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Sports are fun, and children keep health...

    Sports are fun, and children keep healthy while playing with others. However, sometimes playing sports can have ______ effects on children. It may produce feelings of ______ self-respect or aggressive behavior in some children. Many children say they have been ______ at or called names while playing sports. This leaves many children with a bad ______ of sports. They think sports are just too ______.

Many researchers believe adults are the ______ cause of too much aggression in children’s sports and they are to blame. They believe children watch the aggressive adult behavior and ______ it. This behavior is then further ______ from one child to another. Parents and coaches are powerful teachers because children ______ look up to them. Often these adults ______ aggressively themselves, sending children the message that ______ is everything. Many parents go to children’s sporting events and shout insults at other players or cheer when their child behaves_______. What’s worse, children are also taught that hurting other players is ______ or are pushed to continue playing even when they are injured. In addition, children watch adult sports games and see violent behavior replayed over and over on television.

_____ it comes to how to solve this problem, parents and coaches in particular should act as better ______ to children. They also need to teach children better ______ of life. They should not just ______ when children win or act aggressively. Besides, children should not be allowed to continue to play when they are _____. If adults ______ children to play when injured, this gives the message that ______ is not as important as winning.

1.A.native B.negative C.active D.instructive

2.A.poor B.high C.special D.unusual

3.A.knocked B.glanced C.smiled D.shouted

4.A.impression B.conclusion C.taste D.expectation

5.A.curious B.violent C.passive D.pleasant

6.A.common B.main C.indirect D.different

7.A.question B.understand C.copy D.ignore

8.A.proved B.recovered C.spread D.benefited

9.A.hardly B.seldom C.never D.usually

10.A.behave B.communicate C.argue D.blame

11.A.winning B.practicing C.enjoyment D.sport

12.A.proudly B.gently C.aggressively D.bravely

13.A.acceptable B.capable C.possible D.enjoyable

14.A.While B.Where C.How D.When

15.A.guides B.examples C.roles D.Partners

16.A.methods B.standards C.values D.directions

17.A.comfort B.cheer C.scold D.celebrate

18.A.lost B.tired C.hated D.injured

19.A.force B.order C.forbid D.permit

20.A.performance B.training C.health D.spirit


1.B 2.A 3.D 4.A 5.B 6.B 7.C 8.C 9.D 10.A 11.A 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.B 16.C 17.B 18.D 19.D 20.C 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。人们认为孩子们应该运动,但是运动对孩子们也有许多消极影响。在运动的过程中我们面临的严重问题是孩子们会产生自尊心不强感或导致某些儿童的攻击性行为,会给孩子们带来伤害。许多研究人员相信,成年人,特别是父母和教练,是造成儿童在运动中具备太多攻击性的主要原因。作者看来父母和教练应该为孩子树立良好的榜样,使孩子们的身心得到健康的发展。 1.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:然而,有时运动对孩子有负面影响。A. native本地的;B. negative负面的,消极的;C. active活跃的;D. instructive有益的。根据后文or aggressive behavior可知此处讲的是运动对孩子的负面影响,故选B。 2.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:孩子们会产生自尊心不强感或导致某些儿童的攻击性行为。A. poor差的,贫穷的;B. high高的;C. special特别的;D. unusual不寻常的。根据or aggressive behavior in some children可知,孩子们会产生自尊心不强感或导致某些儿童的攻击性行为。poor self-respect 与 aggressive behavior感情色彩一致。故选A。