满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

Three years ago, I participated in Model...

    Three years ago, I participated in Model United Nations (MUN) held by the Education Department, which was a mock (模拟的)UN activity. During the two days, students are separated in different groups which _____ different countries to debate and try to solve problems. MUN has ____ awards: best delegates (代表)honorary mentions, and verbal mentions.

Each time I participate in MUN, I made good ____ and undoubtedly got a few awards. But I often felt as if I'd _____ because I had never won the best delegate award. I _____ those who didn't deserve to win the award but won it various times, and I was just filled with ____ at their success. I thought about why they shouldn't have won and why I should have. This ____ me to ask the director. ____ the director, he helped me patiently and _____my weakness. Later I realized that it was also _____not to get the award because I could actually ______ something, and that I shouldn't _________the best delegate award until I was the best delegate I could be. It made me ____ that if I had won the best delegate award easily, I wouldn't have learned how to become a better delegate and I wouldn't have _____ my short- comings and turned failures into victories.

Failures are completely subjective-we can look at a result as a failure or a ____ Any failure can be regarded as a(n) ____ because you can always learn something from it and do _____ next time. This is supported by John Locke's theory that we are born with blank views ; knowledge and ability are learned from our _______. That's true. If I make a mistake in the life practice, then I probably won't _______ that next time. I believe this is __ the best way to become better.

