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Have you ever wondered why certain pop s...

    Have you ever wondered why certain pop songs just make you feel so good?

Researchers studying the question found that the right combination of uncertainty and surprise is what gives listeners the most pleasure.

The study, published in the journal Current Biology, involved an analysis of 80,000 chords( 和弦)in 745 pop songs from the US Billboard “Hot 100” chart between 1958 and 1991.

The researchers - from institutes in Germany, Norway, Denmark and the UK - used a machine-learning model to quantify the level of uncertainty and surprise of these chords, and then asked 39 adult volunteers to rate how pleasurable they found each series of chords.

Each song was stripped of its melody and lyrics(歌词)so that only chord progressions were left and the results couldn’t be influenced by other associations to the songs that listeners might have had.

They found two things: that participants got greater pleasure when they were relatively certain what would happen next but then were surprised by an unexpected chord progression. However, the same number of participants found it pleasant when they were uncertain as to what would follow, and then the subsequent chords were more familiar to them.

“It is fascinating that humans can get pleasure from a piece of music just by how sounds are ordered over time,” Vincent Cheung, the lead researcher on the paper from the Max Planck Institute for Human Cognitive and Brain Sciences, Germany, said in a statement.

“Songs that we find pleasant are likely those which strike a good balance between knowing what is going to happen next and surprising us with something we did not expect. Understanding how music activates our pleasure system in the brain could explain why listening to music might help us feel better when we are feeling blue.”

Cheung told CNN that pleasure in music has a lot to do with what listeners expect. Previous studies had looked into the effects of surprise on pleasure, but he and his colleagues’ study also focused on the uncertainty of listeners’ predictions.

The findings may help improve artificial musical algorithms(算法)and could help composers write music or predict musical trends.

“The idea is that hopefully as a scientist analyzing these patterns of pleasure in humans, you can somehow work out where music can go next,” Peter Harrison, a researcher at Queen Mary University, London, who worked on the project, told CNN.

As part of the same experiment, the researchers also used brain imaging to locate the areas of the brain reflected in musical pleasure. They found the regions involved were the amygdala, the hippocampus and the auditory cortex, which process emotions, learning and memory, and sound, respectively.

Cheung added that another part of the brain, the nucleus accumbens - which processes reward expectations - was perhaps responsible for “directing our attention towards the music so that we will try to find out what will happen next.”

1.This passage mainly deals with _____.

A.how composers create pop music trends B.why popular music makes people happy

C.what kind of music makes people most happy D.which part of the brain produces happy music

2.The underlined words in Paragraph 5 have the closest meaning to _____.

A.reserved B.restored C.removed D.refreshed

3.We can learn from the passage that __________.

A.pleasure in music is connected with listeners’ expectations

B.findings of this study are of little help to music composing

C.the regions of the brain mentioned process music composing

D.only uncertainty followed by familiarity can bring about pleasure


1.B 2.C 3.A 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章借助研究成果向我们解释了为什么某些流行歌曲能让我们感到如此愉快。研究人员发现,恰到好处地融合不确定和惊奇因素是让倾听者感到愉悦的原因。文章中还具体阐述了实验的过程。 1.主旨大意题。这是一篇说明文,文章主旨句通常来源于第一段。根据首段Have you ever wondered why certain pop songs just make you feel so good?(你曾经考虑过为什么某种流行音乐能让你感觉好吗?)可知,这篇文章主要就是来解决这一疑问的。故选B。 2.词义猜测题。结合上下文。根据划线单词后面的so that only chord progressions were left(这样只有和弦进行被保留下来)中的 only…were left可知,其他的都被去除了。A. reserved预订,预约;B. restored使复原,使复位;C. removed移除;D. refreshed使恢复精力,使凉爽。故选C。 3.细节理解题。由第二段中的Researchers studying the question found that the right combination of uncertainty and surprise is what gives listeners the most pleasure.(这个问题的研究人员发现是不确定性与惊奇的完美结合给了听众最大的快乐)与第八段中的Songs that we find pleasant are likely those which strike a good balance between knowing what is going to happen next and surprising us with something we did not expect.(我们发现能让我们感到快乐的歌曲很可能是那些在即将发生什么与用我们想不到的东西给我们一个惊喜之间达到很好平衡的歌曲)可知,音乐中的快乐与听着的期望是联系在一起的。故选A。

    Heritage: Tomb, 1,200 years old, unearthed

A tomb dating back to the Tang Dynasty (618-907) has been found in Hebei province, according to the local cultural relics protection department.

The tomb was discovered by a villager. A tombstone, two china pieces, 12 items of pottery and some bronze artistic handworks were unearthed. The inscription on the tombstone, measuring 45 centimeters in length and 9 cm in thickness, consists of 323 Chinese characters recording the name, birthplace and life story of its owner and its inscription year in 733. Two china pieces, as well as other artistic handworks, are important to the research of the china craftsmanship of the local kiln(), Zhao Xuefeng, a cultural relics expert, said.

Travel: Kung Fu Panda land coming to Beijing Universal

Beijing Resort(度假区), which is expected to open in 2021, has released a short video about its Kung  Fu  Panda  Land  of  Awesomeness.  The  Kung  Fu  Panda  land  will  be  the  first  Kung  Fu Panda-themed land, according to Universal. The entirely indoor experience is designed to transport visitors to “legendary China”. It is based on the animated movie series Kung Fu Panda, bringing to life the brave panda Po with Chinese architecture, festive decoration and excellent performances. The Hollywood film follows the exploits of Po, who wants to be a Kung Fu master.

