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Will you stop using plastic? If you take...

Will you stop using plastic?

If you take a look around your kitchen or office right now, chances are that you’ll notice you’re surrounded by plastic—water bottles, to-go coffee cups, straws (吸管), plastic grocery bags, food wrappers, take-out containers, single-serve coffee pods and produce bags. 1.

It’s certainly not realistic to remove all plastic from your life, but let’s examine some statistics that may encourage you to reduce your single-use plastic footprint by throwing away straws, switching to reusable water bottles, bringing cloth bags to the grocery store and more.

According to a study published in the journal Science Advances, the popularity of plastic, which began rising in the 1950s, is growing out of control. 2. And there’s no sign of slowing down, considering scientists say that another 12 trillion kilograms will be produced worldwide by 2050.

“Every piece of plastic that has ever been created will remain in the environment in some form, but once we conveniently throw out our rubbish at home, wind and runoff carry our waste from landfills and streets to the ocean,” says Mystic Aquarium’s chief clinical veterinarian Jennifer Flower, DVM, MS. “Given that we are globally producing over 320 million tons of plastic annually, the marine environment is taking a big hit from our daily disposal of plastic.

3. For example, newborn fish are mistaking tiny bits of plastic waste for food. If they die, there will be fewer big fish—and that could damage the food chain. Often our society is so focused on making our lives more convenient in the short term, but in the long run, our health and the health of marine life are at the expense of those everyday conveniences.”

4. A recent report suggests that when heated, certain food additives (添加剂) can damage hormones, growth and development, as well as increase chances for children of being fat. 5. It is found in plastic containers and metal cans. Parents are urged to avoid using microwaves to warm food and drinks or placing plastics in the dishwasher.

A. Our plastic consumption is directly affecting the life in the ocean.

B. People are concerned about the results of overusing plastic containers.

C. 8.2 trillion kilograms of plastic have been produced around the world.

D. Using plastic containers in microwaves is also harmful to children’s health.

E. Let’s stop using plastic for the benefit of the environment and human beings.

F. These are all examples of single-use plastic products, which is a hot topic nowadays.

G. The most concerning artificial additive BPA is a chemical used in the production of plastics.


1.F 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.G 【解析】 这是一篇说明文。在我们的生活中,到处充斥着塑料制品,而且我们越来越多的使用塑料,文章介绍了过多的使用塑料给环境和我们的生活带来了不利影响。 1.根据上文chances are that you’ll notice you’re surrounded by plastic—water bottles, to-go coffee cups, straws (吸管), plastic grocery bags, food wrappers, take-out containers, single-serve coffee pods and produce bags. 可知,所列举的这些都是塑料用品,在我们的生活中到处都是。由此可知,选项F“这些都是一次性塑料产品的例子,这是一个热门话题。”既承接上文,又引出本文的话题。故选F。 2.根据下文的And there’s no sign of slowing down, considering scientists say that another 12 trillion kilograms will be produced worldwide by 2050. (考虑到科学家说到2050年世界范围内还将生产12万亿公斤,没有任何减缓的迹象。)尤其是数据another 12 trillion kilograms可知,选项C“全世界已经生产了8.2万亿公斤的塑料。”与下文最符。故选C。 3.根据下文的For example, newborn fish are mistaking tiny bits of plastic waste for food. (例如,新生的鱼会把塑料垃圾当成食物。)及本段主要讲述塑料对海洋生物的影响可知,选项A“我们的塑料消费直接影响着海洋生物。”是本段的中心句。故选A。 4.本段主要内容是关于塑料容器和金属罐装的食物中的某些食品添加剂在加热后会损害激素、生长发育,并增加儿童发胖的机会。尤其是本段的It is found in plastic containers and metal cans. Parents are urged to avoid using microwaves to warm food and drinks or placing plastics in the dishwasher.可知,本段的中心句应为“在微波炉中使用塑料容器也对儿童的健康有害。”。故选D。 5.根据下文的It is found in plastic containers and metal cans. Parents are urged to avoid using microwaves to warm food and drinks or placing plastics in the dishwasher.(它存在于塑料容器和金属罐中。家长应避免使用微波炉加热食物和饮料,或将塑料制品放入洗碗机。)结合上文可知,此处it指代的是添加剂,选项G“最受关注的人工添加剂BPA是一种用于塑料生产的化学物质。”中的BPA指的是一种添加剂。与下文正吻合。故选G。

    You know the saying “You’re as young as you feel." Well, there may be some truth to that, according to researchers at Harvard and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Ellen Langer, a Harvard psychologist who studies how the mind influences the body, and colleagues reviewed the scientific literature for evidence that a person’s perception of their age might influence their health. They published their results in the journal Perspectives on Psychological Science.

