满分5 > 高中英语试题 >






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

The other day, I together with several friends went back to a nearby hospital to do some voluntary works. We helped some patients cleaned their rooms and did everything we could serve them. I noticed a little girl between the patients. Though she was weak, yet she was lovely and active. He asked to sing a song for us in return for our kindness. Stood in front of us, she began to sing. Great to our surprise, her voice was so beautifully that it fascinated us all. After that, we had the talk with her. She told us that her wish was to become a singer. We encouraged her to follow her dream.


第一处;去掉back 第二处:works→work 第三处:cleaned→clean 第四处:在serve前加to 第五处:between→among 第六处:He→She 第七处:stood→standing 第八处:great→greatly 第九处:beautifully→beautiful 第十处:the→a 【解析】 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲了作者和几个小朋友去一家医院做志愿工作时,遇到了一个生病的小女孩,她的举动很令他们感动。 第一处;考查介词。句意:前几天,我和几个朋友一起去附近的医院做一些志愿工作。根据句意可知,go to意为“去……”,而go back to意为“回到”与题意不符,故将back去掉。 第二处:考查名词。句意:前几天,我和几个朋友一起去附近的医院做一些志愿工作。根据句意可知,work做“工作”讲时,是不可数名词,故将works改为work。 第三处:考查固定搭配。句意:我们帮助一些病人打扫他们的房间,尽我们所能服务他们。根据句意可知,help sb. do是固定搭配,意为“帮助某人做”,故将cleaned改为clean。 第四处:考查非谓语动词。句意:我们帮助一些病人打扫他们的房间,尽我们所能服务他们。分析句子结构可知,we could是定语从句修饰everything,再根据句意可知,to do是动词不定式表示目的,故在serve前加to。 第五处:考查介词。句意:我注意到病人中有一个小女孩。根据句意可知,between表示某人(物)在两个或者两个以上的为数不多的单独的人或物之间;而among表示某人(物)在一群人/一组人/一堆人或物中间,通常是三者以上,是不被单独看待的。句子中the patients指的是三者以上,故此处用among,故将between改为among。 第六处:考查代词。句意:她要求为我们唱首歌以回报我们的好意。根据句意可知,此处指代的是小女孩,要用she指代,故将He改为She。 第七处:考查非谓语动词。句意:站在我们前面,她开始唱歌。分析句子结构可知,此处用stand这个动作做逻辑主语she的伴随状语,且和逻辑主语之间是主动关系,故将stood改为standing。 第八处:考查副词。句意:令我们大为惊讶的是,她的声音如此动听,我们都听得入了迷。根据句意可知,much/greatly to one's + n. =to one's great+n.是固定搭配,意为“令某人怎么样的是”,故将great改为greatly。 第九处:考查形容词。句意:令我们大为惊讶的是,她的声音如此动听,我们都听得入了迷。分析句子结构可知,此处作表语,应使用形容词,故将beautifully改为beautiful。 第十处:考查固定搭配。句意:之后,我们和她谈了谈。根据句意可知,have a talk with sb.是固定搭配,意为“和……交谈”,故将the改为a。

    A grocery store owner in Japan recently paid $11,000 1. a bunch of grapes of the Ruby Roman(红宝石罗马葡萄) variety. He now plans 2. (put) them on display in his store and then give them away to a few lucky shoppers.

Special fruits 3. (be) a status symbol in Japan, sort of like rare wines in the Western world. It’s also customary to give high-quality fruits for some formal 4. (occasion) like weddings, business meetings or hospital visits. And there are specialized fruit shops selling only the rarest, most perfect products 5. are grown in special conditions to ensure they look and taste as good as possible.

The 30 grapes 6. (buy) by the store owner were the first of the  Ruby Roman variety harvested this season. They were the size of ping pong balls.

To be worthy of the Ruby Roman label (标签), grapes must not only weigh at least 20 grams 7..

also have a sugar content of at least 18%. They were 8. (introduce) to the Japanese fruit market in 2008 and their price has been going up 9. (sharp) ever since. Unsurprisingly, these grapes set a new record for the world’s 10. (expensive) grapes.



