满分5 > 高中英语试题 >






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

When Zhang Wei decided to take part in the 3,000-meter race, everyone is very surprised. One of his classmate said he was not strong enough run 3,000 meters. And he said he was determined to finish it. During the race, each step seemed difficulty. Suddenly he fell, thus break his glasses and losing his chance of winning. But he didn’t give up. He stood up, put on his broken glasses and keep on running. “Come on! You can not do it!” Everyone on the sports field was cheering for her. Although he was a last one to cross the finishing line, he won the Courage Cup.


1.is→was 2. classmate→classmates 3, enough后添加to 4. And→But 5. difficulty→difficult 6. break→breaking。 7. keep→kept 8. 去掉can后的not 9. her→him 10. a→the 【解析】 本文为记叙文。主要叙述了张伟因为一个同学说他不够强壮不能参加3000米比赛,才报名参加了比赛。在比赛中虽然摔倒了,摔坏了眼镜。但在所有人的支持下完成了比赛,赢得了勇气杯奖。 1.考查时态。句意:当张伟决定参加3000米赛跑时,大家都很惊讶。根据语境可知,本文主要叙述的是过去的事,要用一般过去时,故把is改为was。 2.考查名词的复数。句意:他的一个同学说他不够强壮,不能跑3000米。One of+ 复数名词,故把classmate改为classmates。 3.考查固定搭配。句意:他的一个同学说他不够强壮,不能跑3000米。 “be enough to do...”是固定搭配,意为“足以做某事”。因此要在enough后添加to。 4.考查语境及连词。句意:他的一个同学说他不够强壮,不能跑3000米。但他说他下定决心要完成它。分析前后两句的内容可知,此处是转折关系而非并列关系,故把And改为But。 5.考查形容词做表语。句意:在比赛中,每一步似乎都很难。Seem是系动词,后面要跟形容词做表语,故difficulty改为形容词difficult。 6. 句意:突然他跌倒了,摔坏了眼镜,失去了获胜的机会。thus 后面一般跟动词的ing形式,并且and连接两个并列的成分,and后是losing,所以break也要用动词的ing形式,故把break改为breaking。 7.考查时态。句意:但他没有放弃。他站起来,戴上破眼镜继续跑。分析句子可知,stood ,put和 keep是三个并列的谓语动词,要用同一时态。根据前面 的想入stood和put,可知,keep也要用一般过去时,故把keep改为kept。 8.考查固定用法。句意:“加油,你能做到!”根据语境可知,是运动场上的人都为他加油,鼓励他,一定能做到。故要去掉can后的not。 9.考查人称的一致性。句意:运动场上的每个人都为他欢呼。根据语意可知,本文的主人公是男孩张伟,要用him,而her是女生,故把her改为him 。 10.考查冠词。句意:但他赢得了勇气杯。根据语境可知,此处是用普通名词表示专用名词,此时要用定冠词the。故把a改为the。  


Save the Earth

Without the Earth we have nowhere to live, along with many other organisms. If we don’t save the Earth 1.(active) now, our children or grandchildren might not be able to see it for long. Our atmosphere  2. (weaken) and we have to do something about it quickly.

We could plant more 3. (tree) to create more oxygen to keep the bad air away from the atmosphere,4. we could just stop cutting down the rainforest. We are living and we need the space but we aren’t the only species on this earth.5. (save) the rainforest is not only good for the atmosphere but also good for the many different species that the earth provides for 6. (we).

We could try to get as many people as possible to switch to other energy using 7. (little) mineral fuels for energy and relying more on solar and wind energy 8. fossil fuels are destroying our earth and we need 9. (limit) the use of it.

Recycling is one of the simplest ways 10. helps our precious planet. Everyone can help. All they have to do is follow three simple rules: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!

The world is precious and we need to keep it that way.



    You probably know that doing good makes you feel good, whether it’s volunteer work or something for a friend. I have ____ someone else’s good deed. It also gives me a ____ attitude, especially a random act of kindness from a ____ . That’s been my experience anyway.

