满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

根据下列句子中所给单词的汉语提示,写出相应单词的正确形式。 1.Communic...


1.Communicating with others by telephone is ______ (方便) than communicating face to face, especially when you have something urgent.

2.With the thorough development of our national economy, the problems of countryside, peasant, and ______ (农业) have become the key question in economic development of our country.

3.If you don’t take time to recite the new words in time, you will ________ (确定) forget some of them.

4.This ________ (表明,暗示) how easily you can hurt the one you love without intending to do so.

5.In the twentieth century, Orville Wright once ________ (预言) that no flying machine would ever fly from New York to Paris.

6.If you look usually at the bright side of things, ________ (自然) you are an optimistic person.

7.Teachers in the kindergarten help the children form the good habit of keeping tidy by asking them to put their tools back to the ______ (原来的) places.

8.As modern civilized men, we should show enough respect for all living ______ (生物) on the earth.

9.Walk into any bookstore, and you will find lots of books _______ (声称) to cure any psychological problems with easy solutions.

10.The rise of digital media means a great challenge for _______ (传统) newspaper, books and magazines.


1.more convenient 2.agriculture 3.definitely/certainly/surely 4.indicates/suggests/shows/implies 5.predicted 6.naturally 7.original 8.creatures 9.claiming/claim 10.traditional 【解析】 1.考查形容词。句意:用电话和别人交流比面对面交流更方便,尤其是当你有紧急事情的时候。根据后面的than可知,此处用形容词的比较级,结合汉语提示可知,用convenient的比较级。故填more convenient。 2.考查名词。句意:随着我国经济的深入发展,农村和农民问题日益突出。农业已经成为我国经济发展的关键问题。设空处是主语,因此用名词,结合汉语提示可知,用agriculture。故填agriculture。 3.考查副词。句意:如果你不花时间背诵新单词,你将肯定忘记其中的一些。分析句式,设空处是修饰动词forget,用副词修饰动词,结合汉语提示。故填definitely/certainly/surely。 4.考查动词。句意:这表明你可以轻易地伤害你爱的人,即使你并不想这样做。分析句式并根据汉语提示可知,此处用动词indicate/suggest/show/imply,根据句意可知,用一般现在时。主语是this,谓语用单三形式。故填indicates/suggests/shows/implies。 5.考查动词。句意:在20世纪,奥维尔·赖特曾经预言,没有飞行机器会从纽约飞到巴黎。根据汉语提示用predict,根据空前的once可知,用一般过去时。故填predicted。 6.考查副词。句意:如果你总是看到事物光明的一面,你自然是一个乐观的人。根据汉语提示可知,用nature,修饰句子,用副词,故填naturally。 7.考查形容词。句意:老师在幼儿园帮助孩子们养成良好的习惯,保持整洁的要求他们把工具放回原来的地方。设空处位于名词places前,用修容词作名词的定语,结合汉语提示可知,用original。故填original。 8.考查名词。句意:作为现代文明人,我们应该对地球上所有的生物给予足够的尊重。根据汉语提示可知,用creature,根据前面的all可知,要复数形式。故填creatures。 9.考查动词。句意:走进任何一家书店,你会发现很多书都声称可以用简单的方法治愈任何心理问题。根据汉语提示可知,用claim,find后常跟复合宾语,book与claim之间是主动关系,用claiming;或将lots of books _______ (声称) to cure any psychological problems with easy solutions.视为宾语从句,设空处为谓语动词,句子描述的是客观事实,应使用一般现在时,使用动词claim的原形。故填claiming/claim。 10.考查形容词。句意:数字媒体的兴起对传统的报纸、书籍和杂志都是一个巨大的挑战。根据汉语提示及位于名词newspaper前可知,用形容词traditional。故填traditional。


Macao is an interesting place and it has a long history. It is part of China and most people 1. (live) there are Chinese.

The first 2. (European) in Macao came from Portugal. More than four hundred years ago the Portuguese 3. (go) there to trade with China. Some settled and made their homes there. Strong forts (要塞) 4. (build) to guard the city and the harbor. They also built churches, schools, hospitals and other places. 5. (gradual) the city grew. People from many other countries came to live and work in Macao.

