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How to Avoid the Coronavirus? Wash Your Hands

As a New York Times reporter in China, I covered the SARS outbreak in 2002 and 2003 1. a new virus was first detected in Guangdong. My two children attended elementary school in Beijing throughout the outbreak.

The International School of Beijing, where my children were students, 2.(be) one of the few in Beijing that stayed open.

The school conducted several simple precautionary3.(measure): a serious note to parents warning them that students would4.(screen) for fevers with ear thermometers at the school door. There was no5.(share) of food at lunch. The teacher led the kids to wash their hands6.(frequent) throughout the day at classroom sinks, while singing a “hand washing song”7.(ensure) they did more than a quick pass under the faucet (水龙头) with water only.

With all these, I observed something of8.public health miracle: Not only did no child get SARS, but it seemed no student was infected9.anything at all for months on end.

The World Health Organization declared the SARS outbreak contained in July 2003. But, oh, those habits persisted. The best ways of10.(prevent) against SARS or the new coronavirus are the ones that Grandma taught us.


1.when 2.was 3.measures 4.be screened 5.sharing 6.frequently 7.to ensure 8.a 9.with 10.prevention 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要记叙了2002年和2003年的非典疫情期间,作者孩子就读的学校采取的预防措施。 1.考查连接词。本句为时间状语从句,表示“当……时候”应用when引导。故填when。 2.考查动词时态。本句中主语为The International School of Beijing,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式,且描述过去发生的事情应用一般过去时。故填was。 3.考查名词的数。measure为可数名词,由several修饰应用复数形式。故填measures。 4.考查动词时态及语态。本句中students与谓语动词构成被动关系,且would后跟动词原形。故填be screened。 5.考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知share在句中作非谓语动词,且句中缺少主语,应用动名词短语作主语。故填sharing。 6.考查副词。修饰动词wash,应用副词frequently,表示“频繁地”。故填frequently。 7.考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,ensure在句中作非谓语动词,且此处做目的状语应用不定式。故填to ensure。 8.考查冠词。miracle为可数名词,此处表示泛指应用不定冠词,且public为辅音音素开头的单词。故填a。 9.考查介词。根据短语be infected with表示“感染上……”。故填with。 10.考查名词。句意:预防非典型肺炎或新型冠状病毒的最好方法是奶奶教我们的。of为介词后跟名词prevention作宾语,表示“预防”。故填prevention。

Forgotten statue kept in a margarine tub is 2,000-year-old treasure

A 2,000-year-old Roman statuette (小雕像) of a silver-eyed goddess Minerva kept in a plastic margarine tub (黄油容器)for more than a decade is among a record number of treasure discoveries.

The British Museum on Tuesday revealed the details of 1,267 finds ________England, Welsh, Northern Ireland, more than what has ever been found since the Treasure Act was   _____in 1996. They include everything from _____ metalwork to a 17th-century pocket watch ______the goddess with the silver eyes was particularly______. It was discovered by a detectorist in a field more than a decade ago but it was _______to be fake, nothing more than a ______. The landowner ______ the statuette in a large, empty margarine tub and ______forgot about it.

This year Len Jackman asked the farmer ______he could search for treasures on his land and was told about the statuette in the tub. The statuette of Minerva, the Roman goddess of wisdom, __________ from the first or second century and would most likely have been on a shrine (神殿;神龛). Her head has been removed from the body but to even find her head was _____, said archaeologists.

“It is such an amazing object and it could make an amazing object for a museum ______if that's what happens to it,” said Michael Lewis, the head at the British Museum. “It really is one of the most ______ pieces of bronze age gold that I've seen.”

In the 1970s and 80s there was a(an) ______by some archaeologists to stop metaldetecting. Lewis said “There was a ______on both sides about ______ the other was up to. There was an idea that metal detecting was all about finding things for_______ gain and ruining archaeology.” Over the years it has been realized that there are a lot of people ______ in the past, quite happy for the objects to go in to museums. We’re still on a journey, and it is very ______ that the right people are doing metal detecting.” said Michael Ellis.

