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A Grateful Patient I took a job as a rec...

A Grateful Patient

I took a job as a receptionist for a vet (兽医) almost five decades ago. As a keen animal lover, I accepted the position on the condition that I wouldn’t have to assist with any wounded animals. I couldn’t ________ to see any creature in pain.

At the end of my first week, we were closing the office for the day when a young man ran up to us holding a severely_______ Doberman Pinscher puppy(杜宾幼犬) in his arms and_______ us to save his life. The four-month-old puppy had been hit by a car.

The vet and I ran back into the _______room. It was hurt badly. The only place the skin was still attached to this poor little animal’s body was around one shoulder. The vet worked tirelessly for what seemed like_______, sewing him back together again.  That was the _______ part. The puppy had broken too many bones, including his spine(脊柱). Even if he ________ the next few days, we were quite sure he would never walk again.

That day forever _____ my life. The vet instructed me, and I became his____ in all things medical. One of my first jobs was to give that Doberman puppy daily physical _______. I remember moving his tiny legs to try to keep his _____ from withering(萎缩).

Weeks went by until one day, I felt this little fighter push back ever so_____. And he continued to push back_____ he could finally use his legs. It recovered.

Fast-forward about a year, I walked into the clinic’s crowded waiting room and called the name of the next client. Suddenly, a/an __________ Doberman who had been standing quietly with his owner on the opposite side of the room _____ loose and rushed toward me. I found myself  _____ against the wall with this magnificent dog standing on his hind legs, his front paws on my shoulders, _______ my face with plentiful and joyful kisses!

I still tear up in amazement at the display of love and _______ the dog had for me that day all those years ago. I __________ to be a vet technician for 14 years, and since retirement, I’ve volunteered at a no-kill animal shelter. In all the time that has passed and all the experiences I have had, I’ve _____ met a dog who didn’t know that it had been rescued in one way or another.

