满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Why do people listen to music? The answe...

    Why do people listen to music? The answer may seem simple: Music is pleasant to make and to hear. But music touches our lives in many other ways, too.

Music changes our mood

My brother doesn’t choose music based on what he wants to hear. Instead, he decides what he wants to feel and picks music with that mood in mind. Upbeat, bright-sounding music generally makes people feel happy. But some people enjoy listening to sad music, too. It can be like talking with a friend who understands your suffering. But for some people, sad music can make them feel even sadder.

Music helps us get things done

Do you ever listen to music while you work? I do, and I find that it sometimes helps me concentrate, According to one expert, music can help you pay attention during boring or repeated tasks. But when you are doing tasks that require more thought, music can disturb you, making them harder.

My mom, a preschool teacher, uses music to manage her classroom. When she wants to call a child, instead of yelling the child's name, she sings it. This creates a more positive environment, while still getting the child’s attention.

Music brings people together

Music can also bring people closer to each other. This is especially true of music played live. Live music often features a group of people playing different instruments which makes it a shared experience. Listeners can share in the emotions the song expresses. They also create memories together.

And speaking of memories, lots of people connect music with specific places, people or events. Whenever they hear a certain song, they are transported back to some point in the past. Thus music can connect people not only to people who are present but also to people from their past.

Music is far more than just entertainment; it is a powerful force that affects us in many ways.

1.Why do some people enjoy sad music?

A.It can get their attention.

B.It makes them feel happy.

C.It can be like talking with a friend.

D.It makes them feel sadder.

2.Listening to music disturbs you when ________.

A.you are doing repeated tasks.

B.the tasks are boring.

C.you are doing easy tasks.

D.the tasks require more thought.

3.What’s the author’s attitude to music?

A.Positive. B.Doubtful.

C.Uncertain. D.Negative.


1.C 2.D 3.A 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。文章说明了人们听音乐的原因,以及音乐在许多方面影响着我们的生活。文章主要说明了音乐给人们产生的三个影响,作者认为音乐不仅仅是娱乐;它是一种强大的力量,在许多方面影响着我们。 1.细节理解题。根据Music changes our mood部分中It can be like talking with a friend who understands your suffering.可知这就像和一个理解你痛苦的朋友聊天一样。由此可知,有些人喜欢悲伤的音乐,是因为这就像和朋友聊天一样。故选C。 2.细节理解题。根据Music helps us get things done部分中But when you are doing tasks that require more thought, music can disturb you, making them harder.可知但当你在做需要更多思考的任务时,音乐会打扰你,让你更难思考。由此可知,当工作需要更多的思考时,听音乐会打扰你。故选D。 3.推理判断题。根据最后一段Music is far more than just entertainment; it is a powerful force that affects us in many ways.可知音乐不仅仅是娱乐;它是一种强大的力量,在许多方面影响着我们。由此可推知,作者对音乐的态度是积极的。故选A。

假设你拥有一个名叫Allen的机器人,请根据以下内容,以My Own Android为题,简要介绍你的这位机器人朋友。

1. 制造于20081月,身高1.5米;

2. 具备人工智能: 可以聊天、下棋(play chess)、玩游戏;

3. 几乎会做一切家务,尤其在陪护年迈的爷爷方面令人满意;

4. 希望能够根据需要随时升级(update)。

My Own Android










Dear Jane,

Thanks for your last letter. I am glad that you are interested in reading books in English. I’ve just finished read The Diary of Anne Frank.

Anne, a unusual girl just like you and I, had to hide with her family or they would caught by the German Nazis. She couldn’t be outdoors or make friend, so she kept a diary who became her best friend. Although she suffered a lot, but she never gives up. She said she wanted others to remember her story after her death.

Lucky, her dream came true and her book is widely read around the world. The language is not difficult. I’m sure you will be crazy of the book. Write back soon and tell me what you like most about it.






Do you know 1. a story gets into the newspaper? Here is an example.

Imagine that a city bus has turned over in a ditch, injuring some of the passengers. An eyewitness calls the newspaper. Then a reporter is sent to the scene, at 2. he talks to passengers, the driver and witnesses. He finds out what they saw, 3. (set) down their answers or comments. Meanwhile, a professional photographer is busy taking pictures.

