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A shark moving around the coastline is n...

    A shark moving around the coastline is normally a worrying sightbut this waterborne drone(无人机)threatens floating rubbish instead of people.

Developed by Dutch company RanMarine, the WasteShark takes nature as its inspiration with its whale shark-like mouth. Responsible for collecting waste, the drone will begin operations in Dubai Marina in November after a year of trials with local partner Ecocoast.

According to RanMarine, the WasteShark is available in both autonomous and remote-controlled models. Measuring just over five feet by three-and-a-half feet(1.5 meters by 1.1 meter)it can carry up to 352 pounds of rubbish(159.6 kg)and has an operational battery life of 16 hours.

By 2016 there were approximately 150 million tons of plastic in the world's oceans. One paper from December 2014 estimated that over a quarter of a million tons of ocean plastic pollution was afloat.

"WasteShark also has the abilities to gather air and water quality data, remove chemicals out of the water such as oiland heavy metalsand scan the seabed to read its depth and outlines"said Oliver Cunningham, one of the co-founders of RanMarine. "Fitted with a collision-avoidance system, the drone uses laser imaging detection and ranging technology to detect an object in its path and stop or back up if the object approaches."

"Our drones are designed to move through a water system, whether it's around the perimeter(周边) or through the city itself. The drones are that last line of defense between the city and the open ocean," added Cunningham. "WasteSharks are operating in Dubai, South Africa and the Netherlands and cost $ 17,000 for the remote-controlled model and just under $ 23,000 for the autonomous model."

Dubai-based operator Ecocoast has two WasteShark drones. Co-founder Dana Liparts says they will clean waterfronts for clients including hotels and environmental authorities and that Ecocoast' intention is to have the collected rubbish recycled or upcycled. However, Liparts argues that cleaning waterways doesn't have a one-size-fits-all solution and requires a combination of new technology, preventative measures and changing people's attitudes towards littering.

1.What do we know about the WasteShark?

A. It can frighten sharks away. B. It is an ocean explorer.

C. It is a rubbish collector. D. It can catch fish instead of people.

2.What does Paragraph 4 mainly tell us?

A. The causes of ocean pollution. B. The dangers of using plastics.

C. The severity of ocean garbage pollution. D. The importance of ocean protection.

3.What will the WasteShark do with an approaching object?

A. Avoid crashing into it. B. Break it into pieces.

C. Swallow it. D. Fly over it.

4.Which of the following ideas does Liparts agree with?

A. The WasteShark should be used more widely.

B. More measures should be taken to make water clean.

C. The production cost of WasteSharks should be reduced.

D. People should take a positive attitude to new technology.


1.C 2.C 3.A 4.B 【解析】 本文属于说明文,介绍一种水上无人机可以用于清理浮在水面上的垃圾。 1.细节理解题。根据第二段Responsible for collecting waste, the drone will begin operations in Dubai Marina in November after a year of trials with local partner Ecocoast.可知,这种无人机是用来清理垃圾的,故选C。 2.主旨大意题。根据第四段By 2016 there were approximately 150 million tons of plastic in the world's oceans. One paper from December 2014 estimated that over a quarter of a million tons of ocean plastic pollution was afloat.可知,预计到2016年,海洋里会有1.5亿吨垃圾,估计约有25万吨垃圾漂浮在海洋上,故可知,本段主要讲述海洋垃圾的严重性,故选C。 3.细节理解题。根据第五段Fitted with a collision-avoidance system, the drone uses laser imaging detection and ranging technology to detect an object in its path and stop or back up if the object approaches."可知,配备防碰撞系统,无人机使用激光来探测物体,用测距技术来探测前方是否有物体,如果探测到物体,无人机就会停下来或者后退,故选A。 4.推理判断题。根据最后一段However, Liparts argues that cleaning waterways doesn't have a one-size-fits-all solution and requires a combination of new technology, preventative measures and changing people's attitudes towards littering.可知,这种无人机并非解决水上垃圾污染的万全之策,需要多措并举,才能达到目的,故选B。

    It can be tough to pull kids away from their computers and mobile devices these days. While they' re playing games, wouldn't it be great if they could be learning at the same time? Good educational apps offer fun challenges that teach specific grade - level skills. Here are four that combine fun and learning.

Understanding Math ( $ 3.99 iOS)

Understanding Math goes beyond basic comprehension to gain a deeper understanding of the whys and hows of math. The app tracks your child's progress to determine strengths and weaknesses in different skill areas, and you can customize (订制) your child's learning experience to suit the needs.

Word Creativity Kit ( $2.99 iOS)

Word Creativity Kit aims not only to make creative writing fun but also build up grammar rules. The app presents a series of words from seven categories, such as space or fantasy. Kids add their own words to finish the complete thoughts that these words have inspired.

Barefoot World Atlas ( $4.99 iOS)

Barefoot World Atlas helps kids learn about geography and world cultures with a touch of the screen. Each region features a set of sub - topics, from wildlife and natural features to native people ,landmarks, and architecture. These facts and illustrations are delivered in photographs, sounds, and hundreds of mini videos.

My Grades & Homework ( $0.99 iOS)

A combination of grades and homework tracker, My Grades & Homework can help your child stay organized and on top of the progress in school. A convenient calendar and course list format and offer a glance at your child' s assignment schedule that he or she might not normally get from standard homework planners.

1.Which app is beneficial to children's writing skills?

