满分5 > 高中英语试题 >



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How are things going? I'm glad you are interested in our cultural heritage protection.

Great progress has made in the past few years. Every year a lot of efforts are made and much money are spent researching and protecting it. People are more aware of the important of protecting the cultural heritage.

However, we are faced over greater challenges in protecting our cultural relics nowadays. We have to make a way for many new buildings. Even worse, a largely number of historic spots have already been destroyed, what worries us a lot.

Considered the factors above, I think more steps should be taken to protecting our cultural heritage. I hope the whole society should actively participate in protecting our cultural heritage.


has后面加上been are →is important →importance over →with We →They largely →large what →which Considered →Considering taken to protecting中的protecting →protect should→could 【解析】 本文为一篇书信。文章对来信者对于文化遗产保护感兴趣表示高兴,号召全社会积极参与保护文化遗产。 1.考查语态。句意:过去几年取得了很大的进步。主语progress成就和made取得之间为逻辑上的被动关系。故has后面加上been。 2.考查主谓一致。句意:每年都要付出很多努力,花很多钱来研究和保护它。money是不可数名词,谓语动词用is。故are 改为is。 3.考查固定搭配。句意:人们更加意识到保护文化遗产的重要性。the importance of为固定搭配,意为“……的重要性”,冠词修饰名词。故important改为importance 4.考查介词。句意:我们现在在保护我们的文物方面面临着更大的挑战。be faced with为固定搭配,意为“面临着……”。故over改为with 5.考查人称代词。句意:他们得给许多新建筑让路。分析句子可知,需要给新建筑让路的是文化遗产,对作者来说,文化遗产是“他们”。故We改为They 6.考查形容词。句意:更糟糕的是,大量的历史遗迹已经被摧毁,这使我们非常担忧。分析句子可知,修饰名词number,用形容词large。故largely改为large 7.考查定语从句。句意:这让我们非常担忧。分析句子可知,本句为非限制性定语从句,非限制性定语从句修饰整个主句,从句中作主语,引导词用which。故what改为which 8.考查现在分词。句意:考虑到以上因素,我认为应该采取更多措施来保护我们的文化遗产。分析句子可知,consider在句中作状语,用介词短语,considering“考虑到”是介词 。故Considered改为Considering 9.考查情态动词。句意:我希望全社会都能积极参与保护我们的文化遗产。结合句意,希望全社会都能积极参与保护我们的文化遗产,could语气较委婉,保护文化遗产是号召而不是命令。故should改为could 10.考查动名词。句意:我希望全社会都能积极参与保护我们的文化遗产。participate in doing sth.固定搭配,意为“参与做…...”,因此protect需用doing形式。故protect改为protecting  


Jenny, 1.occupation was a nurse ,was driving her six -year-old son, Tony, to his piano lesson. They were late, and Jenny was beginning to think she should have given it up. There was always so much to do, and Jenny recently helped with an2.( operate). She . was tired. The storm and ice roads added to her tension,

“Mom!”Tony cried.”Look!” Just ahead a car had lost control on the patch of ice. As Jenny tapped the brakes, the other car3.(wild) rolled over, and crashed sideways into a telephone pole.

Jenny pulled over, stopped and threw open her door. Thank goodness. She knew her job wellshe might be able to help those unfortunate passengers. Then she paused. W hat about Tony? She couldn't take him with her. Little boys shouldn't see4.(scene) like that. But was it safe to leave him alone? For a brief moment Jenny considered5.(go) on her way.

She asked Tony to stay in the car and ran, slipping and sliding, toward the crash site. It was worse6.she'd feared. Two girls of high school age were in the car.7.(injure) badly, one of the girls was killed. The driver,however, was still breathing. Jenny quickly8.(apply) pressure to the wound in the teenager 's head while her practiced eyes checked the other injuries. She had a broken leg,maybe two,along9.probable internal bleeding. But if help came soon, the girl would survive.

A trucker had pulled up and was calling for help on his cell phone. Soon an ambulance and rescue workers came.”Good job,” one said while examining the wounds.” You probably saved her life!”Later the families of the victims came to meet Jenny, expressing their10.(grateful) for the help she had offered.



    When I was a little girl in school, I wanted someday to become a doctor. It was an unbelievable dream for any child in my_______.

