满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I was born and raised in Phoenix by a fa...

    I was born and raised in Phoenix by a family that supported my dreams. I’ve always had a passion for my _______, as I know it’s the key to my future.

My high school experience began at a traditional school, and I _______ it. It was great to enter senior high with my friends. _______, during my second year, I started having serious health issues that led me to _______ classes. On top of my own health, I also began to _______ my grandmother, who was suffering from heart disease.

During that time, I was focusing on the stress rather than my _______. I left school, got two jobs to _______ myself, and took online classes. However, I found that the online system did not best support my _______ style, as I needed more hands-on instruction.

I soon realized that I needed to take charge of my future by _______ my high school education. I ________ discovered Ombudsman, and soon the ________ was gone. At Ombudsman, I was able to find the perfect ________ between what I had received and missed in my previous learning experiences. The teachers are ________ and the environment is truly encouraging. What I really love is that there’s no tolerance for “I can’t”—Ombudsman ________ us to realize “we can”.

The career resources we receive are all preparation for my next goal-________. I plan to attend the University of Arizona. My dream is to one day become a(n) ________ so that I can save people like my grandmother, who ________ her struggle with heart disease in 2015. I also want to become a teacher. My instructors inspire me to want to ________ because they are so devoted to their ________.

My Ombudsman education keeps me motivated and I’m excited to help ________ my community through my dreams that will soon become reality.

