满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

My neighbor Josie, a college professor, ...

    My neighbor Josie, a college professor, ran circles around women twenty years younger than her. For some reason, she took a(n) ____ to me and always chose to fit me into her days. She would call me to taste-test recipes, which was a _____. Her garden was a testament (证明) to Josie's green thumb. In some instances, I could not even ____ what was growing, but we had the freshest salads in the neighborhood all summer long!

Early each morning, Josie forced me to _____ her on her “daily constitutional”, as she liked to call it. I believe we were supposed to be walking, but it felt more like mini-sprints (running at full speed). I had my rules. If I couldn’t talk or _____, I would stop. I stopped every day at the end of our block. Josie would _____ a half hour later and make me breakfast as a _____ for making the attempt!

Each night around sunset, Josie and I would touch our base on our porches (门廊) before retiring for the evening. We would _____ back and forth, exchanging worldviews.

One evening, Josie was a “no-show.” I started over to her door when I _____ the ambulance and saw her husband and children _____ outside. Josie had suffered a stroke (中风).

When I next set eyes on her, she was leaning in a wheelchair. She looked smaller and older than I remembered, but her eyes were clear and her smile was _____bright. Her speech was ______, but her voice still had the lift I loved.

Josie’s world had changed overnight from travel destinations to the few rooms in her house. ______ it’s what she does with her surroundings that gives me pause and perspective.

When Josie feels well enough to ______, her husband brings her breakfast in bed. She calls it “dining out”. They listen to soft music and light candles. On days when Josie has some _____, her husband wheels her into the living room, and they watch old movies together. She calls it “date night.” When Josie is doing really well, her husband takes her for a(n) _____ outside in her wheelchair. She calls it “going on vacation”.

Despite the _____ that Josie is not expected to make a full recovery, she _____ to dine out, go to the movies and take lots of mini-vacations. She is grateful to smell a summer barbecue, to share a laugh with her favorite neighbor, and to be here for _____ day.

I am _____ for her simple life lesson. Find the positive, and you’ve found your reason to live.