1.A.among B.beside C.across D.alongside

2.A.claimed B.applied C.agreed D.approved

3.A.historical B.prehistoric C.contemporary D.historic

4.A.but B.and C.because D.although

5.A.striking B.beautiful C.specific D.efficient

6.A.subscribed B.assumed C.wiped D.interpreted

7.A.copy B.design C.statuette D.treasure

8.A.deserted B.threw C.placed D.lifted

9.A.now and then B.time to time C.here and there D.more or less

10.A.unless B.what C.if D.that

11.A.traces B.dates C.tracks D.passes

12.A.challenging B.outstanding C.permanent D.reasonable

13.A.quality B.quantity C.procedure D.collection

14.A.moral B.delicate C.common D.extinguished

15.A.motion B.activity C.campaign D.parade

16.A.mistake B.mission C.duty D.misunderstanding

17.A.how B.however C.who D.what

18.A.financial B.beneficial C.neutral D.vital

19.A.engaged B.interested C.involved D.buried

20.A.awkward B.bold C.significant D.casual



How to Overcome Procrastination (拖延症)

If you've ever put off an important task, you know it wouldn’t be fair to describe yourself as lazy. This is just procrastination.

“Procrastination” is derived from the Latin verb procrastinare — to put off until tomorrow. But it's more than just voluntarily delaying. 1.. It means doing something against our better judgment.

We must realize that procrastination is about emotions, not productivity. 2.. Nor are we able to overcome it only by learning ways of self-control. It has to do with managing our emotions in a new way.

3.. This is what researchers found. Students who were able to forgive themselves for procrastinating when studying for a first exam ended up procrastinating less when studying for their next exam. They concluded that self-forgiveness might guarantee future success. It allows students to move pass their improper behavior and focus on the next exam without burden.

Another choice is to make your temptations (诱惑) less attractive. 4.. We can put obstacles between ourselves and our temptations to create a sense of frustration or anxiety. If you keep checking your social media, say, your WeChat, delete those apps from your phone for a while.

Researchers also suggested that we make the things we want to do as easy as possible for ourselves. 5., sleep in your exercise clothes.

A.That may be easier said than done

B.One choice is to explore our curiosity

C.If you feel like running early in the morning

D.So we can’t just download a time management app

E.One option is to forgive yourself when you procrastinate

F.Procrastination also came from the ancient Greek word akrasia

G.It’s still easier to change our surroundings than changing ourselves



    IKEA (瑞典宜家家具公司) is set to launch (上市) an air-purifying curtain coated with a mineral-based surface that breaks down common pollutants. The surface of the curtain is treated with a photocatalyst (光催化剂) mineral that causes air pollution to break down when light shines through it, allowing users to purify the air in their own homes.

The technology works in a similar way to photosynthesis - the natural process that plants and some other organisms use to change carbon dioxide and water into food, using light.

Developed over several years by IKEA in collaboration with universities across Europe and Asia, the purifying technology works with both natural and artificial light. “For me, it’s important to work on products that solve actual problems and are relevant to people,” explained IKEA product developer Mauricio Affonso. “We are creating an affordable and space-saving air purifying solution that also makes the home more beautiful,” he continued.

The World Health Organisation (WHO) has stated that even now, 91 percent of the world's population live in areas where air pollution goes over WHO guideline limits. The effects of poor air kill about seven million people worldwide each year, research by the WHO has found.

“Besides enabling people to breathe better air at home, we hope that the curtain will increase people's awareness of indoor air pollution, inspiring behavioral changes that contribute to a world of clean air,” said IKEA head of sustainability Lena Pripp-Kovac. “It is the first product to use the technology, but the development will give us opportunities for future applications on other textiles (纺织品).”

“We know that there is no single solution to air pollution. We work long term for positive change, to enable people to live healthier lives,” added Pripp-Kovac.

1.What do we know about the air-purifying curtain?

A.It needs light to work. B.It keeps the pollutants out.

C.It's made from a mineral. D.It works as a photocatalyst.

2.What did Mauricio Affonso think of the curtain?

A.costly B.practical

C.power-saving D.obvious

3.What’s the advantage of the curtain?

A.It helps decrease the world population. B.It purifies the air in the city.

