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假如你叫李华,计划 2 月 8 日傍晚和同学去敬老院 (nursing home...

假如你叫李华,计划 2 8 日傍晚和同学去敬老院 (nursing home) 陪老人们过元宵节 (the Lantern Festival)。请你给你的外教 Lucy 写封邮件,邀请她一同前往,内容包括:

1. 邀请原因,至少两条;

2. 出发的时间及地点。

注意:1) 请适当增加细节,以使行文连贯;

2) 信的格式已写好,不计入总词数;

3) 词数:100 左右。

Dear Lucy,

How are you doing recently?


Looking forward to your reply.


Li Hu


Dear Lucy, How are you doing recently? I’m writing to invite you to join us on the evening of Feb, 8th, when my classmates and I are to visit the nearby nursing home for the Lantern Festival. We will go there because the Lantern Festival is an important time for reunion in China. Besides, since you are warm-hearted and volunteer a lot in community service, we would like you to come along. We will not only make sweet Tangyuan (a round dumpling symbolizing wholeness and unity) with the elderly there but also guess the riddles on the lanterns. Time permitting, we will also put on some performances such as singing and dancing, which we hope will entertain them. We should be back at around 9:30 p.m. If you can go with us, please let us know and we’ll wait for you at the school gate at 5:30 p.m. Looking forward to your reply! Yours, Li Hua 【解析】 本篇书面表达是一篇应用文,要求考生写一封电子邮件给外教老师,邀请她一起陪老人过元宵节,也是一封邀请信。 第一步:应用文表达,开头结尾给出,注意格式规范,整篇文章使用一般的时态,符合书信语境表达。 第二步:根据内容要点,列出原因,时间和地点。要点概括全面,关键短语,句子选用合理,如invite sb to, come along, make sweet Tangyuan等等。 第三步:连词成文,结构衔接得体,字数适当,句子运用准确。





2. 只允许修改 10 处,多者(从第 11 处起)不计分。

Ladies and gentlemen,

Good afternoon! My name is Li Zilin and I am 9 years old. I came from Chengdu, capital of southwest China‟s Sichuan Province. Today I am very honor to share with you my understanding of youth power in climate action. After I came here, I hosted an activity at my school about pandas and climate change aware. More students have learned that the climate change is endangering pandas.

For myself, my pledge are “love pandas, love the earth”. Since pandas have survived changes on earth for more than a million years and are always thought on as living fossils, we show the bio-diversity of the nature.

The 2020 UN Biodiversity Conference will held in Kunming of China the next year. We sincere welcome you to China, to the Biodiversity Conference, to know about pandas and to see Chinese youth in action.

Thank you very much!




China is the global host of the 2019 World Environment Day celebrations, and the main event is being held in Hangzhou in East China.

Over the past decade, Hangzhou government 1.(improve) bike-friendly infrastructure, such as lanes and traffic signals 2. (create) for cyclists and has provided almost 86,000 public bikes. In Hangzhou, a smart card allows users to  3. (easy) access all forms of public transport,4.bikes to buses. Apart from leading the Chinese cycling resurgence, Hangzhou is also home to an innovative way to encourage more 5. (sustain) lifestyles, with an app 6.is helping to stop desertification, cut air pollution and plant millions of new trees.

The “Ant Forest”mini-program, a Hangzhou-based project from giant Chinese payments and lifestyle app Alipay, encourages users to make small, environmentally friendly 7.(decide) in their daily lives, such as cycling rather 8.driving to work, or recycling clothes. If users perform any carbon-reducing activities, they 9.(reward) with “green energy” points. If they accumulate enough virtual points,10. real tree will be planted. According to Ant Financial, more than 100 million trees have been planted, thanks to the low-carbon actions of 500 million individuals, roughly 5% of the world’s population.



    One of Asia’s best-known tourist attractions is taking a major stand for animals.

Following the____from animal activist groups, Apsara, the management authority for the Angkor Archaeological Park in Siem Reap, Cambodia announced in June 2019 it would____  elephant rides in early 2020. Now, the process has already_____.

Local outlet the Khmer Times reports that on November 15, two of the 14 elephants______ at the park, site of the______Angkor Wat temple, have been _____to the nearby Bos Thom community____ . Long Kosal, an Apsara press representative, told the Khmer Times that the remaining dozen_____would be relocated to the same forest by “early next year.” “The elephant is a big animal, but it is also_____and can be hurt easily. We don’t want to see the animals being used for tourism ____anymore,” Kosal said. “We want them to live in their natural surroundings.”

In 2016, an elephant named Sambo died at Angkor, drawing worldwide_____. Her death was_____a combination of heat stroke and_____from ferrying so many human beings around. Two years later, the World Wildlife Fund_____an in-depth report on the present situation of the Asian elephant, noting that the species ___had declined by 50% in just three generations.

According to Angkor Enterprise, which manages park admissions, the UNESCO-listed site is   ____a decline in tourist numbers. Its ____report says 1.8 million foreign tourists____  passes to the temple complex from January to September—a 13.7% decline over the same 10-month period in 2018. While there‟s no predicting whether Cambodia‟s ban on Angkor elephant rides will ___visitor numbers, it comes at a time when more and more_____  and tourism organizations around the world have moved to eliminate animal-related attractions.

