满分5 > 高中英语试题 >

For me, two of the loveliest words in En...

For me, two of the loveliest words in English are “Life persists”.

I _______ them years ago as a college student, sitting in the library, _______, working on a paper. Out of nowhere, those words came _______ off the page in a quote: “In the midst of death life persists, in the midst of _______ truth persists, in the midst of darkness light persists.”

Suddenly I wasn’t unhappy and impatient any more. Then I _______ my granddad. I loved to talk with him. And I was _______ to hear what he’d think of it. He had poor hearing, so I had to _______ it a few times, but once he _______ it, he laughed. “All I can say to that is totally _______,”he said on the phone. I told him how glad I was, after a long winter, to finally see spring and ________ to find that quote. “Why is that?” he asked. "Well, spring is a sure ________ that life persists. And it just makes me ________.”

He laughed again, and then in his ________ voice, he recited for me his ________“spring time” words: “The desert shall rejoice(高兴), and ________ as the rose does…Even with joy and singing.”

Many years later, ________ my husband and I drove across a desert with many wildflowers and blooming cactuses(仙人掌), I could ________ hear my granddad laughing: “The desert shall rejoice."

Life persists, and so do we, in the silence of ________ and the blooming of cactuses; and in the dead of ________ and the green of spring. Spring ________ us that we’re alive forever.

1.A. looked for    B. came across    C. picked out    D. made up

2.A. bored    B. worried    C. tired    D. confused

3.A. running    B. dancing    C. rushing.    D. moving

4.A. fear    B. doubt    C. terror    D. lie

5.A. called    B. visited    C. consulted    D. informed

6.A. patient    B. confident    C. upset    D. desperate

7.A. copy    B. print    C. repeat    D. recite

8.A. got    B. made    C. undertook    D. managed

9.A. puzzlement    B. excitement    C. agreement    D. amusement

10.A. practically    B. especially    C. obviously    D. naturally

11.A. way    B. inspiration    C. mark    D. sign

12.A. nervous    B. energetic    C. merry    D. alive

13.A. lovely    B. calm    C. cold    D. high

14.A. impressive    B. superb    C. classical    D. favorite

15.A. exist    B. flower    C. survive    D. sow

16.A. after    B. when    C. until    D. although

17.A. hardly    B. always    C. almost    D. mostly

18.A. journeys    B. words    C. world    D. desert

19.A. winter    B. spring    C. summer    D. autumn

20.A. convinces    B. ensures    C. reminds    D. strikes


1.B 2.A 3.B 4.D 5.A 6.D 7.C 8.A 9.C 10.B 11.D 12.C 13.A 14.D 15.B 16.B 17.C 18.D 19.A 20.C 【解析】本文是一篇夹叙夹议的文章,讲述的是作者有感于春天的活力,以及偶然读到的一段话联想到生命的意义与坚持。生命长存于寂静沙漠的植物中,长存于冬去春来的绿意中。冬去春来,生命依然长存,而我们也要继续前行。 1.根据语境可知,几年前坐在大学的图书馆里作者偶然遇到这两个单词 “Life persists”。came across偶遇,B项符合语境。 2.根据下文的“Suddenly I wasn’t unhappy and impatient any more”可知,作者当时在图书馆里的心情是很烦闷的。bored烦恼,故选A。 3.这两个词突然从书页上的引语中跃入作者的眼帘,故B项 dancing形象生动地描述了这两个词所富含的美好活力以及作者遇它们的偶然性。 4.在死亡中,生命依然坚持;在谎言中,真理依然长存;在黑暗中,光明依然永驻。A. fear害怕;B. doubt怀疑;C. terror恐怖;D. lie谎言。故选项D 符合语境。 5.根据下文的“on the phone”可知,作者给爷爷打电话,故选项A符合语境。 6.根据语境及上下文中的“I loved to talk with him”可知,作者很想听到爷爷对这句话是怎么看的。A. patient耐心的;B. confident信心的;C. upset沮丧;D. desperate急切的。故选项D符合语境。 7.根据上文中的“He had poor hearing, so I had to"和下文中的“a few times”可知,爷爷听力不灵,所以作者不得不多次重复(repeat)。故选C。 8.但是一旦作者的爷爷明白(got it) 了,他就笑了起来。make it获得成功 准时到达,故选A。 9.根据上文中“laugh"和下文中作者爷爷所背诵的语句与该句话的主题的一致性可知,作者的爷爷对这句话所表达的主题是完全同意的。puzzlement疑惑;skepticism怀疑;agreement赞同,同意;disapproval反对,不赞成。故选C。 10.作者吿诉爷爷她在漫长的冬天过后,最终看到春天,特别是偶然发现这句引语,自己是有多么高兴。especially“特别,尤其”符合语境。故选B。 11.春天就是一个可信的迹象,它表明生命是长存的。sign“迹象,征兆”符合语境。故选D。 12.根据上文中的“I wasn’t unhappy”,下文中的rejoice(高兴)“joy”及文章主题可知,这句话是作者感到开心(merry)。故选C。 13.作者的爷爷又笑了笑,然后用他那悦耳的嗓音为作者背诵了他最喜欢的语句。故A项lovely(可爱的;令人愉快的)符合语境,故选A。 14.参见上题解析,故选D。 15.沙漠应该高兴,像玫瑰一样盛开。根据空后的“as the rose does”可知,flower“开花”,符合语境。故选B。 16.多年后,当作者和丈夫驱车穿越一个有很多野花和盛开的仙人掌的沙漠时,她几乎又听到了爷爷笑着说“沙漠应该高兴”。分析句子结构可知,空处在此引导时间状语从句,且在从句中作时间状语,故选B。 17.多年后,当作者和丈夫驱车穿越一个有很多野花和盛开的仙人掌的沙漠时,她几乎又听到了爷爷笑着说“沙漠应该高兴”。hardly几乎不;always总是; almost“几乎,差不多”;mostly主要地;基本上;C项符合语境。 18.根据空后的 “the blooming of cactuses…”和上文中的“a desert with many wildflowers and blooming(盛开的)” cactuses及“The desert shall rejoice”可知,生命长存,同样的,我们也要坚持。生命长存于寂静的沙漠(desert)中和盛开的仙人掌里。故选D。 19.in the dead of winter“在隆冬,在严冬”。空前的dead形象地表现出了冬季万物萧条的景象,与春季的绿意及万物复苏的景象形成鲜明的对比,故选A。 20.春天提醒我们,我们永远充满活力。convince使相信;assure使确信;remind提醒;strike突然想到,故选C。

