满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I live in a rural community in the Unite...

    I live in a rural community in the United States. A rural area is different from a city because there are _______people. My home is deep in a valley_______by mountains that are rocky and covered in trees. _____many farms are located in rural areas because they require large plots of land to grow food or_______farm animals, in my community the mountains and_______soil make it difficult to farm. This is one ______why few people live in my area.

What’s it like to live in the mountains? Since we have a lot of_____, we get to have horses and chickens. My family_______eggs from the chickens for breakfast. We also lose electricity a lot because the trees fall on power lines whenever there’s a_______In my community, people keep battery- powered flashlights and oil lamps stored in case the lights______. Some people also use a generator-- a machine that generates electricity from gasoline—whenever there are ____

Going to school in a rural area means having fewer classmates and_______longer distances. To get to my high school, I must drive forty miles to the_______city. This means I must get up much earlier than my______classmates in order to be on time. The roads in my community aren’t paved with asphalt(沥青) either, so during storms they_______ become too muddy or snowy to pass. In cities a snowplow(扫雪机)______ quickly, but areas where fewer people live aren’t the priority(优先), so days can pass before a snowplow______the road. Sometimes I must miss school because storms make it________to drive.

I am not sure________if I want to live in the country or in the city when I grow up. I like being in nature, hearing the creek and the birds, and having a big yard. I also like being in the city, though, where I can go howling or skating, or see my friends. It can get_________in the country, although I do love being around our animals.

