满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

It was a summer evening almost 30 years ...

    It was a summer evening almost 30 years ago. I was rocking my baby boy in my arms and when he fell asleep I put him_____down into his crib for the night. My wife,tired out from a long day of work, was half napping and half watching TV in the living room. Not caring for the______, I poured myself a glass of iced tea in the kitchen, took a lawn chair off our porch (门廊) and walked into the front yard to ____ the stars.

As soon as I stepped onto the yard, I heard the sweet sound of ____ floated through the air. On the hill next to our house, the neighbor’s children were ______fireflies (萤火虫), hoping to catch one in a jar. I sat down in my chair and watch them for a while. They ran very fast, _______, they couldn’t seem to catch the slow moving lighting bugs. _____, exhausted they both sat down in the grass and ____watched the little guys flying through the air, blinking their lights on and off. I drank my tea and joined them in their ______. It felt so good getting to see one of many miracles lighting up my front yard on a ______ night. It made me feel a part of something far greater than myself.

Over the years since then, I have appreciated and_____ all of the glorious light in this world. I have taken it into my heart and welcomed it into my soul. I have found it in nature, books, music, animals, prayer, and most of all in the lives of those around me. I have never tried to catch this ______, however. I have learned that true light and true love must come from ______. It must flow freely between us and can’t be_____in a jar. The next time you see some fireflies then, take a seat and enjoy their light. Let them remind you to shine your own light as well. Let them remind you that you, too, are one of _____ in this world.

