满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

单词拼写,注意:每空一词。 1.The a___________________...


1.The a___________________ date of his departure is next month. (大约)

2.I would a_______ it if you could take my application into consideration. (感激)

3.Both reading and travelling can broaden one’s h_______________(视野)

4.Family holidays are meant to be a break from r______________ (常规).

5.The college schedule contains optional courses as well as c____________ courses. (必修的)

6.I have made a r____________ for this Sunday. My name is Bobby. (预定)

7.The light was too dim for me to d _____________ anything clearly. (辨别)

8.It is c_______________ to take the subway in the district. (方便)

9.After some h______________ he agreed to allow me to write the article. (犹豫)

10.Your p_______________ in the debate would be welcome. ( 参加 )


1.approximate 2.appreciate 3.horizons 4.routine 5.compulsory 6.reservation 7.distinguish 8.convenient 9.hesitation 10.participation 【解析】 1.考查形容词。句意:他离开的大约日期是下个月。此处date“日期”是名词,由形容词修饰,再根据句意、首字母和所给汉语可知此处用形容词approximate“大概的”。故填approximate。 2.考查动词。句意:如果您能考虑我的申请,我将不胜感激。情态动词would后面跟动词原形,再根据句意、首字母和动词原形可知此处用动词appreciate“感激”。故填appreciate。 3.考查名词复数。句意:阅读和旅行都能开阔人的视野。固定搭配:broaden one’s horizons“拓宽某人的视野”。再根据句意、首字母和所给汉语可知此处用名词horizon的复数形式。故填horizons。 4.考查名词。句意:家庭假期意味着打破常规。根据空格前的from可知此处用名词,再结合句意、首字母和所给汉语这里用名词routine“常规”。故填routine。 5.考查形容词。句意:大学的课程表包括选修课和必修课。此处courses是名词,由形容词修饰,再结合句意、首字母和汉语可知这里用形容词compulsory“必修的”。故填compulsory。 6.考查名词。句意:我已经预订了本周日的房间。我的名字叫博比。固定搭配:make a reservation for“预约”。再结合句意、首字母和汉语可知这里用名词reservation。故填reservation。 7.考查动词不定式。句意:光线太暗,我什么也看不清。固定句式:too…to…“太……而不能……”。再结合句意、首字母和汉语可知这里用动词distinguish“辨别”。故填distinguish。 8.考查形容词。句意:在这个地区乘地铁很方便。固定句式:It is convenient to do sth.“做某事是方便的”。再结合句意、首字母和汉语可知这里用形容词convenient“方便的”。故填convenient。 9.考查名词。句意:经过一番犹豫,他同意让我写这篇文章。此处some后面跟可数名词复数或不可数名词。再结合句意、首字母和汉语可知这里用不可数名词hesitation“犹豫”。故填hesitation。 10.考查名词。句意:欢迎你参加辩论。此处your是形容词性物主代词,后跟名词。再结合句意、首字母和汉语可知这里用名词participation“参加”。故填participation。


Students at a university in East China’s Anhui province will probably not receive 1.(they) diploma if they fail a physical fitness test, a type of test that requires students to achieve long-distance running, standing long jump, etc. The test has caused much debate on social media 2.(concern) whether the university’s physical education should be a 3.(require) of their academic degree.

The decision 4.(announce) by Zhang Xiang, head of Anqing Normal University, in the last university’s sports committee meeting. The purpose is 5.(encourage) students to do more exercises after class, according 6. Xin’an Evening News, a local newspaper in Anhui province. The new regulation will come into force in 2019 and 7.(graduate) who fail to pass the fitness tests will not be given a bachelor’s degree in June next year.

However, it is not a one-time test like gaokao, China’s college entrance examination. Students 8. fail the tests before graduation will be offered another chance to retake the test, and 9. they fail it again, they will have to retake the test after graduation. 10.(fortunate), graduates who fail to pass the tests will not get a bachelor’s degree.



    When Heather McHugh, a poet, won a $500,000”genius grant” from the MacArthur Foundation, she didn't buy a luxurious car or fly to Paris. _____, she put the money in the bank and ____ writing poems.