1.A.opinion B.feeling C.chance D.liking

2.A.task B.matter C.pleasure D.burden

3.A.deliver B.identify C.assess D.compare

4.A.assist B.promote C.inspire D.join

5.A.wave B.cheer C.jump D.breathe

6.A.return B.disappear C.stretch D.practise

7.A.push B.reward C.response D.contribution

8.A.skip B.chat C.think D.swing

9.A.heard B.called C.left D.ignored

10.A.dining B.escaping C.running D.wandering

11.A.still B.ever C.once D.already

12.A.deeper B.longer C.clearer D.slower

13.A.For B.Or C.So D.But

14.A.eat B.speak C.relax D.sleep

15.A.space B.strength C.lessons D.worries

16.A.hike B.examination C.walk D.meeting

17.A.fact B.faith C.plan D.attempt

18.A.rejected B.continues C.postponed D.paused

19.A.either B.certain C.another D.neither

20.A.helpful B.pitiful C.thankful D.painful


1.D 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.D 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.A 10.C 11.A 12.D 13.D 14.A 15.B 16.C 17.A 18.B 19.C 20.C 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。作者的邻居Josie让我加入她喜欢的每日跑步活动中。但有一天她中风了。尽管Josie不会完全康复,但她会快乐地生活一天,作者从Josie身上学到了很多东西。 1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:由于某种原因,她很喜欢我,总是选择让我进入她的生活中。A. opinion意见;B. feeling感觉;C. chance机会;D. liking喜欢。根据“chose to fit me into her days”可知,Josie喜欢有我的陪伴,才让我加入到她的跑步活动中去。take a liking to:喜欢上。故选D。 2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:她会叫我去做食谱的味觉测试,这是一种荣幸。A. task任务;B. matter物质;C. pleasure荣幸,乐趣;D. burden负担。根据后文的“Her garden was a testament (证明) to Josie’s green thumb.”和“we had the freshest salads in the neighborhood all summer long.”可知,Josie的园艺技能不一般,整个夏天我们都吃到了最新鲜的沙拉。因此Josie叫我去做食谱的味觉测试,这是一种荣幸。故选C。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意: 在某些情况下,我甚至无法确定院子里生长的是什么,但是整个夏天我们都吃到了最新鲜的沙拉!A. deliver递送,传送,交付;B. identify确定;C. assess评估;D. compare比较。Josie的园艺技能不一般,在园子中种了很多东西,以至于作者都不能确认出是什么。故选B。 4.考查动词词义辨析。句意:每天清晨,Josie让我加入她称之为“每日宪法”的跑步活动。A. assist帮助;B. promote促进;C. inspire启发;D. join加入。由前文的“fit me into her days”可知,Josie让我加入她的跑步活动中去。故选D。 5.考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果我不能说话或喘不上气了,我会停下来。A. wave挥手;B. cheer欢呼;C. jump跳;D. breathe呼吸。跑步时喘不上气了,自然就需要停下来。故选D。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:Josie将在半小时后返回, 并为我做早餐,作为我尝试跑步的奖励!A. return返回;B. disappear消失;C. stretch伸展;D. practise练习 。由“make me breakfast”可知,Josie让我和她一起跑步,她会跑回来给我做早餐,以示对我的奖励。故选A。 7.考查名词词义辨析。句意: Josie将在半小时后返回,并让我吃早餐,作为尝试的奖励!A. push推;B. reward奖励;C. response响应;D. contribution贡献。有前文的“forced me to join her”可知,因为在她的“迫使”下我参与了跑步,所以她为了鼓励我给我做早饭吃作为奖赏。故选B。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们来回聊天,交流对事物的观点和看法。A. skip跳跃;B. chat聊天;C. think认为;D. swing摇摆。根据“exchanging worldviews”可知,两个人交流对事物的观点和看法,即她们在闲聊。故选B。 9.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我回到她的门前,这时我听到救护车的声音并看到她的丈夫和孩子往外面跑。A. heard听到;B. called叫;C. left离开;D. ignored忽略。根据下文的“Josie had suffered a stroke”可知,Josie中风了,救护车赶来抢救,我听到了救护车的声音。故选A。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我回到她的门前,这时我听到救护车的声音并看到她的丈夫和孩子往外面跑。A. dining用餐;B. escaping逃跑;C. running跑步;D. wandering徘徊。 Josie中风了,情况紧急。丈夫和孩子就忙跑到外面迎接救护车。故选C。 11.考查副词词义辨析。句意:她看起来比我记忆中的要瘦小和年老,但是她的眼睛是透明的,微笑仍很阳光。A. still仍然;B. ever曾经;C. once曾经,一次;D. already已经。空格所在句子和下一句的句式结构是一样的,表达的情感也是一致的。由“but her voice still had the lift I loved”中的still可知,此处也应该使用still。故选A。 12.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她的讲话语调较慢,但我依旧喜欢她的声音。A. deeper更深的;B. longer更长的;C. clearer更清晰的;D. slower 更慢的。Josie中风了,说话受到了影响。但是她的声音我依旧喜欢。由but一词表示转折可知,Josie的说话速度肯定是慢了。故选D。 13.考查连词词义辨析。句意:但正是她利用周围的一切所做的努力使我保持了冷静进行了思考。A. For对于;B. Or或者;C. So所以;D. But但是。由空格前后的两个句子可知,在一夜之间,Josie的活动范围从她所去的目的地变成了她家中的几个房间。正是她利用周围的一切所做的努力使我保持了冷静进行了思考。它们构成了转折关系。故选D。 14.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当Josie感到能吃东西的时候,她的丈夫将早餐带到了床上。A. eat吃;B. speak说话;C. relax放松;D. sleep睡觉。由“her husband brings her breakfast in bed”可知,Josie开始能吃东西了。故选A。 15.考查名词词义辨析。句意:在Josie有了点力量的日子里,她的丈夫将她带到客厅,他们一起看老电影。A. space空间;B. strength强度,力量;C. lessons课程;D. worries担心。由“her husband wheels her into the living room, and they watch old movies together”可知,Josie恢复了一定的力量,她的丈夫将她带到客厅,他们一起看老电影。故选B。 16.考查名词词义辨析。句意:当Josie身体状况很好时,她的丈夫带她坐在轮椅上出去散步。A. hike远足;B. examination检查;C. walk步行;D. meeting会议。在Josie恢复不错的情况下,她开始坐轮椅到外面散步了,选择walk合乎语境。故选C。 17.考查名词词义辨析。句意:尽管事实上Josie不会完全康复,但她仍在“下饭店”,“看电影”和进行一些许多的“小型度假”。A. fact事实;B. faith信仰;C. plan计划;D. attempt尝试。根据空后的描述“She is grateful to smell a summer barbecue, to share a laugh with her favorite neighbor,”可知,Josie满足于能闻到夏季烧烤的味道,与她最喜欢的邻居分享笑声。可推知Josie可能不会完全康复,这是一个事实,选择fact合乎语境,其他选项不通顺。故选A。 18.考查动词词义辨析。句意:尽管事实上Josie不会完全康复,但她仍在“下饭店”,“看电影”和进行一些许多的“小型度假”。A. rejected拒绝;B. continues继续;C. postponed推迟;D. paused暂停。由下文的“find the positive”可知,Josie很乐观,尽管事实上Josie不会完全康复,但是她会继续坚强地生活下去。故选B。 19.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:她很高兴能闻到夏季烧烤的味道,与她最喜欢的邻居分享笑声,并又一次快乐地生活一天。A. either(两者之中的)任何一个;B. certain某些;C. another另一个;D. neither都不。Josie很乐观,闻到夏季烧烤的味道,与她最喜欢的邻居分享笑声,她很高兴,因此她会又一次快乐地生活一天,每天都会乐观地度过。故选C。 20.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我感谢她给我上的简单的生活一课。A. helpful有益的;B. pitiful可怜的;C. thankful感激的;D. painful痛苦的。由最后一句可知,积极面对生活,然后您就找到了活下去的理由。因此从Josie身上可知,作者对于Josie上的生活课持感激的态度,她学到了很多。故选C。


