满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

I come from one of those families where ...

    I come from one of those families where you have to yell at the dinner table to get in a word. Everyone has a strong  _________ , and talks at the same time, and no one has a  _________ leading to heated arguments. We often talk or even  _________  with each other on different topics.  _________ a family like mine has made me more  _________  about the world around me, making me tend to question anything anyone tells me. But it has also made me realize that I’m not a good listener. And when I say “listening”, I’m not ______ to the nodding-your-head-and-__________ -answering-Uh-huh-or-Ooh-I-see variety. I mean the kind of listening where you find yourself deeply  __________ with the person you’re speaking with, when his story becomes so  ___________that your world becomes less about you and more about him. No, I was never very good at that.

I spent summer in South Africa two years ago. I worked for a good non-profit organization called Noah, which works  _________ on behalf of children affected by AIDS. But  _________ you asked me what I really did in South Africa, I’d tell you one thing: I listened, and I listened. Sometimes I  _________ , but mostly listened.

And had I not spent two months  _________ , I might have missed the  _________ moment when a quiet little girl at one of Noah’s community centers, orphaned(孤儿)at the age of three, whispered after a long ______ , “I love you.”

______  that summer, I knew how to hear. I could sit down with anyone and hear their  _________ and nod and respond at the  __________ time-but most of the time I was  _________ about the next words out of my own mouth. Ever since my summer in South Africa, I have noticed that it’s in those moments when my mouth is closed and my  _________ is wide open that I’ve learned the most about other people, and perhaps about myself.