Films: Saturday Fiction set for screening

Saturday Fiction is set for release in China on Dec 7, according to the China Film Distribution and Exhibition Association. Gong Li plays the role of a film star with a hidden task in the film. Set in Shanghai in 1941, it follows the star who is working undercover gathering intelligence for the Allies( ), while starring in a new play. She discovers the Japanese plan to attack Pearl Harbor but chooses not to share the information. Directed by Lou Ye, the film made its world premiere(首映)at the Venice Film Festival in September.

Tech: 5G smart bus starts trial run

A 5G driver-less microbus started trial operations in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, on Tuesday. The bus is equipped with 30 smart sensors to help identify obstacles such as pedestrians and vehicles from up to 200 meters away. The smart bus communicates through the road cloud collaborative intelligent system.

Theatre: Lin Zexu to be staged, marking 180th anniversary of Opium War

Directed by Wang Xiaodi and written by scriptwriter Guo Qihong, the play Lin Zexu features actor Pu Cunxin as the protagonist and actress Xu Fan as Guan Shuqing, Lin’s wife. In 1838, the Qing dynasty (1644-1911) official, was sent to Guangzhou, Guangdong province, to stop the illegal importation of opium by the British. Lin launched the destruction of opium in Humen, a port town, on June 3, 1839. About 1,400 metric tons of opium was destroyed within 23 days. The incident triggered the First Opium War (1839-1842). Marking the 180th anniversary  of the war, the play will be premiered in Beijing next month. It also incorporates dance to showcase the battle scenes.

1.Which of the following CANNOT reflect Chinese history or traditional culture?

A.The tomb unearthed. B.The play to be staged.

C.The smart bus on trial. D.The theme land to be put into operation.

2.What do we know about the film Saturday Fiction?

A.It is about a film star’s private life. B.It is set in the Second World War.

C.It will make its world premiere on Dec 7. D.It focuses on Pearl Harbor Attack.



    Experts are warning about the risks of extreme fussy eating(挑食)after a teenager developed permanent sight loss after living on a diet of chips and crisps.

Since leaving___ school, the teen had been eating only French fries, Pringles and white bread, as well as a(n)___ slice of ham or a sausage. At the age of 14, feeling tired and not well, he was diagnosed with vitamin B12 deficiency(缺乏)and was___ supplements(补充剂), but he did not___ the treatment or improve his poor diet. Three years later, he was taken to the Bristol Eye Hospital because of progressive___ loss.

Dr Denize Atan, who___ him at the hospital, said, “The teenager explained this eating disorder as a dislike of certain textures of food that he really could not____, and so chips and crisps were really the only types of food that he wanted and felt that he could eat.”

__ in B12 as well as some other important vitamins and minerals, he was not over or underweight, but was____ malnourished (lacking nutrition) from his food intake disorder. “He had lost minerals from his bone, which was really quite___ for a boy of his age.”

In terms of his sight loss, he met the___ for being registered blind. Dr Atan said, “He can’t drive and would find it really difficult to____, watch TV or recognize faces. He can walk around on his own,____, because he doesn’t lose peripheral( )vision.”

The condition the young man has is treatable___ diagnosed early. Left too long, however, the nerve fibers in the optic nerve die and the damage becomes____. Dr Atan said cases like this are thankfully uncommon, but that parents should___ the potential harm that can be caused by picky eating, and seek expert help.

Dr Atan said vegans(素食主义者)are also at increased risk of B12 deficiency-related sight problems if they do not replace what they can lack when___ meat from their diet.

“Multivitamin tablets can supplement a diet, but are not a(n) ___ for eating healthily. It’s much better to___ vitamins through a varied and balanced diet,” she said, adding that too much of certain vitamins, including vitamin A, can be____, “so you don’t want to overdo it”.

1.A.vocational B.primary C.middle D.special

2.A.funny B.rigid C.occasional D.raw

3.A.forbidden B.denied C.prescribed D.offered

4.A.stick with B.cope with C.play with D.go with

5.A.diet B.sight C.weight D.wit

6.A.cured B.studied C.instructed D.treated

7.A.describe B.recognize C.tolerate D.receive

8.A.Abundant B.Lost C.Backward D.Lacking

9.A.severely B.scarcely C.seemingly D.sincerely

10.A.amusing B.normal C.shocking D.typical

11.A.situations B.criteria C.deadlines D.challenges

12.A.read B.sing C.dance D.laugh

13.A.even B.though C.still D.yet

14.A.since B.unless C.after D.if

15.A.persistent B.periodic C.persevering D.permanent

16.A.wake up to B.live up to C.stand up to D.come up to

17.A.excluding B.separating C.including D.distinguishing

18.A.companion B.substitute C.suggestion D.explanation

19.A.take off B.take after C.take in D.take over

20.A.rewarding B.compulsory C.restrictive D.poisonous



---How time flies! We’re near the end of the year.

---_____ I’m looking forward to the winter holiday!

A.Take your time B.You said it C.I don’t buy it D.You have my word



A friend indeed is a friend who won’t _____ on you when you are in need of help.

A.come out B.hold out C.break out D.run out



According to a newly released regulation on online video services, no one _____ generate, release or spread fake news or information by using such technologies.

A.can B.shall C.will D.may



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