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阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。 Non...


None of the major traditional museums seemed to see it as a threat when the Museum of Ice Cream1.(open) in New York in 2019. As more of these pop-up museums started showing up over the next two years, they seemed to become2.trend that should have been taken more seriously. And the3.(late) member to join this list is the Museum of Pizza, which started business in New York in October.

4.seemed that museums are no longer just places to “see” art. People want to have more interactive experiences, instead of5.(prevent) from touching the exhibits, as they6.(normal) are in traditional museums. At the Museum of Ice Cream, currently 7. (locate) in the US city of Miami,8.(visitor) can jump into a pool of plastic  sprinkles (糖屑). And at the Museum of Pizza, people are able to lie on “Pizza beach", 9.they can experience a “wave of cheese”. Tourists can take pictures of themselves within these spaces. In the pre-digital photography era, the message10. (write) like this, “This is what I'm seeing. I have seen.” Today, the message is, “I was there. I came, I saw, and I selfied."


1.opened 2.a 3.latest 4.It 5.being prevented 6.normally 7.located 8.visitors 9.where 10.was written 【解析】 本文是一篇说明文。文章讲述一些快闪博物馆的出现对传统博物馆造成很大的威胁,人们意识到博物馆不再是仅仅能够“看”艺术的地方。 1.考查时态。句意:2019年,冰淇淋博物馆在纽约开馆时,似乎没有一家大型传统博物馆将其视为威胁。分析句子结构可知,空处填谓语动词,再根据时间状语in 2019可知,本句是用过去时态,故本空用open的过去式opened。故填opened。 2.考查冠词。句意:在接下来的两年里,随着越来越多的“快闪博物馆”出现,它们似乎成为了一种应该更严肃对待的潮流。分析句子结构可知,空处填冠词,再结合语境可知,此处表示泛指“一种潮流”,trend是以辅音音素开头的,应使用不定冠词a。 故填a。 3.考查形容词最高级。句意:最新加入这个名单的成员是比萨博物馆,它于10月在纽约开业。分析句子结构可知,空处填形容词,再根据语境可知,the latest意为“最新的”,Pizza博物馆是最新加入的博物馆。故填latest。 4.考查代词。句意:博物馆似乎不再只是“看”艺术的地方。分析句子结构可知,本句话中缺少主语,再根据句意可知,it seemed that意为“似乎……”是固定句式。故填It。 5.考查非谓语动词。句意:人们想要更多的互动体验,而不是像传统博物馆那样被禁止触摸展品。分析句子结构可知,instead of中of是介词,后面用动名词结构,同时主语People和prevent之间是被动关系。故填being prevented。 6.考查副词。句意:人们想要更多的互动体验,而不是像传统博物馆那样被禁止触摸展品。分析句子结构可知,空处填副词,再根据句意可知,normally是normal的副词形式,意为“正常情况下”。故填normally。 7.考查过去分词。句意:在位于美国迈阿密的冰淇淋博物馆,游客们可以跳进一个塑料喷溅池中。分析句子结构可知,空处填非谓语动词做the Museum of Ice Cream的定语,the Museum of Ice Cream和locate是被动关系,故用过去分词作定语。故填located。 8.考查名词复数。句意:在位于美国迈阿密的冰淇淋博物馆,游客们可以跳进一个塑料喷溅池中。根据下文的tourists可知,本空填visitor的复数形式,visitors“游客”和tourists近义。故填visitors。 9.考查定语从句。句意:在披萨博物馆,人们可以躺在“披萨海滩”上,体验“奶酪的浪潮”。分析句子结构可知,本句话是逗号隔开的非限制性定语从句,先行词为Pizza beach,且在从句中做地点状语,相当于on the pizza beach,故用关系副词where引导非限制性定语从句。故填where。 10.考查被动语态。句意:在前数字摄影时代,信息是这样写的:“这就是我所看到的,我已经看到了。”分析句子结构可知,本句话中the message和write之间是被动关系,同时根据时间状语In the pre-digital photography era“在前数码摄影时代”可知,应用过去时的被动语态。故填was written。

    Lehrner always wanted to design roller coasters. Even as a(n)_______, though, she knew that there had to be more to it that just hopping on board.“I started _______ how I would prepare." she said. She looked to science and math and _______ advanced classes in algebra and geometry in middle school and high school. Then she 1ook even more _______math and a high-level physics course.

She also _______theme parks as often as she could and researched the_______of those coasters online. When it came time for_______, she went to the Colorado School of Mines in Golden, where she_______a bachelor's degree in mechanical engineering.

