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The great thing about libraries is that ...

    The great thing about libraries is that they house all types of books—from mysteries to biographies to dramas—all in one location. The bad thing about libraries is that they house all types of books in one location, and if it’s a location you can’t get to, you’re out of luck. Now, mobile library solutions are appearing quickly around the country to bring books to people who need them.

A few years ago, when the Little Free Libraries Movement launched, more people of all ages could have access to books. Now, more than 15,000 free book stands can be found around the world, bringing books to unexpected places. But many folks simply can’t get to the places where the books are. Bookmobile buses are a good solution, but they can be expensive to fund and to operate.

Books on bikes programs are popping up(出现)in areas where there is a strong bike culture, such as Seattle, or a strong need to bring books to the masses, such as in San Francisco.

The Seattle Public Library’s Books on Bikes program is made up of three bike/trailer combos(复合)that librarians bring to community events. The trailers are even Wi-Fi enabled so that visitors can sign up for a library card and browse(浏览)the library’s card catalog on the spot.

“Seattle has a really strong bike culture so we want to tap into that and provide full service library programs but do it in a way that is quick and smart.” librarian Jared Mills said in an interview.

San Francisco’s program, called Bibliobicicleta, was launched in 2013 by librarian Alicia Tapia. Her trailer can hold about 100 books and attracts readers of all ages and income levels.  It’s an independent, donation—based library—ike a Little Free Library, but on wheels.

When asked why she would launch a free library on a bike, Tapia answers, “Why not? Bikes are cool, and can go anywhere.”

1.According to the writer, the traditional libraries       .

A.are popular among the readers

B.are large enough to hold any book

C.are not very convenient to the readers

D.can bring books to people who need them

2.Which of the following may be the disadvantage of the bookmobile buses?

A.They are full of many travelers.

B.They cost a large amount of money.

C.They hold the limited number of books.

D.They bring books to unexpected places.

3.The writer mentions Seattle to tell us that       .

A.bikes are popular in it

B.visitors can use free Wi-Fi in it

C.it is the same as the city of San Francisco

D.the library card is useful to the visitors

4.Tapia’s answer suggests that she       .

A.enjoys showing off by bike

B.shows impatience to the readers

C.is eager to make the readers happy

D.thinks libraries on bikes are practical


1.C 2.B 3.A 4.D 【解析】 本文是记叙文。文章介绍了新型的自行车图书馆。和传统的图书馆相比,自行车图书馆灵活机动且成本低廉,对读者也很有吸引力。 1.推理判断题。根据第一段中的“The great thing about libraries is that they house all types of books—from mysteries to biographies to dramas—all in one location. The bad thing about libraries is that they house all types of books in one location, and if it’s a location you can’t get to, you’re out of luck. ”图书馆最大的优点是,它们把各种类型的书——从神秘小说到传记再到戏剧——都放在一个地方。图书馆不好的地方在于他们把所有的书都放在一个地方,如果你找不到那个位置,那你就倒霉了。可以推知,传统的图书馆虽然图书馆有很多优点,但它有时对一些读者来说并不方便。故选C。 2.细节理解题。根据第二段最后的“Bookmobile buses are a good solution, but they can be expensive to fund and to operate”流动图书馆是一个很好的解决方案,但是它们的资金和运营成本都很高。可知,流动汽车图书馆的缺点是成本很高。故选B。 3.推理判断题。根据第三段第一句中的“Books on bikes programs are popping up in areas where there is a strong bike culture, such as Seattle”自行车上的图书馆在Seattle等自行车文化浓厚的地区涌现出来。可以推知,在Seattle,自行车很流行。故选A。 4.推理判断题。根据最后一段中When asked why she would launch a free library on a bike, Tapia answers, “Why not? Bikes are cool, and can go anywhere.” 当被问到为什么她会推出自行车上的免费图书馆时,塔皮娅回答说:“为什么不呢?自行车很酷,可以去任何地方。”由Tapia的回答此可推断出,她认为自行车图书馆非常方便实用。故选D。

    As a famous doctor, Sigmund Freud has problems telling his left from his right. He writes in his diary: I do not know whether it is obvious to other people which is their own or other’s right or left. In my case, I have to think which is my right and no organic feeling tells me. To make sure which is my right hand, I have to make a few writing movements quickly.

Neuroscientist Eric Chudler at the University of Washington referred to a recent study where 71 of 364 (19.5 percent) college professors and 311 of 1,185 (26.2 percent) college students said that they occasionally, frequently or all of the time had difficulty when they had to quickly identify right from left. Chudler told The Washington Post that 95 percent of the 3,719 people who tried his test reported more difficulty with left/right than with up/down.