1.A.help B.stop C.bear D.offer

2.A.punished B.poisoned C.affected D.injured

3.A.begged B.blamed C.reminded D.forced

4.A.sitting B.waiting C.nursing D.operating

5.A.years B.hours C.minutes D.seconds

6.A.cruel B.easy C.tough D.calm

7.A.survived B.existed C.struggled D.solved

8.A.improved B.saved C.changed D.damaged

9.A.applicant B.servant C.consultant D.assistant

10.A.management B.treatment C.recovery D.capacity

11.A.muscles B.skin C.bone D.hair

12.A.seriously B.heavily C.slightly D.rapidly

13.A.after B.as C.till D.when

14.A.awkward B.tiny C.weak D.huge

15.A.hung B.broke C.pulled D.stayed

16.A.pinned B.stuck C.plugged D.hugged

17.A.barking B.hitting C.washing D.biting

18.A.inspiration B.gratitude C.embarrassment D.sympathy

19.A.tried on B.acted on C.settled on D.went on

20.A.never B.ever C.even D.seldom


1.C 2.D 3.A 4.D 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.C 9.D 10.B 11.A 12.C 13.C 14.D 15.B 16.A 17.C 18.B 19.D 20.A 【解析】 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了我和我照顾的一位病人——一只杜宾狗之间感人又令人惊奇的故事。五十年前我在一家兽医所工作。有一天接待了一个被车撞得很严重的小杜宾犬,后来经过我的细心照料后它痊愈了。一年后长大了的它回来感谢我,我对此感到既惊奇又感动。 1.考查动词辨析。句意:我不忍心看到任何受疼痛折磨的生物。A. help帮助;B. stop停止;C. bear忍受;D. offer提供。根据上文“As a keen animal lover, I accepted the position on the condition that I wouldn’t have to assist with any wounded animals.(作为一个热爱动物的人,我接受了这个职位,条件是我不必帮助任何受伤的动物。)”及逻辑推理可判断出我不想帮受伤的动物的原因是不能忍受看到它们受疼痛折磨,故选C项。 2.考查形容词辨析。句意:在我第一周上班的快结束时,我们正要关门,一个年轻人抱着一只受伤严重的杜宾幼犬,跑过来求我们救救它。A. punished受处罚的;B. poisoned中毒的;C. affected受影响的;D. injured受伤的。由下文“The four-month-old puppy had been hit by a car.(这只四个月大的小狗被汽车撞了。)”及“It was hurt badly.(它受了重伤。)”可知这只小杜宾犬受伤了,故选D项。 3.考查动词辨析。句意:在我第一周上班的快结束时,我们正要关门,一个年轻人抱着一只受伤严重的杜宾幼犬,跑过来求我们救救它。A. begged乞求;B. blamed责备;C. reminded提醒;D. forced强迫。beg sb. to do sth.意为“恳求某人做某事”,根据常识可知这位年轻人抱着受伤的小狗来兽医所,并恳请我们救治它。故选A项。 4.考查形容词辨析。句意:兽医和我跑回手术室。A. sitting坐着;B. waiting等待;C. nursing护理;D. operating手术。由下文“The vet worked tirelessly for what seemed like___5___, sewing him back together again.”可知兽医不知疲倦地做好缝合工作,由此可推断出他们跑回手术室给小狗做手术,the operating room意为“手术室”,故选D项。 5.考查名词辨析。句意:兽医不知疲倦地工作了几个小时,做好缝合工作。A. years年;B. hours小时;C. minutes分钟;D. seconds秒。根据选项可知此处选择兽医工作的时间,“几小时”最符合常理,故选B项。 6.考查形容词辨析。句意:这一部分很简单。A. cruel残酷的;B. easy容易的;C. tough坚强的;D. calm冷静的。根据下文“The puppy had broken too many bones(它的很多骨头都断了)”,“we were quite sure he would never walk again.(我们十分确信它再也不能走了)”可知与断了骨头相比,缝合工作是相对简单的,故选B项。 7.考查动词辨析。句意:即使它在接下来的几天里活了下来,我们也确信它再也不能走路了。A. survived幸存;B. existed存在;C. struggled挣扎;D. solved解决。此句是Even if 引导的让步状语从句,根据上文知这只小狗伤得很严重,由感情色彩可判断出此处填“幸存下来”最符合语境,故选A项。 8.考查动词辨析。句意:那一天彻底改变了我的生活。A. improved改进;B. saved拯救;C. changed改变;D. damaged损坏。由第一段中的“I accepted the position on the condition that I wouldn’t have to assist with any wounded animals.(我接受了这个职位,条件是我不必帮助任何受伤的动物。)”可知我在刚接受这份工作时,是不打算帮助救治受伤的动物的。但是根据下文“I remember moving his tiny legs to try to keep his ___11___ from withering.(我记得我移动他的小腿,试图防止他的肌肉萎缩。)”可知我帮助治疗受伤的动物。因此可知那天的事情改变了我。故选C项。 9.考查名词辨析。句意:兽医指导我成为他医疗方面的助手。A. applicant申请者;B. servant佣人;C. consultant顾问;D. assistant助理。根据下文“One of my first jobs was to give that Doberman puppy daily physical ___10___.(我的第一份工作就是每天给那只杜宾犬做身体治疗。)”可知我做了兽医的助手,故选D项。 10.考查名词辨析。句意:我的第一份工作就是每天给那只杜宾犬做身体治疗。A. management管理;B. treatment治疗;C. recovery恢复;D. capacity能力。根据下文“I remember moving his tiny legs to try to keep his ___11___ from withering.(我记得我移动他的小腿,试图防止他的肌肉萎缩。)”可知我给这只小狗做身体治疗,故选B项。 11.考查名词辨析。句意:我记得我移动它的小腿,试图防止它的肌肉萎缩。A. muscles肌肉;B. skin皮肤;C. bone骨头;D. hair头发。keep sb. from doing sth.意为“阻止某人做某事”,根据常识可知移动它的小腿是防止肌肉萎缩,故选A项。 12.考查副词辨析。句意:几周过去了,直到有一天,我觉得这个小斗士轻轻地向后推了推腿。A. seriously严重地;B. heavily沉重地;C. slightly轻轻地;D. rapidly快速地。此处是选择合适副词修饰动词词组push back,由上文“It was hurt badly.”知这只小狗伤得很重,在我给他做了几周治疗后,按照常理可知,push back(向后推)这个动作是轻轻地做出的,故选C项。 13.考查连词辨析。句意:他继续向后推,直到最后能用上双腿。A. after之后;B. as作为;C. till直到;D. when当……时候。空前“And he continued to push back(它继续后推)”与空后“he could finally use his legs(最终它能使用腿了。)”中缺少连词,此处填till(直到)最符合逻辑关系,故选C项。 14.考查形容词辨析。句意:突然,一只一直和主人静静地站在房间对面的大杜宾挣脱开来朝我冲过来。A. awkward令人尴尬的;B. tiny微小的;C. weak虚弱的;D. huge巨大的。根据下文“with this magnificent dog standing on his hind legs, his front paws on my shoulders(这只美极了的狗后腿着地,前爪搭在我的肩膀上)”可知这只狗体型很大,故选D项。 15.考查动词辨析。句意:突然,一只一直和主人静静地站在房间对面的大杜宾挣脱开来朝我冲过来。A. hung挂;B. broke打破;C. pulled拉;D. stayed待。由下文“rushed toward me(朝我跑过来)”,可知所填空为“挣脱束缚”,broke loose意为“挣脱束缚”,故选B项。 16.考查动词辨析。句意:我发现自己被压在墙上,这只美极了的狗站在他的后腿上,前爪放在我的肩膀上,猛烈又快乐地亲吻着我的脸!A. pinned别上,压;B. stuck陷(入),困(于);C. plugged堵塞的;D. hugged拥抱。分析句子可知,此处是“find+宾语+宾补”结构,缺少宾补成分,“myself(我自己)”和“the wall(墙)”之间填“pinned(压)”最为恰当,故选A项。 17.考查动词辨析。句意:我发现自己被压在墙上,这只美极了的狗站在他的后腿上,前爪放在我的肩膀上,猛烈又快乐地亲吻着我的脸!A. barking吠;B. hitting打;C. washing洗;D. biting咬。根据下文“with plentiful and joyful kisses猛烈又快乐的亲吻”可判断出此处愉快的感情色彩,“B. hitting打;D. biting咬”都不符合此处愉快的感情色彩,“A. barking吠”不能与“kisses”搭配。故选C项。 18.考查名词辨析。句意:几年前的那一天,狗对我的爱和感激之情溢于言表,我至今仍感到惊讶。A. inspiration灵感;B. gratitude感激;C. embarrassment尴尬;D. sympathy同情。根据文章标题“A Grateful Patient(表达感激的病人)”,及上文“with plentiful and joyful kisses猛烈又快乐的亲吻”可推断出这只狗对我除了表达爱意之外还表达了感激,故选B项。 19.考查动词短语辨析。句意:我后来继续当了14年兽医技术员,退休后,我在一个禁止杀戮的动物收容所做志愿者。A. tried on试穿;B. acted on采取行动;C. settled on决定;D. went on继续。联系上文“I still tear up in amazement at the display of love and ___18___ the dog had for me that day all those years ago.(几年前的那一天,狗对我的爱和感激之情溢于言表,我至今仍感到惊讶。)”,承接上文,自从那天起,我继续做兽医技术员,故选D项。 20.考查副词辨析。句意:在过去的所有时间里,在我所有的经历中,我从来没有遇到过一只不知道它是以某种方式被救出来的狗。A. never从不;B. ever曾;C. even甚至;D. seldom很少。文章主要讲了我和一只充满爱和感恩的狗之间的故事,所以作者认为狗是记得救过他的人的,由下文中的“who didn’t know”可知是否定,表示不知道,双重否定表示肯定,因此所填空也需要用否定,never用在此处符合语境,故选A项。


