满分5 > 高中英语试题 >








In order to promote participation in outdoors exercise, our school organized an activity to climb a mountain on April 10. The majority of my class took part in the activity.

Early in the morning, having gathered outside the school gate, we head straight to the thickly-forested mountain. We set out for the top and were in high spirits the moment when we arrived at the foot of the mountain. In course of the climb, we cooperated with each other to pass the rocky area. Laughing and cheered, we eventually reached the top, which we were greeted by the bright sunshine and fresh air. Viewing from the top, the city was beautiful. Bathed in the sunshine, we entertained us with songs, dances and game.

This event is extremely beneficial and we strongly suggest that similar events are held every year!


1. 第一段第一句:outdoors → outdoor 2. 第二段第一句:head → headed 3. 第二段第二句:去掉when 4. 第二段第三句:在course前加the 5. 第二段第四句:cheered → cheering 6. 第二段第四句: which → where 7. 第二段第五句:viewing → viewed 8. 第二段第六句:us → ourselves 9. 第二段第六句: game → games 10. 第二段第七句: are → be 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。为了鼓励大家多参与户外活动,学校4月10号组织了爬山活动。文章讲述了那天,大家斗志盎然去爬山。在爬山过程中互相帮助,最后到达了山顶,看到了美丽的城市。大家载歌载舞很开心。大家都建议这样的活动应该每年举行一次。 1. 考查形容词。句意:为了鼓励大家多参与户外活动,我们学校组织了4月10号去爬山。在这句话中,exercise(活动,运动)是一个名词,应用形容词修饰。outdoors一般用作副词表示“在户外,在野外”或者用作名词表示“野外,郊外”,所以应将其改为形容词outdoor(户外的,室外的)。故将outdoors改为outdoor。 2. 考查一般过去时。句意:一大早,在校门口集合后,我们直接向郁郁葱葱的大山出发。根据第二段中的set out for,were,reached等等可知,这段话对爬山活动的描述,使用的是一般过去时。故将head改为headed。 3. 考查时间状语从句。句意:一到达山脚下,我们就向山顶出发,并且大家都兴致勃勃。这是一个时间状语从句,the moment作为连词,可以直接表达“一……就……”的意思。故将when去掉。 4. 考查定冠词。句意:在爬山的过程中,我们互相合作穿过岩石区。根据句意,这里特指4月10号爬山的过程中。故在course前加the。 5. 考查非谓语动词。句意:欢歌笑语中,我们到达了山顶,在这里我们沐浴着美丽的阳光,呼吸着新鲜的空气。And前后连接两个并列的成分,句子主语为we,与laugh与cheer之间是主动关系,所以使用现在分词作状语,故将cheered改为cheering。 6. 考查非限制性定语从句。句意同上。这是一个非限制性定语从句,先行词为the top,并且先行词在从句中地点状语,所以关系词应使用where。故将which改为where。 7. 考查过去分词作状语。句意:从山顶俯视,这个城市很美丽。句子主语the city与view之间是被动关系,所以应使用过去分词作状语。故将viewing改为viewed。 8. 考查反身代词。句意:沐浴在阳光中,我们唱歌、跳舞、做游戏来娱乐自己。根据句意,娱乐的对象“我们”与句子主语“我们”是一致的,所以宾语处应使用we的反身代词形式。故将us改为ourselves。 9. 考查名词的数。句意同上。根据句意,我们做游戏娱乐自己,肯定不只是做一个游戏。并且and前与game并列的songs、dances使用的都是复数形式,所以game处也应使用复数形式。故将game改为games。 10. 考查虚拟语气。句意:这个活动对我们非常有好处,我们强烈建议这样的活动可以每年举行一次。句中suggest表示建议,表示“建议”后的宾语从句(主要是指advise, suggest, propose, recommend等的宾语从句),从句谓语由“should+动词原形”构成。故将are改为be。  


Elizabeth Blackwell was born in England in 1821, and moved to New York City when she was ten years old. One day she decided that she wanted to become a doctor. That was nearly impossible for a woman in the middle of the 1. (nineteen) century. After writing many letters asking for 2. (admit) to medical schools, finally she 3.(accept) by a doctor in Philadelphia. She was so 4. (determine) that she taught school and gave music lessons to get money 5. the cost of schooling.