1.A.qualification B.influence C.assumption D.opinion

2.A.problem B.commitment C.schedule D.request

3.A.discuss B.debate C.consult D.compromise

4.A.Bringing up B.Growing up C.Belonging to D.Believing in

5.A.anxious B.curious C.nervous D.concerned

6.A.objecting B.appealing C.turning D.referring

7.A.rudely B.loudly C.politely D.deliberately

8.A.quarreling B.meeting C.competing D.identifying

9.A.vivid B.entertaining C.mind-numbing D.time-consuming

10.A.effortlessly B.timelessly C.aimlessly D.tirelessly

11.A.unless B.although C.if D.because

12.A.worked B.spoke C.wept D.applauded

13.A.working B.traveling C.listening D.studying

14.A.astonishing B.fascinating C.frustrating D.touching

15.A.delay B.silence C.journey D.course

16.A.Before B.After C.Since D.Except

17.A.needs B.stories C.comments D.cases

18.A.valuable B.free C.right D.same

19.A.talking B.thinking C.learning D.arguing

20.A.mind B.spirit C.sympathy D.family


1.D 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.D 7.C 8.D 9.A 10.D 11.C 12.B 13.C 14.D 15.B 16.A 17.B 18.C 19.B 20.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者生活在一个家人经常互相交谈和争论的家庭,对外面的世界和好奇,常常质疑一切,不知道倾听的好处,但是在南非的两个月学会了倾听,从倾听中学到了很多知识。 1.考查名词词义辨析。句意:每个人都有很强的观点,同时又想要说话。A. qualification资格;B. influence影响;C. assumption假设;D. opinion观点。根据上文“you have to yell at the dinner table to get in a word”可知,每个人都有很强的发表意见及谈话的愿望。故选D。 2.考查名词词义辨析。句意:而且每个人都能导致激烈的争论。A. problem问题;B. commitment承诺;C. schedule计划,日程;D. request要求。根据下文“We often talk or even ____3____ with each other on different topics.”可知,每个人都有可能引起一场争论,即导致一场辩论毫无问题。故选A。 3.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我们经常就不同的话题相互交谈,甚至辩论。A. discuss讨论;B. debate辩论;C. consult咨询;D. compromise屈服。根据上文可知,作者的家人经常就不同的话题相互交谈,甚至辩论。故选B。 4.考查动词短语词义辨析。句意:我就属于这样一个家庭。A. Bringing up抚养;B. Growing up长大;C. Belonging to属于;D. Believing in相信。根据上文可知,作者就生活在一个家人经常互相交谈和争论的家庭。故选C。 5.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:让我对周围的世界更加好奇。A. anxious焦虑的;B. curious好奇的;C. nervous紧张的;D. concerned担忧的。根据上下文可知,生活在一个家人经常互相交谈和争论的家庭,让作者对周围的世界很好奇。故选B。 6.考查动词词义辨析。句意:当我说“倾听”的时候,我指的不是那种点头礼貌地回答-嗯-嗯-或者哦。A. objecting反对;B. appealing吸引;C. turning转向;D. referring指的是。refer to固定搭配,意为“指的是”。分析句意可知,作者所说的“倾听”并不是指那种点头礼貌地回答。故选D。 7.考查副词词义辨析。句意:当我说“倾听”的时候,我指的不是那种点头礼貌地回答-嗯-嗯-或者哦。A. rudely粗鲁的;B. loudly大声地;C. politely礼貌地;D. deliberately故意地。分析上下文以及常识可知,此处指的是礼貌地回答。故选C。 8.考查动词词义辨析。句意:我的意思是,当你发现自己深深地认同与你交谈的人时。A. quarreling争吵;B. meeting遇见;C. competing竞争;D. identifying识别。identify with为固定短语,意为“认可;认同”。分析上下文可知,作者所谓的“倾听”指的是认同和你说话的人。故选D。 9.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:当他的故事变得如此生动,你的世界变得更多关于他,而不是关于你的时候,你就会发现自己在倾听。A. vivid生动的;B. entertaining使娱乐;C. mind-numbing 令人心烦意乱的;D. time-consuming耗时的。根据下文“that your world becomes less about you and more about him”可知,与你说话的人的故事如此的生动,故你会更多的关注他而不是你自己。故选A。 10.考查副词词义辨析。句意:我为一家名为诺亚(Noah)的优秀非营利性组织工作,该组织不知疲倦地为受艾滋病影响的儿童工作。A. effortlessly毫不费力地;B. timelessly不定期地;C. aimlessly 漫无目的地;D. tirelessly不知疲倦地。根据上文“优秀非营利性组织”可知,诺亚(Noah)不知疲倦地为受艾滋病影响的儿童工作。故选D。 11.考查连词词义辨析。句意:但如果你问我在南非到底做了什么,我会告诉你一件事:我倾听着。A. unless除非;B. although尽管;C. if如果;D. because因为。根据下文“I'd tell you one thing: I listened, and I listened.”可知,此处是一个条件句,表示“如果你问我在南非到底做了什么”。故选C。 12.考查动词词义辨析。句意:有时我会说话,但大部分时间都在听。A. worked工作;B. spoke说话;C. wept哭泣;D. applauded鼓掌。根据下文“but mostly listened”可知,此处应是与“倾听”相反的,自然是说话。故选B。 13.考查动词词义辨析。句意:如果不是我花了两个月的时间倾听,我可能会错过一个感人的时刻。A. working工作;B. traveling旅行;C. listening倾听;D. studying学习。根据上文可知,作者在南非学会了倾听。故此处应表示“如果不是我花了两个月的时间倾听”。故选C。 14.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:如果不是我花了两个月的时间倾听,我可能会错过一个感人的时刻。A. astonishing令人惊讶的;B. fascinating迷人的;C. frustrating沮丧的;D. touching令人感动的。根据下文可知,当一个三岁的孤儿,低声地说“我爱你”时可知,这是一个令人感动的时刻。故选D。 15.考查名词词义辨析。句意:沉默了很长时间后低声说:“我爱你”。A. delay延迟;B. silence沉默;C. journey旅行;D. course课程。根据下文的“whispered”可知,应该是好长一段时间的不说话,即沉默。故选B。 16.考查连词词义辨析。句意:在那个夏天之前,我知道怎么去听。A. Before 在……之前;B. After在……之后;C. Since自从;D. Except除了。根据上下文可知,作者在去南非之前只知道听到了什么,而不懂得“倾听”。故选A。 17.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我可以和任何人坐下来,听听他们的故事,在适当的时候点头回应。A. needs需要;B. stories故事;C. comments评论;D. cases情况,实例。根据上下文可知,作者只知道别人说了什么,可以与任何人坐下来听故事。故选B。 18.考查形容词词义辨析。句意:我可以和任何人坐下来,听听他们的故事,在适当的时候点头回应。A. valuable 有价值的;B. free免费的;C. right正确的;D. same相同的。根据上下文可知,此处表示坐下来听故事,在适当的时候回应。故选C。 19.考查动词词义辨析。句意:但大多数时候我都在想接下来的话。A. talking 谈话;B. thinking思考;C. learning学习;D. arguing争论。根据上下文可知,此处表示作者可以和任何人坐下来,听他们讲故事,在适当的时候回应。但是在大多数时候作者都是在想下一句应该说的话。故选B。 20.考查名词词义辨析。句意:我注意到,正是在我闭上嘴、敞开心扉的那些时刻,我对别人了解得最多,也许也对我自己了解得最多。A. mind思想;B. spirit精神;C. sympathy同情;D. family家庭。根据上下文可知,此处表示作者意识到,当他闭上嘴巴不说话的时候,他的思想是敞开的。故选A。

-Did you take sides when Mom and Dad were arguing again?

-No. I’ve learnt that it’s best to      until it blows over.

A.call it a day B.pull their legs C.sit on the fence D.wash my hands off



All the passengers, according to the new regulation,      before boarding the subway.

A.are to be inspected B.are going to be inspected

C.will be inspected D.are about to be inspected



He’s never thought of getting addicted to drugs and       destructive dangers they will bring him.

A.how B.whether C.whose D.what



I had      wanted to rush outside and leave all the frustrating things behind but something told me I had to stay and face the music.

A.reluctantly B.desperately C.essentially D.fundamentally



He must have been out of sense when he did that,      he?

A.hasn’t B.mustn’t C.didn’t D.wasn’t



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