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假定你是李华,一年前在伦敦做交换生时曾住在Mrs Jones家里,得到其热情周到...

假定你是李华,一年前在伦敦做交换生时曾住在Mrs Jones家里,得到其热情周到的关心和照顾。下周一将是她六十岁生日,请写一封信祝她生日快乐,内容包括:







Dear Mrs Jones,


Yours sincerely,

Li Hua


Dear Mrs Jones, Since next Monday will be your 60th birthday, i am writing to wish you a happy birthday. One year has passed but I still treasure those days we spent together. How I enjoyed your delicious food! I remember how moved I felt when you looked after me when I had a cold. Besides improving my oral English, I have learned lots of British culture from you. I know you are a lover of China, so I’d like to invite you to visit my hometown at your convenience and I will enjoy being your guide. Best wishes. Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 本篇书面表达属于应用文,要求写一封信。 第1步:根据提示可知,本篇为一封书信:假定你是李华,一年前在伦敦做交换生时曾住在Mrs Jones家里,得到其热情周到的关心和照顾。下周一将是她六十岁生日,请写一封信祝她生日快乐,内容包括:1.写信目的;2.回顾过去得到的关照;3.邀请对方有空来你的家乡做客。 第2步:根据写作要求,确定关键词(组),如:wish you a happy birthday(祝你生日快乐);treasure those days we spent together(珍惜我们在一起的日子);enjoyed your delicious food(享受美味食品);等。 第3步:根据提示及关键词(组)进行遣词造句,注意主谓一致和时态问题。 第4步:连句成文,注意使用恰当的连词进行句子之间的衔接与过渡,书写一定要规范清晰,保持整洁美观的卷面是非常重要的。







I read an interesting story last week. One day, a diver is enjoying the sea 20 feet below its surface. He noticed a man at same depth, but without any equipments. The diver went below other 20 feet, and the man joined in him a few minutes later. She went below 20 feet again, and after several minutes, the man following him again. This confused the diver, but he took a blackboard out and wrote, “How on earth are you able to stay this deep with nothing to help you?” The man took the blackboard, rubbed that the diver had written and wrote, “I’m drowned, you fool!”




Do you like coffee, rain, street markets, jazz musicians or shopping 1. (center)? All of these can be found in Seattle.

Seattle is the hometown of Starbucks (星巴克) and is the setting for the TV series Grey’s Anatomy. The weather is 2. (fair) warm for a northern city in America. Although it gets cold in winter, it seldom 3.(snow).

Seattle feels 4. home to me because one of my best friends is in the city. During the winter holiday, I visit the friend in Seattle every year. We often spend much time 5. (shop) in downtown stores. We buy coffee and things we like.

My friend and I have a favorite Korean restaurant 6. (call) Blue Stone. Whenever we have a long day of touring downtown, we end the day at this restaurant. Their bibimbap (石锅拌饭) brings much 7. ( please) to us because it is so 8.( taste).

Seattle is really 9. attractive city with beautiful sights both in the daytime 10. at night. When the sky is clear, you can see the Cascade Range from the city and it is wonderful. Therefore, if you plan to take a trip to the USA, I will advise you to visit Seattle!



    I woke with a racing heart. Today would be my ______ parent-teacher meeting.

Akif was a happy, good-natured boy. He was ______ to his classmates and he didn’t misbehave. His _______however, was always late. i gave him effort grades when I could, but the problem was getting ______. By November, despite messages left on the home answering machine, it was time to meet the ______. Akif’s work was ______ in most subjects, so other teachers joined the meeting. I was grateful I wouldn’t be ______.

Akif’s father entered the classroom uncertainly. His blue sweater, oversized and misshapen, hung on his ______ body. He walked in nervously, quickly sitting in one of the empty desks we’d arranged in a circle for the ______ .

We welcomed him and were beginning introductions when his thin hand went into the air to ______ us. In a shaky voice, he asked to ______ first. He poured out his ______. Akif was his youngest child. He worked two full-time jobs to ______ his family. The more he spoke, the more I understood what he was trying to say: He ______ himself for Akif’s struggles.

He said, “I can’t give him the ______ he deserves. I keep telling him he must ask his teachers for _______with his schoolwork.”

Then he stopped. He covered his face with his hands. “I would be forever ______ if you could give Akif help,” he said as tears rolled down his cheeks.

I forgot all about being a first-year teacher. I ______ Akif’s father that we would help his son succeed. For the first time, I saw his face relax with ______ . Then he bowed his head and thanked me deeply. That parent-teacher meeting ______ me in powerful ways, not only as a teacher, but also as a person and eventually a parent.