According to the World Wildlife Fund, only about 3,890 tigers are left in the wild. India is home to 70 percent of them, and its role in 1. (ensure) the big cat’s survival can’t be understated. Tiger numbers in India are believed to have dropped from about 40,000 at the beginning of the 2.19century to just 1,800 in the early 1970s, when India launched the conservation program Project Tiger. Kanha was one of the original nine3. (reserve)  set up under that program.




In the film Frozen 1, Elsa and Anna are sisters who live in a kingdom called Arendella. Elsa is born 1. special powers that allow her to create ice and snow. Elsa’s powers are considered dangerous, 2. she must hide them. Eventually she loses control and changes summer to winter. Then Elsa flees from home, and Anna goes on a dangerous journey to find her sister. Along the way, Anna teams up with a man 3. (name) Kristof and his reindeer(驯鹿))Sven. A talking snowman, Olaf also accompanies them. In the end, it’s Anna’s love for her sister that saves the day.




In the early 1800s, Stanislas Baudry built public baths in the center of a town in France. To encourage people to come, Baudry drove a large vehicle around to give people a ride to the baths. He called the vehicle an omnibus, 1. is a Latin word meaning “for everyone”. Then he 2. (notice) that many passengers would get off at stops during the journey to the baths. So Baudry shifted the focus of his omnibus service. He created a permanent route for passengers 3. (board) and get off. Eventually, the omnibus became known 4. (simple) as a bus.



假定你是李华,你的朋友Terry要来中国做交换生(exchange student),他听说中国是遵师重教的礼仪之邦,想提前有所准备,发邮件向你询问有关老师、同学相处之道。请你回复邮件内容包括:

1. 尊师之道和同窗友谊;

2. 其文化内涵;

3. 你的建议。

注意:1. 词数100左右

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。








注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

As an old Chinese saying went: A bosom friend (知己) is very hard to get in life. Indeed, while we may meet many people in our lifetime, the number of really friends we make is usually very small. And, why is that?

According to Science Daily, a persons friendships are determined by an amount of time and effort they devoted to them.

People, on average, form a very close relationship with three to five people, frequently interacting with 30 to 35 people, and know the names of around 100 people. In other words, we “interact at a regular basis with about 150 people”, reported Science Alert.

“It is not impossible to have relationships with 150 people and for them all to be intimate (亲密的). Therefore because one has a large number of relationship, it may mean that they are almost all superficial (浅薄的).” Ignacio Tamariti, lead author of the study, told Science Daily.



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