My family and friends have done more than I can ____ for me, and I am very ____ . But someone I don’t even know does ____ nice for me? It’s really ____ . And that’s what makes your life wonderful.

Take what happened to me Wednesday night. I ____ the office at 7:10, almost an hour later than I’d planned, and I was ____ that I would only have time for a short workout. Then I walked out of our ____ onto 34th Street and got hit in the face with little ice. And ____ , I had no umbrella.

I made my way over to Park Avenue and waited there ____ for the hailstones(冰雹)hitting off my unprotected head. Suddenly a ____ came from my left. “Hey, do you need an umbrella?”

I ____ back and saw a guy in his mid-20s, rocking the fashionable jacket, skinny jeans, funky glasses. But he clearly had a kind attitude because he was already ____ his umbrella with me. “That’s sweet of you,” I said, “ ____ I’m okay. I’m just going to the gym across the street.”

“Then I’ll walk you there,” he said. He ____ me to the door of my gym, shielding(遮蔽)me from the hail all the way. He left with his ____ and my thanks. I watched him ____ in the night, my mood light and hopeful again. Why let little annoyances get to me when there’s a ____ world out there with people like my umbrella guy in it?

1.A.put forward B.benefited from C.concentrated on D.accounted for

2.A.negative B.particular C.common D.positive

3.A.friend B.relative C.stranger D.colleague

4.A.describe B.collect C.recite D.accept

5.A.hopeful B.cheerful C.powerful D.grateful

6.A.anything B.nothing C.something D.everything

7.A.unsettled B.unexpected C.unlimited D.untouched

8.A.left B.reached C.searched D.cleaned

9.A.surprised B.puzzled C.pleased D.worried

10.A.building B.home C.hospital D.library

11.A.at first B.for example C.as usual D.in time

12.A.exactly B.miserably C.seriously D.generally

13.A.noise B.sound C.whisper D.voice

14.A.stopped B.jumped C.turned D.arrived

15.A.sharing B.covering C.spreading D.holding

16.A.and B.but C.so D.or

17.A.followed B.carried C.pushed D.accompanied

18.A.reward B.permit C.umbrella D.eraser

19.A.disappear B.stand C.remain D.move

20.A.terrible B.wonderful C.rainy D.cloudy



Amazing Benefits of Listening to Music

If you love listening to music, you’re good company.1..

Music makes you happier.

When you listen to music, your brain releases a special matter. It biologically causes listeners to feel emotions like happiness, excitement and joy. So the next time you need an emotional increase, listen to your favorite tunes for 15 minutes.


Listening to music you enjoy decreases levels of the stress in your body. This is an important finding since stress causes many illnesses and diseases. To stay calm and healthy during a stressful day, turn on the radio.

Music helps you sleep better.

A study showed that students listening to classical music for 45 minutes slept better than students who did nothing. If you’re having trouble sleeping, try listening to a little Bach or Mozart before bedtime.


Softening the lighting and music can lead people to consume fewer calories and enjoy their meals more. If you’re looking for ways to reduce your appetite, try dimming the lights and listening to soft music the next time you sit down for a meal.

Music strengthens learning and memory.

Researchers discovered that music can help you learn and remember information that you have forgotten better.4.. Memorize these results. You now have a strategy to study more effectively for your next test.

Music raises IQ and school performance.

Research shows that taking music lessons predicts higher school performance and IQ in young children.5..

A.Music helps you eat less.

B.Music lowers stress and improves health.

C.Participants who were musicians learned better with light music.

D.Musical training can help raise our IQs and even keep us sharp at old age.

E.Here are amazing scientifically-proven benefits of being hooked on music.

F.Recent research shows that listening to music improves our mental well-being.

G.To help your children achieve academic excellence, encourage them to sing or learn to play an instrument.



    Despite the countless differences between people’s characters and careers, or their likes and their dislikes, it seems that we are all connected in this wonderful life by one thing: namely, seeking happiness.