In most cases, left/right confusion is rarely a big deal. But knowing your directions obviously can be critical if you’re a surgeon or a pilot. That’s why in key situations, there are plans in place to minimize(使减到最少)the chance of problems. In a health care situation, someone may write “not this leg” on a limb(肢), for example. And in the air, because distractions(分心)can cause any number of errors, pilots must avoid all non—essential conversation during the critical phases of flight.

Experts say that right/left confusion doesn’t mean you’re not smart. But scientists aren’t totally sure what causes the right/left confusion. There does, however, seem to be a link between right/left confusion and brain lateralization(偏侧性)—the fact that the right and left halves of the brain each control unique functions.

There may, however, be an association with gender(性别). Several studies have found that women are more likely than men to say they are sometimes unable to distinguish between their right and their left. But some researchers say that’s only because women are more likely than men to admit they may have a problem.

1.According to Sigruund Freud’s diary, he       .

A.can’t tell the right directly

B.doesn’t know which is his right hand

C.is more foolish than other people

D.isn’t satisfied with his organic feeling

2.Eric Chudler mentions the numbers in Paragraph 2 to tell us that       .

A.it is easy to tell up from down

B.left/right is as important as up/down

C.many people have trouble with left/right

D.most people can judge left/right easily

3.Which of the following may be the important moment of flight according to the text?

A.When the plane is taking off.

B.When the plane is coming down.

C.When the pilot is talking with others.

D.When the pilot is judging the directions.

4.Where can you probably read the text?

A.In a private diary. B.In a science fiction.

C.In a latest newspaper. D.In a fashion magazine.



    Whether you choose a relaxing vacation stay or an active adventure at Yellowstone National Park or on the Yellowstone River, Flying Pig Adventure Company can accommodate your wishes.

Overnight at the Ranch(牧场)

Check In at 2:30 pm, Daily May through August

Based at our private ranch located at an altitude of 7500 feet, bordering Yellowstone National Park, you’ll enjoy about four hours of riding over two days with an evening at the ranch—including Sue’s legendary cowboy cookout(野餐). Limited to 5 families per day. All meals included.

Day One: We’ll greet you in the afternoon and provide you with directions to the best ranch in the northern Yellowstone area, called Hells A Roarin’ Ranch. Surrounded by forest service and miles of wilderness, the ranch has 2 cabins(小屋)and 3 wall tents for guests to settle in before a delightful two-hour horse riding with attractive views overlooking Yellowstone.

Day Two: Breakfast served at 8:00 a.m.. By 9:00 a.m. you’ll be on top of your horse heading into the wilderness for a two-hour horse riding. You’ll be glad for photo stops in this Montana scenery—few people get to experience this wild country. When you return to the ranch, you can enjoy a picnic lunch and wander around to absorb all the ranch life before winding back down the hill to Gardiner Hotel. You will be content with all the high mountain fresh air!

Choose between 2 Cabins and 3 Wall Tents

Cabin Stay: $295 each for the first two people; $245 for each additional person

Wall Tent Stay: $245 each for the first two people; $220 for each additional person

1.Where is the private ranch mentioned above?

A.It is 7500 feet away from a famous park.

B.It is right next to Yellowstone National Park.

C.It is just across the Yellowstone River.

D.It is close to the Adventure Company.

2.After settling in the cabins or tents, the guests can       .

A.enjoy four hours of riding in the ranch

B.take a wonderful view of Yellowstone National Park

C.drive a car in the forests and wilderness

D.ask about the direction to the former ranch

3.If a family of 4 persons hopes to settle in a cabin, they will spend       .

A.$735 B.$1008

C.$835 D.$1080






3. 邀请他来体验。



Dear Tom



Li Hua




1.My new school left a good _____ (印象) on me.

2.We can benefit a lot from taking ______(有规律) exercise.

3.When_______(申请) for a job, you should make full preparations for it.

4.By working out we can keep fit and stay _____(精力充沛).

5.I was______ (羞愧) of making such a stupid mistake.

6.These words come from the book The Secret Garden, first______ (出版) in 1911.

7.He asked if it was_______(方便) for me to meet him on Friday.

8.With the teacher’s support, he felt he could face his future______ (自信).

9.The digital age______ (使能够) us to find people who share our interests.

10.______ (挑战) like this are likely to put you under great pressure.




As an ancient saying in China goes If your ship is against the current(水流),you lose your ground when you don’t advance. Isn’t: this talking about life? 1. (gain) something you need to work at your best constantly.

But a wise man once 2. (tell) me something opposite years ago. Sometimes we need to slow down so that we can find peace and see clearly 3. we truly want in the first place. The competition in our society is fierce. It is now. It used to be. And it will And at 4. same time, we have family, friends and lovers 5. we need to value. But we all only have 24 hours a day. And 6. (take) rests has to take up a lot of time among these hours. Otherwise we won’t be able to survive.

So we really need to remind 7. (us) that sometimes life does take 8. (patient). Slow down. Don’t be always anxious 9. everything. Only by doing so can we 10. (actual) go farther.



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