the world

GAlthough some people think this makes porridge boring



    As Simon Kindleysides, 34, took his first step in the London Marathon in April, he felt as if magic was in the air.

"As we were walking toward the first mile, we actually started joining all the runners," he said. "Everyone was on the streets, cheering, and that was a magical moment." As time went on, the crowds and other racers spread around. Kindleysides and his team of eight supporters continued walking.

Kindleysides, who is paralyzed(瘫痪的)from the waist down and typically uses a wheelchair, was equipped with an exoskeleton(体外骨骼)to help him walk. His supporters walked with him to change the batteries in his exoskeleton so he could keep moving.

In 2013, Kindleysides was diagnosed with a brain tumor (肿瘤) that was growing in a way that pressed on certain nerves, leading to him losing feeling in his legs. He was told he would never walk again. Before his paralysis, the London-based singer and dancer had "always wanted to run a marathon," he said, but he never made the plan to do so--until this year.

During the London Marathon, the last two miles were the hardest. "At that point, I was exhausted. It was freezing cold, and I was hurting emotionally," Kindleysides said. But he kept going. "I didn't want to let people down. I had a team of eight, and I was raising money for The Brain Tumour Charity," he said. "I didn't want to let them down, myself down, and I thought if I would get this far, I would have to continue."So he continued and made history as the first paralyzed man to complete the London Marathon on foot.

Then, recovering at home, he shared his accomplishment with his three children. "They used to say I'm the only dad in their whole school who's in a wheelchair, and now they say I'm their dad, the only one who has walked a marathon," he said.

Kindleysides is training to complete three more marathons next year, including the London Marathon again.

1.Why did Kindleysides' supporters accompany him all the way?

A. To help change the batteries. B. To inspire him as a team.

C. To guide him along the road. D. To assist him with the wheelchair.

2.What caused Kindleysides' disability?

A. An operation on his brain for the tumor.

B. An accident in the previous marathon.

C. Some nerves produced out of the tumor.

D. The pressure from the brain tumor on the nerves.

3.What partly supported Kindleysides to finish the hardest two-mile race?

A. The prize money for the winner. B. The strong desire to recover.

C. The kindness to help the charity. D. The belief to beat others.

4.What can we learn about Kindleysides?

A. He was once a successful actor.

B. He is ambitious for joining in London marathons once more.

C. His children feel a pity for him in the wheelchair now.

D. He was the first disabled man to complete the London Marathon.



    You know the feeling that you have left your phone at home and feel anxious, as if you have lost your connection to the world. “Nomophobia” (无手机恐惧症) affects teenagers and adults alike. You can even do an online test to see if you have it. Last week, researchers from Hong Kong warned that nomophobia is infecting everyone. Their study found that people who use their phones to store, share and access personal memories suffer most. When users were asked to describe how they felt about their phones, words such as “hurt” (neck pain was often reported) and “alone” predicted higher levels of nomophobia.

“The findings of our study suggest that users regard smartphones as their extended selves and get attached to the devices,” said Dr. Kim Ki Joon. “People experience feelings of anxiety and unpleasantness when separated from their phones.” Meanwhile, an American study shows that smartphone separation can lead to an increase in heart rate and blood pressure.

So can being without your phone really give you separation anxiety? Professor Mark Griffiths, psychologist and director of the International Gaming Research Unit at Nottingham Trent University, says it is what is on the phone that counts-the social networking that creates Fomo (fear of missing out).

“We are talking about an internet-connected device that allows people to deal with lots of aspects of their lives,” says Griffiths. “You would have to surgically remove a phone from a teenager because their whole life is rooted in this device.”

Griffiths thinks attachment theory, where we develop emotional dependency on the phone because it holds details of our lives, is a small part of nomophobia. For “screenagers”, it is Fomo that creates the most separation anxiety. If they can’t see what’s happening on Snapchat or Instagram, they become panic-stricken about not knowing what’s going on socially. “But they adapt very quickly if you take them on holiday and there’s no internet,” says Griffiths.

1.Which of the following may Dr. Kim Ki Joon agree with?

A.We waste too much time on phones.

B.Phones have become part of some users.

C.Addiction to phones makes memories suffer.

D.Phones and blood pressure are closely linked.

2.According to Giffiths, we get nomophobia because       .

A.we are accustomed to having a phone on us

B.we need our phones to help us store information

C.we worry we may miss out what our friends are doing

D.we fear without phones we will run into a lot of trouble

3.Where can you probably find the above passage?

