满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

根据每句句意和相关汉语提示写出单词的正确形式。 1.My new school ...


1.My new school left a good _____ (印象) on me.

2.We can benefit a lot from taking ______(有规律) exercise.

3.When_______(申请) for a job, you should make full preparations for it.

4.By working out we can keep fit and stay _____(精力充沛).

5.I was______ (羞愧) of making such a stupid mistake.

6.These words come from the book The Secret Garden, first______ (出版) in 1911.

7.He asked if it was_______(方便) for me to meet him on Friday.

8.With the teacher’s support, he felt he could face his future______ (自信).

9.The digital age______ (使能够) us to find people who share our interests.

10.______ (挑战) like this are likely to put you under great pressure.


1.impression 2.regular 3.applying 4.energetic 5.ashamed 6.published 7.convenient 8.confidently 9.enables 10.Challenges 【解析】 本题是单词拼写。根据每句句意和相关汉语提示写出单词的正确形式。 1.考查名词。句意:我的新学校给我留下了很好的印象。leave a good impression on sb.给某人留下好印象。故填impression。 2.考查形容词。句意:我们可以从有规律的锻炼中受益很多。分析句子结构可知此处应用形容词修饰名词exercise。故填regular。 3.考查动词。句意:当申请工作的时候,你要为其做好充分准备。前半句为时间状语,且主句主语you与apply构成主谓关系,因此应用现在分词作状语,表主动关系。故填applying。 4.考查形容词。句意:通过锻炼,我们可以保持健康,保持精力充沛。句中stay为系动词,意为“保持”,后跟形容词做表语。故填energetic。 5.考查形容词。句意:我对于犯如此愚蠢的一个错误而感到羞愧。根据句意可知此处为短语be ashamed of对于……感到羞愧。故填ashamed。 6.考查动词。句意:这些话来自于出版于1911年的The Secret Garden一书。分析句子结构可知此处为非谓语动词作定语,the book与publish构成动宾关系,因此应用过去分词作定语。故填published。 7.考查形容词。句意:他问我是否方便周五见他。分析句子结构可知此处为句型:it is convenient for sb. to do sth.做某事对某人来说是方便的。故填convenient。 8.考查副词。句意:在老师的帮助之下,他感觉他可以自信地面对未来。分析句子结构可知此处应用副词confidently修饰谓语动词face。故填confidently。 9.考查动词。句意:数字时代使我们能够找到与我们有共同兴趣的人。根据句意,结合定语从句who share our interests可知本句是说明现在的状况,因此应用一般现在时,且主语The digital age为单数名词,因此应用动词的一般现在时的第三人称单数形式。故填enables。 10.考查名词复数。句意:像这样的挑战可能使你处于巨大的压力之下。根据句中的be动词are可知主语应为可数名词复数形式。故填Challenges。


As an ancient saying in China goes If your ship is against the current(水流),you lose your ground when you don’t advance. Isn’t: this talking about life? 1. (gain) something you need to work at your best constantly.

But a wise man once 2. (tell) me something opposite years ago. Sometimes we need to slow down so that we can find peace and see clearly 3. we truly want in the first place. The competition in our society is fierce. It is now. It used to be. And it will And at 4. same time, we have family, friends and lovers 5. we need to value. But we all only have 24 hours a day. And 6. (take) rests has to take up a lot of time among these hours. Otherwise we won’t be able to survive.

So we really need to remind 7. (us) that sometimes life does take 8. (patient). Slow down. Don’t be always anxious 9. everything. Only by doing so can we 10. (actual) go farther.



    Years ago, when We first went to Canada, thought were driving through Montana to Colorado with our two children. We thought we’d find a hotel on the way without____ahead of time. As it was getting late, we started looking for a hotel, only to find that all the hotels were full.

___, around 9 pm, we stopped at a gas station to fill up on gas. My husband told the woman at the counter that we were __ to find a hotel. She told us it would be __ at such late time in a busy season. Noticing that we were worried, she said we could spend the night at her home nearly.

Though surprised at her __ , we gladly accepted it. She then called her son to come And lead the way, since she had to work until midnight. Soon a pick-up truck arrived and we __ it. When we reached their home, her husband __ us. He invited us to have coffee and we chatted when___ his wife. She came past 12.We asked if we could leave __ in the morning so as  to disturb them. They said we were now guests and we’d have to have breakfast with them.

Next morning ,around the table were many people, and we were___ that they would take in total __ from a different country. After breakfast, when we were __ ,my husband asked if he could offer some __ .But they said no. Then we left. We kept in ___for many year .Later we lost contact, but over the years we have never forgotten their ___.

1.A.ordering B.booking C.seeking D.exchanging

2.A.Eventually B.Incredibly C.Typically D.Luckily

3.A.managing B.struggling C.deciding D.failing

4.A.unnecessary B.informal C.improper D.impossible

5.A.employment B.request C.offer D.admission

6.A.followed B.made C.took D.embraced

7.A.joined B.accepted C.greeted D.assisted

8.A.talking about B.waiting for C.cheering up D.picking up

9.A.absolutely B.definitely C.originally D.secretly

10.A.aware B.reminded C.amazed D.anxious

11.A.consumers B.strangers C.relatives D.neighbors

12.A.insisting B.wandering C.approaching D.leaving

13.A.payment B.service C.advice D.solution

14.A.line B.check C.touch D.mind

15.A.passion B.eagerness C.kindness D.encouragement



    Are you feeling nervous about the coming job interview? Always remember you’re braver than you believe, stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think. Try to think that it’s not that important there will be other interviews in future. 1. .

