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Famous Scientists Scientific discoveries...

Famous Scientists

Scientific discoveries over the centuries have helped shape the way we live today. Without pioneering scientists working towards cures for diseases, new inventions, and better ways to do things, life today would be different. Here are some of the most famous scientists, who have made important contributions to our everyday lives.


Nationality: Greek

Known for: Father of Medicine

He was credited with writing the Hippocratic Oath that today’s medical professionals still follow in their practice. He had the theory of the vapors, which stated that many diseases were the result of a bad diet.


Nationality: Greek

Known for: Theory of Three Psyches, Scientific Method

He wrote about many scientific topics, including biology, physics and zoology. His ideas helped shape western scientific thoughts into the Renaissance until they were replaced with Newtonian physics.


Nationality: Greek

Known for: Archimedes Principle, Archimedes Screw

He was an astronomer, a scientist, and a physicist with several inventions to his name. He created a formula (公式) to calculate the area of the underside of a parabola (抛物线). He also designed many ancient machines.


Nationality: Roman

Known for: Father of Medicine

Galen was best known as Galen of Pergamon. He was a famous philosopher and surgeon among the Romans. His works contributed greatly to the knowledge of pharmacology (药物学), logic and philosophy.

1.Which Greek scientist contributed much to medicine?

A.Galen. B.Aristotle.

C.Archimedes. D.Hippocrates.

2.What was Aristotle’s achievement?

A.He influenced western scientific thoughts.

B.He designed lots of ancient machines.

C.He invented many chemicals.

D.He produced the theory of the vapors.

3.What did these scientists have in common?

A.Having good luck in the field of science.

B.Making important contributions to science.

C.Writing many poems about science.

D.Experiencing many difficulties.


1.D 2.A 3.B 【解析】 本文是说明文。文章介绍了对人类科学作出了重大贡献的4位著名的科学家。 1.细节理解题。根据对科学家Hippocrates的介绍中“Nationality: Greek”和“Known for: Father of Medicine”可知,希腊科学家Hippocrates被称为医学之父。由此可知,他对医学的贡献非常大。故选D项。 2.细节理解题。根据对科学家Aristotle的介绍中“His ideas helped shape western scientific thoughts into the Renaissance until they were replaced with Newtonian physics.”可知,Aristotle的思想帮助西方科学思想进入了文艺复兴时期,直到它们被牛顿物理学所取代。此处shape 作动词,意为“影响,塑造”,与influence同义。选项A是对文章中这一句的同义解释。故选A项。 3.推理判断题。根据第一段“Here are some of the most famous scientists, who have made important contributions to our everyday lives.”可知,这里有一些最著名的科学家,他们对我们的日常生活做出了重要的贡献。接下来文章介绍了四位科学家在不同领域的贡献,因此他们的共同点是:他们都对科学做出了重要贡献。故选B项。

假定你是高三学生李华,你的美国朋友 David 寒假去武汉探亲,但是因新冠状病毒肺炎(COVID-19)疫情,目前暂时滞留武汉,无法返深。请你给此时处于焦虑和郁闷中的他写一封英文慰问信,内容包括:

1. 对其表示关心和安慰。

2. 鼓励他积极应对现状。

3. 表达愿望和祝福。

注意:1. 词数 100 左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

参考词汇: epidemic  n.  流行病





中共有 10 处错误,每句最多有两处。每处错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。 增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(∧),并在其下面写出该加的词。




2.只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。

My senior high school life started with military training(军训). It consisted in two parts: the theory exam and the physical training, which was lasted about two weeks. The latter was much tough than the former. Dressed in green uniforms and exposing to the sun, we had to follow the soldier daily routine and go through hard training. Each morning, we had to get up and fold quilts rapid. We should finish our meals in limited time, too. Then I think it unbearable. Besides, now looking back, I find it necessary. It is the  military training which teaches me how to bear hardship and lead better life.



阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1 个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。

In late April 2014, a 1. (violence) storm swept through the southern United States, destroying more than $ 1 billion in property and killing 35 people. But a group of migratory(迁徙的) birds in eastern Tennessee sensed the oncoming mess and left long before  the  first  clouds  arrived.  A  year 2. (early),  the  team  had  tagged golden-winged  warblers  ( )  with  leg  trackers 3. (study)  their  annual migrations to South America. Two days before the storms 4. (strike)five golden-winged warblers slipped away, traveling nearly 700 kilometers south to the Florida coast.