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:许多孩子说他们在做运动的时候被人吼过或骂过。A. knocked敲;B. glanced瞥见;C. smiled危险;D. shouted叫喊。通过下文的call names(骂人)和or可知该答案应与call names并列,故选D。 4.考查名词词义辨析。句意;运动给许多孩子留下了不良的印象。A. impression印象;B. conclusion结论;C. taste品味;D. expectation期待。因为在运动时的不好经历,运动给许多儿童留下了不良的印象(impression),故选A。 5.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:他们认为体育运动太暴力了。A. curious好奇的;B. violent暴力的;C. passive被动的;D. pleasant快乐的。据前文提到的aggressive(有攻击性的)一词可知,孩子们认为运动很暴力(violent),故选B。 6.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:许多研究人员认为,成年人是儿童在体育运动中表现出过多攻击性的主要原因,他们应该对此负责。A. common普通的;B. main主要的;C. indirect间接的;D. different不同的。由第二段 they are to blame可知,教练和家长对小孩在运动中的暴力行为负主要责任,也就是他们是小孩攻击性行为的主要原因(main cause),故选B。 7.考查动词词义辨析。句意:他们认为孩子们会观察并模仿成人的攻击性行为。A. question质疑;B. understand理解;C. copy模仿,复制;D. ignore忽视。根据 watch the aggressive adult behavior可知,研究人员认为儿童看了他们父母的攻击性行为,然后就开始模仿(copy),故选C。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这种行为会进一步从一个孩子传播到另一个孩子。A. proved证明;B. recovered恢复;C. spread传播;D. benefited受益。根据常识可以判断出,这种攻击性行为在儿童之间又进一步传播/扩散(spread),故选C。 9.考查副词词义辨析。句意:父母和教练是强有力的老师,因为孩子们通常都很尊敬他们。A. hardly几乎不;B. seldom很少;C. never从不;D. usually通常。结合上文Parents and coaches are powerful teachers because children可知,父母和教练对小孩的影响很大,因为孩子们通常(usually)很尊敬他们。故选D。 10.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这些成年人经常表现得咄咄逼人,给孩子们传递了这样的信息:赢就是一切。A. behave行为,表现;B. communicate交流;C. argue争论;D. blame责备。结合上文aggressive adult behavior,可知有时父母的行为举止(behave)也带有攻击性,故选A。 11.考查动词词义辨析。句意:这些成年人经常表现得咄咄逼人,给孩子们传递了这样的信息:赢就是一切。A. winning赢,获胜;B. practicing练习;C. enjoyment享受;D. sport运动。据下文提到的小孩受伤了,父母还是允许他们继续比赛可知,他们给孩子传达一个信息:获胜(winning)至上,故选A。 12.考查副词词义辨析。句意:许多父母去参加孩子的体育赛事,当孩子表现出攻击性时,他们会对其他运动员大声辱骂或欢呼。A. proudly傲慢地;B. gently轻轻地;C. aggressively攻击地,侵略地;D. bravely勇敢地。由parents shout insults可知,当小孩在运动中攻击(behave aggressively)别人的时候,他们的父母也会欢呼喝彩。故选C。 13.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:更糟糕的是,孩子们还被教导说,伤害其他球员是可以接受的,或者即使他们受伤了也要继续比赛。A. acceptable可接受的;B. capable有能力的;C. possible可能的;D. enjoyable快乐的。根据are pushed to continue playing even when they are injured可知,更糟糕的是,父母甚至教导他们的小孩,伤害其他选手也是可以接受的(acceptable),故选A。 14.考查连词辨析。句意:当谈到如何解决这个问题时,父母和教练尤其应该给孩子们做更好的榜样。A. While在……期间;B. Where在哪里;C. How如何;D. When当……时候。本句考查固定句型When it comes to sth./doing sth.表示“当涉及到……”。故选D。 15.考查名词词义辨析。句意;当谈到如何解决这个问题时,父母和教练尤其应该给孩子们做更好的榜样。A. guides指南;B. examples榜样;C. roles角色;D. Partners伙伴。根据 They also need to teach children better 16 of life可知,谈到如何预防儿童在运动中发生暴力行为,家长和教练应该为小孩树立一个好榜样(examples)。故选B。 16.考查名词词义辨析。句意;他们还需要教导孩子们更好的生活价值观。A. methods方法;B. standards标准;C. values价值观念;D. directions方向。同时他们也应该教会儿童什么才是人生更好的价值观(value)。故选C。 17.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当孩子们获胜时,他们不应该只是欢呼或表现得咄咄逼人。A. comfort安慰;B. cheer欢呼;C. scold责骂;D. celebrate庆祝。根据第二段cheer when their child behaves中可知此处指孩子获胜时,家长为之欢呼。故选B。 18.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:此外,当孩子们受伤时,不应该允许他们继续玩。A. lost茫然的;B. tired疲惫的;C. hated憎恨;D. injured受伤的。第二段提到…are pushed to continue playing even when they are injured,因此此处应该是讲当小孩受伤(injured)时,不应该让他们继续比赛。同时,下一句children to play when injured也揭示了答案。故选D。 19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果成年人允许儿童在受伤时玩耍,这就传达了一个信息:健康并不像获胜那么重要。A. force迫使;B. order命令;C. forbid禁止;D. permit允许。承接上文家长不该让受伤的孩子继续比赛,可知假如家长允许(permit)小孩在受伤的情况下还坚持参加运动,这就透露出一条信息:比起健康,赢得比赛更重要。故选D。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意;如果成年人允许儿童在受伤时玩耍,这就传达了一个信息:健康并不像获胜那么重要。A. performance表演;B. training训练;C. health健康;D. spirit精神。injured和身体的健康(health)有关。故选C。