    Taking good notes is a time-saving skill that will help you to become a better student in several ways. 1. Second, your notes are excellent materials to refer to when you are studying for a test. Third, note-taking offers variety to your study time and helps you to hold your interest.

You will want to take notes during classroom discussions and while reading a textbook or doing research for a report. 2. Whenever or however you take notes, keep in mind that note-taking is a selective process. 3.

The following methods may work best for you.

● Read the text quickly to find the main facts and ideas in it.

● Carefully read the text and watch for words that can show main points and supporting facts.

● Write your notes in your own words.


● Note any questions or ideas you may have about what was said or written.

As you take notes, you may want to use your own shorthand(速记). When you do, be sure that you understand your symbols and that you use them all the time. 5.

A.Use words not complete sentences.

B.There are three practical note-taking methods.

C.You must write your notes on separate paper.

D.Otherwise, you may not be able to read your notes later.

E.you will also want to develop your own method for taking notes.

F.That means you must first decide what is important enough to include in your notes.

G.First, the simple act of writing something down makes it easier for you to understand and remember it.



    With golden sunshine and a gentle breeze(微风), autumn is the most beautiful seasons in the year. This is a great time to go outside and have fun. Go to a valley to see red maple trees,go and pick fruit in an orchard or find an open field to fly your kite in.

However, for many high school students, these great activities may be just a dream. With plenty of work to do, they spend all their hours indoors, struggling for a high mark in their exams. Of course, study is one of the most important things for teenagers. But life is definitely much more than that.

Sometimes we spend so much time studying that we forget how to make life wonderful. In doing so, we lose the real purpose of life —to be a valuable and happy person. To enjoy just how great it is to be alive, we have to put down our books and pens and look around us. Students, take some exercise to improve your health, talk with your parents and friends for understanding and walk around outside to refresh(振作)our body and mind.

Going out and enjoying the beautiful countryside often helps our creativity in our work. Chinese craftsman, Lu Ban created a saw to help woodworkers. But if he hadn’t walked outside, he would not have been inspired by a kind of toothed(锯齿状的)grass. We could also suppose if Newton hadn’t rested under that apple tree, then he wouldn’t have been hit by an apple, and his classic(经典的)theories would not have come out.

Going out is not only a break from hard work, but a chance to add to life experience. So come on, give your brain a good rest. Step out of the books and get your bag ready for an autumn outing. We are sure you will get much more than knowledge from the exciting journey.

1.In which paragraph does the writer make a summary about his opinion?

A.Paragraph 1. B.Paragraph 2.

C.Paragraph 4. D.Paragraph 5.

2.Why is going out a dream for many high school students?

A.They are unhappy to do so.

B.They have too much work to do for getting high marks in the exams.

C.Their parents don’t allow them to do so.

D.They think study is the most important thing for them.

3.The passage is developed mainly by______________.

A.describing the beautiful scenery in Autumn

B.pointing out the present situation of high school students

C.making predictions

D.reasoning and giving examples

4.What message can you learn from the passage?

A.Going out can make high school students get more.

B.Nature is power.

C.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.

D.The author isn’t happy with our education at all.



    Language teachers, learners and other professionals across the USA are celebrating National Grammar Day on March 4. The holiday, created by Martha Brockenbrough in 2008, celebrates the rules and best practices for the English language. Brockenbrough is the founder of the Society for the Promotion of Good Grammar, or SPOGG, which operates a website where Brockenbrough writes about different language issues.