1.A.few B.many C.fewer D.more

2.A.surrounded B.hidden C.shadowed D.enriched

3.A.When B.While C.Because D.If

4.A.feed B.grow C.train D.house

5.A.rich B.muddy C.rock D.snowy

6.A.explanation B.cause C.excuse D.reason

7.A.space B.room C.place D.land

8.A.lays B.harvests C.buys D.picks

9.A.storm B.thunder C.lighting D.shower

10.A.put out B.wear out C.run out D.go out

11.A.dangers B.risks C.emergencies D.incidents

12.A.walking B.running C.driving D.traveling

13.A.nearby B.distant C.nearest D.farthest

14.A.rural B.city C.old D.new

15.A.can B.may C.must D.should

16.A.comes by B.comes about C.comes to D.comes out

17.A.cleans B.digs C.clears D.covers

18.A.likely B.necessary C.improper D.impossible

19.A.still B.yet C.even D.as

20.A.quiet B.lonely C.alone D.busy


1.C 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.C 6.D 7.A 8.B 9.A 10.D 11.C 12.D 13.C 14.B 15.A 16.A 17.C 18.D 19.B 20.B 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。作者通过自己的亲身经历,和城市进行对比,分析了在农村居住的好处和不足。 1.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:农村与城市不同,因为农村人口少。A. few很少的;B. many许多的;C. fewer较少的;D. more更多的。此处指农村地区和城市地区不同,因为人比较少。根据常识可知农村不像城市人口密集,故选C。 2.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的家在深谷里,四周群山环绕,岩石嶙峋,树木繁茂。A. surrounded包围;B. hidden隐藏;C. shadowed遮蔽;D. enriched丰富。根据deep in a valley和by mountains可知作者的家在被山包围的山谷深处,故选A。 3.考查连词词义辨析。句意:虽然许多农场位于农村地区,因为它们需要大片的土地来种植食物或饲养家畜,但在我的社区,山区和多岩石的土壤使耕作变得困难。A. When当……时候;B. While然而;C. Because因为;D. If如果。上句说农村人少偏僻,下文说许多农场都在农村地区,前后句是转折关系,故选B。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:虽然许多农场位于农村地区,因为它们需要大片的土地来种植食物或饲养家畜,但在我的社区,山区和多岩石的土壤使耕作变得困难。A. feed喂养;B. grow种植;C. train培养;D. house给……房子住。此处指农场需要大块的土地来种粮食和给家畜提供住处,故选D。 5.考查形容词词义辨析。句意同上。A. rich富有的;B. muddy泥泞的;C. rocky岩石的;D. snowy下雪的。此处指在作者的家乡,山脉和岩石土壤使农场难以耕种。上文by mountains that are rocky给了提示,故选C。 6.考查名词词义辨析。句意:这就是为什么很少有人住在我的地区的原因之一。A. explanation解释;B. cause原因,起因;C. excuse借口;D. reason原因。家乡的土壤不适合耕种,这是家乡人少的原因。reason通常指产生某种行为或想法的推理上的理由,而cause通常指导致某一事件发生的起因。故选D。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意:因为我们有很多空间,所以我们有马和鸡。A. space空间;B. room房间;C. place地方;D. land陆地。此处指住在农村的好处,有大空间,有马和鸡。故选A。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们家从鸡群中收集鸡蛋当早餐。A. lays放置;B. harvests收获;C. buys购买;D. picks选择。我们家养着鸡,所以收获鸡蛋作为早餐,故选B. 9.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我们也经常断电,因为每当有暴风雨的时候,树就会掉到电线上。A. storm暴风雨;B. thunder雷;C. lighting闪电;D. shower阵雨。我们也经常停电,因为每当有暴风雨的时候,树就会掉到电线上。暴风雨会把树刮到电线上造成停电,故选A。 10.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:在我的社区,人们把电池供电的手电筒和油灯储存起来,以防停电了。A. put out扑灭,熄灭;指某人将某物熄灭,强调动作;B. wear out磨损,穿破;C. run out耗尽;D. go out熄灭,经常指自己熄灭。此处指因为停电灯熄灭,故选D。 11.考查名词词义辨析。句意:有些人还使用发电机——这是一种每当遇到紧急情况时就用汽油发电的机器。A. dangers危险;B. risks冒险;C. emergencies紧急事件;D. incidents事件。此处指无论什么时候有紧急事件时,一些人也使用一种通过烧汽油发电的发电机。故选C。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:在农村上学意味着同学更少,路途更远。A. walking步行;B. running跑;C. driving驾驶;D. traveling走步。在农村上学意味着有较少的同学和走较远的距离,因为人烟稀少,学校少,所以上学很远。此处并没有说上学的具体交通方式,只是总说,指路途。故选D。 13.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:要到我的高中,我必须开车四十英里到最近的城市。A. nearby附近的;B. distant遥远的;C. nearest最近的;D. farthest最远的。上高中时作者要开车四十英里到达最近的城市,这是为了说明上学路途远,故选C。 14.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:这意味着为了准时,我必须比我的城市同学起得早得多。A. rural农村的;B. city城市的;C. old古老的;D. new新的。为了按时上学,必须比城市里的同学更早起床。表示对比,故选B。 15.考查情态动词词义辨析。句意:因此,在风暴期间,它们会变得太泥泞或下雪而无法通过。A. can能,会;B. may可以;C. must必须;D. should应该。农村的道路不是沥青路,所以雨雪天会变得非常泥泞。根据句意选A。 16.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:在城市里,扫雪机很快就会出现,但在人口较少的地区,扫雪机并不是首选。A. comes by经过;B. comes about发生;C. comes to谈到;D. comes out出现。在城市里,下雪后扫雪机会很快经过,把雪扫干净。故选A。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:所以扫雪机清理道路的日子就过去了。A. cleans打扫;B. digs挖;C. clears清除;D. covers覆盖。此处指扫雪机清除积雪,使路面干净。故选C。 18.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:有时我必须旷课,因为暴风雨使我无法开车。A. likely很可能的;B. necessary必要的;C. improper错误的;D. impossible不可能的。因为农村道路雨雪后泥泞,雨雪使道路不能开车,作者不能去上学。故选D。 19.考查连词词义辨析。句意:我还不确定我长大后是想住在农村还是住在城市。A. still仍然;B. yet仍然;C. even甚至;D. as因为,随着。still常用于肯定句中,表示“某事正在进行中”,一般与现在时态或进行时态连用。也可用在疑问句或否定句中,在否定句中须放在否定词not之前。 yet表示“某事尚未发生”,多用于否定句或带否定词的陈述句中。此处用于否定句,表示我现在仍然不确定,故选B。 20.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:虽然我很喜欢和我们的动物在一起,但是在乡下会很寂寞。A. quiet安静的;B. lonely寂寞的;C. alone独自的;D. busy忙碌的。因为农村人少,所以尽管我喜欢和动物在一起,但农村会让人寂寞。故选B。

    If you have a dog, you know the damage they can do to a garden. They dig under bushes, pound out a dirty path by the fence, or even eat your delicate flowers.1.. In spite of that, we still love them. That’s why I put together these dog-lover tips for gardening.

Before you start planting, it’s important to note your dog’s personality.2. . So is your dog a patroller, a digger, or a chewer? Get a general idea of the most common behaviors of your dog and you’ll have a good idea of what to plant for.

If your dog patrols the yard----constantly circling the yard, you need to plant around it.  3.. Keep high-traffic and patrolling zones open. Plant tall plants that will grow above your dog. Containers or raised planter boxes are a great option if you want to plant more colorful and delicate flowers.