Public Speaking

Public speaking can be defined as the act of making a speech in front of a group of listeners.

The types of public speaking are deliberately structured with three general purposes: to inform, to persuade and to entertain. An informative speech has a purpose to inform, or give knowledge to its audience. 1.For persuasive speech, the speaker would try to change the mindset, perception, or behavior of the audience for their own good. Thus, the speaker needs to look for common ground with the audience and try to relate to what they might agree on. The last type is a ceremonial speech. It tends to be less formal and more personal than the other types of speeches. No matter how well you know the person you are giving speech about, try not to say bad things about them, even if it is meant to be a joke.

2.Sparing some time to practice will help build confidence and help determine how long the presentation will last. Aside from it, knowing who the audience will be is quite necessary. Try to get as much information as possible regarding this particular area related to the audience. Knowing the “battlefield” in advance will give the speakers a huge advantage.

Language is the main aspect a speaker needs to pay attention to while giving a speech.

3.A speaker needs to choose their words carefully and make it clear to the audience what they mean. Often, when given a speech, the audience look up to the speaker to give them something new and useful.  4.Language and delivery alone will not be sufficient if the speaker does not have the body language. The movement and gesture of a speaker also affect the audience. While closing the speech or presentation, speakers can restate their main points, just to remind the audience of the important things that have been said. 5.

A. It needs to be used clearly.

B. These speeches mark special occasions.

C. The important thing to watch about is not to put in too much information.

D. The key of perfecting anything is through practice, including public speaking.

E. They can also end it with a special message and encourage the audience to ask questions.

F. Knowing how public speaking is done is a key part in understanding the importance of it.

G. Thus, the speaker needs to know how to deliver their speech to fulfill the audience‟s expectation.



    Food experts say washing could spread the germs on your turkey in the kitchen sink or nearby food. But it's been a challenge trying to convince cooks to stop rinsing (冲洗)off raw poultry. Germs that can make people sick are common in the guts of healthy poultry and are legally allowed to be on raw turkey and chicken. The assumption is that nobody eats their poultry raw, and that thorough cooking will kill the bacteria.

The do — not — wash raw poultry advice from the USDA is relatively new and perhaps hasn't caught on because it goes against the common belief that washing makes things clean, said Chapman. Benjamin Chapman, a study author and food safety expert at North Carolina State University, said the instinct to wash raw poultry goes back at least decades when people relied more on visual clues to spot problems with poultry. Meanwhile, washing hands and surfaces are also important.

But food preparation is a complicated act, and germs from poultry can be spread even if it's not washed, especially when birds are removed from packaging.