1.A.strengthen B.condemn C.inspire D.represent

2.A.various B.temporary C.identical D.false

3.A.appointments B.preparations C.predictions D.explanations

4.A.accelerated B.exited C.failed D.succeeded

5.A.approached B.trained C.expected D.witnessed

6.A.relief B.envy C.satisfaction D.delight

7.A.stopped B.refused C.invited D.led

8.A.Thanks to B.Next to C.In honor of D.In spite of

9.A.lost sight of B.pointed out C.gave up D.looked down on

10.A.annoyed B.ashamed C.good D.terrible

11.A.learn B.desert C.delete D.display

12.A.miss B.win C.deliver D.value

13.A.regret B.misguide C.doubt D.understand

14.A.overcome B.judged C.neglected D.forgotten

15.A.bond B.bet C.victory D.loss

16.A.aim B.benefit C.burden D.limit

17.A.funnier B.worse C.better D.slower

18.A.decisions B.attitudes C.positions D.experiences

19.A.repeat B.admit C.accept D.notice

20.A.wrongly B.scarcely C.truly D.narrowly


1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.D 6.B 7.D 8.A 9.B 10.C 11.A 12.B 13.D 14.A 15.C 16.B 17.C 18.D 19.A 20.C 【解析】 本文为夹叙夹议文。作者参加了由教育部举办的模拟联合国活动,每次参加都做了充分的准备,仍旧没有获得最佳代表奖。这些经历让作者意识到,尽管没有获奖但学到了许多东西。失败是很主观的,你可以把失败的结果看作是失败也可以看作是胜利。我们的知识来源于我们的经历,想要变得更好的方法是不再重复犯错。 1.考查动词辨析。句意:在为期两天的会议里,与会的学生们被分成不同的小组,代表不同的国家进行辩论,试图解决问题。A. strengthen加强;B. condemn谴责;C. inspire激励;D. represent代表。根据常识,联合国会议上的与会者代表不同的国家。故选D。 2.考查形容词辨析。句意:模拟有各种各样的奖项:最佳代表奖、荣誉奖和口头奖。A. various各种各样的;B. temporary暂时的;C. identical相同的;D. false错误的。根据“best delegates (代表),honorary mentions, and verbal mentions.”可知,有各种各样的(various)奖项。故选A。 3.考查名词辨析。句意:每一次参加MUN,我都做了很好的准备,毫无疑问获得了一些奖项。A. appointments约定;B. preparations准备;C. predictions预测;D. explanations解释。根据下文“undoubtedly got a few awards”作者获得了一些。可知作者是做了充分的准备(preparations)。故选B。 4.考查动词辨析。句意:但是我经常觉得我失败了,因为我没有获得最佳代表奖。A. accelerated加速;B. exited退出;C. failed失败;D. succeeded成功。根据下文“because I had never won the best delegate award.”没有获得最佳代表奖,,可知作者经常觉得似乎自己失败(failed)了。故选C。 5.考查动词辨析。句意:我见过那些没有资格赢得这个奖项却多次获奖的人。A. approached接近;B. trained训练;C. expected期望;D. witnessed见证,亲眼目睹。根据上文可知,作者从未得到最佳代表奖,但见过(witnessed)那些没有资格赢得这个奖项却多次获奖的人。故选D。 6.考查名词辨析。句意:,我对他们的成功充满了羡慕。A. relief宽慰;B. envy,羡慕,嫉妒;C. satisfaction满意;D. delight喜悦,高兴。根据上文“ I had never won the best delegate award.”我从未获得过最佳代表奖而经常感觉失败,才会对于成功者充满羡慕(envy)。故选B。 7.考查动词辨析。句意:这导致我去问导演。A. stopped停止;B. refused拒绝;C. invited 邀请;D. led导致 。lead sb. to do...为固定搭配,意为导致某人做某事。故选D。 8.考查短语辨析。句意:多亏了导演,他耐心地帮助了我,......。A. Thanks to多亏了;B. Next to次于;C. In honor of为了纪念;D. In spite of尽管。根据后面的“he helped me patiently”耐心地帮助了我,可知此处是指多亏(thanks to)了导演,故选A。 9.考查动词短语辨析。句意:他耐心地帮我,指出了我的弱点。A. lost sight of看不见;B. pointed out提出;C. gave up放弃;D. looked down on瞧不起。根据语境可知,此处是导演耐心地帮我,指出(pointed out)了缺点。故选B。 10.考查形容词辨析。句意:后来我意识到没有获奖也是件好事。A. annoyed恼羞成怒的;B. ashamed羞愧的;C. good好的;D. terrible可怕的。根据“because I could actually ___11___ something,”可知,作者从中学到了东西,所以意识到这可能是好(good)事,故选C。 11.考查动词辨析。句意:没有获奖也是好事,因为我确实可以学到一些东西。A. learn学到,学会;B. desert抛弃;C. delete删除;D. display展示。根据上下文的语境可知此处是因果关系,是说作者没有葱头,是因为确实可以学到(learn)一些好东西。故选A。 12.考查动词辨析。句意:直到我成为最好的代表,我才能获得最佳代表奖。A. miss错过;B. win赢得;C. deliver邮寄;D. value珍惜。根据下文“not... until I was the best delegate I could be.”可知,直到成为最好的代表,才能赢得(win)最佳代表奖。故选B。 13.考查动词辨析。句意:它让我懂得,如果我轻松地获得了最佳代表奖,我就不可能学会如何成为一名更好的代表。A. regret遗憾,后悔;B. misguide误导; C.doubt怀疑;D. understand懂得,明白。根据语境可知,此处是这让我明白(understand)一些道理。故选D。 14.考查动词辨析。句意:如果我轻松地获得了最佳代表奖,我就不可能学会如何成为一名更好的代表,也不可能克服自己的缺点,把失败变成胜利。A. overcome克服;B. judged判断;C. neglected忽略;D. forgotten忘记。根据前面的第9小题可知,导演帮我指出缺点,要成为一名更好的代表,要克服(overcome)这个缺点,故选A. 15.考查名词辨析。句意:失败完全是主观的——我们可以把结果看作是失败或者是胜利。A. bond纽带;B. bet打赌;C. victory胜利;D. loss损失。Or表示选择,根据上文“failure into victories”以及“Failures are completely subjective-”失败变成胜利,失败完全是主观的,可推断出此处是指我们既可以把失败的结果看作是失败或成功(victory),故选C。 16.考查名词辨析。句意:任何失败都可以被看作是一种益处,因为你总能从中学到一些东西。A. aim目标;B. benefit利益,好处;C. burden负担;D. limit极限。根据“because you can always learn something from it(因为你可从中受益)”,可知,任何失败都可被看作是一种受益(benefit)。故选B。 17.考查形容词比较级。句意:因为你总能从失败中学到东西,下次会做的更好。A. funnier更有趣的;B. worse 更糟糕的;C. better更好;D. slower更慢。分析句子可知,从失败中受益,下次就能做的更好(better)。故选C 18.考查名词辨析。句意:我们生来就是一块白板,知识和能力是从我们的经验中获得的。A. decisions 决定;B. attitudes态度;C. positions立场;D. experiences经验,体验。根据上文“Any failure can be regarded as a(n) benefit because you can always learn something from it and do better next time. 任何失败都可以被看作是一个好处,因为你总是可以从中学到一些东西,下一次能做的更好。可知,我们的知识和能力是从经验(experiences)中获得。故选D。 19.考查动词辨析。句意:如果我在生活实践中犯了一个错误,那么下次我可能就不会再犯了。A. repeat重复;B. admit承认;C. accept接受;D. notice注意。根据下一句可知,如果作者犯了一个错误,那么下次他就不会(repeat)重犯了。故选A。 20.考查副词辨析。句意:我相信这是变得更好的最好方法。A. wrongly错误地;B. scarcely秘密地;C. truly真正地;D. narrowly勉强地。此处是对上文的总结。从经验中学习,不重复犯错误,这才是真正(truly)变得更好的最好的方法。故选C。