1.A.family B.job C.health D.education

2.A.planned B.expected C.loved D.made

3.A.Finally B.Unfortunately C.Undoubted D.Immediately

4.A.change B.give C.take D.miss

5.A.care for B.look for C.ask for D.wait for

6.A.goals B.interests C.ideas D.problems

7.A.enjoy B.please C.support D.train

8.A.dressing B.working C.learning D.writing

9.A.starting B.completing C.stopping D.sharing

10.A.then B.still C.also D.even

11.A.past B.disease C.money D.stress

12.A.difference B.balance C.relationship D.point

13.A.busy B.proud C.brave D.amazing

14.A.forbids B.allows C.helps D.advises

15.A.college B.job C.home D.success

16.A.instructor B.nurse C.guard D.doctor

17.A.lost B.began C.faced D.continued

18.A.try B.follow C.teach D.practice

19.A.children B.members C.friends D.students

20.A.improve B.create C.protect D.reach


1.D 2.C 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.A 7.C 8.C 9.B 10.A 11.D 12.B 13.D 14.C 15.A 16.D 17.A 18.C 19.D 20.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。讲述了作者想通过教育和知识提高自己,虽然经受磨练,但是理想考入大学,并奉献社会。 1.考查名词辨析。句意:我一直对我的教育充满热情,因为我知道这是我未来的关键。A. family家庭;B. job工作;C. health健康;D. education教育。联系后文经历可以知道写的有关于他的教育方面的内容。故选D项。 2.考查动词辨析。句意:我的高中生活始于一所传统的学校,我很喜欢它。A. planned计划;B. expected期待;C. loved钟爱;D. made做。从“It was great to enter senior high with my friends.”可知这一段时光是美好的,所以作者很爱它。故选C项。 3.考查副词辨析。句意:不幸的是,在我的第二年,我开始有严重的健康问题,导致我缺课。A. Finally最终;B. Unfortunately不幸的是;C. Undoubted毫无疑问;D. Immediately立即。Unfortunately与前面的美好学习生活做了对比,因为疾病导致缺课,所以是不幸的。故选B项。 4.考查动词辨析。句意:我开始有严重的健康问题,导致我缺课。A. change变化;B. give给予;C. take带走;D. miss失去。短语miss classes意为“缺课”,因为作者生病的原因,所以无法上课。故选D项。 5.考查动词短语。句意:我也开始照顾我的祖母。A. care for关心;B. look for照顾;C. ask for要求;D. wait for等待。因为祖母患了心脏病,所以需要照顾她。故选A项。 6.考查名词辨析。句意:在那段时间里,我专注于压力而不是我的目标。A. goals目标;B. interests兴趣;C. ideas想法;D. problems问题。因为经济压力的影响,不能专注于最初的教育目标。故选A项。 7.考查动词辨析。句意:我离开了学校,找了两份工作养活自己,还上了在线课程。A. enjoy享受;B. please取悦;C. support支持;D. train训练。support意为“养活”,因为没有经济来源,所以需要打工来养活自己。故选C项。 8.考查动词辨析。句意:然而,我发现在线系统并不能很好地支持我的学习方式,因为我需要更多的实践指导。A. dressing打扮;B. working工作;C. learning学习;D. writing写。作者不能通过学校学习的方式,只能采用网上教学方式,但是这种方式并不好,这里指的是一般的学习。故选C项。 9.考查动词辨析。句意:我很快意识到我需要通过完成我的高中教育来掌控我的未来。A. starting开始;B. completing完成;C. stopping停止;D. sharing分享。作者意识到教育的重要性,所以他励志要完成学业,“完成”比较切合句意。故选B项。 10.考查连词辨析。句意:后来我找到了司法特派员,不久压力就消失了。A. then然后;B. still仍然;C. also并且;D. even甚至。连词Then意为“然后”,表动作的顺接关系。故选A项。 11.考查名词辨析。句意:后来我找到了司法特派员,不久压力就消失了。A. past过去;B. disease疾病;C. money金钱;D. stress压力。作者一方面要照顾祖母一方面面临经济压力,所以遇到司法特派员后,压力便释放了。故选D项。 12.考查名词辨析。句意:我能够在我之前的学习经历中得到的和错过的东西之间找到完美的平衡。A. difference不同;B. balance平衡;C. relationship关系;D. point观点。得到和失去的东西需要做一个完美的平衡。故选B项。 13.考查形容词辨析。句意:这里的老师很棒,环境也很令人鼓舞。A. busy忙碌的;B. proud自豪的;C. brave勇敢的;D. amazing神奇的。这个学校的老师很棒,使用amazing可以体现作者对有这样的老师很惊喜。故选D项。 14.考查动词辨析。句意:司法特派员帮助我们认识到"我们能做到"。A. forbids禁止;B. allows允许;C. helps帮助;D. advises建议。司法特派员鼓舞我们,这样帮助我们提升了自信。故选C项。 15.考查名词辨析。句意:我们得到的职业资源都是为我的下一个目标—大学做准备的。A. college大学;B. job工作;C. home家庭;D. success成功。从前文可知,上一所大学,获得良好的教育是作者一直以来的追求。故选A项。 16.考查名词辨析。句意:我的梦想是有一天成为一名医生,这样我就可以拯救像我祖母一样的人,她在2015年失去了与心脏病的斗争。A. instructor指导者;B. nurse护士;C. guard卫士;D. doctor医生。祖母患了心脏病,只有医生可以治病救人,作者的一个愿望就是当一名医生来治疗更多像祖母一样被病情折磨的人。故选D项。 17.考查动词辨析。句意:我的梦想是有一天成为一名医生,这样我就可以拯救像我祖母一样的人,她在2015年失去了与心脏病的斗争。A. lost失去;B. began开始;C. faced面对; D. continued继续。从全文理解,祖母一直得病,直到2015年去世,所以失去了和病情斗争的能力。故选A项。 18.考查动词辨析。句意:我也想成为一名教师。我的导师激励我想要教书,因为他们是如此致力于他们的学生。A. try尝试;B. follow遵循;C. teach教学;D. practice练习。前一句说了作者想当一名教师,所以他应该是想要教书。故选C项。 19.考查名词辨析。句意:我也想成为一名教师。我的导师激励我想要教书,因为他们是如此致力于他们的学生。A. children孩子;B. members成员;C. friends朋友;D. students学生。作者的老师在做他的榜样,一直以来奉献给学生,他受到了鼓舞,所以这里应该对应的是学生。故选D项。 20.考查动词辨析。句意:我的申诉专员教育使我充满动力,我很高兴能通过我的梦想帮助改善我的社区,我的梦想很快就会成为现实。A. improve改善;B. create创建;C. protect保护;D. reach到达。社区条件是需要改善的,作者也是想为社区奉献自己的。故选A项。

    In 2018, more than 8,000 wildfires tore through California. They burned an area larger than the state of Delaware. In 2017, wildfires across the United States burned about four times more land than they did 30 years earlier. 1.

Climate change plays a big part in the wildfire increase. The Earth is getting warmer. The average global temperature is about 0.74 higher now than 100 years ago. Fires need three things to grow: fuel, heat, and oxygen.2. Hot weather dries out plants and trees. Those materials can go up in flames in an instant.

Climate change contributes to wildfires in other ways too. Fires tend to happen in the warm months. 3. In California, climate change seems to have increased the force of strong winds that spread fires. Higher temperatures have also attracted invasive species that give forest fires a helping hand.