4., add a low or high fence around an area you don’t want your dog to dig. Cover digging areas is also a neat trick. Another choice is a sandbox because sand doesn’t get muddy. Dries quickly, and shakes off easily. If you don’t want it where your dog is already digging you can try putting the sandbox in a shady area of the yard.

If your dog likes to chew, pay special attention to his safety. Certain plants can be poisonous and create health problems for your dog. Just go to some websites for information about poisonous plants for dogs. 5..

A.If your dog is a digger

B.Don’t plant where your dog always goes

C.When you prevent your dog from chewing

D.We shouldn’t have to yell at them every time they are in the yard

E.They will give you more on each plant so you can do your research

F.Different animals have different abilities, and no two dogs are the same

G.They are quick to turn their beautiful garden into their own personal playground



    Ants are truly incredible creatures. In addition to talents like predicting earthquakes and saving themselves from drowning during floods, the hardworking insects go all out to protect their own comrades, often carrying the wounded back to the nest to heal. Now researchers have discovered ants who explode and sacrifice themselves to save their nests from attackers.

Although scientists have known about the existence of exploding ants since 1916, they were first found in the rainforests of Borneo in Southeast Asia by an international team of researchers led by Alice Laciny, a graduate student at the Natural History Museum, Vienna.

The researchers noticed that during the day, when the ants went outside to look for food, they would be closely monitored by a small army of “guards”, who touched each member as it went in and out of the nest. Upon running into an attacker, the guard ant would angle its back part towards the attacking creature and shrink its stomach. This caused the ant’s body to explode and release a yellow, deadly goo(粘状物), which instantly killed the attacker.

The ability to explode, however, was not universal among the species and appeared to be possessed only by minor worker ants, usually the smallest ants of the nest. Even more interesting was that while the minor members were blowing themselves up, the large worker ants with oversized plug-shaped heads, placed barriers at the nest’s entrance to prevent other potential enemies from entering.

While the defense measure may sound extreme, Tomer Czazkes believes it is necessary. The behavioral ecologist at Germany’s University of Regensburg says since the insects live in large groups, they are a natural and easy source of food for ant eaters. They, therefore, have to find ways to protect themselves. Ants are not the only insects known to conduct this type of voluntary-sacrifice. Older termites(白蚁 ), who have lost their abilities of nesting and finding food, also explode onto their enemies.

Next, the researchers hope to find out the make-up of their yellow goo, how they use their explosion to take down larger attackers and so on.

1.What’s the main function of Paragraph 1?

A.To tell us ants are gifted B.To show concern for ants’ safety.

C.To say ants face more challenge D.To lead to the main topic of the text.

2.What is regarded as more interesting for the author?

A.The guard ants’ touching each other. B.The minor ants’ voluntary self-sacrifice.

C.The guard ants’ shrinking their stomachs. D.The large ants’ blocking the nest entrance.

3.What do scientists plan to do in the future?

A.Do more research on the older termites.

B.Discover if the ants can kill larger attackers.

C.Uncover more secrets about the exploding ants.

D.Tell the difference between the ants and older termites.

4.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.Worker Ants Are Easy to Attack

B.Ants Are Expert in Protecting Themselves

C.Worker Ants Explode to Protect Their Nests

D.Graduate Student Discovered New Kind of Ants



    We already know that exercise is good for our bodies. Daily exercise fights the loss of muscle tone and flexibility that tends to increase slowly with age. And it turns out that it has the same fountain-of-youth effects on our brains.

Studies show that over time our minds also become less flexible and nimble. We lose the ability to process new information or switch between mental tasks quickly — and now we know why.

A recent study examined nearly 100 individual studies on exercise and brain function and discovered exercising an average of 52 hours over six months is "associated with improved cognitive(认知的)performance in older adults with and without cognitive damage." The type of exercises that are beneficial include aerobic, strength-training and mind-body.

In previous studies, researchers from Japan's University of Tsukuba wanted to explore this idea by looking at the effect of exercise on this weakening of the brain. They tested the oxygen ability of 60 Japanese men between the ages of 64 and 75 who did not show any signs of dementia or other mental symptoms. Next, they looked at the brain activity of each man as he completed a mental task. They found that the fitter a participant was, the less brain activity he used to complete the tasks when compared with his out-of-shape peers(同龄人).

Although much research is focused on how exercise may benefit an aging brain, exercise offers brain health benefits at almost any age, and this includes children. A review of 14 studies showed that more physically active schoolchildren do better academically. Exercise actually causes your brain to grow in size. So get moving and keep moving for best results.

1.Which of the following best explains “nimble” underlined in Paragraph 2?