1.A.gently B.quickly C.forcefully D.silently

2.A.baby B.film C.show D.atmosphere

3.A.stare at B.point to C.smile to D.glance at

4.A.argument B.laughter C.fight D.scream

5.A.chasing B.killing C.admiring D.teasing

6.A.otherwise B.however C.meanwhile D.somewhat

7.A.Frequently B.Purposefully C.Happily D.Eventually

8.A.also B.just C.yet D.still

9.A.appreciation B.competition C.discussion D.celebration

10.A.winter B.cool C.summer D.spring

11.A.flashed B.shone C.preserved D.enjoyed

12.A.light B.bug C.jar D.practice

13.A.near B.upon C.within D.around

14.A.left B.caught C.ignored D.seen

15.A.passers-by B.rescuers C.discovers D.miracles


1.A 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.B 7.D 8.B 9.A 10.C 11.D 12.A 13.C 14.B 15.D 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。记叙了作者30年前带孩子时看到萤火虫的情形和心里的感触。 1.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我那时手上正摇着我的孩子,当他睡着后我轻轻地把他放到摇篮里。A. gently 轻轻地;B. quickly 快速地;C. forcefully 激烈地;D. silently 安静地。根据语境,父亲把孩子放进摇篮地动作应是轻轻地。故选A项。 2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我没注意到电视上的表演,我在厨房给自己倒了一杯冰茶,然后从门廊里拿出一个藤椅走到前院去看星星。A. baby 婴儿;B. film 电影;C. show 表演;D. atmosphere 气氛。根据前文My wife, tired out from a long day of work, was half napping and half watching TV in the living room. 我工作一天的妻子在起居室半睡半看电视,所以此处应是电视上的表演。故选C项。 3.考查动词短语辨析。句意:我没注意到电视上的表演,我在厨房给自己倒了一杯冰茶,然后从门廊里拿出一个藤椅走到前院去看星星。A. stare at 盯着;B. point to 指着;C. smile to 对……微笑;D. glance at 瞥见。根据搭配,看星星应用stare at the stars。故选A项。 4.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我一踏上院子,就听到甜美的笑声在空中飘荡。A. argument 论点;B. laughter 笑声;C. fight 打仗;D. scream 尖叫。根据后文On the hill next to our house, the neighbor’s children were chasing fireflies (萤火虫), hoping to catch one in a jar. 在山下我们的房子旁边,邻居的孩子们追逐萤火虫,希望捉一只到罐子里。所以听到的应是孩子们的笑声。故选B项。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在山下我们的房子旁边,邻居的孩子们追逐萤火虫,希望捉一只到罐子里。A. chasing 追逐;B. killing 杀戮;C. admiring 仰慕;D. teasing 取笑。根据语境,应是孩子们追逐萤火虫。故选A项。 6.考查副词词义辨析。句意:它们跑得很快,但是它们似乎抓不住那些移动缓慢的萤火虫。A. otherwise 否则;B. however 然而;C. meanwhile 与此同时;D. somewhat 有点。根据句意,虽然萤火虫飞得缓慢,但是孩子们仍然抓不住。故选B项。 7.考查副词词义辨析。句意:最后,他们筋疲力尽地坐在草地上,只能看着这些小家伙在空中飞,光线忽明忽暗。A. Frequently 经常地;B. Purposefully 故意地;C. Happily 开心地;D. Eventually 最后地。根据句意,孩子们累了坐在草坪上,是最终的结果。故选D项。 8.考查副词词义辨析。句意:最后,他们筋疲力尽地坐在草地上,只能看着这些小家伙在空中飞,光线忽明忽暗。A. also 也;B. just 只;C. yet 然而;D. still 仍然。根据句意,孩子们累了坐在草坪上,只能看着萤火虫在空中飞。故选B项。 9.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我喝了一口茶,也加入到了欣赏萤火虫的行列中。A. appreciation欣赏;B. competition 竞争;C. discussion 讨论;D. celebration 庆典。根据后文 It felt so good getting to see one of many miracles lighting up my front yard on a summer night. 在一个夏日的夜晚,我看到许多奇迹中的一个点亮了我的前院,这种感觉真是太好了。所以作者也跟着孩子们欣赏萤火虫。故选A项。 10.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:在一个夏日的夜晚,我看到许多奇迹中的一个点亮了我的前院,这种感觉真是太好了。A. winter 冬天;cool 凉爽的;C. summer 夏天;D. spring 春天。根据语境,萤火虫出现在夏天的夜晚。故选C项。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:从那时起,我欣赏并享受着这个世界上所有的光辉。 A. flashed闪光;B. shone 发光;C. preserved 保护;D. enjoyed 享受。根据句意,作者看到萤火虫的光,便享受这光辉。故选D项。 12.考查名词词义辨析。句意:但是我从没试过捕捉这种光。A. light 光线;B. bug 小虫;C. jar罐子;D. practice 练习。根据前文,作者在心里接受这种光线并且在灵魂上欢迎它,所以作者从未想到捕捉这种光。故选A项。 13.考查介词词义辨析。句意:我已经学会,真正的光和真爱必须来自内心。A. near 在附近;B. upon 在上面;C. within 在内部;D. around 在旁边。根据语境,光芒和真爱来自于内心。故选C项。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:它必须在我们之间四处飞,才能不被困在罐子里。A. left 留在;B. caught 捉住;C. ignored 忽略;D. seen 看到。根据语境,萤火虫要四处飞才能不被孩子们捉到罐子里。故选B项。 15.考查名词词义辨析。句意:它们提醒你,你也是这个世界上的奇迹之一。A. passers-by过客;B. rescuers 救援者;C. discovers 发现者;D. miracles 奇迹。根据语境,萤火虫的光辉是世界上的奇迹,作者通过萤火虫想告诉读者,你也是世界上的奇迹。故选D项。

    From an early stage in your life, you are taught to respect others, and do kind things for them. However, in some cases, people begin to take advantage of your kind nature, expecting more from you.1. If you feel as if there are people in your life who take you for granted, it’s time to protect yourself.

Know that you have the right to feel respected. Social and cultural pressures may encourage you to believe that it’s rude to say “no” to others when they ask you for things. You may also have been taught to feel that your work is less valuable than others’ and does not deserve recognition 2.. Everyone has the right to be respected and appreciated, and it isn’t wrong to want to be treated that way.

Identify what has changed in the relationship. If you feel taken for granted, it may be because you once felt valued by the person who is now taking you for granted. It might also be because the knowledge that you should feel appreciated but do not 3.. It can also help you find a solution for the relationship.4.You know that you don’t want to feel taken for granted. But what do you want It will be hard to see any change in your situation if you feel vague dissatisfaction but have no clear ideas on what would improve it.