    How to best protect your important files? Should you rely on one of the many cloud services available today? The answer is “Yes”. Here's four reasons to invest in cloud storage.


Cloud services-such as OneDrive, iCloud, Google Drive, and Dropbox-can protect your data from local threats, such as theft, fire, flood, nasty virus and hard drive failure.

2., he might take your hard drive, too, unless you store it elsewhere. A flood or fire could destroy both your computer and hard drive if kept in the same place.

Anywhere access.

With cloud services, you can access your backed-up stuff-such as documents or media- from virtually any Internet-connected computer, tablet or smartphone in the world. Most cloud services have free apps that make it easy to download or upload files from your mobile device. 3.

Sharing is super easy.

Cloud computing can also reduce over-crowding in someone's email box. Rather than try- ing to email several large photos or videos to a colleague, friend or family member, which can block up their email box, you can simply store them in the cloud and send a link to receivers to download the goods. 4.

Real-time cooperation.

5., cloud computing lets people work together on projects in real-time. For example, two or more employees can cooperate on a project together, instead of sending revisions back and forth to each other.

A.Sufficient storage

B.Remote protection

C.If someone steals your laptop

D.This is incredibly convenient for them and easy to do

E.Even though they're in different geographic locations

F.You need more space than what free cloud storage solutions offer

G.You can access your stuff anywhere as long as you can get online



    Using natural and organic products for skincare is increasingly popular-and that includes suncream. Many websites, including Pinterest and Instagram, feature users' recipes for homemade suncream. Judging from the comment, the rise in interest for homemade suncream is because some people fear the chemicals in shop-bought suncream and believe that natural products mixed at home will be better at protecting them from the sun's harmful rays. The fear originates from recent news that some suncream elements seem to disturb hormones (荷尔蒙).

Many of the homemade suncream recipes contain elements like shea butter and cocoa butter as well as coconut and vitamin E oils. The sun protection factor (SPF) values for these elements, according to the authors of these recipes, are between four and six. These SPF values, if true, are not enough to protect the skin against the harmful effects of sunlight. Some recipes include carrot seed essential oil, which the authors claim to have an SPF of 35-40. But this is unlikely, given the small amount used in these recipes. The European Commission recommended SPF factor for moderate skin protection is 15-29 (and 30-50+ for high protection).

The sun's most harmful rays are ultraviolet (UV) radiation-notably UVB and UVA radiation. UVB has a shorter wavelength and doesn't go far into the skin, but it is very dangerous as it can change the DNA in skin cells and cause skin cancer. UVA has a longer wave- length and can go much deeper into the skin. UVA can cause harmful reactive oxygen molecules (分子)called “free radicals” to form. These molecules can damage fat, protein and DNA in the skin, thereby weakening the normal function of skin cells.