C.It changes people’s bad habits. D.It promotes green lives.

4.What is the text mainly about?

A.IKEA's profitable eco curtains.

B.IKEA's plan to decrease air pollution.

C.IKEA's efforts to make a healthier life.

D.IKEA's eco curtains to improve indoor air quality.



    They have beaten us at chess, and now computers are taking a step into a very human territory: the reading comprehension test.

Alibaba said its artificial research outperformed human beings in a global reading comprehension test that seeks answers to such pressing questions as “what was Nikola Tesla’s ethnicity (种族划分)?” and “how big is the Amazon rainforest?”

Luo Si described the machines’ victory as “a milestone”. He said the technology has many uses, from customer service to museum tutorial (教程) to medical inquires — some of which are already being handled by chatbots globally.

In the test, companies subjected their artificial intelligence systems to questions from the Stanford Question Answering Dataset, which assessed reading comprehension. The computers’ answers were compared against average human responses and ranked.

Tying (打平) in top place were Microsoft, the US software giant, and Alibaba, and — like its peers at home and abroad - is putting more funds into AI, much of it via its research arm.

While Microsoft and Alibaba won by the slimmest of margins (幅度) — at accuracy levels a few basis points (基点) above humans’ 82.3 per cent in providing exact matches to questions- the tie provided a symbol of the AI arms race (军备竞赛) launched by the US and China.

China aims to use its vast data, collected from its 1.4 billion population including 730 million who are online, and financial resources to overtake the US in creating a $150 billion industry that is seen as the next industrial revolution.

Baidu made an early bet on AI, and is leading its rivals in autonomous driving. Tencent, which boasts 1 billion monthly active users on its social media WeChat app, and Alibaba have adopted AI in operations such as customizing news and ads, and are investing in new fields.

1.What does Luo Si think of AI’s performance in reading comprehension?

A.He feels frightened at it. B.He has some doubts about it.

C.He thinks highly of it. D.He considers it worth a try.

2.What does China depend on to lead in AI?

A.The new industrial revolution.

B.The huge market of $150 billion industry investment.

C.The vast amount of data from its 1.4 billion population.

D.The cooperation between Chinese government and Microsoft.

3.In which field does Baidu do better than its rivals?

A.The medical enquiries. B.The customer service.

C.Customer news feeds. D.The driverless cars.



    I've enjoyed countless gatherings of Thanksgiving, from traditional family gatherings to feasts with many new faces. Yet at age 65, I have never spent the holiday with a husband or children of my own.

If you feel pity for me, please don’t — I am proud of the decision I made decades ago to change from life’s conventional road map, and I have no regrets about it. I enjoy being alone.

I found my life deeply rewarding. At the same time, I was fascinated with the question of why my adult life as a single person was not as valued by the people around me or by society. When people learned I was single with no children, they assumed my life had a hole that needed filling.

I wondered: Was it just me, or were other single people viewed the same way? I teamed up with my colleague, Wendy Morris, and she and I began a series of studies investigating how people characterize single and married people. The research shows that single people typically have more friends than married people do. They also do more to help, support, and stay in touch with their parents, friends, and neighbors.

I’ve lived my life in cheerful, unapologetic refusal of the “get married, have kids” road map. But getting married is deeply ingrained in our society, and it can be difficult to break completely free of the marriage-plus-children ideal.

The research and the books, though, are not enough. We all need to think about life more open-mindedly. Instead of asking whether you do or don't want to marry or have kids, ask: What will make your life meaningful and fulfilling? When you think about it that way, the possibilities are limitless.

1.What do we know about the author?

A.She enjoys living in a lonely house. B.She seldom stays with her husband.

C.She feels regretful about her life. D.She prefers to live her life alone.

2.How do the people think about the author’s single life?

A.rewarding B.empty

C.valuable D.fascinating

3.What did the author find in her research?

A.Single people are more helpful. B.Single people are not respected.

C.Married people have few friends. D.Married people are careless in life.

4.What's the meaning of the underlined word “ingrained” in the fifth paragraph?

A.influenced B.disturbed

C.rooted D.hurt



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