满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

阅读下面短文,根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。 Mama and ...


Mama and I spend mornings cleaning up the dirt that blows into our house. Mama says all  the dust is due to the drought, not only here in the Oklahoma panhandle(狭长地带) but all over the Great Plains.

The dirt sifts into everything. It covers our clothes. We have to wash the dishes before each meal. It also slips into the automobiles horn (喇叭). Although Papa has fixed it, he fears the dust from the road will ruin the motor, So, we have to walk to school.

On the way to school, my sister, Faye, and I wear kerchiefs over our mouths so we don' t breathe in the dirt On days when the air is so bad that they close the school, we stay home and help Mama put sheets over the windows. But the dirt always finds a way in .

Last Sunday, there was no dirt in the air, only bright spring sunshine and a clear blue sky. After church, Papa headed out to the field to check on the cattle while Mama started dinner. Faye and I played in the yard. The temperature suddenly dropped-it felt good. The heat had been building since dawn.

Then Mama shouted from the house, “Iris, you and Faye get inside. Be quick!”

I looked to the west and saw a huge black cloud of dust, like thick smoke pouring out from a chimney. All the birds flew away. “Faye, go with Mama!” I shouted, “I’ll warn Papa.”

Faye raced, toward the house. The storm hit so fast, I barely saw her climb the porch steps. Fine sand heaved against my face and in an instant the day turned into night. I stumbled over our bicycles left carelessly in the yard. I screamed for Papa, hoping my voice would lead him back.

The dirt and sand stung my skin like a thousand bees. I needed to get to shelter. Covering my face with one hand, I felt my way toward the automobile and I opened the door. Dirt flew in with me as I pulled the door closed. Papa was still out there! I needed to help him find the automobile. Worried as I was, I managed to calm myself down.





Paragraph 1:

I was figuring out what to do when I caught sight of the switch for the front lights and the horn.


Paragraph 2:

Suddenly Papa’s face appeared at the window.



Paragraph 1: I was figuring out what to do when I caught sight of the switch for the front lights and the horn. They made some rays, but would Papa see them in thick darkness? I pushed the horn again and again, hoping Papa would hear it. I was waiting silently in the automobile, but there was nothing except the wind. I become more and more desperate. Paragraph 2: Suddenly Papa’s face appeared at the window. With clothes covered her face, he opened the door and climbed onto the seat next to me. He coughed and wiped his eyes with dirty hands, then pull me into his arms. I hugged Papa and cried. Papa asked, “Your mother and Faye?” I said, “They are in the house.” Papa nodded, "Good.” Finally, the huge black cloud of dust cleared off and the dirt started to settle. We went home as Mama walked out. I cried, tears of joy because our family had survived the horrible storm. 【解析】 本篇考查的作文类型是读后续写。 前文主要讲的是作者一家遭遇了突如其来的沙尘暴,母亲和Faye都进了屋里,而作者的父亲还在外面,作者找到了父亲所在的车,然后进入车里等待父亲。在给的第一段开头“I was figuring out what to do when I caught sight of the switch for the front lights and the horn.”中“figure out”意思是“弄清楚”,“Suddenly Papa’s face appeared at the window.”此句中的Papa为关键词,后文都围绕着Papa出现后的事情展开。 【高分句型一】 I doubted whether Papa would see them in thick darkness or not. 我怀疑爸爸是否会在黑暗中看到他们。运用宾语从句。 【高分句型二】 Finally, as the huge black cloud of dust cleared off and the dirt started to settle, we went home. 最后,随着巨大的黑云散去了,沙尘也停息了,我们回了家。运用as引导时间状语从句。  

假定你是李华,你校绿社 (the Green Club)将向附近农场社区发出“Say No to Chemical Fertilizers”的倡议,请你以社长的名义用英语写一封倡议书,主要内容包括:










July 6th, 2019 witnessed Chinese people cheering in excitement as news came that the Archaeological Ruins of Liangzhu City in Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, was listed as a World Heritage Site.

The Liangzhu ruins1.opened to the public on Sunday, is located between the villages of Liangzhu and Pingyao in the northwestern par of Hangzhou. The park,2.(spread) across an area of 366 square kilometers, provides shuttle bus services, so visitors can travel to many different sites.

