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阅读下面短文,在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 The gam...


The game of Go (围棋) is an important board game with origins in China from more than 4,000 years ago. In China, Go 1. (recognize) as “hand conversations” as well, through which players communicate with each other. 2.  other words, they “talk” through the placing of pieces on the board. The metaphor (比喻) first 3. (use) by Zhi Daolin, a Buddhist master of the Jin Dynasty, reflects the nature of the game. While scholars of his time often lost 4.(they) in philosophical (哲学的) debates on life and universe, he preferred to play Go 5. he believed was full of hows and whys of life.

Master Go players often feel as if they were playing a real-life game: sometimes one can move forward, while at other times, one must slow down: sometimes one can 6. (direct) face the challenger, at other times one must take an indirect approach. Appropriate placement of each tiny Go piece is similar to 7. one might solve a difficult problem of life. The purpose of 8. (play) Go is not just to win but also, more importantly, to seek 9. (wise) through the process. The players unite with each other on the board. Instead of fighting as 10. (enemy), they cooperate to play a good game. One thoughtless move could ruin the enjoyment.


1.is recognized 2.In 3.used 4.themselves 5.which 6.directly 7.how 8.playing 9.wisdom 10.enemies 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。短文介绍了中国围棋背后的精神以及它体现出了生活的哲理。 1.考查一般现在时的被动语态。句意:在中国,围棋也被认为是“手谈”,玩家通过手对弈进行交流。分析句子可知,本句为一般现在时,主语Go与谓语recognize为被动,所以用is recognized。故填is recognized . 2.考查固定短语。句意:换句话说,他们通过在黑板上放置棋子来“交谈”。in other words“换句话说”为固定短语。故填In . 3.考查过去分词。句意:这一隐喻最早由晋代佛教大师智道林使用,反映了围棋的本质。分析句子可知,The metaphor (比喻)与use在逻辑上是被动关系,所以用过去分词used。故填used . 4.考查代词。句意:当他那个时代的学者们常常陷入关于生命和宇宙的哲学辩论时,他更喜欢下围棋。他相信围棋充满了生活的哲理。主语与宾语表示同一个人时,宾语用反身代词。所以填themselves。故填themselves. 5.考查关系代词。句意:当他那个时代的学者们常常陷入关于生命和宇宙的哲学辩论时,他更喜欢下围棋。他相信围棋里充满了生活的道理。分析句子可知,Go为先行词,在后面的定语从句作主语,所以关系代词为which。故填which . 6.考查副词。句意:有时人可以直接面对挑战者,有时必须采取间接的方法来面对挑战者。directly为副词修饰动词face。故填 directly. 7.考查连接词。句意:一个小小的围棋棋子的恰当摆放就像一个人如何解决生活中的难题一样。to为介词后接宾语从句,根据句意可知,空处缺少表示方式的连接副词how。故填how. 8.考查动名词。句意:下围棋的目的不仅仅是为了赢,更重要的是在这个过程中寻求智慧。分析句子可知,of为介词后接动名词playing。故填 playing . 9.考查名词。句意:下围棋的目的不仅仅是为了赢,更重要的是在这个过程中寻求智慧。seek 为及物动词后接名词wisdom作宾语。故填wisdom. 10.考查名词复数。句意:他们不是以敌人的身份在博弈,而是合作下好一盘棋。enemy为可数名词,其前无任何修饰成分,所以空处应填enemy的复数enemies。故填 enemies.

    The stage lights dimmed, and I took a quick look from behind the heavy black curtains into the audience. Blinded by the lights, I quickly______. It seems that a great number of eyes were looking at me. I took a deep ______as the music of my dance began to play. I entered the stage and began my______, the graduation test of the classical Indian dance.

After a decade of learning this art form, I had______been considered ready to take on the most difficult act. The test is the most important event in a dancer's life, as it pays______to all the factors in one's life that______the dance form: one's culture and family.

The performance is undertaken only by the most______and determined students. It is a difficult process that requires much______. For more than six months, I spent two to three hours every day______these dances. Many times, I______myself to my physical and mental breaking point, but still I would not stop. I could not give up. There was always so much more to do and so much more to______.

I______a lot about myself in those tiring hours. I learned that I was far too______to give up, and I was too proud to prove myself______after I had set an unrealistic goal. Even with physical pain and mental______,  I forced myself to meet my______. Even when I was at the end of my______,   there was always something driving me on, forcing me not to give up.

Fortunately, I made it. What I had done______the success. It was in those hours that I learned what a dancer______is. Those time was evidence that I could______something I set out to do.