It's the first time that the birds which normally migrate with the seasons 5. (observe) to slip away when a big storm hits. The researchers suspect this 6. (behave) occurs only when the threat of injury outweighs the energy costs of a long trip. But nobody knows 7. the birds guessed the storm's severity and left so soon. Puzzled by it, the scientists initially reasoned that delicate changes in weather — atmospheric   pressure,   temperature,   wind   speed,   cloud   cover,   or  rainfall   signaled 8. upcoming disaster. Yet when they checked weather records, none of these factors waved significantly 9. the storm. Instead, the team assumes that the 10. (approach) storms created a disorder of infrasounds—low-frequency sound waves that birds can hear, but humans can't.



    Bobby the mountain climber was famous for his attempts to climb the big snowy mountain. He had tried it at least thirty times, but had always failed halfway.

For the sake of ________ Bobby to try again, Old Peeper, the town optician, who bore witness to his ________, presented him with a pair of ________ sunglasses. "If it starts clouding over or if your feet start hurting, put on these glasses. They'll help you.” Bobby accepted the ________ without giving it much mind, but when his feet started _________ again he remembered his words and put on the glasses. Then ________ came as usual in the form of cloud cover, but seemingly not so thick this time. So Bobby ________climbing, leaving the clouds behind, forgetting his ________, and finally arriving at the summit. It was ___________ worth it. His feeling of triumph was ________, almost as magnificent as that wonderful ________. Resplendent in its silence, the mountain below was surrounded by a dense sea of clouds. Bobby didn't remember the clouds being as ________ as that, so he looked more closely at the sunglasses, and ________ everything.

Peeper had carved a light ________ on the lenses (镜片), in the form of the snow-covered summit. It was made in such a way that you could only ________ it if you looked upwards. Peeper had understood that whenever Bobby lost sight of his ________, he would similarly lose sight of his dream, and his ________ to continue would weaken.

Bobby realised that the only obstacle to reaching the summit had been his own _______. When he could no longer see the top of the mountain, the problems ________. He thanked Peeper for using that little ________ to help him see that his aims were not impossible, and that they were still there, where they had always been.

1.A.convincing B.encouraging C.educating D.entertaining

2.A.practice B.disadvantage C.growth D.failure

3.A.special B.beautiful C.fancy D.expensive

4.A.gift B.challenge C.award D.request

5.A.breaking B.damaging C.aching D.swelling

6.A.danger B.adventure C.pressure D.misfortune

7.A.quitted B.kept C.accomplished D.abandoned

8.A.problem B.pain C.injury D.anxiety

9.A.normally B.practically C.certainly D.exactly

10.A.incomparable B.invisible C.undesirable D.unmeasurable

11.A.experience B.attempt C.view D.present

12.A.white B.thin C.dark D.thick

13.A.recognized B.grasped C.believed D.acknowledged

14.A.image B.spot C.photo D.message

15.A.move B.feel C.change D.see

16.A.objective B.power C.success D.journey

17.A.preference B.will C.competence D.concentration

18.A.mistake B.prejudice C.ignorance D.discouragement

19.A.set off B.cut in C.set in D.showed off

20.A.technology B.tool C.trick D.mark



    Birth order plays a vital role in deciding the characteristics of a child. And when it comes to the middle child, it certainly plays a huge role. The middle children go through some things only they can understand. 1.

Mostly, middle children have to share a room. 2. They need to share a room with an elder one because they're too young to sleep alone. And just when they think they'll finally have a room of their own, a voice is heard saying, “Dear, please share the room with your younger one, as he's too small to sleep alone.”

Middle children tend to share clothes with their siblings (兄弟姐妹). Their cupboard is full of hand­me­downs from their older sibling, and they need to wear his clothes. 3. They can always show off their elder sibling's clothes and things at school. Also, they get to pass their own clothes to their younger sibling.

4. They're liked by both, because they can relate well to both generations. On one hand they can recall how much fun it was watching Garfield and Friends, and on the other hand they can talk about the latest video game released in the market.

Siblings' talking is one interesting thing about a middle child. They are not as boring as they appear.5. Also, thanks to the divided attention at home, middle children are independent and need not rely on anyone.

A.Instead, they are very artistic and creative.

B.But this comes with its own advantage too.

C.Here are some things a middle child can relate to.

D.They rarely enjoy the experience of having their own room.

E.And the dream of having their own room is completely destroyed.

F.They're the problem solvers between their older and younger siblings.

G.As a middle kid, they are the bridge between their younger and older siblings.



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