In 2015, she finally ____ what to do with it. That year, Heather's godson and his wife ____ their first child, a beautiful baby girl but severely disabled. “I saw how people's ____  can change overnight. I started thinking about people in a ____  situation,” says Heather.

She ____ there were millions of caregivers taking care of the chronically (慢性地) ill or disabled. So in 2012, Heather ____ a nonprofit organization offering a seven­ day vacation, with all ____ paid, to people who have been caregivers for at least ten years.

Tricia was one of the first caregivers to go on vacation. When Tricia got a call saying she was offered a ____ vacation, she couldn't ____ it; disbelief even ____ her concern about leaving her two kids.

Tricia went, and her favorite parts of the trip were to enjoy the ____ things. “I got to eat hot food hot and cold food cold. I could go to bed when I wanted to and wake up whenever I chose to,” says Tricia. She was afraid the ____would return when the ____ was over, but to her surprise, it hasn't been back since.

Heather says Tricia's ____ resembles those of the other ten caregivers she helps every year. “Before the vacation they are so ____, but the ____ is so amazing. They reflect and relax. It feels ____ like another world and gives them a chance to see their lives from another ____,” she adds.

1.A.However B.Therefore C.Instead D.Besides

2.A.continued B.quitted C.practiced D.started

3.A.thought over B.wondered C.talked about D.decided

4.A.held B.welcomed C.lost D.saved

5.A.feelings B.future C.lives D.routine

6.A.different B.similar C.worse D.better

7.A.discovered B.claimed C.admitted D.felt

8.A.donated B.found C.visited D.formed

9.A.taxes B.salary C.expenses D.rent

10.A.free B.caring C.short D.long

11.A.believe B.take C.refuse D.enjoy

12.A.woke B.defeated C.showed D.moved

13.A.wonderful B.delicious C.peaceful D.simple

14.A.heaviness B.pain C.sadness D.disbelief

15.A.entertainment B.dream C.vacation D.freedom

16.A.comment B.story C.surprise D.fortune

17.A.worried B.confused C.unexpected D.stressed

18.A.award B.change C.scenery D.accommodation

19.A.slightly B.interestingly C.magically D.mostly

20.A.place B.situation C.height D.angle



Rising through stages to realize ourselves

Many modern people have the problem that they don’t know who they are and what their purpose is. 1. Once high school seniors graduate, they seem to lose their identity. They once studied hard. But after they stop working, they begin to lose their way.

In the theory of the Hierarchy of Needs(需求理论), Abraham Maslo, put forward a similar situation, which consists of the five levels of a person’s need. The fifth and final level is self-realization, which is where our final achievement lies. 2.

I think self- realization has three major aspects. The first stage is acceptance, the second stage is discovery and the last stage is perseverance.

Acceptance is the first stage. We should be reminded that we are all born unique, so we all have our own strengths and weaknesses. Only when we understand these, can we pursue them or

change them. 3.

Once we’ve accepted ourselves, we can discover what we are interested in and what we want to be. 4.but indeed we should live for ourselves. So before we start working towards a purpose, we should ask ourselves “Is this what we truly desire?” and “Is this going to change the situation we’re in?”

The last stage is perseverance.5. Those who can self-realize are people who focus on the things they want to change.

Through the three stages, we could gain recognition of ourselves. And by this point, whatever our lives were like, we would be able to stand tall, confident of ourselves.

A. It’s nothing to a man of perseverance

B. Only by acceptance of the past can we change it

C. This is especially common among college students

D. Many people tend to go along with social expectations

E. Being objective and yet tolerant is the key to acceptance

F. It is the process of knowing ourselves and finding a purpose

G. Exploring our potential isn’t going to be done in a short time



    Both honeybees and ants are social insects that live in groups called colonies. They survive by means of their collective intelligence. Their decision-making power is distributed throughout the group; that is, no one ant or bee makes decisions for the group. Instead, they work together. As Deborah M. Gordon, a biologist at Stanford University, says,” Ants aren't smart. Ant colonies are.”

The same is true for bee colonies. Although bees and ants are quite different physically, they have a lot in common in terms of their social behavior. Specifically, honeybees and ants have similar roles within the colony, both have communication systems, and both have the capacity for learning.