We’re also seeing more damage because more people are building homes in places where wildfires are likely.4. That number is expected to go up by about 18 mimon by 2030. When people live near wildfires, firefighters may have more trouble fighting and preventing them. Firefighters need different strategies to protect houses and other buildings than to stop fires from spreading through woods.

The present wildfire crisis has many different causes. 5. If we learn to depend less on fossil fuels like oil and gas, we might be able to slow climate change. We might keep people out of harm’s way if we change the rules for building houses in fire-risky areas. What other ways can you think of to reduce fire danger?

A.Rising temperatures create more fuel for fires.

B.So climate change makes the fire season longer.

C.What’s making so many places go up in smoke?

D.So we may need to try many different things to resolve it.

E.Fires also do much more terrible damage when people are nearby.

F.Did you know a terrible fire known as the Big Burn killed 87 people?

G.Right now, about 45 million homes are located in the most fire-risky areas.



    “I wish I could!” It’s my response when turning down an invitation, but it’s not exactly true.

Sometimes it is. For example, if you need people to feed your baby sheep, but I have to go to work that day, I really wish I could come to your farm.

But if you’ve invited me to attend a three-hour meeting, “I wish I could” is a lie. It’s a lie of omission, though, which is better than a regular lie. In a lie of omission, two people just assume(设想)different things about what’s left unsaid.

When you hear “I wish I could”, your imagination might complete my response as “I wish I could go to your makeup party.” If that’s what you think I mean, great. I may not want to go to your pottery exhibit (I really don’t), but I don’t want to make you sad either. So this works for both of us.

If I’m being honest about how that sentence really ends, most of the time it means “I wish I could please you by doing the thing you’re asking me to do; however, I’m not going to do it.” I’d love to say I’m a reformed(改进的)people pleaser, but I’m only reformed enough to say no to your event, not reformed enough to be clear and say, “I’d rather eat glass than attend a meeting on a Friday.” I admit it: I like being liked. Who doesn’t?

It made me happy that, when a friend asked last week, “Come and try my hot yoga class tomorrow?” and I answered, “I wish I could!” she walked away smiling. Plus, who knows? Maybe I’ll be in the mood for hot yoga next time. Probably not, but I’ve left the window open for her to ask me again.

1.What does the text mainly focus on?

A.The art of turning down.

B.The power of saying no directly.

C.The relationship between friends.

D.The most effective ways to accept invitations.

2.What can we infer about the author from Paragraph 3?

A.She is a habitual liar.

B.She is a sports enthusiast.

C.She tends to make people angry.

D.She knows how to tell white lies.

3.What does the author mean by saying “I’m a reformed people pleaser” in Paragraph 5?

A.She pleases everyone.

B.She hates those who tell lies.

C.She says no in an indirect way.

D.She pays little attention to others’ feelings.

4.Which of the following words best describe the author?

A.Wise and polite. B.Brave and generous.

C.Honest and respected. D.Sensitive and self-centered.



    The bus stops in the Dutch city of Utrecht are as beautiful as they are practical. Now, 316 bus stops feature a green roof that adds some life to the city, while also storing rainwater, catching dust, and providing some much needed shade during the warmer months. This project is good for the honey bee population that is attracted to the plants on the roof. To keep up this successful ecosystem, municipal(市政的)workers drive around in electric cars, taking care of the mini gardens.

Another one of the biggest benefits to come out of these green stops is the improved air quality. Smoking, cars, and bacteria all contribute to polluting the air we breathe. These eco-friendly public spaces act as an air purifier for city people, though humans aren’t the only group that benefit from them.

Utrecht has also made great efforts towards moving their transportation system away from gas-guzzling(高耗油的)buses. The city replaced 10 gas-guzzling buses with electric powered buses and plans to have only CO2 inactive buses on the road by 2028.

The buses have a system that records the driver’s efficiency and rider’s comfort levels. Drivers can win prizes based on how safe and comfortable the ride was. The city is also one of the most bicycle-friendly places in the world. Roads have been redesigned for cyclists’ convenience and there is a new state-of-the-art 6,000 space bicycle parking area that is located beneath Utrecht’s central train station.

Utrecht offers prize money to keep citizens energized and motivated to live greener lives. There are even prize money for people to transform their roofs into green roofs too. Achieving the goals of an eco-friendlier city takes cooperation and Utrecht is leading the way to protect our environment.

1.What is special about the bus stops in Utrecht?

A.They are eco-friendly.

B.They can save a lot of energy.

C.They are artificially-intelligent.

D.They can provide electric power for buses.

2.What can we infer about the changes to the transportation system in Utrecht?