Today many people live in Macao. Some only go there to watch dog-racing or motor-racing 6. even to gamble with their money. But Macao is a quiet and 7. (peace) place. It is pleasant just to walk around and look at the old buildings and forts. You feel you are back in the old days. When you are hot and tired, there are small cool gardens to rest 8.. When you are 9. (hunger), there are good restaurants with many kinds of food. Nearby are some islands, 10. are also nice to visit and are easy to get in. There are certainly a lot to see and to do in Macao.



    Fourth-grade teacher Tori Nelson allowed one of her students to cut her hair in the schoolyard, after bullies (仗势欺人者) laughed at him about his own buzz cut (平头).

Ms. Nelson noticed Matthew Finney, a ______ boy of his class, was standing outside the classroom, ______ and wearing a winter hat.

Ms. Nelson could see the back of his neck had been shaved (剃,刮), and since Matthew usually had very thick curly brown hair, she realized that he’d had a ______ over the weekend. She asked him what was ______and he said he’d gotten a buzz cut for the ______. But this morning, a fifth grader on the bus ______ him, and he didn’t want to come to ______ and get laughed at by other kids. Ms. Nelson tried to ______ Matthew to come inside, but since school rules ______ kids from wearing hats indoors he refused.

Finally Ms. Nelson said, “If you take your ______ off and come to class, I’ll let you give me a buzz cut too.” Ms. Nelson told Yahoo Parenting later, “I figured it’s just hair, and mine is already ______ anyway. I might as well get it shorter in time for the hot weather.”

Matthew excitedly ______ her offer, and Ms Nelson and another teacher ______ all the fourth graders together during break time. A school employee brought in ______ for Matthew to use. His classmates watched ______ as their teacher’s hair ______ down onto the ground in the schoolyard.

“It was a lot of ______ for the kids, and it helped Matthew feel better about ______.” said Ms Nelson. “You have to do what it takes to ______ children. Teaching isn’t just about reading and writing: it’s about self-worth and accepting ______.

1.A.brave B.shy C.naughty D.clever

2.A.laughing B.arguing C.crying D.fighting

3.A.break B.problem C.plan D.haircut

4.A.wrong B.special C.important D.worthy

5.A.spring B.summer C.autumn D.winter

6.A.made fun of B.praised C.criticized D.encouraged

7.A.school B.office C.class D.teacher

8.A.frighten B.cheat C.guide D.persuade

9.A.banned B.protected C.supported D.encouraged

10.A.coat B.hat C.gloves D.scarf

11.A.thick B.gray C.short D.dirty

12.A.misunderstood B.accepted C.put aside D.made

13.A.gathered B.forced C.helped D.drove

14.A.hats B.knives C.mirror D.scissors

15.A.bravely B.excitedly C.carefully D.sadly

16.A.fell B.ran C.went D.got

17.A.patience B.love C.fun D.courage

18.A.me B.others C.students D.himself

19.A.excuse B.reach C.stand D.save

20.A.disability B.help C.differences D.doubt



    How important is Fashion? 1. Many people seem to think so, judging by the things they wear. But fashion is not everything. It is more important to be a healthy and good person

2. Some people think they have to have a certain body type, so they go on extreme, unhealthy diets in order to change their bodies. In addition, many women wear uncomfortable fashions, such as high-heeled shoes that create blisters (水泡), tight body shapers that limit blood flow, and sticky false eyelashes. Men and women alike spend time and money on products that change their natural hair color and use hot irons and blow dryers to curl or straighten their hair. 3. Is fashion important enough to spend so much time and effort on changing how you look like?

If the purpose of fashion is to make a person feel good, it does not make sense that he or she would go through so much discomfort to be fashionable. 4. People should prioritize (优先考虑) being healthy and positive. What people wear does not show anything about their personalities. Instead of spending hours choosing a suit, perhaps you should call your friends and do something together! Instead of going on strict diets and starving, why not eat some healthy foods and then exercise?5.

A.Fashion should not come first.

B.People spare no effort to become fashionable.