First,3.(found) around 3000 B.C. the city of Liangzhu Ancient was surrounded by walls 6,000 meters in 4.(long). The walls formed a rectangle with rounded corners, enclosed by the natural hills of Zhishan and Fengshan.

It was raining on the third day of the parks opening, 5. the weather couldn't keep visitors away. 6.a ticketing system available on WeChat, visitors can book tickets seven days in advance. However, tickets 7. (limit) 3,000 a day. Michelle Shearer a visitor from Australia, told the Global Times that she booked a ticket online8. (immediate) she heard the news. “The city offers unique evidence of China's long history and it is really a good place to learn more about Chinese culture,” she said.

“This is the first time that a Chinese prehistoric archaeological site(遗迹)9.(select) as a World Heritage Site.” said Chen Xingcan, deputy president of the Institute of Archaeology CASS. “We cannot relax after getting the title of World Heritage Site. Protection is10.long lasting means to allow us to explore their value,” Chen said.



    China's Great Wall, Australia's remote Outback, Italy's ancient ruins, Jane Sun, CEO of CTip, Asia's largest online travel agency, connects people with the best destinations the world has to offer. She believes cultural experiences can_________ divides and conflicts, strengthen industries and create peace.

Actually she herself is a living breathing advertisement for how travel can_________a life. But her journey was much longer and more_________ than her recent completion of the Shanghai marathon.

While_________Peking University, Sun was invited to a program in the University of Florida, where she_________managed to further her study, majoring in accounting. Compared to her fellow students, Sun's life_________was rapid. She bicycled 6 miles to campus each morning, taking the earliest classes_________ so she could spend the rest of the day, and Saturdays, working to pay her education fees.

_________Sun recalls her UF days fondly. “I learned a lot from my experience in the USA,” says Sun.

Many discussions I had at UF still _________ my style of leadership today.____________, I have developed an appreciation for hearing other persons different ____________ over a certain issue.”

“I try to put myself in other people's shoes”, Sun says, “In a global market, you have to have a very good understanding of different peoples and____________ different cultures.”

Feeling it her duty-to help the next generation, Sun ____________ a scholarship to other students in need. Her tips for them include, “be open-minded,” give 100 percent effort to whatever you want to____________That’s the exact attitude she holds to life.

Now as a mother of two daughters, she shoulders the____________as CEO of what is now a $25 billion company.

“Some people ask me why I work so hard, but I feel mothers are best role____________for children,” Sun says. “I show them that to work is actually to____________ yourselves, but if you double your efforts at work and being a mother. it is doubly____________.”

As for her future____________Sun is preparing for the day when virtual reality, advanced vehicles and even space travel will change the travel industry.

One thing that won't change: the____________of travel to build bridge.

1.A.bridge B.separate C.suspect D.foresee

2.A.observe B.change C.entertain D.disturb

3.A.enjoyable B.unique C.difficult D.hopeless

4.A.representing B.guiding C.inspecting D.attending

5.A.finally B.constantly C.especially D.roughly

6.A.career B.settlement C.pace D.rate

7.A.worthwhile B.accessible C.valuable D.available

8.A.Therefore B.However C.Meanwhile D.Moreover

9.A.influence B.direct C.satisfy D.inspire

10.A.At ease B.By chance C.In particular D.In general

11.A.Impressions B.explanation C.conclusions D.arguments

12.A.preserve B.respect C.develop D.create

13.A.set up B.carried on C.referred to D.came across

14.A.defend B.accomplish C.expand D.approach

15.A.credit B.blame C.responsibility D.failure

16.A.models B.performers C.supporters D.pioneers

17.A.expose B.delight C.challenge D.clarify

18.A.convincing B.astonishing C.thrilling D.rewarding

19.A.efforts B.opportunities C.possibilities D.motivations

20.A.freedom B.power C.focus D.determination



    Thanks to TV shows like Lie to Me and so-called body language experts commenting on the candidates during the American election season, a number of misunderstandings about body language have become part of modem culture. It's time to clear the decks. So here goes. Some surprising truths about body language.