1.A.reached out B.set off C.pulled back D.broke away

2.A.sleep B.breath C.thought D.sorrow

3.A.career B.attempt C.response D.performance

4.A.eventually B.easily C.absolutely D.desperately

5.A.debt B.respect C.interest D.visit

6.A.develop B.rescue C.introduce D.promote

7.A.beautiful B.focused C.intelligent D.considerate

8.A.talent B.strength C.comprehension D.commitment

9.A.recording B.discussing C.practicing D.designing

10.A.pushed B.addicted C.treated D.applied

11.A.forget B.design C.learn D.research

12.A.discovered B.abandoned C.controlled D.undertook

13.A.brilliant B.brave C.stubborn D.discouraged

14.A.careless B.nervous C.frightened D.wrong

15.A.function B.stress C.level D.action

16.A.budget B.deadline C.expense D.expectation

17.A.limit B.purpose C.preparation D.destination

18.A.increased B.deserved C.expanded D.exposed

19.A.completely B.chiefly C.originally D.truly

20.A.change B.supply C.accomplish D.explain



    Is there a best way to pack clothes? The following ideas are of great help to those who are always on the way.

Where to start?

1. Once you see how much you lay in front of you, be brave and reduce about a third. Because the truth is like your wardrobe, you never seem to use as much as you take.

How to deal with clothing?

Start with your shoes. Put underwear or socks inside them to hold the shape of your shoes. Thus, you can make use of every square inch of space. Once your shoes are firmly in place, fill small gaps with very soft items. 2. .

Lay out the first clothes with one end inside the suitcase and the other end dropping over the edge. Put the next clothes on top of this, but place them the other way around. 3. In this way, you’ll get another flat layer soon Finally, one by one, fold the clothes back in.

Where to put non-clothing?

4. These awkward shaped items are difficult to pack. You’d better put them towards the middle give maximum protection. Remember.to double bag your toiletries kit (洗漱袋) to avoid spotting your clothes.

Top tips:

If you take a belt, slip them along the inside of your case. 5. That will take more space. Next, use the hard shape of the case to offer protection. Leave your toiletries kit in your suitcase, when you return home. It’s ready for the next time you travel.

A. Don’t roll belts up.

B. Be sure to put away socks.

C. This idea will create a flat first layer.

D. And then continue laying other clothes.

E. That will make the job a whole lot easier.

F. Lay everything you want to take with you on the bed.

G. Non-clothing items are things like books, toothbrushes and cameras.



    Most dog owners are convinced that their four-legged friends know exactly what they mean when they use certain words like sitstay or treat.Howeverresearchers have always wondered whether dogs really understand human speech or if they rely on other information to get the meaning.For exampledoes the wordfetchform a picture of a stick or ball in the dogs mindor does the dog bring back the object based on the owner’s voice or gesture? A new study by scientists at Atlanta’s Emory University seems to indicate thatman’s best frienddoes indeed know what the owner is saying.

The researchers began by asking the owners of twelve dogs of various kinds to train their pets to identify two toys of different materialssuch as a toy animal and a ball.Once the dogs had mastered the taskthey took turns inside a special scanner.The owners then tested their dogs language skill by first calling out the names of the toys they had been trained to recognize and then saying meaningless words such asbobbuandbodmickwhile holding up random objects the dogs hadnt seen before.

The scans suggested that the parts of the dogs’ brains responsible for processing of sounds showed different brain patterns when they heard words they were familiar withcompared with the ones they had never heard before.While that was not enough to prove that the dogs were picturing their toys when they heard the wordit did indicate some sort of recognition.The researchers believe this is an important step forward in understanding how dogs process language.

Even more interesting was that the dogs brains showed a higher level of neural(神经)activity at the sound of unknown words.This is the exact opposite of what happens in human brainswhich get more active at the sound of familiar words.The researchers say the dogs may become cheerful at the sound of new words to try to understand them in the hope of delighting their masters.Dogs want to please their ownersand perhaps also receive praise or food,”says Empty neuroscientist Gregory Burnssenior author of the study.

Howeverthough your pet may understand human speechthe scientists recommend using visual signals and smell for training.When people want to teach their dog a trickthey often use spoken command because thats what humans prefer,”Prichard says.From the dog’s viewhowevera visual command might be more effectivehelping the dog learn the trick faster.

1.Whats the purpose of the new study?

A.To convince dog owners to understand their dogs.

B.To advise dog owners to treat their dogs kindly.

C.To prove dogs follow ownersorder by listening.

D.To test out how dogs get information from owners.

2.What does the author intend to do in paragraph 2?

A.Inform the result of the research. B.State the process of the research.

C.Stress the importance of the research. D.Introduce the subjects of the research.

3.How do human brains and dog brains react to words ?

A.Human brains become active at unfamiliar words.

B.Dog brains become delighted at unfamiliar words.

C.Human brains are not sensitive to familiar words.

D.Dog brains show no response to familiar words.