The USDA-funded study stresses that point. Researchers sprayed raw chicken with a harmless strain of E. coli (大肠杆菌)and watched volunteer cooks at test kitchens. Among those who washed their raw chicken, about a quarter ended up spreading the bacteria to their lettuce. But even some of those who did not rinse the chicken got germs on the lettuce. And there are other opportunities for germs to survive on turkeys: melting and cooking.

To ensure a bird is thoroughly cooked, they say to use a thermometer to check that the deepest and thickest parts of it have reached 165 degrees. Even after the meal is cooked, you aren't out of the danger zone. To keep turkeys and other leftovers safe, experts say they should be refrigerated after two hours.

1.People don't accept USDA's advice because____.

A.the advice is relatively new

B.cleaning seems more trustworthy

C.cooks clean the turkey before cooking it

D.heat can kill most germs and no one eats raw food

2.What can be concluded from Paragraph 4?

A.Food packages carry germs.

B.Hands and surfaces are easy to get E. coli.

C.Germs from a turkey can be spread whether it is washed or not.

D.Multiple methods should be applied to food to get rid of germs.

3.Which way may help to cook a turkey safely?

A.Rinse off the turkey before it is heated.

B.Keep the turkey away from the lettuce and refrigerator.

C.Wash hands and packages before taking out the turkey.

D.Use a thermometer to check the temperature of the turkey.

4.From which section of a magazine is the text probably taken?

A.Culture. B.Science.

C.Education. D.Medicine.



    With all the wars, fighting and sadness in the world today, it's not only necessary, but also essential to have a good sense of humor just to help us get through each and every day of our lives. Putting a smile on someone's face when you know they are feeling down in the dump, makes me feel good and warms my heart.

How would you feel if you could not joke around with your wife, husband, child, co- workers, neighbors, close friends, or even just someone that you are standing in line with at your corner store? I am always saying things that make others smile or laugh, even if I don't know the person I'm joking around with. My Grandma always found humor in everything she did, even if it was the hardest job anyone could imagine. This not only relieves stress in any situation, but also is common courtesy(礼貌) to speak to others that are around you.

I know of a few people that don't have a funny bone in their bodies, as they say. Everyone around them could be rolling on the floor after hearing a great joke and they would sit there without the slightest smile on their face. They don't get the joke that makes others laugh. I am busting a gut while they just sit there, looking at me as if I were from outer space. How can people not get a really funny joke?

Laughing is essential to keep your stress levels under control. Without humor we would find ourselves with a lot of psychological problems, or on a lot of medications to keep us from going crazy. There is too much sadness in this present world. It drives people crazy. We all need to find a way to ignore the sadness and bring a little light into our lives. SoI believe our best medicine is to get together and tell some jokes and have some fun laughing together.

1.From the second paragraph, we can know that ________.

A.the author used to be polite

B.the author's grandma is humorous

C.we should relieve stress in any situation

D.family members should play tricks on each other

2.The underlined phrase ''busting a gut'' in the Paragraph 3 can be replaced by ''________''.

A.explaining carefully B.speaking loud

C.keeping silent D.laughing hard

3.By writing the passage, the author mainly intends to ________.

A.talk about his own understanding of humor

B.encourage people to be humorous in daily life

C.introduce a practical way to get through daily life

D.convince people of the power of being optimistic about life



    The preventive measures for forest fires include some preemptive(抢先)methods that can help reduce the risks of fires and control their severity and spread, and thus, maintain ecological balance and protect resources. Close monitoring of forest fires caused by natural factors can help prevent their spread to a large extent. To contain forest fires, fire departments usually use water and chemical fire retardants(抑制剂) that can be dropped from planes and helicopters. To control the spread of a wildfire, firefighters usually create a control line by removing all fuel from an area so that the fire cannot travel across it.