5.Once you know the change about the relationship clearly, you’ll be able to take better action to get you there.

A. Think about what you want.

B. Practice what you want to say.

C. These things can lead to you feeling taken for granted.

D. Try making a list of things that you would like to see the change about the relationship.

E. If you feel taken for granted by others, you need to communicate that to the other person.

F. Such people may repeatedly ask you for favors without returning any favors or showing you any respect.

G. Whatever the cause is, identifying what has changed your interactions with the other person can help you feel better.



    Working out can help teenagers boost their grades, a new study suggests. Adolescents who routinely engaged in moderate to vigorous (剧烈的) exercise showed long-term improvements in their academic performance, the British Journal of Sports Medicine study reported.

“Our study suggests that the effect of physical activity may be quite large,” John Reilly, a professor at the University of Strathclyde said. The researchers looked at a sample of about 5000 children who were involved in a long-term study that tracks children born in the U.K. between 1991 and 1992. When children reached 11 years old, their daily physical activity levels were measured using an accelerometer (加速器) for three to seven days. The device, similar to a pedometer (计步器) tracking the number of steps taken, recorded the average time children exercised, which was 29 minutes a day for boys and 18 for girls.

“The actual levels of daily physical activity at age 11 were quite low,” Mr. Reilly noted. The children had their academic performance tested at ages 11 and 13 with compulsory national tests for students, and also at 15 or 16 with the General Certificate of Secondary Education (GCSE) exam. The tests assessed the children’s abilities in English, math and science subjects. The results showed that the more children participated in moderate to vigorous physical activity, the higher their test scores were at age 11 in all three subjects. For girls, science scores were most strongly linked to exercise.

When children were tested again at age 13, their academic scores were still linked to how much they had exercised when they were 11 years old. By the time the youngsters took the GCSE exam, each 17-minute-per-day increase in physical activity for the boys was linked to an improvement in their scores. Every additional 12-minute increase a day in exercise for the girls was also linked to an increased score, especially in the science category.

The researchers have called for more studies to look at the possible academic benefits that could be derived if students exercised the recommended 60 minutes or more a day.

1.What’s the study about?

A.The influence of exercise on students’ scores.

B.The secrets of students’ ranking high in class.

C.The causes of students’ participating in sports.

D.The ways of improving students’ physical conditions.

2.What is the function of the device used in the study?

A.To record how long students exercise.

B.To record the walking speed of students.

C.To record how many steps students walk.

D.To record the number of calories students consume.

3.What do the study’s results show?

A.Students at age 11 do more exercise than at other ages.

B.Boys at age 13 get more benefits by doing more exercise.

C.Girls’ science scores are more closely related to exercise.

D.More and more students do exercise to improve their scores.

4.What does the underlined word “derived” probably mean in the last paragraph?

A.Maintained. B.Obtained.

C.Concluded. D.Reduced.

5.Where does the text most probably appear?

A.In a storybook. B.In a fashion magazine.

C.In an exercise guide. D.In a research report.



    I arrived in this beautiful Spanish island at the start of September, full of enthusiasm and eager to start work as an English teacher. I sorted all the necessary paperwork out and moved into a flat of my own within the first couple of days. Great! Or so I thought. As 4 am and at several intervals after that, I was rudely awoken by the cock that lives opposite me. Fantastic! I now have 5 extra alarms every morning.

In the following weeks, I also started to notice a trend. Things in my flat started to break at the rate of one object per day, like the hot water, bowls, cups, shower, doors or glass shelves. Yes, I am clumsy(笨拙的)but things just fell apart. If it wasn’t broken, it would either be dirty or missing. Using my washing basket for the first time was pretty disgusting. When I took out my clothes, they were swiftly followed by a hundred or so bugs that were living in the bottom.

