满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Many students _______ going online becau...

Many students _______ going online because they can gain much fun.

A.are devoted to B.are addicted to

C.are related to D.are connected to


B 【解析】 考查短语的辨析。句意:许多学生沉迷于网络因为他们可以获取到很多快乐。A. are devoted to投入到;B. are addicted to沉迷于;C. are related to与…有关;D. are connected to与…联系。根据常识知道,许多学生沉迷网络,be addicted to“沉迷于…”的意思。故选B项。  

—How do you find the football match between Brazil and Argentina?

—It’s only _______. Nothing special.

A.average B.ordinary

C.common D.usual



No ______ has proved that eating too much is the main cause of the weight problem.

A.doubt B.wonder C.evidence D.belief



_______ two exams to worry about, I have to work really hard this weekend.

A.Because of B.Besides C.As for D.With



He was made _____ captain of the spaceship during the visit in ______ space.

A.\; the B.\; \ C.the; \ D.a; the



    I was born and raised in Phoenix by a family that supported my dreams. I’ve always had a passion for my _______, as I know it’s the key to my future.

My high school experience began at a traditional school, and I _______ it. It was great to enter senior high with my friends. _______, during my second year, I started having serious health issues that led me to _______ classes. On top of my own health, I also began to _______ my grandmother, who was suffering from heart disease.

During that time, I was focusing on the stress rather than my _______. I left school, got two jobs to _______ myself, and took online classes. However, I found that the online system did not best support my _______ style, as I needed more hands-on instruction.

I soon realized that I needed to take charge of my future by _______ my high school education. I ________ discovered Ombudsman, and soon the ________ was gone. At Ombudsman, I was able to find the perfect ________ between what I had received and missed in my previous learning experiences. The teachers are ________ and the environment is truly encouraging. What I really love is that there’s no tolerance for “I can’t”—Ombudsman ________ us to realize “we can”.

The career resources we receive are all preparation for my next goal-________. I plan to attend the University of Arizona. My dream is to one day become a(n) ________ so that I can save people like my grandmother, who ________ her struggle with heart disease in 2015. I also want to become a teacher. My instructors inspire me to want to ________ because they are so devoted to their ________.

My Ombudsman education keeps me motivated and I’m excited to help ________ my community through my dreams that will soon become reality.

1.A.family B.job C.health D.education

2.A.planned B.expected C.loved D.made

3.A.Finally B.Unfortunately C.Undoubted D.Immediately

4.A.change B.give C.take D.miss

5.A.care for B.look for C.ask for D.wait for

6.A.goals B.interests C.ideas D.problems

7.A.enjoy B.please C.support D.train

8.A.dressing B.working C.learning D.writing

9.A.starting B.completing C.stopping D.sharing

10.A.then B.still C.also D.even

11.A.past B.disease C.money D.stress

12.A.difference B.balance C.relationship D.point

13.A.busy B.proud C.brave D.amazing

14.A.forbids B.allows C.helps D.advises

15.A.college B.job C.home D.success

16.A.instructor B.nurse C.guard D.doctor

17.A.lost B.began C.faced D.continued

18.A.try B.follow C.teach D.practice

19.A.children B.members C.friends D.students

20.A.improve B.create C.protect D.reach



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