Many reporters use portable (手提式)computers which allow them 4. (write) the story on the spot and then send 5.back to the office.

Next, an editor concentrates on the story, checking facts, grammar and spelling. 6. the same time, a picture is chosen.

The story is set in print. On most newspapers today, this 7. (do) with a computer. The computer makes sets of columns of type, which are pasted onto a sheet of paper 8.(exact) the same size as a newspaper page. Only after a proofreader checks the story for mistakes 9. the newspaper ready for printing. Then the presses (印刷机) begin to run.

Miles of paper are turned into thousands of printed newspapers. They are counted and placed in waiting trucks. Within a few hours, people can read about the bus accident in their 10. (day) newspaper.



    When I was in seventh grade, I was a candy striper(志愿当护士助手的小姑娘)at a local hospital in my town. Most of the_________I spent there was with Mr. Gillespie. He never had any_______ and nobody seemed to care about his_______.

I spent many days there holding his hand and talking to him, _______anything that needed to be done. He became a close friend of mine, _______he responded with only an occasional squeeze()of my hand. Mr. Gillespie was in a coma(昏迷).

I left for a week to vacation with my parents, and when I came back, Mr. Gillespie was_______ . I didn’t have the   _______to ask any of the nurses where he was, for fear they might _______me he had died. Several_______later, when I was a junior in high school, I was at the gas station when I noticed a familiar face.

When I ________who it was, my eyes were filled with tears. He was __________! I got up the nerve to ask him if his name was Mr. Gillespie. With a(n)________look on his face, he replied yes. I ________how I knew him, and that I had spent many hours talking with him in the hospital. His eyes welled up with tears, and he gave me the warmest hug I had ever ________ .

He began to tell me how, ________ he lay there asleep, he could hear me talking to him and could________me holding his hand the whole time. Mr. Gillespie________believed that it was my voice and ________that had kept him alive.

Although I haven’t ________  him since, he fills my heart with________every day. I know that I made a difference between his life and his death.

1.A.time B.energy C.money D.effort

2.A.patients B.relatives C.visitors D.problems

3.A.condition B.requirement C.interest D.thought

4.A.talking about B.helping with C.pointing out D.looking for

5.A.so B.as if C.yet D.even though

6.A.gone B.mad C.died D.excited

7.A.right B.chance C.courage D.time

8.A.cheat B.warn C.remind D.tell

9.A.days B.years C.months D.weeks

10.A.heard B.wondered C.realized D.asked

11.A.great B.lucky C.successful D.alive

12.A.happy B.proud C.nervous D.uncertain

13.A.explained B.remembered C.apologized D.told

14.A.dreamed B.received C.wanted D.shown

15.A.because B.as C.unless D.if

16.A.notice B.appreciate C.imagine D.feel

17.A.firmly B.rightly C.hardly D.wrongly

18.A.touch B.worry C.humour D.treatment

19.A.forgotten B.seen C.missed D.called

20.A.respect B.regret C.joy D.sympathy



    Long plane trips can be tiring. Luckily, there are things you can do both during and after a long flight that can help reduce (减轻) your discomfort.

During the flight

1. Boredom gives you the chance to pay attention to your discomfort. Instead, help pass the time by watching a movie, reading a book, writing a letter, walking up and down the aisle (过道), or listening to music.

• Drink a lot and eat just a little. The longer the flight, the more the air dries out. 2. Stay away from wine and coffee because they can make you lose more water. Eat lightly.

• Make yourself comfortable. Wear loose-fitting clothing and sit comfortably. 3. Avoid crossing your legs, and get any hard subjects out of your back pockets.

• Get a good seat. Request a seat over the wing or the wheels. 4. Sitting in an aisle seat will make it easier for you to get up from your seat and will give you more legroom.

• Sleep. If possible, sleep during night flights, and just take a very short sleep on day flights.

After arrival

There is no useful way to deal with jet lag (时差综合症). 5. For example, you can reset your watch when you take off, and you can eat and sleep at the local time right away.

A.Keep busy.

B.Avoid ear pain.

C.However, environmental treatment may help.

D.This is where you will hardly feel the moving or shaking.

E.Proper sitting helps reduce aches, pains and back soreness.

F.Drinking about one glass of water each hour can reduce this dryness.

G.Reduce ear pressure during takeoff and landing by having hard candy.



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