A.In a research report. B.In a fashion brochure.

C.In a science textbook. D.In a popular science magazine.



    The University of Birmingham is the first excellent UK Russell Group university to announce that it will accept the "Gaokao" exam for high-flying Chinese students wishing to join its undergraduate courses in 2019. High school students who complete the "National Higher Education Entrance Examination", or Gaokao, with top grades will be able to apply for direct entry onto Birmingham degree programmes without first completing a foundation year which is a routine for the freshman.

Gaokao is usually taken by students in their last year of senior high school and, every year, each province in China sets the grades required to gain admission to its universities. It is usually held across China in early June. Students are tested in Chinese, Mathematics, a Foreign Language and social sciences or natural sciences.

University of Birmingham Vice-Chancellor Professor Sir David Eastwood said: "The University of Birmingham has been challenging and developing great minds for more than a century. We welcome people from around the globe to study at Birmingham and Chinese students form an integral part of our education and research community. We are further opening access to Birmighamˈs wealth of education opportunities for the brightest and most dedicated Chinese students by accepting this strict and important qualification. I look forward to welcoming these high-flying students to the University of Birmingham. "

Gaokao is increasingly accepted by universities in Australia, the USA, Canada and mainland Europe. Birmingham will only be considering high quality students who achieve a minimum 80% Gaokao score and meet additional academic and English language requirements.

Professor J on Frampton, Director of the University of Birminghamˈs China Institute said: "The University of Birmingham has a long history of educating students from China and one of our most famous graduates is Li Siguang-the founding father of Chinese geology. I am delighted that the University is now accepting the Gaokao. This gives the brightest and best Chinese students an opportunity to move straight into the first year of our undergraduate programmes and experience the benefits of studying at a global Top 100 university, such as Birmingham. "

1.What do Chinese students have to do to enter the University of Birmingham before 2019?

A. Score over 80% of the universityˈs qualification examination.

B. Prepare Birmingham degree programmes.

C. Acquire the right to permanent residency.

D. Go through a foundation year.

2.Who is the announcement intended for?

A. Chinese students.

B. All people living in the UK.

C. The students of the UK.

D. The foreign students in China.

3.Which of the following best explains "integral" underlined in paragraph 3?

A. complete. B. indifferent.

C. necessary. D. unimportant.

4.What does the text mainly talk about?

A. The introduction to the "Gaokao" of China.

B. The University of Birminghamˈs admission to Gaokao.

C. The high quality students accepted by top universities.

D. The history of the University of Birmingham.



    Mobile phone technology is advancing rapidly, but what can people expect to be using in 2018?

What will their mobile be able to do and what will look like? Nokia has collaborated with Industrial Design students from Central Saint Martins College of Art and Design in London to come up with some ideas.

The Winner

Daniel Meyer

The device (装置) was inspired both by the appearing of video calling and the traditional practice of carrying pictures of family and friends with you. The handset is designed to sit as a picture frame (镜框) wherever the user is, serving the double purposes of communications device and a comforting familiar focus at home or when away.


Nicola Reed

It aims to get people to be more green. It collects infuriation on how much electricity and gas you use how you get about, the type of products you buy, and how you deal with waste. It works on a reward system and you can earn free calls and texts by being environmentally friendly, like walking to work instead of driving.


Sung-Joo Kim

People constantly upgrade mobiles and throw away their old ones. In the future new mobiles will have to exist alongside older modals that have become redundant (过剩的) in their primary role. This project proposes a change for them, using secondary functions like the camera. This model allows old phones to become part of a CCTV network.

Get Your Friend

Ik-Soo Shin

The aim was a user friendly product that gave an emotional relationship, like a fiend. A new generation of mobiles with artificial intelligence will be able to express a user’s feelings, such as anger. The phone will also automatically recognize the voice of the user, allowing communication between them and their mobiles.

1.What’s the aim of Nokia and Central Saint Martins College of Art and Designs event?

A.To attract some users. B.To collect some ideas.

C.To promote Nokia’s mobile phones. D.To introduce Nokia’s mobile phones.

2.What is special about the mobile phone in Daniel Meyer’s plan?

A.It is environmentally friendly. B.It behaves like a human being.

C.It can be used as a picture frame. D.It has the function of video calling.

3.Which plan can help you to save phone bill?

A.The winner. B.Regenerate.

C.Hello. D.Get Your Friend.

4.Ik-Soo Shins plan Get Your Friend pays more attention to        .

A.excellent sound B.cool appearance

C.personal feelings D.practical functions



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