    It was the second time my tire had burst. This came after I _______ to find water at an abandoned station, where the caretaker _______ my bottles from his own water supply.

After _______ several miles under the burning sun, I _______ my hand and eventually a truck _______. An old local and two Moroccans got out and _______ me to squeeze in. At last they stopped in front of a garage.

“Do you know where I can get something to _______?” I asked the old man. I had not yet eaten that day and was hungry.

“Nothing for miles”, was his reply, followed by an _______ to drive me somewhere. I agreed, so I left my bike at his office and jumped into a car parked outside.

“I _______ pick anyone up.” He told me. “You are the first.”

“We ________ have a name for people like you.” I said. “You’re called Road Angels.”

He smiled.

We stopped in front of a ________. As we ate, the sky grew dark and ________ with clouds. He dropped me back to the garage, where the workers couldn’t, repair my bike. The driver turned up just in ________ to once again ________ the day. “I have found a shop that sells ________ tubes and tires. I can take you there.” I jumped into his car, at the same moment a heavy rain poured down.

A ________ tire and two tubes later, the storm had rolled over. I ________ my angel and continued my journey.

Throughout the ________ ride, I found goodness and ________ everywhere. People went out of their way to help whenever I needed assistance. I hoped I would be able to ________ a little of the same kindness to whoever in trouble.

1.A.planned B.volunteered C.determined D.managed

2.A.picked up B.sorted out C.took out D.filled up

3.A.walking B.riding C.driving D.running

4.A.took back B.stuck out C.set down D.looked at

5.A.drove by B.broke down C.turned up D.pulled up

6.A.invited B.forced C.commanded D.arranged

7.A.wear B.watch C.eat D.visit

8.A.announcement B.offer C.answer D.excuse

9.A.always B.often C.never D.sometimes

10.A.drivers B.motorists C.athletes D.cyclists

11.A.restaurant B.station C.market D.harbor

12.A.packed B.heavy C.filled D.familiar

13.A.turn B.time C.return D.case

14.A.save B.call C.witness D.complete

15.A.car B.truck C.bicycle D.carriage

16.A.long B.worn C.free D.new

17.A.dropped B.visited C.thanked D.entertained

18.A.entire B.helpless C.fancy D.future

19.A.competence B.responsibility C.generosity D.honesty

20.A.react to B.pass on C.get across D.show off



Ways to Be Happy in Life

Happiness is very important. If you are not happy, life can become meaningless. What can you do to be happy? Here are several ways to help.


Having things to expect helps keep you positive and happy. It might be a holiday you’ve booked, or a concert. Make sure you regularly provide yourself with things that you desire to do.

2.Have a laugh.

Laughter is fantastic medicine for the soul. Seek out people who is humorous and make you laugh. Avoid those negative people. Watch some funny films. Learn to laugh at yourself and things around you. _______.


Through millions of years of evolution, we are designed to work physically harder than most of us do. This leaves us with extra unburned energy.

_______ This could be the gym, swimming, playing tennis etc. Exercise also produces some feel-good chemical substance (物质) in your body, leaving you feeling great afterwards.

4.Watch your stress levels.

Stress is harmful to your health. _______ Can you off-load some responsibility? Maybe talk to your boss about getting some help? If things can’t be improved, then consider finding a new job.

5.Don’t be a people pleaser.

___5___ Learn to say no to people who ask for too much. Do things that make you happy, even if people in your life don’t approve. As long as it isn’t harming anyone else, then chase what you feel you want to do.

A.Find exercise that you enjoy.

B.Have things to look forward to.

C.Life shouldn’t be taken so seriously.

D.Some exercise can make people excited.

E.And too much stress can lead to some deadly diseases.

F.If your job is stressful, consider ways to reduce this stress.

G.Although it’s good to do favors for others, only do them when you want to.



    An image is worth a thousand kilos? Okay, so maybe not a thousand kilos, exactly, but a study shows how a photo diary can keep dieters motivated, making them more likely to achieve their target weight.