1.A.last B.first C.next D.extra

2.A.equal B.similar C.kind D.strange

3.A.schoolwork B.message C.payment D.growth

4.A.worse B.better C.easier D.rarer

5.A.students B.teachers C.neighbours D.parents

6.A.useful B.accurate C.incomplete D.impossible

7.A.awake B.alone C.away D.alive

8.A.large B.real C.perfect D.thin

9.A.debate B.meeting C.performance D.lecture

10.A.greet B.teach C.stop D.follow

11.A.play B.leave C.finish D.speak

12.A.story B.plan C.anger D.wisdom

13.A.visit B.find C.support D.join

14.A.blamed B.excused C.thanked D.asked

15.A.respect B.attention C.freedom D.praise

16.A.love B.power C.credit D.help

17.A.proud B.curious C.grateful D.careful

18.A.promised B.advised C.reminded D.warned

19.A.worry B.pity C.humour D.relief

20.A.troubled B.changed C.witnessed D.controlled



    With the fast pace of modern society, more and more people choose to eat processed foods without exactly knowing the harm. According to the following information, let’s know more about the processed foods.

What’s so bad about processed foods?

Processed foods like chips, soda and frozen pizzas are full of salt, sugar and fat. 1. Obesity is a condition involving too much body fat. It increases the risk of many health problems.


The researchers says processed foods are made mostly of industrialized materials and additives.

Sodas, packaged cookies, instant noodles and chicken nuggets are some examples of highly processed foods. But products that can seem healthy, such as morning cereals, energy bars and some kinds of yogurt belongs to this kind, too.

What’s wrong with processed foods?

Researchers at the National Institutes of Health conducted a four-week study involving 20 people. 3. The researchers permitted the 20 participants to eat as much or as little as they wanted. They were taken to a medical center so their health and behavior could be observed.

In another study, researchers in France found people who ate more processed foods were more likely to have heart disease. A similar study in Spain linked eating more processed foods to a higher risk of death in general.

Why will you eat processed foods?

4. Especially, people have limited time and money. Choosing processed food can save time and it is delicious with some additive things in it.

The scientists also found that people ate processed foods more quickly. Kevin Hall is one of the researchers who led the study. He told the AP that processed foods are usually “softer and easier to chew and swallow”.


A.What do processed foods mean?

B.Avoid processed foods can be hard.

C.It’s no good for you to choose processed foods.

D.What’s the disadvantage of the processed foods?

E.The above reasons can account for the harm of processed food clearly.

F.Scientists have already linked packaged foods to rising obesity rates around the world.

G.They found people ate about 500 more calories a day when fed mostly processed foods.



    Scientists blame greenhouse gases for being a major cause of climate change around the world. This is because greenhouse gases trap heat in the atmosphere and make the planet warmer.

Now, a team of researchers has announced a successful experiment that turned carbon dioxide into useful liquid fuel. The researchers created a device, called a reactor, which changes bon dioxide into a pure form of formic acid(甲酸). Formic acid is a substance (物质) found in ants and some other insects, as well as in many plants. It is used as an antibacterial material and in the processing of some kinds of clothing.

Haotian Wang led the research team. He said in a statement that the results of the experiment were important because formic acid is a major carrier of energy. So, the substance can provide a way to reuse carbon dioxide and prevent it from being released into the atmosphere. “It’s a fuel-cell fuel that can generate electricity and send out carbon dioxide which you can grab and recycle again,” Wang said.

“Other methods for turning carbon dioxide into formic acid require intense purification processes,” Wang said. Such methods are very costly and require a lot of energy. The Rice University team said it was able to reduce the number of steps in the traditional process to create a low-cost, energy-saving method.

The researchers reported the reactor device performed with a conversion rate (转化率) of 42 percent. This means that nearly half of the electrical energy can be stored in formic acid as liquid fuel. The team said the reactor was able to create formic acid continuously for 100 hours with little degradation (退化) of the device’s parts.

Wang said the reactor could easily be used to produce other high-value products, including alcohol-based fuels. The researchers noted that the technology could also be a big help in solving another major energy problem—how to store large amounts of power in small places.

1.What factor is the main cause of climate change?

A.Greenhouse gases. B.Chemistry waste.

C.Formic acid. D.Liquid fuel.

2.What do we know about formic acid?

A.It is a large amount of power. B.It can be found in ants.

C.It is high- value equipment. D.It is a substance in clothing.

3.What is Wang’s attitude towards his own research?

A.Doubtful. B.Aggressive.

C.Optimistic. D.Uncaring.

4.In what magazine can you read this text?

A.A travel magazine. B.A sports magazine.

C.A music magazine. D.A science magazine.



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