Shop-bought suncream contains approved UV-blocking molecules that block UVA and UVB rays. Zinc oxide (氧化锌)is one of these UV-blocking materials. It has been extensively tested to determine the most effective size for blocking harmful rays. It is not clear whether the zinc oxide powder recommended for the homemade recipes meets with the recommended size or proportion needed.

1.What may concern consumers of the shop-bought suncream?

A.The price of it. B.The hormones in it.

C.The chemicals in it. D.The production process of it.

2.What are SPF values used for?

A.Measuring the amount of chemicals in suncream.

B.Measuring the harm suncream do to people.

C.Measuring the hormone level of suncream.

D.Measuring the protective effect of suncream.

3.What does paragraph 3 mainly talk about?

A.How sun protection products work.

B.What harm the sun's rays bring to skin.

C.How the sun's most harmful rays form.

D.How UVB and UVA radiation can be blocked.

4.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?

A.Shop-bought suncream needs more tests.

B.More zinc oxide powder is beneficial to skin.

C.Shop-bought suncream is more suitable for people.

D.More chemicals will be added into shop-bought suncream.



    The age of technology is a great and convenient thing, but it does have effects on us in many different ways.

It causes long-term memory loss. Thanks to Baidu, we don't really have to remember much of anything. Questions are answered at the drop of a hat because Baidu is all-knowing! Is that a good thing, though? People aren't digging through their brains anymore to find answers. Here's the good news: we can still exercise our long-term memory by simply thinking before we Baidu. If we don't want to go down that road, we can search Baidu for some memory games to play. Turn Baidu into an asset instead of an enemy.

It makes us lack patience. Baidu gives us what we want. Everything is instant. In fact, if we have to wait for even a handful of minutes for anything, we start losing our minds. This idea of instant satisfaction carries through to many other aspects of our lives, too, like when we go out to eat, drive in traffic, or even deal with workplace accidents. Instead of using Baidu to lessen our anger, try searching for some mindful meditations (沉思).Focus on our breath and realize everything doesn't have to move at lightening speed. We can actually listen to some peaceful spa or meditation music on our Pandora, too!

It wastes our time. Be honest, how much time are we spending on Baidu every day? Whether we're doing research for our own personal needs, buying clothing, or writing a research paper, we all spend a ton of time on the trusty Internet. Are we always being efficient with this time? For the sake of our precious time, if we haven't used Baidu Drive, we should. Keep spreadsheets, text docs, PDFs, slideshows, and even recordings exactly where we can easily find them. Keep a running list of websites we know we'll revisit.

Overall, things are different these days. Yes, there are noticeable negative side effects because of the Baidu invasion, but we don't have to fall into that trap. Stay sharp and don't let ourselves become imprisoned doing the Baidu god's bidding.

1.Which of the following can best replace the underlined part “at the drop of a hat”?

A.at one point B.in no time C.in a way D.at a loss

2.Why do we turn impatient in real life according to paragraph 3?

A.We depend on ourselves too much.

B.We can't get everything with Baidu.

C.We can't get quick services in real life.

D.We get used to Baidu's quick convenience.

3.What is the author's advice on saving time online?

A.Using Baidu Drive.

B.Keeping papers correctly.

C.Being efficient with work.

D.Emptying websites records timely.

4.What does the text mainly tell us?

A.The side effects of Baidu and solutions.

B.The advantages and functions of Baidu.

C.The technology and influence of the Internet.

D.The disadvantages and risks of the Internet.



    Glenda and Raphael Savitz moved to Newton in 2016. They found themselves welcomed into the neighbourhood with truly open arms. Three months later, they gave birth to Samantha . Unluckily, she was born entirely deaf. The neighbourhood was still excited to welcome little Samantha, of course, but they were worried about her parents.