Elias Kuzmar Daza, a medical professional from Colombia, studied the motivation levels of patients on weight loss programs at a nutrition clinic.

Different measurements were taken of the patients each week, including body mass index (指标) food and exercise diaries, etc. to record their progress. In addition, full-body photographs were taken each week, which proved to be very motivating and a key factor in patients completing the full program.

Over the course of the sixteen-week program, a full ninety percent of patients, aged between 16 and 72, saw the treatment through to the end, with seventy percent successfully meeting their weight loss aims. Among those monitored, one measurement proved particularly motivating: waistline.

This finding indicates that the majority of the patients who attended the clinic did so motivated by image, rather than any underlying condition. It should be pointed out that eighty percent of them were female.

Another useful finding of this study was that patients did not necessarily need to attend the clinic in person for the program to be effective. A support line was set up, which patients could call to submit their measurements. They also took and sent their own full-body photographs to the researcher. Fifty percent of patients completed the program in this way.

Summarizing the findings, Kuzmar says: “What patients want is a photo, rather than cold numbers.” These photos serve as visual confirmation that all their hard work is paying off, encouraging them on to further weight loss.

1.What is the purpose of the study?

A.To show losing weight is very easy.

B.To compare several ways to lose weight.

C.To prove the effect of images in weight losing.

D.To see how many people can lose weight successfully.

2.How many patients in the clinic reached their weight-loss goals?

A.50%. B.70%.

C.80%. D.90%.

3.What can give people most motivation when they are trying to lose weight?

A.Friends’ encouragement. B.Others’ strong muscles.

C.Their slimmer waistline. D.Their standard blood pressure.

4.What must the patients do to complete the weight-loss program?

A.Go to the clinic every week.

B.Call to submit their measurements.

C.Report to the professional every day.

D.Take full-body photographs each week.



    Boxwars is a fast-growing entertainment phenomenon that takes the childhood pastime of playing with cardboard boxes to a whole new level. Participants use cardboard to create weapons, trucks, tanks, huge animals and so on. Then they put on monumental battle shows during which every creation is completely destroyed!

Boxwars is the brainchild of Australian friends Hoss Siegel and Ross Koger, who came up with it nearly a decade ago over drinks. They did it at a party and had a great time, and then they decided to do it again.

With each new boxwar party, the suits and structures became more and more carefully prepared until they couldn't fit in their back gardens any more. So they moved the party to a local park on Boxing Day 2002, and people who were having barbecues at the park rushed over to watch them. And that's when they realized that their silly games actually had huge entertainment value.

That was the beginning of Boxwars. They go to the same spot every year on Boxing day.

Today, Boxwars builds complex structures for each themed battle. The sport has expanded beyond Boxing Day — it is now a part of nearly every major festival or event in Australia and around the world.

Boxwars is now run by the Boxwars Council, and has lots of fans across the globe. “One of our main aims is to bring cardboard back to the consumers who deserted it in the first place without realising its true potential,” the official website states. “Cardboard, or the street name ‘box’, we quickly discovered had brilliant properties for engineering. The limits of scale and awesomeness were continuously pushed to greater commanding heights with the development of our skills with this great thing.”

1.What can we infer about Boxwars?

A.America is its birthplace.

B.It is considered to be a waste of money.

C.Its first appearance was on Boxing Day 2002.

D.All the weapons made for it will be destroyed.

2.What is a main purpose mentioned in the text to run Boxwars?

A.To prepare people for possible war.

B.To exercise children’s ability of using hands.

C.To make people realize the use of deserted box.

D.To provide a chance to satisfy people's curiosity.

3.What did Hoss Siegel and Ross Koger think of their idea of Boxwars at first?

A.Significant and popular. B.Fun but foolish.

C.Interesting but expensive. D.Challenging but beneficial.

4.What might be the best title for the text?

A.Boxwars — a creative design B.Boxwars — a popular game

C.Boxwars — a new kind of box D.Boxwars — a fierce competition



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