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Undoubtedly, the best way to prevent ill...

    Undoubtedly, the best way to prevent illnesses of the mind is to exercise the brain. Here’re some great exercises to sharpen your mind.

Never stop learning. 1. One way is to take classes online through websites like Coursera, org or Edx. org, where you can take courses from the top universities for free. Perhaps you would like to learn a new language. 2. There are wonderful language programs available through RosettaStone. com and Duolingo.com which offer many lessons to choose from.

Read something everyday. Reading itself is a wonderful brain exercise. Make a point to read something every day. It could be a newspaper, book, blog or magazine, but the more informative it is, the more of a workout it will be for your thinking cap. 3.

Exercise your body. Exercising your body affects your strength, mood and fitness. Exercise excites the nervous system and causes you to perform at a higher level.

4. Communicating with others on topics of common interest is a great workout. Talking about in-depth topics like headline news and political interests exercises your ability to pay attention and focus. There are always many like-minded people who enjoy the same hobbies or share the same beliefs.

Play games. The act of solving problems and figuring out puzzles is excellent for keeping your brain in shape. 5. Solving math equations or word puzzles, and even just a quick game of Bubble Witch will do wonders for your thinking processes.

A.Associate with others.

B.Refer to professionals.

C.If you are short on time, just read the dictionary.

D.Such exercises promoted the growth of new stem cells in humans.

E.It’ll encourage areas of the brain that will improve your native tongue too.

F.The great news is, there are so many possible ways of learning new things.

G.Whether you prefer Crossword or Sudoku, playing puzzles will help you stay sharp.


1.F 2.E 3.C 4.A 5.D 【解析】 这是一篇应用文。文章主要介绍了一些很好的锻炼可以使你的思维变得敏锐的方法。 1.根据本段主题句“Never stop learning.”可知,本段在话题为“不要停止学习”。且空后内容“One way is to take classes online through websites like Coursera, org or Edx. org, where you can take courses from the top universities for free.( 一种方法是通过Coursera、org或Edx等网站在线上课。在那里你可以免费学习顶尖大学的课程。)”提到了学习方法之一,那么设空句应是提及了学习方法的多样性。选项F. The great news is, there are so many possible ways of learning new things.(好消息是,学习新事物有很多可能的方法。)符合语境分析。故选F项。 2.设空处在段中,根据前一句“Perhaps you would like to learn a new language. (也许你想学一门新的语言。)”和后文“There are wonderful language programs available through RosettaStone. com andDuolingo, com which offer many lessons to choose from.( RosettaStone上有很多很棒的语言程序,有很多课程可供选择。)”可知,设空句应是与语言学习有关。选项E. It'll encourage areas of the brain that will improve your native tongue too.( 它会刺激大脑的某些区域,从而提高你的母语水平。)提到了语言学习的作用,其中句中的it与前一句中提及的“a new language”相呼应。故选E项。 3.根据本段主题句“Read something everyday.”可知,本段在讲述阅读对于大脑的利处。且设空处的前文“It could be a newspaper, book, blog or magazine, but the more informative it is, the more of a workout it will be for your thinking cap.”提及了阅读素材的选择。选项C“f you are short on time, just read the dictionary.(如果你时间不够,就去读字典。)”也是阅读素材之一。故选C项。 4.设空处为本段主题句。根据后一句内容“Communicating with others on topics of common interest is a great workout.( 与他人就共同感兴趣的话题进行交流是一项很好的锻炼。)”可知,本段在讲述与人交流。选项A“ Associate with others.( 与他人交往)”贴合主题。故选A项。 5.根据本段主题句“Play games.”可知,本段提及了做游戏对于大脑的有利之处。选项D “Such exercises promoted the growth of new stem cells in humans.( 这样的锻炼促进了人类新干细胞的生长。)”提到了这样对于大脑的好处,且句中的such exercises对应前一句“The act of solving problems and figuring out puzzles is excellent for keeping your brain in shape.”提及的“the act of solving problems and figuring out puzzles”。故选D项。

    It's October and you know what that means —the return of pumpkin Kit Kats, spooky (幽灵般的,怪异的)costumes for the kids and, of course, homemade Halloween treats. The whole spooky season leads up to tricks on October 31, but Halloween as we know it may be changing.

It's pretty common knowledge that Halloween takes place on October 31. For a lot of parents, it's a night of headaches. Sure enough, parents are fully occupied with an unforgettable Halloween party and have no time to be with the kids. Then the kids have to be dressed and out the door for two hours of trick-or-treating time, which can be tough to manage. Most remarkably, it's hard to pack all the holiday fun into a school night. Eating all that candy right before bed won't make for an easy school day the next morning.