In one study that Langer led, 47 women had their hair done. The women who thought their new hairdos made them look younger did look younger to objective observers, who were shown before-and-after pictures. The women who thought they looked younger also showed a drop in blood pressure. Another study involving 4,421 men found that those who became bald at a relatively young age were more likely to get cancer and heart disease than men who did not. Similarly, another study involving 2,017 men found that those who lost their hair early were more likely to develop heart disease. “We believe that the feelings associated with being older than one’s real age account for some of these health outcomes,” the researchers wrote.

The researchers also described studies that found that women who had children later in life were more likely to be healthier and live longer than those who had children early, which they attributed to the fact that these mothers tend to spend more time with younger women. Similarly, people who marry younger partners tend to live longer than those who marry older partners, according to other studies.

Taken together, the research “supports the general mind-body hypothesis (假说) that when a younger mind is prepared, a younger body can accompany it.” While the mechanism(机制) remains unclear, the researchers figured that suggestions associated with aging can “make one unconsciously or consciously aware of old age and set in motion a series of physiological processes that can have real effects on short-term and long-term health."

1.What’s the author’s attitude towards the research results?

A.Negative. B.Indifferent.

C.Supportive. D.Objective.

2.Which of the following statements is true according to paragraph 3?

A.Blood pressure is highly related to hairdos.

B.Getting cancer or heart disease is the cause of hair losing.

C.Feeling older than real age may be tied to health problems.

D.The women who love hairdos look younger than those don’t.

3.It can be inferred from Paragraph 4 that ________.

A.often staying with younger people can benefit people's health

B.the younger one of a couple lives much longer

C.a younger mother is more likely to live longer

D.people who want to live longer need to marry

4.The passage mainly tells us that ________.

A.Getting bald too early is not good for health

B.People’s feeling of their age may have an effect on their own health

C.Feeling younger to a couple is very important to their health

D.Women had better give birth later in their life



    Pangolins (穿山甲) are the most trafficked (非法交易) mammals in the world and are facing extinction. To draw attention to these scaly (有鳞片的), anteater-like animals, a new wildlife documentary, Eye of the Pangolin, is attempting a unique way to inspire action and conservation. Partnering with the non-profit organization Pangolin. Africa, the documentary was made available on YouTube in May 2019. The intention is to reach communities wherever the Internet is available, especially African communities, who live near the animal’s habitats.

Over two years, the documentary crew traveled to South Africa, Ghana, Central African Republic and Gabon in search of the four unique species of pangolin, which has never been achieved before. Filmmakers Bruce Young and Johan Vermeulen say that they went into the shoot knowing relatively little about pangolins, but grew to respect and appreciate the animals. Getting close to the creatures over two years was a crash course in these secretive creatures. Johan Vermeulen said, "One thing however that might seem unimportant is that they are actually quite fussy eaters. You would think they would eat any type of ant, but they all prefer a specific type ant."

Pangolins are hunted illegally across Africa for their scales, which are used for traditional medicine, and their meat. In April 2019, Singaporean customs officials conducted two separate seizures of 24 tons of pangolin scales, which equals to the death of 69,000 pangolins.

Though the documentary focuses less on the trafficking of pangolins, and more on the animals in their natural habitat, the aim of the documentary is to inspire viewers around the world to call for action to end trafficking and protecting these unique creatures.

Filmed on location in South Africa, Ghana, Central African Republic, and Gabon, this powerful documentary is the story of two men on a mission to get all four species of African pangolin on camera for the very first time.

1.What is the purpose of the documentary?

A.To study the situation of pangolins.

B.To collect fund to protect pangolins.

C.To raise awareness of pangolin protection.

D.To propose setting up pangolin reserves.

2.What is the meaning of the underlined word “fussy” in paragraph 2?

A.Picky. B.Messy.

C.Showy. D.Heavy.

3.What’s the documentary mainly about?

A.The illegal trade of pangolins.

B.The medical function of pangolin's scales.

C.The life of pangolins in their natural habitats.

D.The efforts of Pangolin, Africa to save pangolins.

4.Where is the text most likely from?

A.A brochure. B.A diary.