My mother was a housemaid for a retired couple, the Raos, in Bangalore. Fortunately, they were always_______about us. As I began to read, they bought me books. When my mother felt I should_______an English-medium school, just like other kids, the Raos_______to pay the school fees. They_______gave me breakfast before I left for school. I had to work hard to_______my privileged, well-off classmates.

Life at home was always_______,since my father spent much of his earnings on drink and cigarettes. Yet my mother bravely_______for me and my younger brother. One day our already miserable world was suddenly turned_______,Father was found lying dead by the road. Later, the landlord asked us to leave our room,adding to our__________.He even shut off our water and__________connections to force us out __________my mother’ s begging for more__________

The Raos, who once taught at Banalore's Atma Darshan Yogashram, came to our__________ again. They recommended the officials there to__________my mother as a cook__________accommodations on campus would be__________ to us. “You should keep studying hard.__________ will change everything,” Mr. Rao advised me.

In the many years that followed, thanks to the Raos' help and encouragement, I was able to __________my studies, and in another year, I'll receive my doctorate in biomedicine, after which I'll work in a hospital and__________ my dream.

1.A.street B.campus C.compositions D.situations

2.A.serious B.enthusiastic C.concerned D.cautious

3.A.attend B.found C.praise D.accept

4.A.remembered B.offered C.refused D.learnt

5.A.just B.still C.never D.even

6.A.catch up with B.make up for C.break away from D.look down upon

7.A.boring B.comfortable C.tough D.relaxing

8.A.prepared B.struggled C.competed D.compensated

9.A.away B.inside out C.off D.upside down

10.A.sorrow B.sympathy C.horror D.doubt

11.A.traffic B.electricity C.family D.food

12.A.on behalf of B.by means of C.for fear of D.in spite of

13.A.approval B.space C.time D.forgiveness

14.A.mind B.ability C.anxiety D.aid

15.A.employ B.recognize C.admire D.memorize

16.A.now that B.ever since C.so that D.even if

17.A.precious B.accessible C.appealing D.significant

18.A.Faith B.Teamwork C.Intelligence D.Education

19.A.continue B.supply C.review D.summarize

20.A.follow B.define C.realize D.share



    Creativity is a learnable ability. But in my experience, we can create the conditions to develop it.1.

* Obey your curiosity.

Steve Jobs claimed that creativity is just connecting things. I agree. 2. The best way to build a rich mental database that. will help you solve problems later is to honor passing curiosity. If something excites your brain, spend a moment on it. Follow paths that have no obvious purpose rather than satisfy a fantasy.


Early in my career, Will Marre, founding president of Stephen Covey s training company, warned me to subscribe to a handful of business journals he listed, and added, “And every time you read one, be sure to read at least one article that 1s of. no interest to you.”I've been rewarded time and again for doing do. Many things that end up in my mind have come from conference workshops, articles, or online videos that began as chores and ended with an insight.4.

* Have uncomfortable conversations.

Another great creative stimulus is to regularly engage in conversations with people from whom you might normally recoil( 畏缩). Three of the more unexpectedly fruitful conversations in my life were with a racist taxi driver in London, a drug dealer seatmate on a plane, and an extremist political advocate in Puerto Rico.5.This discipline helped me find the psychological flexibility I needed in Canada.

A.Do things that don't interest you.

B.When you work hard, you can become creative.

C.Here are some of the ways I've learned to be more predictably creative.

D.Have a strange conversation with someone that will happen in the future.

E.If you want to be more creative, you will need to have more things to connect.

F.As a result of these conversations, I gained valuable perspectives from lives I :will never live.

G.Sometimes, we' call things boring simply because they lie outside the box we are currently in.



    LONDON- Every eight minutes, a child in Britain becomes homeless, the worst rate for 12 years, according to figures published in a new report by homelessness charity Shelter. The charity, which campaigns to end homelessness and bad housing, revealed that each day 183 children lose their home and 135, 000 children will spend this Christmas in temporary accommodation. The charity 's Generation Homeless report also highlights 5, 683 homeless families with children who are currently living in emergency bed and breakfasts and hostels.

Will, aged 10lives with his parents and younger brother in a single room in emergency bed and breakfast accommodation in Ilford, East London.”Life in the B&B is horrible,” Will said.”There's no room to do anything, even if I'm reading my book, as I'm still going to get annoyed by someone. I've been told off by someone for running in the small corridor. You can't do much. You can't play much. I don't get to play that often.”The family is still living . in temporary accommodation, despite being told it would only be there for six weeks.