Controlled burns are often employed by government authorities to reduce fuel buildup, and clean up the fallen leaves, and thus, prevent the spread of forest fires to a vast area. Regular controlled burns can also help maintain biodiversity(生物多样性), as the smoke and heat produced in the process can facilitate(促进) the growth of seeds of certain plant species. Apart from these, responsible human behavior can help reduce the number of forest fires to a great extent. In fact, we can reduce the number of wildfires dramatically by not leaving behind any source of fire in the forest.

Forest fires can affect climate and weather to a great extent, besides causing severe damage to valuable trees. Wildfires can increase the level of greenhouse gases(water vapor, carbon dioxide, etc), and therefore increase pollution and global warming. However, they are also an important part of the ecosystem, and many plants depend on the heat and smoke generated by wildfires for their growth and reproduction. But large wildfires can cause extensive damage to the ecosystem, which again highlights the importance of effective control and prevention of forest fires.

1.What may be the best title for this passage?

A.Control and Prevention of Forest Fires B.How to Keep Ecological Balance

C.Effects of Forest Fires D.Methods of Fire Spread Control

2.Firefighters get rid of all fuel in all area in order to ____________

A.keep close monitoring of forest fires B.prevent the forest fire from occurring

C.protect the animals there D.stop the wildfire from spreading

3.The government arranges some controlled burns to_______________

A.burn the rubbish and keep the forest clean

B.help keep ecological balance of nature

C.reduce fuel building up and limit forest fires spread.

D.provide reasonable conditions for some plants’ growth.

4.A controlled forest fire may play a positive role because ________________.

A.a new forest will appear soon.

B.it promotes the development of some seeds

C.nature keeps its balance only by wildfires.

D.it makes the trees grow faster than before.



Traditions of giving middle names vary around the world.


Middle names are actually a fairly recent discovery in Scotland. However, as the practice has become popular around the world, it has become pretty common for Scottish babies to have middle names. Because last names in Scotland are generally associated with their family roots, and first names usually describe a physical characteristic, many parents see a middle name as an opportunity to give their baby a slightly more creative name.

Spain and Latin America

In Spain and Latin America, a middle name is a way to break free from the cultural code governing first names. In some countries, even first names are legislated(立法) to be of Christian origin. In Chile, most girls are named Maria, after the Virgin Mary, so the middle name is used in practice for differentiation. Maria is the most common name in the Spanish-speaking world, so in all Spanish-speaking countries the middle name takes on great significance.


In Russia, both boys and girls are given middle names based on their father's first name. For boys, the middle name usually has ovich, or evich, added to its ending. For girls, the middle patronymic(从父名衍生出的名字) name usually has ovna, or evna, added to its ending. People in Russia are often referred to by both their first and middle names, sort of the way parents in America use their children's full names when they're trying to get their attention(or yell at them). Close friends in Russia often don't use their first names completely, and use only patronymic names, when talking to each other.


According to Law Buddy, an Australian legal advice service, child naming laws in Australia allow Birth Registrars to refuse to register baby names that to be offensive to register to careless, inappropriate, ridiculous. They do allow for children to get a middle name, which is typically reserved for the mother's maiden name(娘家姓),provided, of course, that the mother's maiden name is not offensive, careless, inappropriate, or ridiculous.

1.What do we know about giving middle names in Scotland?

A.It needs to be based on their family roots.

B.It's opposed by the elderly in the country

C.It mainly describes a baby's appearance.

D.It didn't become common until not long ago

2.What role do middle names in the Spanish-speaking countries play?

A.Showing family roots.

B.Showing their unique culture.

C.Describing a physical characteristic.

D.Allowing people to have different names

3.What is a typical feature of middle names in Russia?

A.They usually have the same ending.

B.They're usually very creative names.

C.They're usually difficult to remember.

D.They're based on their father's middle name.

4.What should parents in Australia consider when naming their children?

A.Avoiding a middle name.

B.Avoiding registering baby names.

C.Using the mother's proper maiden name.

D.Using an unusual name for differentiation.



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