Much of what the experts tell you about body language is wrong.1.Actually, gestures an mean many things. If I cross my arms, I may be signaling my defensiveness, but I may also feel cold, tired or just getting comfortable, What's more. I could be signaling all those things at once.2.. First, the pressure on experts. They have to sound definitive and give instant analyses for TV in an impatient world more interested in sound bites than truth. Second, the history of the study of body language, So it's natural for someone in this field to look at all the rest of gesturing with a bias (偏见) toward specific meanings.

3. By the time most of us are adults, we've learned to mask our true feelings because we have to get along at work, at home, and in social settings. So we pretend to be interested, we pretend to smile, we assume a calm expression when we’re actually delighted.

But the face does sometimes give away our strongest feelings. You can learn to read what are called micro-expressions- sudden appearances of true emotion through the mask of the face-with some training. 4..

To read body language accurately, don t think about it. We humans have mirror neurons (神经元) in our brains that fire when our unconscious (无意识的) minds register an emotion in someone else, then we can share it and understand it.5.When we see fear, we react instantly, and unconsciously, in order to be ready to take quick action if necessary. That unconscious expertise is your best support in reading other people's body language, because you already know what's going on. So just turn to your unconscious mind for reliable information about other people's emotional intention.

Let’s start paying attention to your own expertise; that's where the real body language insights will come from.

A. The misunderstanding comes from two sources.

B. The face is a poor place to start reading body language.

C. This special skill is an important part of our ability to survive as a species.

D. And they typically show up when we're trying to hide a very strong feeling.

E. The biggest misunderstanding is that specific gestures have specific meanings.

F. You're much better at reading the body language of people you know than any expert.

G. Your body constantly scans your surroundings and other people with your unconscious mind.



    Japans biggest airline is betting that the future of travel isn't traveling at all. For the last month, a married couple has been interacting with a robot -called an Avatar -that's controlled by their daughter hundreds of miles away. Made by ANA Holdings Inc. it looks like a cleaner with an iPad attached But the screen displays the daughter's face as they chat, and its wheels let her move slowly about the house as though she's really there.

"Virtual travel"is nothing new, of course. Storytellers, travel writers and artists have stimulating(刺激)the sense of armchair tourists for centuries. It's only in recent decades that frequent, safe travel has become available to the non-wealthy.

Yet even as the world's middle classes climb out of the armchair and into economy-class seats, there are signs of a post-travel society coming into being. Concerns about sustainability(可持续发展)are having an negative influence on carbon-intensive airlines. And the aging of wealthy societies is both slowing down physical travel and creating demand for various ways to experience the world. For the travel industry, virtual (虚拟的)reality offers an attractive response to these trend.

Of course, far- out technologies encourage far-out claims. ANA doesn't plan to start selling Avatars until next year. Profits, too, will probably be difficult to achieve: according to one investigation, the global market for this kind of technology will be worth only about $300 million by 2023. By contrast, ANA's traditional travel business brought in more than $19 billion last year .

But if the business case for virtual vacations is still weak, the market for technologies that bridge physical distances between families and coworkers seems likely to soy expand.ANA's robots may not replace its airplanes any time soon, but they ' ll almost certainly be a part of travel’s high-tech future.

1.“Avatar” is mentioned in paragraph 1 to_________.

A.display how people travel with the robot “Avatar”.

B.introduce a new service offered by Japan's biggest airline.

C.lead in the topic of virtual travel by providing a vivid scene.

D.describe what the robot"Avatar" looks like and how it works.

2.It can be inferred from paragraph 3 that people's choice of virtual travel may be the result of________.

A.the demand for safe travel

B.wealthy people's growing old

C.worries about low-carbon airlines

D.the support of advanced technologies

3.By saying “far-out technologies encourage far-out claims”, the writer means_______.

A.traditional travel business is not profitable

B.global market for virtual travels is hard to predict

C.the time is ripe for selling Avatars in term of technology

D.virtual travels will take the place of traditional ones very soon

4.What's the writer's attitude to virtual technology?

A.Uncertain. B.Cautious.

C.Enthusiastic. D.Optimistic.



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