Families are often packed into one room with little space to cook, play or eat their meals and Shelter said people are also forced to share bathrooms with strangers as well as living in . accommodation that is often located kilometers away from schools and jobs.

“Sometimes, my little brother Harry and I fight for the one chair, because we both want to sit at the table, and sometimes he wins and sometimes I win. I find it really hard to do my homework as I get distracted by my little brother and I don't have another room to work in peace,” Will said.

The charity said an additional 4,026 children will be made homeless by Christmas Day if action is not taken to deal with the lack of social homes, expensive private rents and welfare cuts that are driving the country 's housing emergency.

Polly Neatechief executive of Shelter, said: “ The fact that 183 children become homeless every day is an unacceptable figure and a sharp reminder that political promises about dealing with homelessness must be turned into real action.

“Day inday out we see the devastating impact the housing emergency is having on children across the country. They are being uprooted from friends; living in cold, cramped B&Bs and going to bed at night scared by the sound of strangers outside.”

A spokesperson for the Ministry of HousingCommunities and Local Government said: “Every child should have somewhere safe to live, and councils have a duty to provide temporary accommodation to those who need it.'

1.What can we infer from what Will said in Para. 2?

A.He showed his great regret. B.He apologized to someone.

C.He made some complaints. D.He expressed his gratitide.

2.What can we learn from the news report according to the charity?

A.The charity aims at ending homelessness and bad education in Britain.

B.The charity revealed that each week 183 children lose their home in Britain.

C.An additional 5, 863 children will be made homeless by Christmas Day in Britain.

D.135 ,000 children will spend this Christmas in temporary accommodation in Britain,

3.Which of the following can replace the underlined word” devastating” in the last but one paragraph?

A.Convincing. B.Shocking. C.Puzzling. D.Thrilling.

4.What can be the best title for the news report?

A.Britain's child homelessness crisis worsens

B.Every British child should have somewhere safe to live

C.British families living in emergency bed and breakfasts and hostels

D.Britain's dealing with homelessness must be turned into real action



    The benefits of positive emotions don't stop after a few minutes of good feelings. In fact, the biggest benefit that positive emotions provide is an improved ability to build skills and develop resources for use in later life.

A child, who runs around outside, swinging on branches and playing with friends, develops the ability to move athletically (physical skills), the ability to play with others and communicate with a team( social skills) and the ability. to explore and examine the world around them( creative skills). In this way, the positive emotions of play and joy cause the child to build skills that are useful and valuable in everyday life,

These skills last much longer than the emotions. Years later, that foundation of athletic movement might develop into a scholarship as a college athlete or the communication skills may develop into a job offer as a l business manager. The, happiness that developed the exploration and creation of new skills has long since ended, but the skills themselves live on.

All of this research begs the most important questions of all: if positive thinking is so useful for developing valuable skills and appreciating the big picture of life, how do you actually get yourself to be positive? Well, anything that arouses feelings of joysatisfaction and love will do the trick.  You probably know what things work well for you. Maybe it’s playing the guitar. Maybe it's spending time with a certain person.

Recent research by Fredrickson and her colleagues shows that people who meditate( 深思) daily display more positive emotions than those who do not. As expected, people who meditated also built. valuable long-term skills. For example, three months after the experiment was over, those people who meditated daily continued to display increased mindfulness, purposes in life, social support , and decreased symptoms( 症状) of illness.

It is necessary to include play time in your schedule. We have plans for meetings, conference calls and other responsibilities in our daily life... Why not spare some time for play? Give yourself chances to smile and enjoy the benefits of positive emotions. Spare some time for play and adventure so that you can find joy, and explore and build new skills.

1.What can be learned from the second paragraph?

A.Play and joy are beneficial to kids. B.Physical skills are good for social skills.

C.It is necessary to hurt kids' positive emotions. D.It is difficult to encourage kids to explore.

2.Speaking of developing positive thinking ,_________.

A.it is a must in daily life B.playing the guitar is the best way

C.your friends have a big effect on you D.different people have different methods

3.What does the research mentioned in Para. 5 show?

A.Meditation can give you short-term skills.

B.Meditation can make you have a good rest.

C.Meditation can reduce your work stress quickly.

D.Meditation can help you both mentally and physically.

4.What should you do when you make your plans in daily life according to the text?

A.You should have a positive attitude. B.You should ignore all your extra work.

C.You should consider your leisure time. D.You should put your satisfaction and joy first.



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