1.A.steps B.pressure C.example D.trend

2.A.continue B.improve C.ban D.reform

3.A.stopped B.undertaken C.established D.begun

4.A.currently B.permanently C.steadily D.compulsorily

5.A.famous B.shabby C.typical D.remote

6.A.lent B.contributed C.sent D.submitted

7.A.clinic B.forest C.circus D.zoo

8.A.participants B.pets C.performers D.animals

9.A.gentle B.dangerous C.strong D.interesting

10.A.routine B.facility C.activities D.accommodation

11.A.attention B.donation C.respect D.sympathy

12.A.come from B.accused of C.led to D.blamed on

13.A.consumption B.exhaustion C.annoyance D.absorption

14.A.leaked B.claimed C.published D.investigated

15.A.popularity B.existence C.presentation D.population

16.A.solving B.facing C.emphasizing D.revealing

17.A.longest B.widest C.latest D.biggest

18.A.refused B.bought C.entered D.paid

19.A.compensate B.switch C.corrupt D.impact

20.A.volunteers B.employees C.travelers D.enthusiasts



    Finding a new job isn’t always easy. You search for a suitable vacancy, send in an application form and if that goes well, you might be invited for an interview. 1. —you‟re going to be faced by a panel of strangers who‟ll fire difficult questions at you, and you‟ll have to actually prove yourself. But how would you feel if, instead of being asked why you want the job, you‟re asked to stand up and dance?!

From the perspective of a company, it wants to hire the right person because they can make a big difference to the success of the organization. 2.. A good interview process should involve rigorous screening (筛选) of job applicants and effective questions that every applicant gets asked. But that‟s not always the case.

3. . She told the BBC that some companies “give their interviewers little or no training and often leave them completely on their own when it comes to figuring out what to ask job candidates.” She mentions that some interviewers are too casual and some focus on building a good rapport (融洽的关系)and end up hiring the candidate they just “clicked with” (……引起共鸣), regardless of their skills and abilities.

An inexperienced interviewer may think it‟s clever to ask “if you were an animal, what kind would you be?” That has been asked, Alison Green says, but in reality this has no connection with the job.

4.. Talking of inappropriate, the BBC heard from a number of people who were surprised by the questions they were asked in an interview. Mature student Kevin Helton said that “the interviewer asked, “you used to be in the Army, how many people have you killed?”

But Alison Green points out: 5. , and while the interviewer might be making judgments, the candidate can also make their own judgement and decide if this is really the career move (职业发展) they want to make!

A.While a candidate might feel at the mercy of an interviewer, they are able to question why they‟re being asked something

B.Alison Green is an author and creator of the workplace advice column “Ask a Manager”

C.For some, this is when the panic sets in

D.It is a tough time for most of us

E.It therefore needs to test a candidate in the most appropriate way to discover how suitable he or she may be

F.We may be in such a case when in an interview

G.And there have been inappropriate requests, such as one job seeker being asked to show the interviewer the inside of her handbag to demonstrate how organized she was



    Many mental health professionals viewed the pursuit of happiness as a foolish mistake until quite recently. Most of them used to concentrate their energy and attention on individuals suffering from diseases like depression and anxiety, or on relieving despair rather than promoting well-being. But that’s all beginning to change. Supporters of “positive psychology” think that happiness is a goal that people can—and should—work toward. They believe that it’s not only possible but crucially important. Health means not just the absence of disease but a positive sense of involvement and engagement in life. Unless you know how to enjoy life, your life is not really happy. This doesn’t mean that finding happiness is easy—a variety of obstacles stands in the way. The first, perhaps the biggest, is genetics.

Happiness, it seems, is decided—at least in part—by personality features that are largely passed on from their parents. In a study published in 2018, researchers at the University of Edinburgh examined personality and happiness data on more than 900 pairs of twins. They found a close genetic relationship between happiness and positive personalities such as openness and agreeableness. Identical twins (同卵双胞胎) were more likely to share these positive features than non-identical twins; they were also more likely to report similar levels of well-being.

Major life events as well as social and economic factors can also stand in the way of happiness. More often than not, however, people get in their own way by looking for happiness in all the wrong places. They aren’t particularly good at recognizing what will bring them lasting joy: Although money tops many people’s wish lists, study after study has found that once basic needs are met, additional wealth doesn’t add much to people’s sense of well-being and contentment.

Experts in the field of positive psychology still believe it’s possible for people to push their happiness upward—not just temporarily but over the long term.

1.What’s the shift in mental health study?

A.Health means the absence of disease.

B.Emphasis is placed on the pursuit of happiness.

C.Well-being is found to be something one was born with.

D.More attention is paid to anxiety and depression.

2.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.Different obstacles are in the way of finding happiness.

B.Happiness is largely dictated by one’s personality.

C.Identical twins are more likely to be on the same level of well-being than non-identical twins.

D.Wealth always plays an important role in people’s sense of happiness and contentment.

3.The obstacles standing in the way of happiness include all of the following elements EXCEPT .

A.emotive factors B.genetics

C.social factors D.economic factors

4.According to the experts of positive psychology, what’s the essential point of the pursuit of happiness?

A.Material prosperity. B.Freedom.

C.Long-term efforts. D.The avoidance of stress.



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