In 1849, after graduation from 6. (medicine) school, she decided to further her education in Paris. She wanted to be a surgeon (外科医师) , but a serious eye problem forced her to give up the idea.

Upon 7. (return) to the United States, she found 8. difficult to start her own practice because she was a woman. By 1857 Elizabeth and her sister, also a doctor, along with another woman doctor, managed to open 9. new hospital, the first for women and children. Besides, 10.(be) the first woman physician and founding her own hospital, she also set up the first medical school for women.



    A few summers ago my daughter and I were swimming in our pool. This day had been like most others, _______I had no way of knowing that this one would _______in our family history as a memory we _______and still talk about from time to time.

The sun was setting and the night was _______approaching. For the shallow end of our pool, my daughter _______it first. Right about eye level, a spider was spinning her _______by the pool. It _______me that my daughter noticed this, and it surprised me even _______that she wasn’t afraid of the spider.

Instead, she delightfully _______as the spider busied herself in the cycle of life. As we both gazed at this __________of nature, a very simple thought __________me. I had lost track of time. I honestly didn’t know __________we had been just standing there and staring at that spider __________her web. But, regardless of what ever amount of time had passed, the __________was that we were simply having fun. We were having fun __________really doing anything really BIG or special. I thought. However, in contrast, I believe that by sharing this __________of the spider building her web we were __________just as fulfilled as if we had done something very important.

Remember that the __________things are the best things in life. Spend time together appreciating the simple things in __________, and even more importantly, __________time together talking about life. Do this and you’ll have special moments and special memories that will last a life time.

1.A.or B.and C.but D.so

2.A.go down B.get up C.take off D.lead to

3.A.deserve B.remind C.treasure D.exhibit

4.A.eventually B.frequently C.carefully D.quickly

5.A.invented B.noticed C.informed D.ruined

6.A.cloth B.craft C.pot D.web

7.A.surprised B.interested C.frightened D.excited

8.A.farther B.more C.longer D.better

9.A.noted B.watched C.followed D.changed

10.A.sight B.signal C.wonder D.advertisement

11.A.caught B.occurred C.knocked D.hit

12.A.how soon B.how often C.how long D.how far

13.A.removing B.building C.painting D.sending

14.A.truth B.message C.advice D.information

15.A.for B.without C.by D.in

16.A.ability B.knowledge C.happiness D.experience

17.A.all B.both C.either D.neither

18.A.simple B.expensive C.bright D.flexible

19.A.office B.earth C.life D.hope

20.A.kill B.waste C.cost D.spend



    There is one thing that can ruin vacations, make business meetings less than successful, and can cause more problems than anything else for air travelers. Jet lag!

1.The travel time is too fast for the human body to adjust easily. Long distance air travel to a new time zone disrupts (打乱) three important senses: the sense of place, the sense of time, and the sense of well-being.

Sense of place: To some degree, all locations are geographically and even chemically different from one another. Humans, like all living things, have a strong sense of place. 2.

Sense of time: We all also have a natural sense of time that is linked to our sense of place. Our bodies function on a program that takes about a day to run.3.This is why travel to a distant time zone makes us miss the usual hometown patterns of something as simple as the times of sunrise and sunset.

Sense of well-being: We have a sense of well-being when we are healthy and happy. 4.That is why flying to a new environment and time zone often causes a disruption in our sense of well-being.

For thousands of years, people didn’t experience disruption in their sense of time and place because there were no rapid means of transportation.5. However, although we can travel by plane now, our bodies have not yet adapted to long-distance air travel. That is why we suffer the jet lag.

A.The invention of the airplane changed all this.

B.We can make the effort to overcome the jet lag.

C.They sense the different qualities of dawn, noon, and midnight.

D.Jet lag results from traveling a long distance to a new zone.

E.This sense is strongly connected to our senses of place and time.

F.It took weeks, months, years, or even generations to travel great distances.

G.This makes people homesick for familiar surroundings and wish for their own bed



    Looking out across the city and on top of the tall buildings before you are cows. Yes, you read that right. Farm animals are eating grass on high-rise urban farms on top of high buildings in London. Elsewhere, off the coast of mainland England, against the background of extremely beautiful White Cliffs of Dover, a wonderful pod (吊舱) structure forms part of floating city. This is how we will live 100 years from now — if a group of UK experts to be believed.