C.Is looking fashionable more important than being comfortable?

D.People will often judge others based on what they wear.

E.Some people spend several hours a day in front of a mirror.

F.By doing these things, you can keep a healthy lifestyle and truly grow as a person

G.Fashion is important for many reasons, including being a form of personal identity.



    Gertrude was just an average kid with an average life. She lived in an average sized house in an average neighborhood. At home, she helped out just enough to get by. At school, she did just enough homework to stay out of trouble. She had straight Cs in all of her classes.

One day Gertrude’s teacher, Mr. Mister, stopped her after class. “Gertrude,” he said, “I know that you can do better. I’ve seen the work you do in class, and some of it is amazing... Way better than C work.” Gertrude knew that there were moments when she tried a little harder than what everyone expected. But she just didn’t have confidence in herself. She didn’t really believe that she could change; in fact, she was scared by the thought of having the power to become whatever she wanted. She stopped listening to Mr. Mister about half way through his speech and just nodded her head until he stopped.

That night, Gertrude had a dream. It was ten years into the future and she was still living with her mom in her average neighborhood. A voice spoke in the dream: “The present is nothing more than the outcome of the choices made in the past. The future will be the results of the choices we make today.” Gertrude started crying average sized tears, because she knew that she helped shape the world in which she lived. She woke up with her pillow wet.

Gertrude was relieved (释然的) to be back in middle school. She took a little more care in getting herself ready that morning, and she felt better than normal. She tried harder in school, and she felt smarter than usual. She helped more around the house, and it looked better. Sure, there were still lots of things that Gertrude struggled with, but just trying her best made her feel better when she didn’t succeed. Gertrude even became great at failing by learning from her mistakes.

1.What can we learn about Gertrude from Paragraph 1?

A.She is popular. B.She is generous.

C.She is ordinary. D.She is enthusiastic.

2.Where did Gertrude’s problem actually lie?

A.In her family. B.In her studies.

C.In her teacher. D.In herself.

3.What can we say for sure about Gertrude from the last paragraph?

A.She changed greatly. B.She suffered more.

C.She failed in her attempts. D.She was glad about failures.

4.What’s the best title of the passage?

A.Learn from failures. B.You’re what you choose to be.

C.Try to be yourself. D.Teachers are important in your life.



Guide to Stockholm University Library

Our library offers different types of studying places and provides a good studying environment.


The library is divided into different zones. The upper floor is a quiet zone with over a thousand places for silent reading, and places where you can sit and work with your own computer. The reading places consist mostly of tables and chairs. The ground floor is the zone where you can talk. Here you can find sofas and armchairs for group work.


You can use your own computer to connect to the Wi-Fi specially prepared for notebook computers; you can also use library computers, which contain the most commonly used applications, such as Microsoft Office. They are situated in the area known as the Experimental Field on the ground floor.

Group-study Places

If you want to discuss freely without disturbing others, you can book a study room or sit at a table on the ground floor. Some study rooms are for 2-3 people and others can hold up to 6-8 people. All rooms are marked on the library maps. There are 40 group-study rooms that must be booked via the website. To book, you need an active University account. You can use a room three hours per day, nine hours at most per week.

Storage of Study Material

The library has lockers for students to store course literature. When you have obtained at least 40 credits (学分), you may rent a locker and pay 400 SEK for a year’s rental period.

Rules to be Followed

Mobile phone conversations are not permitted anywhere in the library. Keep your phone on silent as if you were in a lecture and exit the library if you need to receive calls.

Please note that food and fruit are forbidden in the library, but you are allowed to have drinks and sweets with you.

1.What can students do on the upper floor?

A.Have group discussions. B.Read quietly.

C.Sit on sofas. D.Use library computers.

2.What condition should be met to book a group-study room?

A.A group must consist of 2-3 or 6-8 people.

B.You should have an active University account.

C.You can use a room for at least three hours a day.

D.Applicants must mark the room on the map.

3.What can we learn about the rules of the library?

A.You can receive calls on the ground floor.

B.You can’t take your phone into the library.

C.You can drink water in the library.

D.You can bring apples with you to the library.



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