Happiness means, naturally, different things to different people. For myself, happiness is synonymous(同义的)with horse riding, Cadbury’s Creme Eggs and spending time with my friends. Some people are at their happiest at home, while others find their happiness through travelling far-off foreign lands. Happiness can be as simple as a surprise bunch of fresh flowers or a really strong coffee, just when you need it most. Sometimes, happiness comes from spending time with loved ones; for others, it’s having a well-earned quiet night at home, with nothing but a comfortable bed for company.

Since it comes in so many shapes and sizes, it’s sometimes easy to take happiness for granted.  It is especially true if it’s been “one of those days”. Maybe you overslept, missed the bus and had to walk to school in the rain, only to be told that you were late. Or perhaps, because of work, you had to cancel plans with friends, despite looking forward to seeing them for ages. Forgotten keys, delayed flights, an argument with your parents, illness or injury... all very frustrating, and understandably guaranteed to make you feel unhappy.

Luckily, there are a few simple, scientifically proven ways to make the glass seem half-full again. To start with, things like trying out cycling or walking instead of driving to work and listening to music are great moodboosters(情绪助推器). Volunteering and getting involved with a charity are two ways in which you can become happier through helping others. Last, but certainly not least, try hugging your way to happiness; it’s been suggested that we humans need a minimum(最少的)of five hugs a day. If you’ve been having a bad day, there’s nothing better than a good old bear-hug.

1.What would be the main idea of Paragraph 2?

A.Happiness comes from different things.

B.Fresh flowers can give you a surprise.

C.Some people enjoy themselves at home.

D.It is pleasant to spend time with close friends.

2.The underlined part “one of those days” may refer to a day when       .

A.it is easy to be happy

B.you go to work on time

C.you have a coffee at home

D.you tend to be sad at your life

3.To tell us that people are easy to take happiness for granted, the writer       .

A.performs an experiment B.provides some examples

C.tells an interesting story D.brings up some problems

4.Where does the passage come from?

A.In a scientific report. B.In an advertisement.

C.In a guidebook. D.In a novel.



    The great thing about libraries is that they house all types of books—from mysteries to biographies to dramas—all in one location. The bad thing about libraries is that they house all types of books in one location, and if it’s a location you can’t get to, you’re out of luck. Now, mobile library solutions are appearing quickly around the country to bring books to people who need them.

A few years ago, when the Little Free Libraries Movement launched, more people of all ages could have access to books. Now, more than 15,000 free book stands can be found around the world, bringing books to unexpected places. But many folks simply can’t get to the places where the books are. Bookmobile buses are a good solution, but they can be expensive to fund and to operate.

Books on bikes programs are popping up(出现)in areas where there is a strong bike culture, such as Seattle, or a strong need to bring books to the masses, such as in San Francisco.

The Seattle Public Library’s Books on Bikes program is made up of three bike/trailer combos(复合)that librarians bring to community events. The trailers are even Wi-Fi enabled so that visitors can sign up for a library card and browse(浏览)the library’s card catalog on the spot.

“Seattle has a really strong bike culture so we want to tap into that and provide full service library programs but do it in a way that is quick and smart.” librarian Jared Mills said in an interview.

San Francisco’s program, called Bibliobicicleta, was launched in 2013 by librarian Alicia Tapia. Her trailer can hold about 100 books and attracts readers of all ages and income levels.  It’s an independent, donation—based library—ike a Little Free Library, but on wheels.

When asked why she would launch a free library on a bike, Tapia answers, “Why not? Bikes are cool, and can go anywhere.”

1.According to the writer, the traditional libraries       .

A.are popular among the readers

B.are large enough to hold any book

C.are not very convenient to the readers

D.can bring books to people who need them

2.Which of the following may be the disadvantage of the bookmobile buses?

A.They are full of many travelers.

B.They cost a large amount of money.

C.They hold the limited number of books.

D.They bring books to unexpected places.

3.The writer mentions Seattle to tell us that       .

A.bikes are popular in it

B.visitors can use free Wi-Fi in it

C.it is the same as the city of San Francisco

D.the library card is useful to the visitors

4.Tapia’s answer suggests that she       .

A.enjoys showing off by bike

B.shows impatience to the readers

C.is eager to make the readers happy

D.thinks libraries on bikes are practical



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