Preparation is key. The more preparations you have made ,such as working out answers to common interview questions 2.the more relaxed you will feel.

Some people believe imagination is helpful. The night before, picture yourself undergoing the whole interview step by step. 3.. And visualize you answering

questions fluently, and ultimately getting the job.

Power poses in advance can make you feel more confident at interviews. Standing upright with hands on your hips or leaning over a desk with hands firmly on the surface can reduce stress, 4. .Practicing power poses right before an interview can also increase performance. Research at Harvard Business School found that holding power poses for two minutes before interview increased the- chance of a job offer by 20%.

5.. No one answers each question perfectly and research suggests interviewers

prefer candidates who perform naturally as humans to those who appear “plastic perfect .Professor Sian Bellock suggested people write about their worries beforehand to help reduce pressure, so they are less likely to pop up and influence your performance.

A.Imagine everything going really well

B.Don't worry too much about making a mistake

C.It’s not the end of the world if you don’t get this job

D.and doing careful research on the organization and job

E.thus making you feel more in control and more confident



    Reading is good for more than just entertainment Sparing part of everyday to read printed books can make you a smarter, kinder, more relaxed individual. Involving kids in books, magazines, and more at an early age is a great way to encourage them to be lifelong readers, which means they'll reap these benefits for years to come.

Reading helps understand another personas feelings. Reading books doesn’t just make you smartest can make you a kinder person as well According to a study in 2013,People who consume literary fiction have an easier time sensing and relating to emotions in other people. Great literature forces readers to step outside themselves and empathize with the characters they’re reading about.

Reading can lower stress. Feel stressed at the end of a long day? Cracking open a book is a good way to wind down. A 2009 study found that reading for just 30 minutes has similar stress-reducing effects to doing 30 minutes of yoga.

Reading is an excuse to put your phone away at night. Reading a physical book before going to bed is a great alternative to scrolling through your phone-something most of us admit to doing. Research has shown that smart phone use at night makes it harder for people to fall asleep and leads to an overall decline in sleep quality, Some experts say reading books, on the other hand ,can have relaxing effects, making it the ideal bedtime activity.

Reading helps families bond. When parents read out loud to their children ,they can pass on the benefits of reading and encourage meaningful interactions. To help kids get the positive effects of reading, parents should stick to physical picture books, A recent study found that printed books, unlike tablets and e-readers, can deepen connections between caretakers and children.

1.What is probably the beat title for the text?

A.Benefits of Reading Printed Books.

B.Stress-reducing Effects of Reading.

C.Connections between Parents and Kids.

D.Significance of Reading Great Literature.

2.Which of the following can replace “reap” underlined in paragraph 1?

A.search. B.reduce.

C.obtain. D.resist.

3.According to paragraph 4, to sleep well at night, you'd better ______.

A.put your phone away

B.relax by reading on the smart phone

C.read a physical book before bedtime

D.do bedtime activities through your phone

4.What is suggested in the last paragraph?

A.Tablets and e-reader should be made* use of in reading.

B.Kids should read aloud to get positive effects of reading.

C.Meaningful interactions should be encouraged in games.

D.Printed books should be read to improve family connections.



    Many may remember the 1998 film Mulanthe story of a young Chinese girl Pretending to be a man to take her father’s place in the army. After this film was released, McDonald’s began to serve a sauce called Mulan SzeChuan Sauce. Also in 2017a cartoon show Rick and Morty, which featured a mad scientist and his adventures with his grandson, mentioned the SzeChuan sauce. Many fans have queued up for hours to buy it Packets of the sauce have even appeared on eBay selling for up to $ 250 each.

However, the sauce created by McDonald’s lacks any original Sichuan flavor. As one of the eight great cuisines of China, Sichuan cuisine is famous for its spicy dishes. But Dunlop says it’s a common misunderstanding that the cuisine focuses only on heat “Sichuan is about complex multilayered flavors,” she says. “The really interesting thing about Sichuan cuisine is its variety of flavors. A really good Sichuan meal is like a rollercoaster ride — you have spicy notes, sweet and sour notes, numbing and gentle flavors,” she says.

From the 1990s, Sichuan food took off. Currently, Sichuan hotpot is a hugely popular dish in China and the West, and dishes such as Mapo Tofu and Gong Bao Chicken are all famous and express the techniques and flavors of Sichuan cooking. Chef Key Chan, 65, born in Hong Kong to a family of chefs originally from Sichuan, is keen on passing down how to cook Sichuan cuisine. “Sichuan cuisine allows your taste the tip of your tongue to feel a ‘dancing sensation’,” says Chan.

1.Why Mulan and Rick and Morty are mentioned in paragraph 1?

A.To inform kids of wonderful films.

B.To remind people of the cartoon characters.

C.To show how popular the SzeChuan sauce was.

D.To indicate how expensive the SzeChuan sauce was.

2.What can we know about Sichuan cuisine from paragraph 2?

A.It only focuses on heat.

B.It involves various flavors.

C.It is the greatest cuisine in China.

D.It is best represented by Mulan SzeChuan Sause.

3.Which of the following best explains “took off” underlined in paragraph 3?

A.Left in a hurry. B.Was quickly forgotten.

C.Began to fly. D.Became popular quickly.

4.How does Chan feel about Sichuan cuisine?

A.Amazing. B.Just so-so.

C.Simple. D.Strange.



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