Mignon Fogarty, who is organizing National Grammar Day celebrations this year, wrote the book “Grammar Girl’s Quick and Dirty Tips for Better Writing.” Fogarty appeared on the NBC television program “Today” on Wednesday. She discussed new additions to the English language. “People think that dictionaries choose new words because they are proper, she said.” But mostly they choose words because people use them.”

The American Dialect Society chooses a word every year that is new or used in a new way .The choice for 2015 Word of the Year was “they,” used to refer to “he” or “she”. The Oxford English Dictionary adds new words after finding evidence people are using the words often. Researchers for the dictionary also look for evidence the words will be used well into the future.

Grammarly is a software application, or app, which can study writing and find grammar mistakes. In preparation for National Grammar Day, Grammarly studied the writing on the Twitter accounts of the 50 people with the most followers in the world and counted the average number of mistakes in their writing. Then the top 10 accounts with the fewest mistakes were listed.

Comedian Conan O’Brien had the best grammar. He averaged 0.21 mistakes for every 100 words he wrote. Businessman Bill Gates had the second best grammar, with an average of 0.22 mistakes. President Barack Obama came third with an average of 0.26 mistakes.

The National Grammar Day website has many resources for language learners. You can celebrate the day by reading our weekly series “Everyday Grammar.”

1.National Grammar Day is created to ________.

A.celebrate the birth of English grammar

B.improve the standard use of English

C.found the Society for the Promotion of Good Grammar

D.publish diferent language issues

2.From the passage, we know new words are added in dictionaries mainly because they are ________.

A.properly used B.frequently used

C.newly used D.hardly used

3.Using Grammarly, we can ________.

A.read articles online B.correct errors in spelling

C.find grammar mistakes in writings D.check accounts of famous people

4.What’s the main idea of the passage?

A.Grammar is important to language learners.

B.Grammarly is a useful software application.

C.Famous people make fewer grammar mistakes.

D.National Grammar Day is celebrated in some way.



    Ray Tokuda, a 54-year-old Japanese American, is proud of the title his school has given him. He is a shifu, a Chinese word meaning a master of martial arts.

He has been involved with Chinese martial arts for over four decades. After leaning them at the martial arts school in US New Mexico State, today he is among the most experienced kung fu teachers of the school.

Founded by a Chinese American in 1974, the training center accepts only those with stunning kung fu skills and a profound understanding of martial arts as its masters according to Shanti Thomas, general manager of the school.

Practicing martial arts two to three hours and helping students improve their skills have become Tokuda’s daily routine. Tokuda is teaching and learning at the same time now. He spends around 15 to 20 hours a week honing his skills and is also working on standardizing the Tai Chi curriculum for the training center.

He was sent to the martial arts school at 10, but he was unwilling in the beginning. His father had always wanted to learn Chinese martial arts but never got the chance, so he put him in.

He was afraid at that time because he thought kung fu was all about punching and kicking. But things changed after he learned that martial arts were more than that. “One of the things martial arts teach you is overcoming adversity (逆境),” Tokuda said. “As a little kid, my first lesson was that I could overcome it by diligence, perseverance and dedication.”

Learning Chinese martial arts was also an eye-opening experience because he could hear many ancient Chinese kung fu-related stories to better understand the essence of martial arts, Tokuda joined a China tour organized by his school in 2002. He described it as a martial arts pilgrimage (朝圣). “We went to Shaolin and Wudang and exchanged views and skills with kung fu masters there,” he said, fired by excitement while talking about the experience.

1.According to Shanti Thomas, who can be a master of the martial arts school?

A.One experienced in wushu and understanding its essence.

B.Those gifted and interested in martial arts.

C.Those having a good knowledge of martial arts.

D.One who knows many ancient martial arts stories.

2.What does the underlined word “honing” in Paragraph 4 refer to?

A.Introducing. B.Improving.

C.Advertising. D.Displaying

3.Which of the following statements is TRUE?

A.The martial arts school was founded by Shanti Thomas in 1974.

B.Tokuda paid a visit to Shaolin and Wudang by himself in 2002.

C.Tokuda spends about 15 to 20 hours a week training students.

D.Martial arts can teach one to overcome challenges.

4.Why was Ray Tokuda sent to learn Chinese martial arts?

A.Because he was crazy about Chinese culture.

B.Because he wanted to be a martial arts master.

C.Because his father had wanted to learn but could not.

D.Because his parents wanted to better understand Chinese culture.



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1.You can write for AC on condition that you       .

A.have rich experience in writing

B.have access to the Internet

C.must register an account

D.must be free at home

2.How much you can earn for your published article depends on      ___ .

A.the space it covers B.the topic it deals with

C.the opinion it voices D.the page views it receives

3.Partner Content Team is mentioned here to           .

A.encourage people to write more articles for AC

B.lay stress on the importance of cooperation

C.seek more support from other business partners

D.show off its abundant library of content



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