A.Not all buses are gas-guzzling at present.

B.Gas-guzzling cars have been completely replaced.

C.Only electric private cars are allowed on the roads.

D.Buses have air purifiers fixed on them.

3.What might passengers think of the bus service in Utrecht?

A.Buses are always too crowded.

B.Buses are often behind schedule.

C.Buses are too big for redesigned roads.

D.Buses are generally comfortable and safe.

4.What are people living in Utrecht encouraged to do?

A.Give up smoking. B.Create gardens on their roofs.

C.Paint their roofs green. D.Buy more honey.



    I graduated in 2004 and moved to Israel, making a career as an English teacher. I am always looking for interesting projects to get my students more inspired to learn the language. Through Facebook, I saw that Kirstin, a friend of mine, was teaching at a school in an East African country. I contacted Kirstin and asked her if she would like to do a letter exchange between my students in Jerusalem and her students in Tanzania.

It took a while to wait for Kirstin’s answer because Internet access is not easy to come in the countryside of Tanzania, but when she finally was able to connect, she responded with a huge yes.

Two months later, a package arrived. The students gathered around my table in class, and we went over the letters together. “My name is Nelson,” one letter read. “I am 13 years old. I live in Njombe, Tanzania. I like to play ball, to ride a bike, and to read books.” Below the handwritten letter was a colorful drawing of a boy wearing traditional Tanzanian clothing.

My students were excited. “This is so cool! What a great project,” shouted one of my students, Hadas. This was followed by a group of students asking if we could travel to Tanzania to meet their new friends. One student, Nir, suggested maybe they could simply become friends on Facebook instead. “The kids don’t have Facebook accounts. And there’s very limited Internet access in their area of Tanzania, I explained to them.

It was hard for my students to imagine that there were places in the world where teens did not have online social networking systems.

The pen pal project gave my students the chance to not only practice their English, but to also learn about other areas in our world.

1.Why did the author get in touch with Kirstin?

A.To get to know East Africa.

B.To learn English online from her.

C.To let two classes write to each other.

D.To ask her for advice about teaching English.

2.How did Kirstin react to the author’s request?

A.She turned it down. B.She accepted it willingly.

C.She replied immediately. D.She never showed up online.

3.What was the attitude of the author’s students toward the project?

A.Disappointed. B.Uncaring.

C.Favorable. D.Doubtful.

4.What is the best title for this text?

A.Two Heads Are Better Than One

B.A friend In Need Is A Friend Indeed

C.How Writing Letters Improves People’s Relationships

D.How A Class Pen Pal Project Connected Two Continents



Come to Aranda Nature Park

A nature park with a very large number of activities for the young and old.


trails for hiking and mountain biking

a nature trail to learn about the plants and animals of the park

Treetop Walk, a walkway in the air that provides a bird’s eye view of the forest. Get a chance to see and take photos of flying lemurs and long-tailed monkeys up close in their natural habitat.

Charles Education Centre, which houses the Charles Environment Learning Lab (CELL), a field study center for schools.

Walking trail at the Treetop Walk

250m-long suspension bridge between the two highest points in the park

enjoy views of the forest and surrounding greenery, and spot different wildlife in their natural habitat

home to more than 800 species of flowering plants and over 400 species of animals

Charles Education Centre

changed from an old horse shed(马棚)as part of efforts to protect heritage sites, natural habitats and ecosystems

a learning place for nature enthusiasts to meet and share their knowledge

learn about the history of Aranda Nature Park by viewing exhibits

The CELL has a programme for students to discover the country’s nature heritage through interesting hands-on activities and field studies.

CELL was set up by Singapore Parks Board and Science Nature Research Centre. For more information about CELL activities and booking of programmes, please email CELL at arandapark@cell.sg.

Visitor information

Weekdays: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.

Weekends: 8:30 a.m. to 6 p.m.

Admission is free. Donations to support the park’s conservation effort are welcome. If you have any questions about the park, please email arandapark@gmail.com or call Alice Tay at 68245125.

1.What does Aranda Nature Park offer?

A.Bird-watching equipment. B.A field study centre.

C.Mountain bikes. D.Cameras.

2.What can visitors expect to do when going for the Treetop Walk?

A.Walk across a 5-kilometre suspension bridge.

B.Watch exhibits on local history.

C.Enjoy a full view of the park.

D.See lemurs in cages.

3.The best way for students to book hands-on activities is to _______.

A.call Alice Tay

B.call Singapore Parks Board

C.email Science Nature Research Centre

D.email Charles Environment Learning Lab



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