Last year, a nonprofit organization called the Halloween and Costume Association(HCA) began a petition (请愿)to change the date of Halloween. They proposed that Halloween take place on the last Saturday of the month. Thus, parents can have time to celebrate it with their kids.

Though the petition started in 2018, it has really picked up steam this year. Right now, more than 148, 000 people have signed. When a quota(限额) of 150,000 signatures is met, the petition will be delivered to the President of the States, and the government will be making the final call.

Really, the petition isn't about breaking tradition but about making Halloween more family-friendly. It technically makes Halloween longer, so who wouldn't be taking about all-day spooks? If you'd like to sign the petition and make your voice heard before October, you can find it here.

1.What troubles parents most on Halloween?

A.They can't find the kids in the night. B.They have little time to prepare for it.

C.It's hard for kids to behave themselves. D.Halloween may take place on a school day.

2.The petition for Halloween is actually intended to____.

A.help kids gain more freedom B.create more parent-child time

C.allow parents to have a day off D.promote the event to a new level

3.What can be inferred about the petition?

A.No one desired to sign their name at first. B.It has been put aside by the government.

C.The US president thinks nothing of it. D.It has gained increasing favor.

4.What is the best title for the text?

A.Break the traditional barriers? B.Make Halloween Much Longer?

C.Celebrate it in another manner? D.Necessary to observe Halloween?



    The Internet has become part of modern life, bringing convenient services to everyone who can connect. While it seems hard to live without the Internet, it also brings new problems. For example, individuals, organizations and even governments can become targets of cyber attacks.

The past week marked China's sixth annual Cybersecurity Week, held from Sept 16 to 22 nationwide. The opening ceremony and major activities were held in Tianjin. First launched in 2014, the event was designed to raise public awareness of the importance of fighting online threats and cyber attacks. The theme of this year's event is "cybersecurity for the people and by the people".

The leaking (泄露)of personal information now stands out. " Efforts should be made to raise people's sense of fulfillment, happiness and security in cyberspace," said President Xi Jinping in an instruction for the event. "The country will safeguard the security of personal information and citizens' legal rights and interests in cyberspace. According to a report from the 2017 China Internet Security Conference, more than 90 percent of Android smartphones for sale in China contained serious safety bugs. Such flaws (缺陷)allow hackers to control entire phones and obtain the users' passwords, bank information and more.

To protect personal information, China issued its first cybersecurity law in June 2017. One key part of this law is meant to protect personal information. It rules that network operators are not allowed to leak, change or damage the personal information they gather. They are also not allowed to give personal information to others freely.

Apart from China, issuing laws to protect personal information and prevent junk electronic information is a common practice in other countries.

1.What is the purpose of the first paragraph?

A.To introduce the new Internet-based problems.

B.To show readers a new Internet-based trend.

C.To make a list of new cybercrimes online.

D.To call for protection of personal security.

2.What can be inferred from Paragraph 3?

A.Android smartphones sales are on the decrease.

B.Personal data protection comes into focus.

C.Netizens are sensitive to online information.

D.Nearly all smartphones contain security flaws.

3.Who does China's first cybersecurity law mainly intend to regulate?

A.Website designers. B.Illegal hackers.

C.Network operators. D.Internet-based companies.

4.What will be probably mentioned after the last paragraph?

A.Foreign practices to safeguard cybersecurity.

B.Countries producing laws of national security.

C.Effective ways to deal with personal security.

D.Advice on how to avoid leaking personal data.



    A bull bison(野牛)in Yellowstone National park charged at a 9-year-old Florida girl. Luckily, the girl was left with only relatively minor injuries. Eyewitnesses say that a group of around 50 people—including the unidentified girl—were standing within 5 ~ 10 feet of the bison for at least 20 minutes near Observation Point Trail before the animal decided to charge. "We saw through the trees some people petting the bison, super close,” Hailey Dayton, 18, an eyewitness who filmed the incident. " Because it was agitated by all the people and noise, it just attacked.''

In Yellowstone, there are about 4 ,500 bison, the nation's largest and most important bison population on public land. Yellowstone is the only place in the lower 48 states where free-ranging bison have lived continuously since prehistoric times, according to a statement from the National Park Service (NPS). The Yellowstone population is also significant for being one of the few herds(群)in the country that has not been inter- bred(杂交)with cattle.

While they feed primarily on grass, they can be aggressive if annoyed. " Stay 25 yards away from all large animals—bison, bighorn sheep, deer etc. —and at least 100 yards away from bears and wolves," the statement read. " If need be, turn around and go the other way to avoid interacting with a wild animal in a close distance. ”

Despite the presence of seemingly more dangerous animals such as bears and wolves, bison have injured more people in Yellowstone than any other creature. "This is what happens when you make fun of wildlife and pay no mind to an animal's personal space,'' Dayton wrote in a tweet. " This family was petting the buffalo before it charged. And as you can see the parents saved themselves over their daughter. That really put me off. ”

1.What does the underlined word "agitated" probably mean?