William Shakespeare was one of the famous English 1. (write). He mostly wrote plays and special poems. Those poems 2. (call) sonnets (十四行诗), and they have a unique pattern. Besides, they aren’t easy to write. That didn’t stop scientists, though. One team just trained a computer to write poetry like Shakespeare’s. They entered nearly 3,000 sonnets into their machine. Those included the 154 sonnets that Shakespeare created. After that, they used a special program. It emphasized the rules of poetry and made sure the machine followed 3. (they). Through AI, the computer is able to put out sonnets. They are so good that they 4. (fool) humans. Ordinary readers couldn’t tell whether a person or a machine wrote them. That doesn't mean they are perfect, though.




How can horses find their way back from a strange environment? For most people, that would be impossible without a map. Horses have a special system in their brains, and it works just 1. GPS. It shows signs for trees and other objects in their home areas. It also takes notes of new things in new areas. 2. horses keep their attention on those signs, they know which directions 3. (go). Who needs a self-driving car when you can have a horse? You’ll always get home safe and sound.




You are never too old to go after your dreams. Many people don’t let age stop them. If they want to do something, they just do it. For example, Gladys Burrill ran her first marathon at 86. She became famous when she 1. (finish) the Honolulu Marathon (檀香山马拉松). She was 92 then. Life is about change, so don’t be afraid to take your 2. (one) step. It is easy after you do that. So, stop 3. (think) about your dreams, and start doing something about them.




I looked forward to a visit with my mom, who lived 2,000 miles from my home in California. Since Mom was 80 and suffered from Alzheimer’s (阿兹海默症), I realized how important it was to see her again soon.

Mom received loving care from the Sister Servants of Christ the King at a 40-bed, basic-care facility (场所) in Edgeley, North Dakota. She lived in a simple room, spent most of her day doing simple things, and seemed to be “all right, “considering that dementia (痴呆) had set in.

When Mom came in, I smiled, hugged and kissed her, and said, “Nice to see you, Mom.” She didn’t recognize who I was! I was shocked.

Stressed out, I spent several hours trying to connect with my mother—talking with her, walking around the grounds, looking at family pictures in her room, chatting with the nuns (修女) —doing whatever I could think of to help Mom recognize her son. I hoped for a recognition “wonder”. But nothing I said or did worked, I was very annoyed.

The next morning, I suddenly had an idea. I thought of something that might stir her memory (记忆).I thought of strawberry milkshake (草莓奶昔). Yes, strawberry milkshake in Edgeley, North Dakota. So I took Mom to the Edgeley Coffee Shop. I wanted to treat her here. While Mom was looking at the menu, I took Sandy, the waitress, aside, quietly told her of Mom’s dementia condition and my plan to recall her long-term memory, and ordered two strawberry milkshakes.

The first paragraph: When Sandy delivered the milkshakes, I was too nervous to say a word.

The second paragraph: There’s a simple explanation for Mom’s memory.

注意:1. 所续写短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好。





1. 大力宣传保护文化遗产;

2. 倡导环保旅游,避免破坏文化遗产;

3. 筹集资金对遗产进行维修和维护。

注意:1. 词数80左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

3. 信的开头和结尾已写好,且不计入总词数。

Dear Mr. John,

I’m sorry to see that so many cultural heritages in the world are being destroyed nowadays.


Hope you can take my suggestions into consideration.

Yours Sincerely,

Li Hua



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