A.Understanding Math. B.Word Creativity Kit.

C.Barefoot World Atlas. D.My Grades Homework.

2.What is the common part of the four apps?

A.They need purchasing when downloaded.

B.They help children improve their grades.

C.They make studies fun because of mini videos.

D.They inform parents of their children's progress.

3.What is the purpose of the text?

A.To wish readers to bing in more similar apps for children.

B.To encourage parents to allow their students to play apps.

C.To design the educational apps to combine fun and learning.

D.To introduce four educational apps for readers to buy and use.




I’m originally from Orange County, California, where I had the pleasure and honor of serving as a Newport Beach ocean lifeguard for five seasons. Whenever I could, I got shifts working the Point. If you wanted to save lives, that's where you worked. The Point was known for its massive rip currents((激流)

So, late in a shift, I was working Tower 15. Two blocks to my right was another guard named Mike, working Tower 17. I'd known Mike for a number of years. Mike had a rough upbringing. You can tell just by looking at him. He has a number of really frightening tattoos (纹身)and his bald head shows the scar he got from a broken beer bottle. Maybe he wasn't the friendliest guard on the beach. I admit, I didn't really get along with Mike. But everything he lacked in friendly appearance and social skills, he more than made up for in lifesaving ability.

He called me over the phone and said, “Hey, I got a couple kids. I gotta go give’ em a warning. Keep an eye on us. “

I said, “Sure, “ and hung up.

Anytime you get out of your tower, you're supposed to let somebody else know, in case a situation develops. And sure enough, as soon as he hung up the phone, a rip was snapped up under these two kids, and they're getting sucked out. Mike saw it before it's happening, and he's running full speed toward the ocean. I scanned the water. All I saw was two small. noses bobbing (上下浮动)in the water.

I dropped my binos(望远镜)and I called in and said,” “Double rescue 17-he's out. I'm going. “ Mike was already punching through the surf line. By now, the mother of the two kids realized what's happening. She's on her feet and screaming.

Paragraph 1:

Mike reached the kids-a brother and sister around eight or nine years old


Paragraph 2:

Then the mother glanced back and got her first good look at Mike, as well as his tattoos.














Researchers examined the benefits of singing among people with mental health conditions 1. (include) anxiety and depression.

They found people who took part in a community singing group improved their mental health and that the combination of singing and socialising was an important part of 2. (recover).

The grassroots action runs weekly singing workshops for the people 3. mental health conditions as well as the general public. It 4. (original) began at a hospital in 2005, 5. afterwards moved into the community. Around 120 people now attend four free workshops each week across Norfolk, two thirds of 6. have had contact with mental health services.

The research project followed the group for six months and 7. (undertake) interviews and focus groups with participants, organisers, and workshop 8. (leader).

The report shows how singing and socialising gave participants 9. feeling of belonging and wellbeing that often lasted a day or 10. (many), as well as improved social skills and confidence.



Running for a Dream

I will never forget that November day. It was hotter than normal. This was the _______ my father and I had waited so long for, because we had been working towards this race for three years. Dozens of familiar faces from church and school flashed across my view. They had come for me. I saw worry and excitement on my father’s face. Then the race began!

For the first two and a half miles I felt _______ . I had never before been so ready for something. The weeks leading up to the race were filled with controlled _______and a strict diet. My friends hadn’t seen me in weeks, but they understood the _______ required to make my dream a reality. As in all of my races, I didn’t _______ out in the front, I loved the pleasure of passing people as my strength overtook their premature speed.

Then without warning, my strength began to decrease. Neck and neck with one of my greatest competitors, I could see the finish line. I had begun the final dash into _______ when my knees became weak and my legs gave way. Nothing I could do would make them _______ weight.

I watched as runners rushed by me. Although I knew my dreams of victory were destroyed, I had to finish the race. However, my legs hurt badly. With all of the _______ left in me, I got on my hands and knees and crawled(), inch by inchacross the finish line. Voices, both _______ and familiar, cheered me on. They gave me the courage to keep __________ until the very end.

The doctors were there in seconds, but my eyes searched the crowd for him. There was only one person I wanted to __________ to. I whispered, “I’m so sorry, Dad, I’m so sorry I __________ you.” He looked at me, saying, “You could never disappoint me. Sometimes these things just happen . All that matters is that you did your best.”

“But we worked so __________ . What about our dream?” He reached over for my hand and said, “Don’t you know that you are my dream and it has come true?”

It wasn’t long before my running shoes were back on, marking a __________ path for my journey, I learned that all of the miles, the tears, the sweat, and the pain my dad and I experienced together were not for a __________ . What I realized, though, was that to him, I was the greatest prize he had ever won.

1.A.dream B.weather C.result D.day

2.A.proud B.great C.nervous D.afraid

3.A.programs B.studies C.instructions D.practices

4.A.sacrifice B.potential C.patience D.attention

5.A.look B.move C.start D.come

6.A.relief B.spirit C.pleasure D.glory

7.A.give B.feel C.hold D.add

8.A.trust B.emotion C.strength D.confidence

9.A.loud B.foreign C.soft D.firm

10.A.going B.running C.fighting D.training

11.A.refer B.talk C.listen D.agree

12.A.frightened B.disturbed C.disappointed D.bored

13.A.late B.hard C.closely D.quickly

14.A.new B.near C.rough D.narrow

15.A.wish B.duty C.rank D.race



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