Now Lehrner works with amusement parks to design and_______new coasters. These new coasters they design are________made of wood, except for a metal________on which the cars run. The basic design has been around for more than a century. Still, Lehrner notes each new one is different. “A lot of the same________and concepts are used when 1 design new coasters. But they ________with the terrain (地势) and design. That tells us what the limits will be — how tight the bends and how________the hills are."

Some parks________their coasters to he as scary as possible. That means big________and quick turns and lots of inversions. Lehrner is________ at taking twisted wood coasters.

The coasters she________make you feel as if you're going________than you really are, because the tracks are lower to the ground. “We also try to build rides that are fun for the whole________— children as well as their parents.” she said.

1.A.genius B.kid C.teacher D.inventor

2.A.thinking about B.going over C.writing down D.dreaming of

3.A.brought B.researched C.took D.gave

4.A.classical B.ancient C.practical D.advanced

5.A.visited B.created C.sponsored D.managed

6.A.parks B.makers C.themes D.players

7.A.vacation B.graduation C.college D.decision

8.A.made B.bought C.researched D.got

9.A.discover B.learn C.build D.purchase

10.A.largely B.completely C.carefully D.possibly

11.A.cover B.frame C.fence D.track

12.A.metals B.components C.colors D.plans

13.A.agree B.compare C.change D.deal

14.A.beautiful B.dangerous C.much D.high

15.A.want B.consider C.hate D.imagine

16.A.drops B.coasters C.seats D.carriages

17.A.amazed B.expert C.pleased D.excited

18.A.rides B.enjoys C.designs D.studies

19.A.slower B.crazier C.further D.faster

20.A.family B.community C.place D.society



    You may say that rain comes from clouds, but you can also say that rain is clouds.1., you should know the mechanism through which water moves from the Earth to the atmosphere and back again.

Dew point is the temperature at which water vapor begins to condense (凝结) and becomes water droplets that can fall as rain. Dew point can vary anywhere from the 30s (Fahrenheit) to, on rare occasions, the 80s.

2.. Once the air has cooled past the “dew point", it condenses around a nucleus, which are usually tiny particles of dust, smoke or even salt that are floating in the air. Then tiny water droplets are formed.3.. If you pay close attention to clouds in the sky, you'll see char they’re constantly shrinking and growing,

Water vapor that has formed clouds is on its way to becoming rain, bur it's not there yet. For now, the water droplets are 80 tiny that the air currents keep them in the air, just as swirling particles of dust can stay in the air.4..

When water droplets combine with one another, they become heavier than the uplift of the air around them. Eventually they fall down through the cloud as rain.5.They attract more water vapor to themselves and grow quickly until they're heavy enough to fall as snow.

A.Rain cloud is formed when there is enough water in the air

B.As warm air rises with the water vapor it contains, it cools

C.If you are curious about what kind of cloud will become rain

D.Sometimes the droplets rise high enough to freeze into ice crystals.

E.The tiny water droplets that initially form are what you see as clouds

F.If you want a better understanding of why rain comes down from clouds

G.As those droplets continue to rise, they have two ways to come back to Earth



    United States health officials say an estimated 80,000 people died of influenza (流感) and problems resulting from the flu last winter, making it the worst season since 1977. The director for the U.S.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) reported the number to The Associated Press. Health experts were expecting the winter of 2017-2018 to be a bad year for flu deaths, but not that.

Doctor William Schaffner is an expert on vaccines,  at Vanderbilt University in Tennessee. Schaffner noted that 80,000 deaths are nearly twice as much as what health officials once considered a “bad year”.

CDC officials say that between 12,000 and 56,000 Americans die every year from flu-related causes, but they do not have an exact count of how many people die from the flu each year. Influenza is a relatively common disease and not always listed on death records as the official cause of death. While last winter was a bad flu season in the U.S., it was not the worst. The 1918 flu lasted nearly two years. Historians estimate that the disease was to blame for between 500,000 to 700,000 deaths during that period. The exact number is still not known.

One thing that made the 2017-2018 flu season so bad was that the flu virus was strong. Usually the disease kills the very young, the very old or those who are already sick. However, last winter, the flu killed many healthy Americans. Another thing that made the flu season so deadly was that the flu vaccine was not as effective as experts had predicted. Drug makers have made changes to the vaccine. Even though the vaccine did not work well last year, health experts still strongly suggest getting vaccinated.

1.What can we learn about influenza in the first paragraph?

A.The winter of 2017-2018 saw the deadliest flu in history.

B.Effective cures should be found to deal with influenza.

C.Health experts had assumed flu would be severer.