A.Amused. B.Released.

C.Comforted. D.Disturbed.

2.What is the second paragraph mainly about?

A.The remaining population of bison. B.What Yellowstone means to bison.

C.How bison survived the hardships. D.Bison's living conditions in Yellowstone.

3.What is the NPS statement in Paragraph 3 meant to do?

A.To warn people not to tease bison. B.To inform readers of some large animals.

C.To persuade readers to protect the wildlife. D.To urge people to give bison enough space.

4.What is Dayton 's attitude towards the family's act?

A.Positive. B.Pitiful.

C.Unfavorable. D.Admirable.



    As autumn sets in, cities around the globe turn their attention to art, architecture, and design with a wealth of exciting events worth traveling for.

New York City

October is a major month for architecture in New York, with Archtober New York ( October 1 31 ) and Open House New York ( October 12 ~ 14 ) taking place. Highlights of Archtober include National Design Week, and the Architecture and Design Film Festival. And Open House New York will open hundreds of sites for unique access, tours, and parties.


The Bangkok Art Bienniale will kick off on October 19 with events spread out along the famous sites along the Chao Praya River, including Wat Arun, Wat Pho, and Suan Lumpini Park. As part of the Biennial, the Marina Abramovic Institute will put on a new performance lasting for three weeks in mid-October.

Eindhoven, Netherlands

You've probably been to Amsterdam, but what about Eindhoven? The midsize Dutch city—home to the famous Design Academy Eindhoven —becomes a major destination every October for designers, when Dutch Design Week takes over. Across hundreds of locations around the city, Dutch Design Week will present works by more than 2 ,500 designers over the course of the week of October 20 28. It's also home to a booming design scene crowded with graduates of the Academy who have remained and set up studios.

Mexico City

Mexico's dynamic capital draws aesthetes(美学)and architecture fans all year long, but this October is an especially exciting time to go, as Mexico City is celebrating its status as the World Design Capital. Taking place October 10 ~ 14, Design Week Mexico will motivate the city's architects and designers around a series of events at cultural institutions like the Tamayo Museum, the National Museum, and Lincoln Park.

1.Which of the following events lasts for a month?

A.Archtober New York. B.Open House New York.

C.Bangkok Art Bienniale. D.Dutch Design Week.

2.What is special about Eindhoven?

A.It is a middle-sized European city.

B.It has some first-class universities.

C.It holds a noticeable design event every October.

D.It has produced many famous modem designers.

3.What is special for Mexico City this October?

A.It is observing its special status in the design field.

B.It houses many first-class museums.

C.It is celebrating its status as capital city.

D.It has produced many world-famous artists.




Last October, I took an early morning hike in the MadisonValley in southwest Montana. Knowing that bears are common throughout the area and not wanting to surprise one, I cried out, “Hey, bear!” every 30 seconds.

About three miles in, I stepped out into a grassland and shouted again. A few more steps and I spotted a grizzly bear with her cubs(幼崽) on the track at the upper end of the grassland. The bear saw me right away, and they all ran up the track. But then she stopped, turned, and charged straight for me. I yelled so she would know I was human and hopefully turned back. No such luck. I gave her a full charge of bear spray at about 25 feet. Her rush carried her right through the orange mist and onto me.

I dived face-first into the dirt and wrapped my arms around the back of my neck for protection. She was on top of me, biting my arms, shoulders and backpack. The force of each bite was like a sledgehammer(大锤) with teeth. Over and over she bit me. After what felt like hours but was merely minutes, she disappeared.

Shocked, I carefully picked myself up. I was able to walk, so I half hiked and half jogged back down the track toward my truck, three miles below. I had numerous bleeding wounds on my arms and shoulders, but I knew I would survive.

About five or ten minutes down the track, I heard a sound and turned. It was the grizzly bear down at 30 feet. I was lucky after the first attack, but could I survive a second?

Again I protected the back of my neck with my arms and kept tight against the ground to protect my face and eyes. She struck violently down on top of me and bit my shoulders and arms. My hands instantly went numb, and the wrists and fingers were limp and unusable. The sudden pain made me draw back and breathe noisily.


1. 所续写的短文的词数应为150左右;

2. 至少使用5个短文中标有下划线的关键词语;

3. 续写部分分为两段,每段开头语已为你写好;

4. 续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。

Paragraph 1:

I had to find the ways to defeat the bear.


Paragraph 2:

I raised my head and looked around.




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