4.What do scientists advise the owners to do in dog training?

A.Give dogs oral command. B.Teach dog new tricks.

C.Involve sight and smell. D.Encourage faster learning.



    A woman grasped her phone to her heart the way a minister might hold a Bible. She was anxious to take a picture of a bunch of flowers that sat not 10 feet away, but first she had to get through a crowd of others pushing to do the same. The cause of this was Bouquets to Art, one of the most popular annual events at the de Young Museum in San Francisco. For the 34th year, artists were asked to create flower bunches that respond to pieces of art on display, from ancient carvings to contemporary sculptures. It’s time to take a photo to post on Instagram, but to the point that it has become a problem.

In recent years» the de Young received more than a thousand complaints from people who felt that cell phones had ruined their experience. In fact, institutions of fine art around the world face similar problems as the desire to take photographs becomes a huge draw for museums as well as something that upsets some of their visitors. So the de Young responded with a kind of compromise: carving out “photo free” hours during the exhibition’s six-day run.

One common complaint in the ongoing debates over the effect of social media on museum culture is that people seem to be missing out on experiences because they are so busy collecting evidence of them. A recent study in the journal Psychological Science suggests there is some truth to this; it found that people who took photos of an exhibit rather than simply observing it had a harder time remembering

what they saw. But the issue is complicated for the professionals running museums. Linda Butler, the de Young’s head of marketing, communications and visitor experience, acknowledges that not everyone wants a museum to be “a photo-taking playland. ” Yet a lot of other people do, and she thinks that the de Young is in no position to judge that one motivation for buying a $ 28 ticket is more valid than another. “If we removed social media and photography,” she says, “we would risk becoming less popular.” If this is a battle, signs indicate that the pro-phone crowd (亲手机人群) has already won.

1.What were the crowd eager to do in Paragraph 1?

A.To hold a Bible. B.To admire flowers.

C.To take a photo. D.To see the exhibition.

2.How did the de Young respond to the complaints?

A.By setting periods without photo-taking.

B.By making the exhibition free of charge.

C.By compromising with other institutions.

D.By giving extra time to take photos freely.

3.What can we infer about the use of social media in museums according to the recent study?

A.It uncovers the truth. B.It accumulates evidence.

C.It causes complaints. D.It plays a negative role.

4.Which of the following may Linda Butler support?

A.Catering to visitors. B.Reducing admission prices.

C.Reserving judgement in public. D.Banning social media and photography.



    In the past decade, the use of social media has grown in a way that no one could have guessed. It has turned some teenagers into celebrities and turned the famous into the infamous, overnight.

A key feature of social media, however, is its volatility. Trends come and go, disappearing almost as quickly as they appeared. So, what were the key social media trends of 2018?

Short video apps such as TikTok and its Chinese equivalent(等同物) Douyin, took the world by storm. The Telegraph reported that TikTok was ranked 8th on Apple's App store in April. And Douyin had more than 300 million domestic monthly active users in June at home, CNBC said.

Why are these short videos—which are rarely longer than a few minutes—so popular? Jiang Yige, Singapore­based analyst at FengHe Fund Management, has a theory. “Short videos are just right to fill in the little gaps in our busy schedules” he told CNBC.

These videos—apart from being very convenient—are important to teenagers because they allow them to express themselves, according to Teen Vogue.

Liza Koshy, a user of the US app Musical.ly who has over 2 million followers, said, “The sense of community that users of short video apps get is another appealing feature.”

Live streaming(直播) is a feature of our social media life that now seems as natural as sunrise. It's a pretty neat idea: You can watch anyone, anywhere, live. However, China has taken live streaming to a whole new level. In China, more than 100 million viewers monthly watch a live streaming video. Forbes thought that a number of factors had led to the popularity of live streams. Among them is viewers' ability to interact with unknown names.

However, the quick development of social media may be having side effects too. Fake news is one serious problem it causes. Materials shared on these platforms are often not checked for accuracy. The most basic content can be false and can mislead users one way or another. We use social media all the time; that doesn't mean that we understand the influence it is having on us. We should be mindful of both the time we spend on it and its impact on our minds.

1.The underlined word “volatility” in Paragraph 2 possibly means “being________”.

A.changeable B.steady

C.promising D.violent

2.According to Liza Koshy, short videos are very popular because________.

A.they are very convenient

B.they help people kill time

C.they provide a sense of community

D.they allow people to express themselves

3.What do we know about social media?

A.The information from social media is totally reliable.

B.When it comes to social media, people only know short videos.

C.People can't communicate with each other without social media.

D.There is still much room for social media to make improvement.

4.What is the author's attitude to the quick development of social media?

A.Objective. B.Subjective.

C.Favorable. D.Disapproving.



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