C.A novel. D.A magazine.



Some people believe that a Robin Hood is at work, others that a wealthy person simply wants to distribute his or her fortune before dying. But the donator who started sending envelopes with cash to deserving causesaccompanied by an article from the local paper, has made a northern German city believe in fairytales (童话)

The first envelope was sent to a victim support group. It contained €10,000 with a cutting from the Braunschtveiger Zeitung about how the group supported a woman who was robbed of her handbagsimilar plain white anonymous (匿名)envelopes, each containing €10,000, then arrived at a kindergarten and a church.

The envelopes keep coming, and so far at least €190,000 has been distributed. Last month, one of them was sent to the newspaper’s own office. It came after a story it published about Tom, a 14-year-old boy who was severely disabled in a swimming accident. The receptionist at the Braunschweiger Zeitung opened an anonymous white envelope to find 20 notes of €500 inside , with a copy of the article. The name of the family was underlined.

"I was driving when I heard the news,” Claudia Neumann, the boy’s mother, told DerSpiegel magazine. “I had to park on the side of the roadI was speechless. ”

The money will be used to make the entrance to their house wheelchair-accessible .and for a course of treatment that their insurance company refused to pay for.

“For someone to act so selflessly, for this to happen in such a society in which everyone thinks of himself, was astonishing," Mrs. Neumann said. Her family wonder whether the donator is a Robin Hood character, taking from banks to give to the needy.

Henning Noske, the editor of the Braunschweiger Zeitung, said“Maybe it is an old person who is about to die. We just do not know. ” However, he has told his reporters not to look for the city’s hero, for fear that discovery may stop the donations.

1.The Braunschweiger Zeitung is the name of            .

A.a church B.a bank C.a newspaper D.a magazine

2.Which of the following is TRUE about the donation to Tom?

A.The donation amounted to €190,000.

B.The donation was sent directly to his house.

C.The money will be used for his education.

D.His mother felt astonished at the donation.

3.It can be inferred from the passage that        .

A.the donator is a rich old man

B.the donation will continue to come

C.the donation comes from the newspaper

D.the donator will soon be found out

4.What would be the best title for the passage?

A.Money Is Raised by the Newspaper

B.Newspaper Distributes Money to

C.Unknown Hero Spreads Love in Envelopes

D.Robin Hood Returns to the City



A Book Review—The Snake-Stone by Berlie Doherty

The setting: Urban England (the cities), but also rural England (the countryside) including remote English villages.

The theme: The main theme is a teenage search of self-discovery, in this case the search for a mother from whom the hero was separated at an early age. Its other concerns are love, getting on with others, being persistent and courageous and trying to deal with doubts, troubles and worries. As the book moves to a close, James’ swimming coach says to him: “You are not like a kid obeying instructions any more. You are diving like a young man who knows where he is going.”

The characters: James is the hero of the story. He is a championship diver, and has a comfortable life with his foster parents (养父母). Yet he also has the qualities to take him on a long journey to find his birth mother. The other characters in The Snake-Stone, James’ parents, his diving instructor, best friend, the villagers, people he meets on his journey, are pictured realistically.

The turning point: The turning point in the story comes while James’ foster parents are away in London, and he wonders about the identity of his birth mother. The only clue he has is a fossil, “the snake stone” which she left behind along with a note on which she had written: “Take good care of Sammie.” It was written on a torn envelope with parts of an address still there.

The journey: Instead of going to London, James decides to find his birth mother. With help from his geography teacher, James sets out for the remote country village where his mother might be found. James has painful, challenging, but also humorous and happy travels. The mother he finally meets, Anne, has a minor yet powerful voice in the novel. He comes to understand why she left him at a stranger’s door fifteen years before. Although the meeting is not long, it leaves him with a feeling of completeness. As a journey of self-discovery, The Snake-Stone also provides its readers with a happy ending. Its hero says, on returning to his foster parents, “I was home.”

1.What is the main theme of the novel?

A.Life with foster parents. B.Life in the world of diving.

C.A journey of self-discovery. D.A travel around the country.

2.What do the coach’s words in Paragraph 2 suggest?

A.James is a successful diver. B.James is an independent young man.

C.James is an outgoing young man. D.James is a hopeful swimmer.

3.The snake stone in the novel is       .

A.a stone with an address on it B.a fossil left by the foster parents

C.a gift from the swimming coach D.a clue left by the birth mother



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Li Hua



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