Ants communicate by using chemicals called pheromones, which can alert others to danger or to a food source. For example, when worker ants find a promising source, they let the rest of the colony know how to find it by leaving a trail of pheromones on the way back to the colony. The other ants pick up the message using their sense of smell. Bees, on the other hand, use movement to communicate with each other. Worker bees send messages to each other by means of a “dance”. Different speeds and movements send different messages. For example, when worker bees called scouts go out to find a new home for the colony, they return and do a dance for the other worker bees that indicates the location of the new home and how suitable it is. The faster the scouts dance, the better the new location is.

Honeybees and ants are both capable of learning. One Chinese study found that bees can be trained to learn and remember a route to a food source. The researchers also found that bees can be taught to recognize hidden objects and use the concepts of “sameness” and “difference” to accomplish certain tasks. Ants take this one step further. Recent American research has shown that ants not only have the ability to learn, but also can teach their foraging skills to other younger ants.

They observed that older ants accompany young ants in search of food and teach them the route and how to avoid obstacles.

As we can see, the social behavior of honeybees and ants is quite similar. Both coordinate(协调) complex actions and accomplish survival tasks by cooperating in groups consisting of many individuals. Unintelligent as they may be as individuals, as groups they often show amazing brilliance as they go about their everyday activities.

1.What do ants and bees have in common?

A.They live in similar-sized colonies.

B.They make use of collective intelligence.

C.They have small leadership groups that make all decisions.

D.They use the same methods to communicate with each other.

2.What does the speed of a bee's dance indicate?

A.The quality of a new colony location.

B.The distance to a neighboring colony.

C.The discovery of a new food source.

D.The direction to a potential food source.

3.In paragraph 4, how does the author demonstrate the idea that Honeybees and ants are both capable of learning?

A.By using statistics.

B.By explaining reasons.

C.By referencing opinions.

D.By presenting study findings.

4.What is the benefit of collective intelligence?

A.It allows the colony to reproduce more rapidly.

B.It improves work cooperation within the colony.

C.It reduces the division of labor among members.

D.It enables individuals to teach each other new skills.



    It was many years ago. I was a young dad sitting on the couch reading a fairy tale to my little girl. She sat next to me with her head on my arm as I told the tale. When it came to the end I finished with those famous words: “And they lived happily ever after.” As I looked over to her with her brown hair and big, innocent eyes, I could see the smile on her face and I never wanted it to end. Then I realized that the ending of the book was what I wanted for her. I wanted her to “live happily ever after”.

Still, deep in my heart I knew that this couldn't always be so. I knew that there would be times when her heart was broken. I knew there would be times when she cried in sorrow and I couldn't comfort her. I knew there would be times when all she felt was fear, sadness, sorrow, and despair. As I touched her hair and smiled at her I hoped that those times would be brief and that she would have joy in her life more often than not. Living happily ever after, though, seemed out of the question.

It takes me a lot of years to realize that it is possible to live happily ever after. You just have to do it “one day at a time”. Happiness you see isn't some reward that you get at the end of your journey. Happiness isn't something that depends on what life you own. Happiness is something you create in your life choice by choice and day by day.

The truth is happiness comes when you love. Love is a gift from God. It is love that mends broken hearts. It is love that heals grief. It is love that gives us joy. Choose to “live happily ever after, one day at a time”.

1.What is the author's wish to his daughter?

A.Getting a good job in the future.

B.Making many friends in her school.

C.Traveling around the world in her life.

D.Having a happy life ever after.

2.What can we know from Paragraph 2?

A.Life's meaning consists in devotion.

B.Living happily ever after seemed out of question to the author.

C.There are times that life goes against us.

D.Everyone has the right to obtain happiness and freedom.

3.How to get happiness in author's opinion?

A.Reward yourself once a day.

B.Create it by yourself in your daily life.

C.Get rid of those disturbing things.

D.Take charge of your life independently.

4.What is the author's purpose in writing the passage?

A.To show the significance of love.

B.To describe a daughter's growth.

C.To introduce the definition of love.

D.To tell a young father's experience.



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