The neighbours wanted to do something to make things easier for the family. All the neighbourhood agreed to take on the responsibility of learning an entirely second language all for their youngest member. Samantha would grow up learning to “speak” American Sign Language, so her friends and neighbours would learn to speak it right along with her. The group of 18 residents employed a sign language teacher and the whole neighbourhood except Glenda and Raphael Savitz began to learn American Sign Language in a neighbour's big living room. They believed people everywhere wished to have a community with something positive around and Samantha was bringing about a reason for them to get together.

The neighbours went on learning hard and kept things secret for as long as possible. They wanted thirstily to communicate with the little girl. Finally, the time had come to show Raphael, Glenda, and Samantha what they had done. The family found themselves deeply moved by the welcoming signs of their friends and neighbours. Glenda recalled it as one of the most affecting experiences she'd ever felt. A present for Samantha would have made her grateful, and this was so much more. Now after neighbours say hello to her parents, they bend down to greet three-year-old Samantha with sign language. At every turn, in the street, the grocery store, or by the canal, Samantha feels included.

1.Which of the following can best describe the neighbourhood?

A.Generous. B.Tolerant. C.Warm. D.Prejudiced.

2.What was the neighbours' decision for helping the Savitz?

A.Collecting money online.

B.Learning the sign language.

C.Companying Samantha all the time.

D.Teaching Samantha a second language.

3.What did the neighbours think of Samantha?

A.She forced her parents to struggle hard.

B.She set up an example for other children.

C.She caused the situation of her family's poverty.

D.She was an affectional bond of the neighbourhood.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A.Neighborhood Welcomes A Newborn Baby With Sign Language

B.Neighborhood Takes A Newborn Deaf Baby As Sign Language Teacher

C.Neighborhood Learns Sign Language To Communicate With New Family

D.Neighborhood Learns Sign Language To Comfort Unfortunate New Parents



    Looking for confirmed reviews of Travelocity in Mexico? Well? look no further and you can find Travelocity reviews in 2019 from like-minded travelers to find out more about the best travel agency that you can trust.

Signature Taco Day Tour

To avoid tourist traps and dive deeper into Mexican culture, our Signature Taco Tour is for you! Our Foodie Guides will show you the best Mexican cuisine, tell you the best stories, and do their very best to keep you eating until you explode. Not only will you go “behind the scenes” and see the deliciousness made for tourists, you'll also learn about Mexican culture and history, plus extras like.

Las Caletas Beach Hideaway

Spend a relaxing day at Las Caletas Beach. The use of diving gear, canoe, and stand-up paddle boards is all available, as well as a scenic nature walk and admission to Kids' Adventure  Park for the young ones. Away from the beach, you can seek out plenty of other fun activities  including cooking classes and jungle walks.

Jungle Zipline (索道)Tour

Cheer and scream as you zip across the Rio Cuale and above the jungle along 11 lines that run from treetop to treetop. The ziplines get progressively longer and allow plenty of time to take in the tropical scenery from the air. When you reach the Tom and Jerry lines, prepare to race against a friend as you will be able to fly at speeds up to 60 miles per hour (96 km/h).

Rhythms of the Night-Sunset Cruise (游船)

As a blanket of stars covers the sky, enjoy authentic Mexican cuisine by candlelight. The buffet-style menu offers a wide-variety of items such as freshly grilled steak, tender chicken, grilled fish, pasta salad, and a mixture of fresh fruit and vegetables. And more importantly, watch the lively performance of ancient ceremony and learn historical and religious stories. Book a place in advance and enjoy your night.

1.In which tour can the tourists experience a sense of flying?

A.Signature Taco Day Tour.

B.Las Caletas Beach Hideaway.

C.Jungle Zipline Tour.

D.Rhythms of the Night-Sunset Cruise.

2.What is the feature of Signature Taco Day Tour?

A.Serving large groups.

B.Enjoying Mexican food.

C.Visiting the industry area.

D.Learning rural Mexican culture.

3.How does Rhythms of the Night-Sunset Cruise differ from the other tours?

A.It needs reservation.

B.It provides Mexican food.

C.It offers some history classes.

D.It allows visitors to take part in the play.



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