满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

What's the relationship between the spea...

What's the relationship between the speakers?

A.Seller and customer. B.Boss and employee. C.Good friends.


A 【解析】 【原文】 M: Could you please write out a receipt for each of the things I bought? W: No problem. But why do you need receipts? M: If I don't get receipts, my boss won't pay me back for them.  

What's the woman's plan for this evening?

A.Watching a film. B.Practicing tennis. C.Seeing a match.



Why does the man come here?

A.To practice English. B.To buy a new recorder. C.To meet the repairman.



Where does the conversation take place?

A.In a plane. B.In a hospital. C.In a restaurant.




1.得知他在这学期后要去欧洲旅行一周, 我预计春节前见不到他了。



4.虽然有些数学题十分难, 但是绝大多数都非常简单, 而且我已算出了一些题。

5.当我刚开始使用手机做作业的时候, 我有段时间难以阻止自己在它上面玩游戏。


7.每次读《老人与海》时,我都会对那位老人有更好的理解。(The Old Man and the Sea)




1.The beauties of the West Lake in spring were beyond his e___________(预期).

2.The suggestion was voted down by large m_________(大多数).

3.We have been friends for a long time, so we are very f________(熟悉) with each other.

4.She waited in her hotel to welcome her children on their a_________(到达) from London.

5.He was very c________(谨慎) for fear that he should be blamed for anything wrong.

6.Several students were i________(受伤) in the car accident.

7.I shall never f________(原谅) myself for failing to help you when you were in danger.

8.The relations between our two countries have improved markedly in every a_______(方面).

9.This argument sounds r________(有道理的), but actually it's incorrect.

10.I get so a_____ ( 吸收)in doing something that I am unaware of things happening round me.

11.I'm afraid I will have no chance to p_______(参加) in the coming contest.

12.The Festival Of Asian Arts& Music will include several live p_______(表演).

13.It is strongly r_______(推荐) that you should see your doctor.

14.I am so glad to know that he has fully r________(康复) from the illness.

15.L_________(幸运地是), I brought my umbrella along, otherwise I would surely get wet.

16.If your action i__________激励) others to dream more, learn more, do more and become more, you are a leader.

17.As a teenager, we should play a big role in garbage c_________(分类) and garbage recycling.

18.Each time you finish a task you will feel a sense of p________(骄傲) for a job well done.

19.I felt the p_________(压力) of being the first woman in the job.

20.We need to take r______________(责任) for looking after our own health.



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