As for(至于)the general lack of equipment in the house, there was no oven, tin opener, sharp knives or potato peeler. It turns out making a burger from scratch wasn’t the best idea. I have a small microwave and a grill(钻). I thought the general understanding was never to put metal in a microwave but I went with it. Smoke soon started to appear. I was not quite sure if it was the burger or the grill but as soon as I opened the door, the electricity cut out. I spent the following 10 minutes in a dark, smoky room hunting for the power switch using the light from my mobile phone, which broke the week after and left me without a connection to the outer world.

Luckily, I’m now borrowing a phone and my luck has returned. No more things have broken (probably because there is nothing left to break). I’ve also realized that even if a flat looks pretty, it doesn’t mean its contents(内容)work. I am also learning how to adapt to life with limited, broken utensils(厨房用具).

1.How did the author feel right after her reaching the island?

A.Excited. B.Nervous.

C.Confident. D.Exhausted.

2.What problem did the author have in the morning?

A.She often slept late. B.Her alarm failed to work.

C.She got some noisy neighbors. D.Her sleep was disturbed by a rooster.

3.What can we know about the author from Paragraph 2?

A.She was a very careful woman. B.She was quite satisfied with her flat.

C.Her flat was pretty old but comfortable. D.Her household articles(物品)were in poor condition.

4.What happened when the author was making a burger?

A.She was seriously injured. B.She made a terrible mistake.

C.She broke her phone accidentally. D.She suffered a sudden power failure.

5.What is the next mainly about?

A.Remaining optimistic. B.How to choose a nice flat.

C.Learning to live in a new flat. D.Why living abroad is not easy.



    College visits are important. Before you commit years of your life and money to a schoolbe sure you're choosing a place that is a good match for your personality and interests. You can't get the “feel” of a school from any guidebookso be sure to visit the campus. Below are a few tips for getting the most out of your college visit.

Explore on Your Own

Of course you should take the official campus tourbut be sure to allow time to hang around on your own. The trained tour guides will show you a school's selling points. But the oldest and prettiest buildings don't give you the entire picture of a college. Try to walk the extra mile and get the complete picture of the campus.

Read the Bulletin Boards

When you visit the student centeracademic buildings and residence hallstake a few minutes to read the bulletin boards. They provide an easy way to see what's happening on campus. The ads for lecturesclubs and plays can tell you what's going on outside the classrooms.

Eat in the Dining Hall

You can get a good feel for student life by eating in the dining hall. Try to sit with students if you can. Do the students seem happy or stressedAlsois the food goodAre there adequate healthy optionsMany admission offices will give prospective students coupons(优惠券)for free meals in the dining halls.

Visit a Class in Your Major

If you know what you want to studya class visit makes a lot of sense. You'll get to observe other students in your field and see how involved they are in classroom discussion. Try to stay after class for a few minutes and chat with the students to get their impressions of their professors and major. Be sure to call in advance to schedule a classroom visit-most colleges don't allow visitors to drop in at class unannounced.

Talk to Lots of Students

Your campus tour guide has been trained to market the school. Try to talk to students who aren't getting paid to impress you. These important conversations can often provide you with information about college life that isn't part of the admission script. Few university officials will tell you if their students spend all weekend drinking or studyingbut a group of random students might.

For more tipsplease go to collegeapps. about. com.

1.The best way to know about a college in an official campus tour is______________.

A.to walk around the campus alone

B.to take pictures of the campus

C.to visit the oldest and prettiest buildings

D.to hire a trained tour guide

2.Reading the bulletin boards can help you______________

A.decide-the major you want to study

B.find out the after-class activities on campus

C.get free coupons from the admission offices

D.find out the options of healthy food

3.If you plan to attend a class on campus____________.

A.drop in at a class in your major

B.have talks with students before class

C.make an appointment in advance

D.ask the professor for permission

4.To get a real idea of the college during a visitit's best to talk to_____________

A.famous professors B.campus tour guides

C.admission officers D.random students

5.Where does the passage probably come from

A.A news report.

B.A tourist poster.

C.An educational journal.

D.A geographical magazine.




1. 介绍你暑假打算(学习、生活等);

2. 推荐《中国成语故事》(Chinese Idiom Stories)。

注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。




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