A.Intelligent. B.Dull. C.Unique. D.Simple.

2.What can we infer about the participants’ less-active peers?

A.They had significant brain advantages. B.Their brains were younger than their age.

C.They didn’t have to attend health classes. D.Their cognitive performance would decline.

3.How does the author support his idea?

A.By making comparisons. B.By analyzing study results.

C.By describing the processes. D.By telling his own experiences.

4.What’s the main idea of the text?

A.Exercise is beneficial for your bodies.

B.Exercise is especially good for the old.

C.Exercise can benefit your brain health.

D.Exercise may lower your risk of mental problems.



    James Harrison is called “The Man with the Golden Arm”. The Australian man has saved the lives of more than 2.4 million babies by donating blood nearly every week for 60 years.

At the age of 14, Harrison had an 11-hour operation to remove a lung. “ I received 13 units(liters) of blood and my life had been saved by unknown people,” Harrison said. “When I’m old enough, I’ll become a blood donor.”

That is exactly what Harrison did. Soon afterwards, doctors told him that his blood contains a rare antibody that could help mothers who have rhesus disease, a condition where a pregnant woman’s blood attacks the blood cells of her fetus(胎儿). In worst cases, it can result in brain damager or death for the baby, and until about 1967, thousands of babies were dying each year in Australia.

Before long, researchers had developed an injection(注射剂), called Anti-D, using Harrison’s donated blood. Because about 17 percent of pregnant women in Australia require the Anti-D injections, the blood service estimates Harrison has helped 2.4 million babies in the country. At age of 81, he had already passed the age limit allowed for donors, and the blood service had decided   Harrison should stop donating to protect his health.

Harrison was awarded the Australian Medal of Honor in recognition of his extraordinary efforts and generosity, but he doesn’t consider himself a hero. He’s now donated his blood 1,173 times, which gained him a Guinness World Record. But in all those times of giving blood, he’s never once watched. “I look at the ceiling or the nurses, maybe talk to them a bit. I can’t stand the sight of blood, and I can’t stand pain.”

1.What contributed to Harrison’s becoming a blood donor?

A.The rare antibody in his blood B.His gratitude to the blood donors

C.The request from the blood service D.His pain during the removal of his lung

2.What’s Anti-D used to do

A.Save babies by giving them injection B.Protect babies from common illness

C.Cure pregnant mothers with rhesus disease D.Prevent women’s blood from being attacked

3.What does Harrison hold the Guinness World Record for?

A.The age among blood donors B.The amount of blood he donated

C.The number of donations he made D.The number of babies he saved by donating

4.What does the author think of Harrison?

A.He is kind and curious B.He is generous and modest

C.He is selfless and shy D.He is sympathetic and cautious



World’s Best Summer Festivals

The Governors Music Festival

A relative newcomer to the summer music festival scene, the Governors Ball offers a variety of performers and a taste of New York culture. Visitors can catch sets from rock, electronic, and performers, all while tasting food from popular New York City restaurants. To take a break from the music, festival goers can participate in activities such as Silent Disco or lawn(草坪)games.

WHERE: New York City

WHEN: June 3-5


Created by two Danish college students, Roskilde has developed from a hippie gathering ground to a mainstream music festival. The festival attracts an international following and features performances from more than watch their favorite artists perform inside large tents.

WHERE: Roskilde, Denmark

WHEN: June 25-July 2

Montreux Jazz Festival

Set on Lake Geneva’s beautiful shoreline, the Montreux Jazz Festival attracts a global audience. Founded in 1967 as a jazz-only festival, Montreux has since evolved into a two-week-long showcase that attracts more than 200,000 music enthusiasts.  Performances don’t end on the shore; visitors can catch themed shows from boats and train cars.

WHERE: Montreux, Switzerland

WHEN: July 1-16

Rock al Parque

Rock al Parque is proud of an attendance of 88,600 visitors a day. Most music festivals require tickets, but the participation in the three-day festival is free of charge. Festival-goers line up to watch performances from some of Latin America’s most popular artists, but the festival also offers sets from international bands.

WHERE: Bogota, Colombia

WHEN: July 2-4

1.What will you do at the Governors Ball Festival?

A.Dance in local restaurants B.Take part in relaxing activities.

C.Watch performances from boats. D.Enjoy food from the whole country.

2.What do we know about Roskilde?

A.It lasts the longest time

B.Its contemporary Jazz is popular

C.It provides themed shows to visitors

D.Its foundation originates with two college students.

3.Which festival does not charge an admission fee?

A.Roskilde B.Rock al Parque

C.Montreux Jazz Festival D.The Governors Music Festival



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