D.More people died of influenza than expected in the winter of 2017-2018.

2.How many deaths did the health officials expect in a bad year?

A.80,000. B.40,000.

C.60,000. D.20,000.

3.Why can't CDC officials give an exact number of deaths from flu?

A.Because flu is always considered as a common disease.

B.Because people usually don't take flu seriously.

C.Because CDC officials are unwilling to count the deaths.

D.Because flu is not always listed on death records.

4.What do experts recommend people to do in the last paragraph?

A.Change the vaccine. B.Avoid using vaccine.

C.Get vaccinated. D.Do research on vaccine.



    It was several years ago when my wife asked me to meet her at the local department store on Black Friday morning. They had advertised a child's bike that she wanted to purchase for our son. We stood with a very large crowd, waiting for the manager to blow the whistle. After a while the whistle blew. It was like throwing a basket of chum into a tank of sharks. I told my wife that if we obtained a bike, fine, but if we did not, I was OK with that too.

As the boxes of bikes began to gradually decrease, I saw my opportunity to wrap my hands around the corner of one of them. I lifted it off and suddenly felt some mild resistance. I looked up to see one of the largest men I had ever seen in my life. Frightening was not enough to describe his presence. He was decorated with numerous leather belts with metal buttons around both arms and even his neck. Tattoos (纹身) were an obvious passion of his.

I started to loosen the box but he gently pushed it back in my direction and back into my hands. He then directed it into my shopping cart. He looked at me, smiled, and said, “Merry Christmas.”

My wife and I went to the checkout, paid for the bike and went home. All the way home I was thinking that this moment was by far the best Christmas gift I had ever received. The kindness of a human heart in a simple act of a stranger broke all preconceived notions (先入为主) I may have had. I will never forget it.

1.What does the underlined word “chum” mean in Paragraph1?

A.Gifts. B.Food.

C.Goods. D.Souvenirs.

2.Why did the author loosen the box when seeing the man?

A.The author didn't want to buy it. B.The man needed it more.

C.The author was frightened by the man. D.The man got the box first.

3.What can be a suitable title for the text?

A.The Best Christmas Gift. B.The Largest Man I Have Ever Seen.

C.An Unforgettable Bike. D.A Shopping Experience.



    Seventeen-year-old Lindsey Stoefen loves to play tennis, softball and run until last October when a rare disorder paralyzed her legs and left her in a wheelchair. But in late April after becoming an in-patient at Marianjoy Rehabilitation Hospital in Chicago, the teen climbed into a specially designed exoskeleton (外骨骼) which supported her body and moved her legs.

“Yes, I'm gonna be a robot! And I was scared at first. Am I gonna like it? Is it gonna be okay? And then once I got into it, I loved it." Lauren Bularzik, Lindsey s physical therapist, says the exo robots help to accelerate the recovery process.

For someone who takes a lot of energy to only walk a few feet, exo can get them up and get them moving. Besides speeding up recovery time, these robotic skeletons are especially helpful for those with paralysis, from spinal cord injuries and strokes.

Using the machine can help some patients rewire their brains to use secondary muscles, so they can eventually walk again without the device. But Patrick Wensing, assistant professor at the University of Notre Dame says exoskeletons have one big drawback. While existing exoskeletons are very powerful, right now they don t understand what the user wants to do. So in order to switch between activities in daily life, you often have to press a button interface to tell the exoskeleton “I would like to stand up now".

Wensing and his team are cooperating with Ekso Bionics, a leading developer of wearable robots, to create a machine that can understand what its user wants to do without implanted sensors and complicated control panels.

Taylor Gambon has spent the last year analyzing data from exoskeleton users and comparing them to models of everyday walking. Later this year, the team will travel to Ekso Bionics' California headquarters, where they will work directly with exoskeletons to design programs that interact with users of various disabilities, so that more people like Lindsey Stoefen can get back on their feet again.

1.What's the purpose of the story about Stoefen in the first paragraph?

A.To prove Stoefen's bravery against disability.

B.To explain Stoefen's misfortune in life.

C.To introduce advanced medical skills in Chicago.

D.To introduce the topic of robotic skeleton.

2.How does Patrick Wensing find the robotic skeletons?

A.They can improve the recovery speed.

B.They can replace the real person.

C.They can't understand the intention of users.

D.They can help patients do everything in life.

3.What's the attitude of Taylor Gambon and his team towards the development of exo robots?

A.Disappointed. B.Critical.

C.Indifferent. D.Optimistic.

4.Where is the text probably taken?

A.An advertisement. B.A science fiction.

C.A product handbook. D.A popular science magazine.



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