Temporary housing pods, underwater cities and 3D-printed houses will also help reduce the burden of overpopulation and inner city living-space shortages. Building with their own microclimates and cities built in the skies are also among the amazing achievements of future engineering predicted by experts.

But not only today’s architects continue to advance towards the clouds, building higher and higher, as engineering advances allow, but we’ll also be headed deep below ground. Meanwhile, the future will feature city-spanning (跨城市) bridges. Want to travel to Mars quickly? No problem — the experts are predicting spaceports (宇航基地) will become common places, so future generations will be able to head over to their local station and hitch (搭顺风车) the next ride.

The predictions were heavily focused on water - based architecture and present problems such as overpopulation, global warming and rising sea levels. Using the future tech predictions, 2,000 people were then surveyed to see which of the suggestions they thought — and hoped — would become a reality by 2115. Topping the survey was super-deep basement buildings complete with hotels, restaurants, green space, swimming pools and gyms. The survey also found that one in three respondents (调查对象) considered floating sea cities — which could use solar and tidal (潮汐的) energy — as a choice for future development.

1.The first paragraph is meant to ______.

A.present the topic B.make a comment

C.give an example D.draw a conclusion

2.The second paragraph mainly talks about ______.

A.different kinds of building structures.

B.recent development of building structures.

C.means to control the increase of population.

D.future building structures helping to solve the lack of living space.

3.The underlined phrase “local station” refers to ______.

A.air station B.traveling agency

C.spaceport D.traveling destination

4.What did people surveyed consider most practical?

A.City-spanning bridges B.Deep underground buildings

C.Floating sea cities D.slightly-deep basements



    Christmas at the mountain cline would have to wait. The banks beside Mary Breckinridge’s Wendover, Kentucky, clinic were ruined after a heavy rain. She had to find a way to get her five patients to the hospital in Lexington.

With a neighbor’s help, Mary and the nurses built a boat. They named it Ambulance, and on the morning of December 30,1926. Mary another nurse, and the patients set off down the river. After sixteen wild miles on the dangerous river, they arrived at the train station in Krypton. As she watched the train pull away with her patients safely on board. Mary smiled and waved.

Mary had not planned to be a nurse. She was the daughter of a wealthy Kentucky politician. As a child, Mary was influenced by her family who had always been concerned about the poorer people of the state. When she grew up, Mary was inspired to become a nurse. So in 1925 Mary hired a few British-trained nurses and, with some money from her family, started the Frontier Nursing Service in Wendover, Kentucky.

Before Mary and her nurses came, the mountain people lived a hard life. Families made so little money that they could not afford doctors or medicine. Many children had diseases and nearly every person was malnourished for lack of food.

Mary and the nurses built clinics and a small hospital deep in the forests of Leslie County. There were no paved roads, electricity, or telephones. Each day the nurses rode on horseback to outlying farms, often in bad wenther, to answer calls for help. They worked hard to keep an eye on their patients.

To the grateful mountain people, Mary and the nurses seemed to be everywhere. They treated everything from cut fingers to pneumonia (肺炎), gave shots, and delivered babies. The proud countrymen liked the nurses because they treated everyone with respect.

The Frontier Nursing Service grew. Today their Nursing Service reaches far beyond the Kentucky mountains. Medical professionals from all over the world come to Wendover to study rural health care in action. When these men and women go back to their own countries, they are prepared to help people in need.

1.How did Mary Breckinridge get her five patients to Krypton?

A.By train B.By car

C.By water D.On horseback

2.The underlined word “malnourished” in Paragraph 4 most probably means     .

A.mysterious B.lacking nutrition

C.careless D.in danger of dying

3.We can learn from the text that Mary Breckinridge     .

A.remains a great influence on health care today

B.wanted to set up more clinics to help the sick

C.wiped out diseases in the Kentucky mountains

D.trained all of her assistants herself

4.What is the main idea of the text?

A.Mary and her family were always helpful to others

B.The Frontier Nursing Service set up many branches

C.Rural nurses found creative ways to transport supplies and patients

D.Mary and other nurses provided kind medical care to rural people



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